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Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
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Draw 2 Cards
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When your bored but don't really know why.
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That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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I always win the coin flip... always...



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Now that is a good servant to be paired with that class. I like it!

Unrelated note, I still need to find someone whom would like to pair up with magical lawyer and go on a rampage that involves forcefully making contracts with higher ranking magus like some sort of bully education trip about magus society.

And Semiramis needs to find someone wealthy enough to build the hanging gardens, unless of course the city itself payed for it in return for it functioning as part of the cities architecture.

@Raineh Daze

(three years is enough time to build a hanging gardens and the Einzbern have the wealth to do so...)


Although it would be quite humourous to see Semiramis having to babysit considering how much semiramis despises her own mother.

Lawyer just needs a servant thats reliable.

I honestly forgot about Extella.

Though, it does bring up the caveat on if Saber could even live long enough to approach the hanging gardens to get into range.

Note a direct exerpt.

'it is always treated as her personal field that increases all of her parameters in rank, boosts her fame level to the highest class, and revise attacks in her favor. It becomes possible for her to utilize magecraft that reaches into the realm of Magic, using EX-ranked blasts capable of overwhelming even A-ranked Magic Resistance (rip Saber if she got hit by these). While she would not normally be able to construct an army sized amount of Dragon Tooth Warriors, creating three thousand for use in one battle is an easy task for her.'

Magecraft that reachs into the realm of magic, this would of course mean we'd have to look at the only other person whom has shown what magic from the age of god looks like (in great detail, hi Medea). Such things would include temporal manipulation (the same magic that froze archer in place).

This is of course not including the fame boost semiramis gets or the fact that her parameters are all raised in rank (something I need to quickly add to her sheet in brackets to show)

The main differences is the revisition of attacks always being in Semiramis's favour. Which is the equivalent of a defensive gae bolg.

Meaning that at the end of the day, approaching Semiramis's fortress with the intent to destroy it will likely still result in their demise. But Saber could probably also completely annihilate it at the same time. Leaving them both out of the count.

This of course only works if we took Semiramis to be a hardlined warmonger, which does not fall in line with her personality at all, instead she wouldn't likely try to fight such servants that could annilhiate her beloved hanging gardens head on, but rather either manipulate them to be pawns, or have them assassinated (as that is in her nature). So really all this power scaling is, is a 'who or what' When at the end of the day, it is out of the character of semiramis to do this. EVEN MORE SO do this on an island of servants that could contain any number that could damage her beloved hanging gardens.

Afterall this isn't a holy grail war.

Thus Semiramis would be a bit more chill with her hanging gardens.

So TLDR: In a battle of hypotheticals, Semiramis with the insane boosts to her power that the garden grants could probably take Saibah with her (if she knew the excalibur was coming of course). She has no legs to stand on against the absoulete that is EA.

But in this actual rp none of this is a concern because of the more 'docile' setting. That'd make utilising the hanging gardens a bit more risky to show off, meaning she'd probably be less likely to show off with it to avoid revealing what it does or its power.

(it would make a great part of the cities infrastructure)


Considering its status though as an EX ranked Fortress through and through and her magic reaching into the age of gods (which mind you if we look at Medea includes things like temporal statis and other time manipulation) and the fact she can spawn legions and legions of warriors to fight for her *easily* I doubt excalbiur could take out this fortress in a single blow, I feel like it would certainly do (in the name of the meme) Alotta damage. But I don't think it'd undo the entire NP in a single strike, this isn't a giant fleshy monster after all. This is a fortress with layers upon layers of defense that make any castle in king arthurs time look like paper.

but this is King arthur we are talking about, So i am 150% sure she could clean up after ripping Semiramis's fortress a new one. since she'd be guranteed to at least breach a path straight to semiramis.


I think theres also the fact that she hovers out of the range of many NP's (that and she could probably fortify the hanging gardens against such attacks via the powerful magics she possesses, The only ones she couldn't defend against would be absouletes, E.g Ea or thinks that ignore magical defenses)

Besides, The hanging gardens are large enough to take maybe 1 or two anti-fortress attacks head on and still float. What is important to note is we don't know if the hanging gardens require manual repair once the NP is active or if the gardens constantly regenerate.


*I think unless Gil deployed Ea (which is the I win button of any fight tbh)
Semiramis could probably go toe to toe with the king. Considering just how powerful she is within the hanging gardens (Magic that reachs into the age of gods ontop of the immense fame bonus and attacks always be skewed in her favor) and the fact she is likely within the throne room, meaning gil is under the effect of her second Np and is constantly being poisoned.

The case is most certainly there tbh.

However outside the hanging gardens she'd be no more of a threat to him then say hundred faces.

So the only thing holding her back, (Because she knows he has it) Is Ea. Shes not foolish enough to attack the only man whom has the power to obliterate the hanging gardens with one blow. And since Gil has Ea there is no reason for him to even step inside the deathtrap of her fortress to kill her.

But yes once hes inside hes technicallyon equal footing with semiramis. Because thats how powerful she is inside the hnaging gardens. But only inside the hanging gardens.
@Raineh Daze

I don't think an entire multi-level fortress building constitutes as something that is part of a treasury, that would likely fall under a kingdom at that point, I think a vehicle like his aircraft is as complex as it gets.

That aside, I would be 100% for Gilgamesh adding onto the hanging gardens with some fortifications only a king of uruk could make. (because why build a fortress by yourself instead of building ontop of the immense base that is the hanging gardens)

Then *maybe* Semiramis would let Gilgamesh inside the hanging gardens without a fight.

@Raineh Daze

Thing is, is that Semiramis's hanging gardens have to be built first, and likely because of what the hanging gardens is there is likely no way gilgamesh would have the mana to manifest the thing as his ties to it would be even looser then say Neba II himself.

I doubt Gilgamesh has the ability to realize the hanging gardens as a NP by himself, he might be able to create a structure like the hanging gardens but without the WMD elements.

*Although the real hell on earth would be Gilgameshs infinite wealth combined with Semiramis's NP getting stronger the more money is piled into it which results in the strongest hanging gardens ever*

(meanwhile I still think the hanging gardens could be integrated into the citys infrastructure in someway)

@Raineh Daze

He may ownthe original hanging gardens in there somewhere but he doesn't own Semiramis's, Which ie effectively the hanging gardens on steroids

Also I just realised Semiramis's hanging gardens could be neatly given its own quarter in the city since the hanging gardens has *Buildings* on top of it. (its like a moving town at it's size) So likely certain people with the queens permission could in fact make residence there. As long as they are ok with living inside a moving fortress. Just an Idea.

@Raineh Daze

Are you saying I the great Semiramis can't babysit an Ainzbern? Why before you had even learned to SPELL YOUR NAME. I Semiramis Was out waging wars.

(Oh and I doubt its in semiramis's nature to ask Gilgamesh of all people for a loan, although Gil would probably walk around the gardens like he owns the place lol)
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