Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Going to need a bit of clarification on the limits of the calming effect and on the range of it. Likewise explain the greatest possible Weather phenomenon she can create
Here please

Can someone please delete the post by the user 'Cook' under the char tab. They did not go through the proper acceptance process at all.
Reserved for NPC list
Accepted Characters :
A Monster Isekai Redux RP

A dingy cave. What a horribly wet place to wake up in after your accident

Hello? are you listening? I hope I have enough reserve power for this

I bet your wondering how you got here. What on earth happened after everything went dark right? Well. To put it simply. You died, Moron!, In fact you died at the same time as a few other people. So I ended up dragging you all in at the same time.. y'know I kind of only wanted one big super powerful monster lord as my champion. But now I ended up splitting my gift over all of you! I really am a stupid piece of junk

The Voice would echo in your head, it was a tired voice, as if the person had been operating on low energy for the longest time, but it also hinted at a much more fiery nature...

Either way, you better hope your not at the bottom of the pile when you appear on the other end!

World Mechanics (New stuff will be added to the 0th Post)

Important Stuff!

A complete reworking of the old RP with greater focus, now put in this new thread.
At the end of the spiders web

The forest itself while usually silent, had its silence broke by the movement of the spider within it, As the arachnid would move crunching leaves underfoot and your travels would eventually reach a rather lucky clearing due to the natural jagged formation of a a few angled rocks of about 40ft extending out of the ground at a 45 degree angle. Indeed this looked like a spot most suitable. Though in order to use it, you'd have to throw out its previous occupant.

Laying there under the ridge of rock was a bear, Not just any type of bear mind you, but a bear that looked like its muscles were about to burst out of its skin... Its four 'forelimbs' looked like they could break a tree in half with a mere flick of the wrist. Indeed the spider had quite the problem to deal with. Especially if the beast were to follow them back to the others and they didn't have a suitable means of dealing with it.

For those of you that remained in the forest. The subject matter would likely be brought to food. Mostly because the foolish entity or mechanism that brought you to this world had neglected to feed all of you. And with the hours trailing on as you would work to gather supplies, Hunger and thirst would be things that would start to take effect. Even in the body of monsters only those with truly artificial bodies were exempt from the natural need to eat and drink.

Lucky for the war-forged whom was eager to hunt and the band at large, With a bit of digging, perhaps from collecting the firewood, The Young Demoness would discover some animal tracks akin to hooves of a equine. This was made all easier by the fact she was much closer to the ground.
A Village discussion

"Can I go out and play?" A young red-haired fox girl no more then 4 years of age would ask an crouched man with skin of bark and hairs of leaves clad in naught but the cheapest loincloth in order to appear at least civilised.

"No my child. My fallen brother and sisters seem insistent that there is still individuals outside our village" He said as his palm remained spread on an exposed root within the largest building his brow would then proceed to furrow in abject confusion. "strange my brothers and sister are expressing confusion as it seems some of them have vanished" His voice would take on a hushed tone as he took his hand off the root for a mere moment, opening his eyes to reveal bright gleaming orbs of solid amber. "One of us will need to go out and check." He said turning to the larger group and 14 pairs of eyes stared back at him, the 15th individual merely turned her head and nodded.

The entire village's population had been couped up in the town hall. A building that grown out of the natural growth of trees, bark moving over bark as the trees and branches crossed over in a weave to produce a shelter.

"Well. Would someone like to volunteer? They'll recieve an additional cut from the next hunt." The Treeman rasped for he knew that commodity was worth more then money out in these parts.

"I'll volunteer." The Father of the young fox girl said, His bristling muscles and natural huntsman like build made him look like a stereotypical fantasy hero. His Fox ears flecked a bit. "Does anyone have a weapon?" He asked looking at the the crowd, his things were passed along between them towards him. His Yew bow and leather quiver, as well as a small hunting knife.

he thanked the crowd and headed outside, noticing the cast of a shadow he immediately looked upwards.
"By the gods" He swore under his breath as he immediately began to notch an arrow, moving to the center of the village to get a better shot.

A vision from the sky

As the two of you raised up and above the trees, clearing the roots and the wall, and slowly peering inside the village. Yes you'd notice the buildings once again and everything within, but this time the dragon would realise that there was indeed people inside the village, as a stacked fox man would look at them for a half seconds locking eyes with the dragon. Before immediately beginning to notch his bow...

The water trainer splashs in!


"Nie Nie!"

The water/poison pokemon would yell as it tried to catch up with a rather jolly pink-coral pokemon. Both were out of their pokeballs because both wanted to see Foliare town in full. That and they couldn't hang out together inside their balls could they? Still, if they were running around so haphazardly accidents were bound to happen if their trainer let the two pokemon get too wild.

"Now now you two your gonna trip someone up." Europa said as she held onto her straw hat, gently swerving around a trainer and their vulpix, following her two water-type pokemon. She was already missing the unique air that water vapour gave and thus it was making her a bit grumpy to be stuck inside a town that didn't even have a lake or something for her to be able to put her Wailmer and Wishiwashi in!

It was then all three of this ragtag group heard that resounding crash as a trainer bumped into another spilling a mess of food. Of which both of her pokemon stopped and sniffed due to their own curiosity. Europa of course was walking over to them, for one she didn't want any trouble so she was probably going to pull them away... but there was also that inborne curiosity, like a diver exploring the depths of the ocean. So she soon she was just standing and watching rather close, obviously her stares wouldn't be very subtle at all, as her own pokemon would be making noise around the feet of the two trainers... that and well.

"La?" "Mar?" The two pokemon both said in confusion at the Unown.

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