Avatar of The Savant


Recent Statuses

21 days ago
Current Valentine's day doesn't have to be sexual attraction and romance. It's about love. Spend it with friends or family members that you love, if you can.
27 days ago
Because psychology is a degree about research. All research degrees require at least upper level statistics so you as an individual is capable of analyzing such data and numerical information.
29 days ago
7 years in the 9th. Known my SO for 9 years, been with them for almost 7, and married for roughly 2.5 years. Woot woot!
1 mo ago
When you are in your mid-20s and your wisdom teeth decide to start coming in. What the absolute fuckery is this?
1 mo ago
I love the bio and beautiful artwork, @ Andre Valias


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

Most Recent Posts

@SmileyJaws Did this rp die or...?
@Dark Light@Canamy Psyvali@StoneWolf@SuddenSardines

Do any of you need help interacting with each other? Or do you need me to make a second character?

Interacting with @Kyrisse @BlackPanther

Iason heard the female state on how he shouldn't be so hard on his dog and he chuckled and just turned his back to the female. If he didn't use that voice with Doe he wouldn't ever get her to listen to him. Doe, only listens to the stern voice he has other than that she just gets more hyper and playful then she already is and it's a hell of a time trying to run her down and get her. Iason has had to chase Doe around to get her at first before he figured out how to get her to come to him.
Nodding his head to the female's "Uh, thanks." comment. Iason could tell she wasn't really amused with him at all though she liked Doe and he shook his head as he walked away. Getting back to his house. Iason started walking up onto the porch. "Doe, Pere, Hades! Stay in the yard!" He shouted at the dogs getting their attention. "I'm going to the market." He says and goes into the house leaving the back door opened for the dogs so they can come into the house.

As he goes through the house unknowingly Hades travels around the side of the house. Iason gets onto the front porch and down the steps, as he notices Hades is already in the vehicle waiting for him. Sitting there in the driving seat Iason chuckles a little and smirks. Setting his hands on his hips he looks at Hades. "What do you think you are doing?" Iason asks as Hades gets into a playing position with his rear-end in the air and his face closer to the seat. Tongue hanging out, breathing heavily and his tail wagging back and forth quickly. Hades lets out a small growl before Iason gets to the Jeep and looks at the dog.
Rubbing Hades's ears then patting the sides of his neck Iason smiles at the dog. "Alright you can go but you gotta move over. You can't drive." He says as he begins to get into the Jeep driver's seat as the dog moves over to the passenger seat.
Starting the vehicle he then starts driving it towards the marketplace. He needs to get groceries anyways.

10 minutes pass

Getting to the marketplace. Iason stops the jeep and parks it in a certain area under a palm tree before shutting off the engine and pulling the key out.
Hopping out of the vehicle. Hades jumped over to Iason's seat and follows him out of the jeep before following Iason into the marketplace.
It's a busy place and Iason loves going here. A reason he moved to the Carribean is one reason this marketplace. He was here one summer in high school because his parents sent him. He fell in love with the place and then moved here years later.
Seeing people pick fresh fruits or vegetables while others try and buy clothes, dishes, or other items that the marketplace supplies. It had different cultural, religious or other topic items. Weapons could be bought here too.

Iason was checking out the fresh fruits and vegetables at this one stand. While three little boys all between the ages five and seven come running and jumping along. Shouting and making cheerful noises. Iason sees the one petting his dog as the others join in. He smiles down at the kids. While one looks up at him smiling widely. "bueno perre buneo!" The child shouts out as he stands up still petting the dog. "Gracias gracias pequeña!" Iason uses a gentle yet happy voice. Which the kids jump around at and smile a bunch and run off as they play around more. Once turns around waving to Iason as he notices the boy yells out "Adiós señor Felix. Adiós perro Hades!" the boy shouts as he turns around and tries catching up with the other boys. "Adiós, Jami decirle a su mamá que dije hola!" Iason shouts back to him as he runs off without an answer-back. He chuckles as he picks out a few fruits and vegetables and grabs a basket and puts them into it. Paying for the items he walks around the different stands.

Back at home

Doe waited till she heard the vehicle leave then she dashed towards where the female and other dog was very excitedly. When she sees them she runs up barking and jumping and playfully tries to play with the other dog. Pere follows slowly though he doesn't interact right away. Pere is a more laid back shy dog towards new comers. So he lets Doe be hyper around them while he watches.
@Ojo chan 42 Yes, there is. You can create a character and post it here or PM it to me so, I can check it out before you put it into the CS


For a few minutes, more Iason watched as Doe was so hyper he was in the tree lining with crossed arms now. After minutes of watching the female just stand the dog, it slightly pissed him off. His brows furrowed and he groaned slightly. "No argument for another couple of months." He said in a tone of loneliness like he was dying for interaction even if it was bad.

"DOE! Get over here!" Iason shouted in an angry voice at the dog as he walked out of the wood lining. He wasn't actually mad he was putting on an act kind of. But Doe wouldn't really listen unless he made an aggressive sounding voice.

Doe instantly stopped licking the female and her ears went down and the look she expressed was an 'Oh no...I'm in trouble.' type of look as Iason stood there in the sand with his arms to his sides now. Doe ran over to him and he looked down at the female dog. "Get back home." He pointed towards the house and Doe didn't move at first. "Get going." His voice changed aggressively. Doe then ran back but instantly after getting fifty or more feet away from Iason she perked her ears back up and started barking as she met up with the two other dogs.

Without saying anything towards the female. He turned on his heel and started walking back. He then stopped and looked over his shoulder and with a glare. It wasn't really mean but not the friendliest look somebody could give. He said "Welcome to the Carribean." In an emotionless tone of voice. Iason then started walking towards his house.

Iason has never been a social character. At least he said something. He actually wasn't going to say anything at all but he did and he slightly seemed proud of himself when he looked away from the female and smiled and began walking.

Doe instantly jumped up on Iason's back as she heard something. Barking her head off she wasn't used to people coming around the area. Iason pushed her off the couch onto the floor as she whined a little not because of getting hurt but since she got scared. Kept barking and barking and jumping on the furniture crazily. Iason shot up and sat there glaring at her. "It's only 10 a.m. in the morning, Doe. Pleassee...please be quiet." Iason begged the dog as she looked at him and then started up again. Iason groaned and stood up looking out his house window he glared at the female and male across the beach.

Looking at the one seemed to be a tourist guide and the other a tourist. "Tourists..." Iason hisses as he looked at his dogs. "You know what that means. No running off!" He clapped his hands spun on his heel and fell onto the couch and sighed. "I hate leashes...if that girl has a problem like the last people. I'll show her a very nice welcoming." Iason's tone was annoyed but the 'welcoming' word was in a tone of irritation like he had to deal with people coming around here before and telling him to put up his dogs.

Iason purposely after a few minutes later got up and opened up his door. Seeing how the tourist would react with dogs running around. Glaring off at where he last saw her go. He noticed she was laying in a lawn chair with a dog. "Hope that dog doesn't bite..." Iason said as he looked at his dogs which were running around in his area first. Till he watched Doe run straight towards the female and dog.
Doe jumped up on the other dog and bounced right off from him instantly. BARK BARK! Doe wagged her tail and ran around like crazy. Skidding in the sand and barking with her tongue hanging out. Peregrine and Hades stayed over by the house knowing they would get yelled at if they followed Doe's lead. Doe then jumped up on the human and jumped off over the dog and kept running around.

Iason chuckled as he watched Doe be so hyper around new people. "That lawn chair is on my property..." Iason thinks and crosses his arms for a moment. "When did they build a house over that way..." He questioned seeing the new building and was slightly unhappy and bothered they built one right there on the beach on his property. "I'm gonna call Freddie after this..." Iason mumbled annoyed and looked around letting his arms fall back onto his sides as he then watched Doe.

Starting, directions, etc

@Stonewolf @Blackpanther @Kyrisse @Dark Light @Canamy Psyvali @SuddenSardines

None of the six know where each other are unless you make arrangements to know that. Let's try starting out with trying to find each other. It makes things a little more interesting. (P.S. If you/one of the six want to know each other. Starting out in the same place or knowing who that person is, is a good start).

A nice mid-May in the year 2016. In some locations the snow is melting the birds are starting to chirp and nature is starting to take life again. With plump leaves and flowers. Green and beautiful colors of the rainbow everywhere. Other places are tropical and having no snow ever with their warm lives. Some areas the snow never ends and spring, summer and fall never appear.
The six still have no clue where all the six are. Some took to isolation after retrieving their memories from their past lives and others try and live a normal life in this new body. Though some of them hope they can find the others while some don't care.
Throughout the years there has been witches, rebels (the order), and vampires that rival with the six and the guardians. Threats to their lives, families, and friends.
At the moment in time, it seems as if some of the six/guardians want to believe that Jon Lytton and his friends have vanished or died over the years. Others of the six/guardians doubt that Jon will ever die unless it's by the hand of one of them using Nikomedes daggers.
Right now all the six and guardians are safe for their all don't know who is who of the six or the guardians. Meaning Jon Lytton, the vampires, the witches, and the rebels do not have a clue about who they are either. Making their lives safe by them not knowing their identities.

Having trouble starting off?
Well try and do an introduction paragraph/roleplay reply for your first one and after everyone is situated try pairing up with somebody. So you and one of the six, guardians, rebels, witches or vampires run into each other.


Iason in this life was born in the U.K. though in his younger adult life he traveled to The Carribean as he moved into a beach house and took location at an isolated spot. He did all this after he retrieved his memories from his past life. Knowing it was somewhat selfish of him to go into hiding instead of trying to find the others. Iason didn't really care.
Never being the social one in the group he thought about how the others would feel though he was always blunt, emotionless or uncaring to extents that he knew they wouldn't really mind his absence.
Isolated in the Carribean but not completely alone. Iason adopted a six-week-old puppy almost two and half years ago. A beautiful dog it's breed was Mudi and he got it from Hungary. He named the dog Hades
Almost a year later after getting Hades. Iason got two more Mudi's Peregrine and Doe.

These three companions keep him company when he starts getting lonely because of the isolation. Though he can keep himself busy with sleeping, cooking and surfing on the waves when he gets too bored from reading those history books, romance novels, horror stories and every other genre that's out there.

At the moment in time Iason was lying in the hammock on the beach in the shade. A book was in his lifeless hand as it laid against his slightly rising and deflating chest. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slightly hard. He fell asleep reading Alice in Wonderland out on the hammock that was on the beach and shaded by a few palm trees. Hades was lying in the sand right underneath the hammock while the other two dogs are somewhere else doing who knows what.
Iason's other hand is limped over the side of the hammock hanging there as Hades nudges it with his head. Trying to wake up Iason. Iason's eyes flutter open after a few minutes of feeling a wet tongue lick his hand. Looking down tiredly he sees Hades was trying to wake him up. He sleepily and slowly raises his hand and starts petting, Hades on the head. "Mhm..." He mumbles for a moment before trying to think of something. "Morning already?" Iason asks as he looks at the dog. Iason was out there all night for he fell asleep reading the book the night before this morning. It was about noon where he was and he looked around. "Where's Pere and Doe? GO find Pere and Doe for me Hades!" Iason tried sounding excited and Hades jumped right up and started running somewhere. As that happened Iason moved and shifted his body to sit up then he stood on the warm sand. It was good that it was a warm night and not too cold. Iason slowly made his way back to the house as he went up the stairs onto the porch. Looking around he heard Hades's bark. Then heard Pere and Doe barking loudly as well. They all were running towards him and they got up on the porch starting to bounce up and be excited. "Hey, hey calm down. Calm down." He sounded somewhat annoyed and tried petting, all of them where they would calm down. Hades and Peregrine listened to calm down though Doe kept jumping. Iason petted Doe till she calmed down then he went inside. Adventuring to the living room he flopped down on the couch and started falling asleep again. Doe instantly jumped up on his back and started licking the sides of his head, neck and back trying to wake him up.
"Doe off get off!" Iason said with an irritated tone of voice. Doe jumped off instantly. "Go get ah chewy." Iason said as Doe ran and got an old sock that was knotted up. Her favorite chewy which it helped her not to lick or pull on people's sleeves. The three dogs all got up on the couches and laid on their beds or somewhere as Iason closed his eyes again trying to get a little more rest.

@Stonewolf@Blackpanther@Kyrisse@Canamy Psyvali@Dark Light@SuddenSardines

I'm back from the trip. Got back last night. Alright I'll start writing up something so we all can start.
@SmileyJaws I'm back and alright!
@SmileyJaws I'm going on a hunting trip from November 14 to November 16/17 (most likely November 17, night time)! See you then!
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