This will not be a Naruto roleplay it is going to be a roleplay based around the Naruto universe. Meaning it can take place before, while and after Naruto’s life (still thinking of the time period/setting).
Personally, I do not want to put to much heart into this interest check. Just simplicity of the idea I have for a long-term Naruto Universe roleplay that I want to last for a while.
The roleplay will be based around the generalization of the universe (the lore, Jutsu, powers, geographic locations, etc…).
As a singular now I want to build a team of admin(s) to help flesh this universe out not just for ourselves but for the guild’s community that will take an interest.
I have no expectation for people to know everything about Naruto’s universe and what dwells in it. Just do your research if you want to join. Though, I will hopefully be making examples of the basics of this universe for everyone to understand and enjoy.
For starter all levels of ninja will be included in this universe, all known Jutsu will be placed in it also, everything and anything except cannon characters will be placed into this universe.
Original characters to comparable to cannon characters (Having the exact same appearance, skills, basics, etc…) will be more questionable. This place will be a slice of life and hopefully all individuals understand that I want this roleplay to grow and blossom into something beautiful. So, I do want people’s characters to start in the younger ages (around the age ranges a Genin would be in the actual universe).
If you want something older right away, you will have to speak to the GM/group in creation to guide this roleplay nicely into a dazzling horizon.
All this could be jumbled, and I am sorry if it’s unclear. I am just trying to stamp the ideas down before they leave my mind. As interests for this shows there will be updates and hopefully soon there will be an actual Roleplay area for this. So, IC can start, OOC can be communicated in and the CS zone can be filled with wonderful individuals.
This roleplay also will keep to all the general rules of the Guild. Breaking any can cause you to be ripped from the roleplay and banned from the Guild. (I know I am not a team member of the Guild. Though, it’s something I love, and respect and I hope you do too).
Thank you for your time! I hope to see your curiosity in my chaotic idea.