Avatar of The Savant


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11 days ago
Current I feel your pain @Marlowe
1 like
1 mo ago
You definitely find out who your true family and friends are when you are stressed out and feel like you are drowning. Approximately ~ 60 more years to go. *sigh* I'm disappointed.
5 mos ago
And when I say "your" - I really mean any of the politicians in the world.
5 mos ago
You can thank your politics for making almost any topic political then, Xandrya along with the idiot followers thinking a lot of topics are not political and something else when they are not.
7 mos ago
Don't forget that the doctor also ignores everything you told them as well so they don't do anything more than the shots and tests they already preplanned.


Salutations~ I am The Savant.

I have been role-playing for over a decade, and I am in my early to mid-twenties. I enjoy reading and writing a lot. The two most current books that I have finished and highly recommend are "The Darkening" by Sunya Mara and "Immortal Longings" by Chloe Gong. Those are the genres that I love to participate in most during my writing, though I am not limited to those. I enjoy all forms of concepts from ancient times to current day issues from fantasy to advanced technology. Fantasy species. Anything that catches my inspirational eye.

If you are ever interested in chatting or possibly setting up a role-play with me through DMs one-on-ones, message me. I promise I do not bite ~ hard. I prefer to role-play with people my age or older because I enjoy graphic descriptions and writings of adult themes. Not everyone appreciates those details which I understand and can respect: Inform me of what you want from me. Boundaries are key with writing partners and I love being able to stay within the boundaries and keep partners for a long time.

I have recently decided to start writing my book with one of my past character and group role-play inspirations that failed, recently, on this site. I have also had odd ideas of writing a book with another person through our role-plays, though I have never had anyone be interested in actually attempting it so I ask people very rarely. If you would be interested in such a crazy idea, chat with me. I would love to discuss this.

Other than that, I am a substitute teacher throughout the week, so I tend to be distracted from morning hours to mid-afternoon but I tend to check my phone and reply when I can. I am an active person even if my public appearance on the site does not live up to that statement. I stay at DMs, usually.

Thank you for reading my biography and getting to know about me. Come get acquainted with me.

Most Recent Posts

@Lu Anathema would probably know Sunni very well or at least his family if she comes from middle-class merchants.
I'm very interested, is this still open to join?

Yes, it is! Here is the link roleplayerguild.com/topics/192485-rea… .

A hurricane of emotions was whirling inside of him as he let out that confession. The man almost felt better in a way though seeing Elara’s changing expressions caused a doubt in his mind. You are a fool. An utter fool. Those words echoed out in his mind clear as day. Then the crashing realization began to fall upon his shoulders about everything he said to the woman.

Hearing her clear her throat seemed to get his attention, taking a moment away from his internal dialogue, and he stared at her. Amber eyes that were once scattering around and unsure focused in on her with an intenseness. Watching her try to speak to him caused him to hold his breath. A sickening feeling spread through the middle of his chest and rolled down into his stomach. He had never felt this sick in a social situation before but he had never said such idiotic and insane statements to someone. Not like this. It was honestly embarrassing once he really thought about it.

I can never show my face to her again… That thought crossed his mind as his eyes peered into her blue ones. Blue oceans of confusion and possibly disgust? He couldn’t make out the other emotions in her eyes and face. Uncomfortable? It was a lot, he was a lot, and he knew that.

Her words hit him like a freight train as she mentioned getting him blankets so he could be warmer on the couch. It caused a crooked smile to appear on his expression and the color fading from his face. “Thank you,” He whispered out and realized he held his breath the whole time which caused him to suck in deeply before sighing. His eyes fell to the floor while he stroked a hand through his red locks while she was turned away from him, not realizing she would look back, but his whole being showed stress.

Eyes darted up to her face as she spoke to him and he corrected himself a little more, “Oh…” The disappointment was clear in that faint noise. “I felt like I knew you didn’t like rocks,” Which was something he contemplated in his room while staring at the moonstone. Why did he say anything about rocks when he should have known and followed his gut about her not like rocks? He could not give that to her now.

Don’t thank me for that…” Regret began to pull at his heart and insides. Embarrassment overwhelmed his body. She was too polite for her own good. He was a complete idiot. How could he say those things to a complete stranger? Even a small smile was forced by her to lighten the mood which made him feel worse. Why can’t you just keep your mouth shut, Sunni? That sounded out more like how his father would say it than how he would say it to himself though… same difference, he supposed.

Sunni waited until Elara was out of sight with his arms crossed. Almost in a way that was hugging himself more than regularly crossed arms. Nodding to himself in thought. So many thoughts. The man counted a few seconds once Elara was gone from his sight before he let his arms fall and he moved through the house. Quickly, he found himself shutting the front door as quietly as possible and making his way away from the house while internally scolding and screaming at himself. There was no way he could stay there after saying what he did. He would hide away in his room. Maybe for the rest of his life if he was ambitious enough.

Interactions @Qia Elara

The princess seemed uncertain with everything at the moment. “I know…” She whispered out to her handmaiden. Flynn’s opinion about her was important not because they were married but she wanted him to actually like her. How would he like her knowing what she did? She shouldn’t be accepting comfort from other people, especially men.

I promise, Elara… I will tell him,” She could promise that Flynn would be told by her but she didn’t know when. When was a good time? Never. Something like this was never a good time to tell a husband that forced you into a loveless marriage. What if she told and he decided to get rid of her?

Octavia nodded her head, “Thank you, Elara… I’ll try my best to tell him. I promise you,” The nerves she felt in her system were shot and overwhelmed at the same time. Her whole body was beginning to numb then she jumped out of her skin when she heard Mister Emberani’s voice echo out throughout the house. Why was he here? Hearing how he didn’t want to stay at the inn caused an expression of confusion.

Yes, tasks. Winter tasks. I still need to make sure my purchases are exactly,” She spoke out in remembering everything she needed to do for winter. She couldn’t be moping around and crying about things that she had no control over even if it was hard not to. “You can be excused,” A part of her didn’t want Mister Emberani seeing her like this.

Feeling something bump into him caused the man to jump out of his skin and for a few split seconds… his mind was not processing anything. Anyone. Then everything started to register and he was surprised he ran into someone that wasn’t Octavia or Flynn. His hands went out to grab Elara, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to —” Then he stopped himself from touching her and his hands retracted faster than lightning when he thought about it. His one hand wrapped around the necklace that he always wore. “I’m sorry, Elara. I didn’t mean to run into you. Are you okay?” His voice was slightly panicked and skittish with energy.


You can knit, can’t you?

The man didn’t even know how to explain the emotions he was feeling in this situation. His head slowly nodded in confirmation, “I do?” He spoke with uncertainty as she asked if he could knit. That was an odd question to ask someone that you ran into or who ran into you… he wasn’t sure at this point.

Yes… formal matters…

Sunni gave a light and warm smile, attempting to hide his thoughts and exhaustion, and he sighed, “Yes, I know how to knit and I can go speak with the princess about it. If she needs those skills,” He was already here looking for Flynn, mainly, but he could stop by Octavia’s room as well. Flynn might be busy and not home. It would give him time to speak with Octavia, if his friend wasn’t home.

The man wanted to say something else to the woman but he didn’t know if she was in a rush or not. She seemed to be. They collided with each other. His amber eyes were in thought while he stared at her, “Elara,” He spoke softly and surely. “Do you like rocks? You seem like a person who would like rocks… Well. Not like one. I don’t know if you like rocks. People don’t just have a look to them if they like rocks or not. If you don’t like rocks that is okay too. I really don’t even know why I am trying to talk to you about rocks. I’m sorry…,” Sunni was rambling and he didn’t know the train of thought he was trying to stick too. His one hand rubbed at the nape of his neck while the other hung onto that necklace round his neck. His cheeks have a little color on them.

So… if you liked rocks. You wouldn’t think it’s weird if someone gave you a rock? Right? Since you would like it…” Sunni looked at her as he could hear his heart in his ears. Shut the fuck up about rocks, Sunni… she doesn’t want to be bothered about by your fascination with rocks.

Then he thought about it, glancing at her beautiful blue eyes, “If you don’t like rocks… please forget any of this happened or I said anything at all. Rocks really don’t matter to people and I know they can be seen as really stupid and simple. Please… I don’t know. I’m sorry for talking about rocks. I think they are pretty, like you. I don't mean that. You are prettier than rocks especially if you don't think rocks are pretty because if you think they are ugly and plain... then you wouldn't take that as a compliment. You would be the prettiest rock though. Like the moon," The man couldn't stop talking. He was trying his best to stop talking. His mind was firing off, alarm bells were ringing, and for some reason, he couldn't zip his lips. "The moon is a big rock, isn't it? I think it is. Why are you pretty like the moon? Well, your hair reminds me of its silver rays and you are very pale like it. Well, not too pale. Not pale like a dead person pale. If you were a dead person, you would be the prettiest dead person. I'm not attracted to dead people, Elara. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'm not trying to compare you to dead people or rocks. What I am trying to say is that you are very beautiful and if I were to imagine what a moon goddess would look like, she would look like you. And I feel like this is the same anxiousness I would have if meeting a moon goddess because you make me nervous…” It came out of his mouth before he could think of it. “Very nervous. Unlike rocks do.” He emphasized. His hand was tightening on that necklace as he was trying to not fiddle with his hands, shirt, hair, or anything else or show her that his hands were shaking from anxiety.

Interactions @Qia Elara
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