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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

To the Grand Illuminary, High Priest Iakovou of the Sun,

I hope this letter finds you in robust health and good humor as you continue to guide and enlighten the proud kingdom of Aurelia. My journey to Dawnhaven was comfortable and swift, under the care of the good men and women of who escorted me, and I again thank you for the opportunity to aid the church’s mission in this way.

The settlement is a testament to His Highness’ enthusiasm in seeking an end to the blight by any means necessary. Though I have yet to formally make introductions with the Prince, he was gracious enough to visit with me on my first day and personally see to my comfort and safety. He has erected a beautiful temple to Aelios, worthy of her light, just above an abundance of hot springs. I am grateful to keep the sacred flame burning, as is my duty.

I am ever mindful of the great task set before me by Her Highness the Queen, and as required I shall write her a letter at the end of this week with my observations. However, I felt compelled to first write you with a matter of some urgency. I believe Aelios has granted me with a vision. Though my ability for prophecy is still modest and unreliable, earlier today I awoke from a dream of much gravity. It was as though I felt the goddess herself, burning back the shadows and commanding me to witness.

The vision’s message is opaque, as my skill in interpretation is still dwarfed by your own. But were this an exercise under your tutelage, I would venture that the goddess, in her unknowable wisdom, has shown me the visage of a blight-born man newly arrived in Dawnhaven named Willis. She commanded that I “seek the violet flow” in his veins. Notably, the transformation brought about by the blight has turned his blood purple.

With your permission I would like to share my capacity for prophecy with His Highness. Though my visions are still underdeveloped and not yet reliable, I believe that the present circumstances warrant the disclosure. If Willis has been deemed important by the Goddess, then should His Highness not be informed? Perhaps his blood can in some way be helpful in the search for an end to the blight. Moreover, Willis is a well meaning but somewhat unpredictable member of Dawnhaven. The Prince, in an over abundance of caution for the other citizens of Dawnhaven, may come to the conclusion that Willis is unfit for residence within the settlement. If he is cast out, we may lose an instrumental tool in bringing back Aelios’ light. Allowing the Prince to know of my vision, unreliable as it may be, would at least ensure we are able to explore and exhaust all available options.

I will, of course, defer to your good judgement and wisdom. I humbly await your guidance.

In the light and warmth of the Sun,

Priestess Tingara Tomae

I have spent the night in Dawnhaven, and am writing this immediately upon waking. I believe Aelios has shown me another vision. There was no direct instruction this time, only a guiding force compelling me towards a cave in the mountains. I again request your leave to tell His Highness about my visions, even if they may not be fully developed.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Lord and lady Coswain

Eye of Beholder

“Come on lazy bones, before pwople take good stuff Seph” Coswain laughed as he helped Persephone up, they had woken up and had never changed, the woman was not a morning person, her … abilities meant that ever since the endless night Persephone had dreams that where.. rather vivid and very much unbecoming to a good night's sleep. She always had abilities but the endless night had maximised the Lunarian powers dramatically. For some it was more disturbing than helpful.

They were dressed in their standard wear having left the armour elements sat in a neat Stack, though coswain could not help but wear his sword. He did not feel right without it. They had things to do, including what was left on her horse. Her other kit, clothes and so on were left on her mount's saddle bags.

“Fine Adon. let's go, I do get hangry” She said with a smile. The room they had was not great but it was better than soldiers had been billeted before and they had managed then, separate and together. Heading down they found the innkeeper was not about but breakfast was not hard to find and the kitchen was pretty clean.. especially the oven and its metal door. There was cold meat, cheese, some older bread and more than enough to make a good breakfast for a Lunarian. They were well used to making do with what they had and what selene chose to give you. You just made the best of it.

“Prince is looking to make an announcement, must be big news for someone to leave these over town” Persephone read the document that was left at the Inn and reread if she missed a context or between the lines details. There was none, it was pretty much a benign note all considered. No hidden court trickery, plots or evidence of manipulations… boring really for Persephone who was used to the capital's rather labarathyine nature. “Nothing spicey. Listen to a Prince, no seeming plots” Coswain agreed as he read the note he was passed, it was far less intrigue than the life they lead before this.

“Pregnant?” Persephone mused maybe the marriage had paid off or it was something entirely dull like a new clock or so. The town really did need a clock thinking about the fact. It was morning but what morning? How did people even arrange to meet when they not even know the time?

“Who knows. well done, I had sex, we had much sex and made a baby. Its not hard, rather fun, but still.” Adonis said about the whole announcement subtext and found it pretty odd, however important the child Is.

“That's…” Persephone could not help but burst out laughing at the whole comment, the announcement meant exactly that if you really dug down. It might not be the most polite but the inn was quiet and they were at a private spot near the counter. “Moon measurements. very accurate.” She said with a logical point that had Adonis just nodding, someone better tell him to buy a clock before winter.

“Stable man, we need to find. I hope he knows his horses, mines…” Her horse was not the most tame and took rather firm hands to keep under your control, half the battle of such a horse was earning its respect so it accepted you. They were fickle too, you Had to find a horse you could work with. A skilled stable master could do the job, but she hoped he was.

“Able to be a pain in the purse, ass and I also love you despite it” Adonis said with a lazy grin as she slapped his arm not walling doing much to the leather padding. “I claim the concussion that I said yes, and said you where handsome.” She replied back with good nature.

“Aye, I think I know him by sight and where it is. We can go find him Seph. About 20 years too late love. You used Lady Coswain already.” It was strange getting being reunited, a good strange as duty had kept them parted for years of their not marriage when they added it up, duty had come first and they had served. Maybe being send here was not as much a exile as it could be. "I think priest would drown us than marry us. The old clan ceremony, only need a lunarian noble." They talked for a while, wandering topics, from banter to more serious and practical including asking Sya if she allow Persephone to use the oven to bake at times, even Throne Agents needed hobbys.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Royal Cabin

Flynn breathed in the warm scent of vanilla as he rested his chin atop a head of raven-colored hair, his arms wrapped around the small body of a woman nestled against his chest. He closed his eyes, feeling the way she traced shapes across his bare chest with her fingers, her body warm against his beneath the cover of blankets.

“We should be free…” She whispered.

He grimaced in silence, only hugging her tighter to his chest.

“It isn’t fair.”

“I know.” He responded softly, wishing desperately for time to stand still.

“We could run away. Disappear.”


The woman looked up at him, pale blue eyes piercing through to his soul. Wait. Octavia? His mind froze, trying to make sense of the person lying on his chest. Nyla. Time seemed to glitch for a moment as his brain struggled to understand where he was. Had he only dreamt up the last two months?

“Who cares about the crown?” Her voice, sultry and soft, pulled him back, disrupting his thoughts. She sat up and straddled him, a playful, mischievous look on her face. “We’d have each other.”

Flynn looked up at her, conflicted. “I-” He shook his head, unable to find the words. A splitting headache began to chip away at the side of his skull, and for a moment her face seemed to shift—blue eyes turning green, her tanned skin paling. Octavia? Uncomfortably, he shifted out from beneath her and sat on the edge of the bed. “No, I- there’s more to this. The people…”

From behind, she gently grabbed his arm and hugged it to her body, resting her head against his shoulder. “I love you.”

“Ny- Octavia, I know, I just-”

A fiery pain rushed through his arm without warning, and he recoiled, turning to look at the woman behind him. She had disappeared into thin air.

Looking down at his arm, a two-headed black serpent wrapped around his forearm, fangs bared after having just bitten him. Flynn jumped to his feet and flung the snake from his arm onto the bed. “What the fuck!” He took a few steps away from the creature and looked down at his arm, fresh with puncture wounds.
“it… isss… time.”

Flynn’s eyes snapped back up to the serpent on the bed, its gold and blue eyes staring back at him. Did that snake just speak? His heart began to race, making him breathless. He looked back down at his arm, blood beginning to leak from the wound.

“get up.” the one with golden eyes hissed while the other bared its fangs, ready to strike again.

“What?!” His began to tingle until he could no longer feel it, his ears ringing from the incessant headache. His heartbeat faster, causing him to sweat. The creature had poisoned him! Was it lethal?

“We all have responsibilities, dear.” Flynn found his mother standing in the doorway, looking at him with a look of pity.

Flynn’s eyes snapped open, his heart pounding and sweat beading on his forehead. He sat up in bed, took a deep breath, and tossed the blankets off his body. What the hell had he just dreamt? The stress of everything was clearly getting to him.

Rubbing his temple, Flynn glanced out the window to see if he could tell what time it was. Without being able to see where the moon was in the sky, it was difficult to say, but he could feel that the hour was early nonetheless. He took a moment to steady his heart before lying back down, glancing at the empty bed beside him. Thoughts of Nyla and Octavia filled his mind.

After twenty minutes of trying to fall back asleep, frustration set in. Deciding it was time to start his day, Flynn threw on something simple and quietly left his bedroom. The house was silent, aside from the occasional creak in the floorboards as he descended the stairs. Sunni was fast asleep on the couch, and he imagined Octavia was asleep in her own bed chambers as well. He wished his mind would have been so kind as to let him sleep just a bit longer.

Eager to get some alone time and clear his mind, Flynn exited out the front door as quietly as he possibly could. The brisk air against his skin woke him up further, but it felt refreshing. Without a proper training ground, he couldn’t spar to clear his mind as usual, so he decided to go for a run around the lake instead. Once he was far enough from the cabin, Flynn began to jog, catching the eyes of the knights who had been standing guard all night. He nodded to them as they bowed and greeted him good morning, though such a greeting often felt odd when the sun refused to rise. Pushing his legs to carry him faster, Flynn jogged towards the lake.

An hour later, Flynn returned to his home to see that bright candle lights shined through the window of the kitchen. Opening the door, he was greeted by a beautiful aroma of breakfast being made just around the corner. Perfect timing, he was starving! Curious if Octavia had woken up feeling better and wanting to cook, Flynn headed straight for the kitchen, sweaty clothing and all.

“Goodmorning, Sunni.” He greeted, watching his redheaded friend set the table. Unfortunately it was not his wife having suddenly become a ray of sunshine, but at least he knew Sunni to be a great cook. “What's cooking? Smells delicious.”

Interactions: Sunni @The Savant
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
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AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 3 mos ago

“You aren’t scared of the dark are yo-“

A jest half finished, the sickening thud as Larien’s body hit the ground before they could even react. A headless corpse trapped to the reins of the horse as it reared back trampling the body underneath it in it’s panic. Lena wasn’t sure who screamed first, it sounded so foreign, like it was far away yet all around her. The shadow shimmered as if laughing, Mallory reached out toward them bent over her own horse the bright red of blood blossoming like a flower as she desperately tried to hold her insides in place….

The screams died in Lena’s throat before she could make them, too hoarse and cracked, pain like lightning crackled behind her eyes as a headache threatened to form. It was always the same nightmare, no matter what she tried to keep from dreaming. The crash of a glass as she reached out for the cup of water, succeeding in only extending her discomfort. A flurry of colorful words spilling from her lips as she pressed her palms into her eyes trying to steady herself. Memories she’d rather forget and the smell of blood clouding her sense, a small reprieve as her brain tried to sort itself out. She didn’t remember drinking enough to feel this poorly, a strange nagging sensation that she didn’t entirely remember how she got home or what happened last night.

Images of wine, the hot springs, and feathers?

Furrowed brows questioning the image of wings and the feeling of wanting to touch them. Why couldn’t she remember anything else? A small growl of frustration as she swiped her curls out of her face, deft hands tying them back in a loose braid. Never one to sit still long, needing to do something besides drive herself mad with what she couldn’t and wished she could forget, she pushed herself out of bed training her only thought on find food and a good decent cup of coffee.

The rest she would sort out later.

Even for early morning the wind was all too eager to bite at her exposed face, tugging at her scarf in response covering up her nose and mouth. Haggard blue eyes glaring out from under her hood as she stalked her way through the streets, rubbing her hands on her pants as if to get the feeling of blood off them. There had been a point she would spend every morning scrubbing them raw, a few lingering scars was all she gained for her efforts to banish the sensation and memories. Beyond a quick nod here and there in passing greeting Lena was glad that she hadn’t run into anyone she knew, glad that the walk to the inn was uneventful until the crunch of parchment under her boot caught her attention. A cursory glance around shown the same paper nailed to almost anything one would conceive as a door. Someone was a little too eager with their assignment.

’A town meeting? With everyone?’

Flipping the page over to see if anything was written on the back. The message was short but raised so many questions. She knew he was kind and all too eager to help but did Princeling intend to just let anyone air out their concerns? What could be so important that they needed everyone present? A brief thought of this entire project being disbanded and them telling everyone to leave crossed her mind, it wouldn’t be too far fetched. As far as she knew they had no priest, no proclamation of an heir, and it was well known that neither of the kingdoms truly supported this endeavor in the first place. Blue eyes turning upwards to try and place the moon so she might guess the time.

Maybe she should get a beer instead of a coffee if this was how today was shaping up already.


-At The Lake-

The changing of guards, the rising of smoke.

It was by these events that she kept time.

Four times a day. That makes it every six hours.

She wondered if they were the same guards everyday. She wondered a lot of things. What were there names, when did they get here, what day was it. Feeling bold this morning she hovered near the edge of the lake behind the large structure she recognized as a temple to the Moon Maiden. The high spires, cathedral windows and large center dome she knew all too well. Her parents had been devoted, another place to show her off and being showered with praise. Truthfully Isabella could recite the hymns and prayers better than most of the initiate chaplains of Seluna’s faithful.

A skill she used to be so proud of is now useless, the fish didn’t care for such sermons.

Perched halfway out onto a rock, she watched the shoreline. For what she never knew, for someone to notice her, for something new to come her way? Anything to keep the days from spilling into each other, at this rate she worried she might forget how to talk. The fish never talked back, she talked to them, they made good snacks when she got bored but such poor company. They simply stared at her no matter what she said, as if they would ever be shocked enough to talk back. Isabella also did not know what she would do if they ever decided to talk back. Perhaps at that point she would write herself off as crazy all together, maybe then she would talk to the next person who came near her. The fluttering of paper caught her attention, pulling her out of her own revelry of rather the fish would talk or not, a flash of pink and a splash as she dove desperately to reach the page before the water claimed it.

A small triumphant shout as she managed to snag it before it hit the surface, greedy eyes eagerly scanning the page. Flynn and Octavia. So they were the ones in charge. A town meeting? How fascinating! What would they talk about? Would everyone actually show up? A million questions bubbling up inside her in excitement, the thought that she would have no way to get close enough failing to put a damper on her spirits that this was something new. So wrapped up in her own world she nearly missed the sound of approaching footprints, both her and the paper disappearing under the surface as she watched the man approached.

’Oh! It’s him again. He’s here early. No one is usually out this way this early. He seems upset.’

She had never once spoken to the blonde man, but felt like she knew him. They played catch a few times, he wasn’t very good at it but not everyone was perfect at everything. She didn’t hold it against him, even more seeing most of the time he looked sad, and stressed. Isabella and the fishes had a bet that it was probably over a girl. Waiting til he had left she popped back up happy to continue reading the paper to realize it had been ruined, the ink blotching the page. Mopping she flopped backwards letting herself float for a moment on the water's surface enjoying the soft ripples around her. The first news she had gotten in a while and she just as quickly ruined it. A soft sigh and a turn of her torso saw the woman disappear back into the depths. As much as she would like to stay above the surface she didn’t dare, the thought of suffocation dissuading her far less then her once flawless dress was now tattered and frayed, parts of it disintegrating already. How unsightly she must be.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 3 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: N/A / Open

The soft, silvery glow of the moon filtered through the delicate curtains, casting a pale light across Elara’s room. The gentle illumination highlighted the room’s cozy details: the intricately woven rug on the floor, the shelves lined with well-loved books, and the delicate lace of the curtains themselves. The air was cool and refreshing, a light breeze rustling the fabric and carrying with it the fresh, earthy scent of the cloudy morning outside. On her bedside table, the royal summons lay open, its bright parchment evident against the dark, polished wood. The ornate lettering and the royal seal at the bottom were unmistakable, a clear indication of the importance of the message it contained.

Yet, despite the gravity of the royal summons and the urgency it clearly conveyed, Elara’s mind was elsewhere, consumed by the unexpected events of the previous night.

Or, really, just one event, in particular, she was ashamed to admit to herself.

The memory of Sunni’s confession played over and over in her mind, each replay bringing with it a fresh wave of emotion. She had tried to maintain a brave face in the aftermath, to appear composed and unaffected, but inside, she was anything but. As the night wore on, Elara had found no solace in sleep either. She had spent the hours tossing and turning, her mind unable to quiet the relentless replay of his words. Different versions of it played over and over in her head, each one more troubling than the last. Yet one thing that never changed in each one was the tremor in his voice, the earnestness in his eyes, and the weight of his words pressing down on her as he rambled on.

A wave of anxiety washed over her, making her stomach churn. Elara stood up, her legs feeling unsteady, and began to pace the room, trying to shake off the lingering unease. Her mind began scrutinizing every word, every nuance of her own reply. Had she been too gentle with him? Should she have been firmer, more resolute in her response? Should she have insisted more strongly that she simply could not return his feelings? For how could she, when her heart and her duties had always been with the Princess?

The parchment on her bedside table fluttered slightly in the gentle breeze, the movement catching Elara’s eye and drawing her attention back to the royal summons. The clock on the wall ticked steadily, marking the passage of time. It was almost 7 am, and the town meeting was only a few hours away.

Three hours. In less than three hours, I’ll know what to say, was the thought that flitted through Elara’s mind as she left her room, grabbing her cloak on the way out the door.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Alchemy Chambers

Eris! Are you awake?!

Eris jolted awake from a deep sleep, as if resurrected from the dead against her will. Sitting up in bed, her heart pounding, she looked around the room in a panic. What was that?! Had she just imagined that voice? Where had it come from?

She placed a hand against her chest, feeling the panicked beat of her heart. Her brunette hair a curly mess from sleeping on it wet after the hot springs, she ran a hand through it to smooth it out and sighed. Stress was clearly taking its toll. Was she now imagining people in distress?!

I had an accident this morning happen!

Her eyes widened in shock—she hadn’t imagined it! Frantically throwing off her blankets, Eris hopped out of bed and rushed out of her bedroom on the second floor. Wearing only her green silk nightgown, she hurried down the stairs towards the front door without a second about her appearance. On her way to the door she stepped on the hem of her gown and nearly tumbled face first down the stairs, but managed to catch herself on the railing just in time. Picking up her gown a few inches from the floor, she hurried forward. She had to hurry, someone needed her help!

Finally reaching the door, she flung it open. “Taru!” She stepped back, holding the door wide to let him in from the cold air that nipped at her skin. Though she hadn't known the man long, most people in town with steeds knew of him and his odd little critter friend. Eris, at the very least, was glad not to see a blight-born at her door so early in the morning. With her attention so focused on Taru, Eris failed to see the parchment paper that had been tacked to her door.

“Are you okay?” she asked, noticing the fabric bunched in his hand, stained with blood. She frowned in concern, taking a brief glance at the peculiar squirrel who chittered on his shoulder, seemingly skeptical of Eris. “May I?” she asked, slowly reaching for his hand so that she could remove the fabric and inspect the wound, keeping in mind the critter on his shoulder.

Taking his rough hand in her soft ones, Eris closely examined the injury. For a moment, she thought about using her magic to heal his wound straight away, but her experience from the previous day made her pause. It was probably best to conserve her magic for something like this. Releasing his hand, Eris gestured for him to follow her deeper into the alchemy chambers. “This way, please.” She led him to a back room on the first floor, filled with potions, herbs, and books from floor to ceiling. “Have a seat.” she instructed, pointing to a small round table in the corner.

Knowing exactly where to find what she needed, Eris quickly grabbed a mortar and pestle and selected a few yarrow and plantain leaves from an organized drawer of herbs. With barely a wave of her fingers over the small bowl, an orb of water formed in the air and dropped into the bowl as she began grinding the herbs into a paste.

“It doesn’t look too deep. That’s good.” She smiled, casually working away in her nightgown as she met his gaze from across the room. "This paste will fix you up in a day or two." She glanced down at the herbs, putting a bit more muscle into her grinding technique. "What happened?"

Interactions: Taru @The Savant
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Hidden 3 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Frostmoon Lake

These days Kira's nights were rarely more than four hours of restless sleep. Initially, she’d lie awake, tossing and turning, her mind a whirl of thoughts and frustrations, begging for reprieve. Now, she found solace in the quietude of nighttime walks. She’d attend to the chores that awaited her in both her home and the small shop she had established in Dawnhaven. Her evenings were typically spent foraging for mushrooms, herbs, and whatever remained of the winter berries. Mostly though, she observed.

Lately Kira had spent her “mornings” by the lake, captivated by the moonlight dancing on the ripples. Occasionally, she’d brave the frigid waters for a private swim. Other times, she prayed to Seluna or simply lost herself in stargazing. From the shadows, she’d watch others who sought the lake for their own contemplations, or how the Prince often took a jog in the early hours. Or, more recently, she’d watch the mysterious lake creature who observed the townsfolk of Dawnhaven.

Seemingly, no one else had noticed her presence, but Kira had. From the moment she arrived in Dawnhaven, she sensed the lake’s secret inhabitant. It was obvious that the creature was scared to be seen, so she said nothing. It was not Kira’s place to out people who didn’t want to be outed. Instead, she did as she always did - observed from the shadows.

On this particular morning, Kira sat upon on a boulder by the lake’s shore and the forest’s edge. She silently watched as the Prince took his morning jog, though it was earlier than usual. Whatever the announcement was going to be, she assumed he must have been stressed by it. She continued to watch as Taru came to clean his hands. Occasionally she’d glare at the temple of Seluna, hoping Desya wouldn’t disrupt her peace, despite her heart’s secret yearning to catch a glimpse of him.

Noticing a subtle disruption in the lake, Kira’s attention shifted to the lake creature, who peeked just above the water, cautiously curious. Kira raised an eyebrow as the creature excitedly retrieved a flyer that had blown into the water, seemingly upset when the parchment became waterlogged after being spooked by the Prince. So it could read? Or was it just happy to have something new to look at?

From her cloak, Kira produced an identical flyer that had been left on her door only a few hours ago. Opening up the neatly folded paper, Kira read the Prince and Princess’s announcement once more, suspecting it heralded their eventual demise if they finally had a child on the way; the supposed savior of the realm.

Rising, Kira left the forest’s shelter and approached the lake’s center, knowing the creature would be watching her. She placed the flyer on the ground out of reach from the tide, secured it with a rock so that it wouldn’t fly away in the wind, and left it for the creature to continue reading if it wished to. With a glance towards the lake, Kira locked eyes with the pink-finned woman - the first acknowledgement that Kira had ever given that she knew the woman existed at all.

With that, Kira pulled her cloak’s hood up and headed back towards the center of town. She had herbs to restock in her shop and she’d need to prepare for whatever news the royals had in store.

Interactions: Isabella @AliceInRedHeels
Mentions: Taru, Desya @The Savant, Flynn
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Online

Lord and lady Coswain

About Dawn Haven

“Il be fine” Persephone said waving off an worry and returned down tightening up fur lined boots, durable leather to suit the Lunarian terrain, rocky, thick soles with metal studs. Lacking her saddle bags she only had uniform and what she was carrying, hopefully she could locate that stable master before this speech. She doubted the town Would be anything but crazy after the event.

It was warm by Lunarian standards so she had left her fur coat behind in the room, not a foot of snow or walls of sleet and ice in your face. It was a good day. “Il see what about, there has to be something to keep busy.” He was rather feeling… odd, no Major orders, this down had barely anything… The guards all answered to the Prince, his own men, so did the squires and so. Coswain did not know how many but suspected he had more than he was smart and knew exactly what he intended. He was sure their was much to learn about this place. Adonis was smart in his own way, he was not alive for being stupid, he felt this town had something about it worth paying attention to.

She left the Inn, its door was rather broken and did not open as easily as it should. The dent in the middle was massive, blight born where considered a major threat for a reason, this one has dented thick hard wood door, not pretty but very much solid. Everything about this place was less refined but more solid and durable against the frontier. It was refreshing though, more honest…least on the surface.

He leant back and thought he would make a plan first. First he had to work on finding this Sunni perhaps, maybe the blacksmith, he least ws said to be. Well normal? Yes. That was his plan.

Taking a roundabout path Persephone walked past the lake shore, boots crunching on rocky gravel and saw. She was not sure what she saw, movement but then soon gone and vanished, there were many strange things and aquatic ones where stranger still. She had not got time to wonder when she followed a hooded figure, a woman by her shape to the marketplace and where the stables should be off that central point. The woman seemed intent on her business so left her be and ran a hand through her red hair, it was growing longer and wondered if she should bother cutting it shorter, given how she might have to merge with a more civilian lifestyle this winter.

The hooded woman did make her a little curious, she was very much one who seemed to have a dangerous grace or some kind of small thing that alerted her mind. She was different, she was someone of note rather than a non threat. Her instinct was pretty good for this kind of thing especially since the endless night had uncomfortably magnified her abilities.

There… He was not at the stable but saw a similar looking figure dart past to a another way, another building, perhaps they had a seperate home of some kind or other duties to durfull alongside the one she knew. Persephone was used to tracking people and had a fast eye as she moved purposefully following his most likely trail from signs and 20 some years experience.

Another glimpse she kept her distance but confirmed he likely was her mark. She knocked raptly on the wooden door, waiting as she waited, buffing some missed dirt off a metal plate on her shoulder. waiting was boring but something she entirely used to. Persephone could definitely wait.

“Hello. I'm looking for a stable master. Tarooo? Taru?” She called out and enquired politely and waited.

Coswain would wait a little; he left a note that he would be out and headed out, trusting his comrades to sort out thr border fort issue and went looking thr smithy or the construction site.

@The Muse@The Savant@AliceInRedHeels
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Hidden 3 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Marcon Trail -to- the front gates of Dawnhaven 5am-7am

Rose whinnied and snorted growing impatient for her rider to rise so she could eat. Lightly pawing at the wooden wheels with her front hoof. Only stopping when she heard the grumbling of Marcon from inside. She gave a hearty snort in reply. Hearing him stomp the floor while putting on his boots.

"I'm awake Rose." He stated loudly. Then added in a quiet whisper and smirk, "...You nag." To which he heard her kick the cart causing the warrior to simply smile and shake his head. He stretched and rubbed his face with both hands before giving the gruff visage a good slap. Opening the canvas a little to peak outside the moon had everything brighter, both a blessing and a danger. With sword sheathed to his back he donned the leather dark brown cloak and stepped out. Patting Rose on her neck as she hit him with her head to his chest. "I know breakfast first." She was a good horse better then he was a rider at times yet he felt she was getting a little too demanding as the years went by. Maybe because he doted on her so. He saw the other four were still about and set to giving her a bag of feed strapping it to her face as he went about the makeshift camp.

The traps were un touched and he collected them checking for any foot prints in the snow. He decided to leave the canvas up and had some more trail jerky with the water skin he kept in the cart by his side as to not freeze. "We got a few hours ride until we reach this new land. I'm counting on all of you to follow Rose." Giving morning pep talks to comrades was practically in his blood. "I want us sharp on the road." He wished he had brought a cross bow but he wasnt very good with them, and he never bothered to get one like he had planned to all those months ago. Hooking up the two new recruits to the wagon and the others to the rear he flicked the leather leads giving a light slap to the team. He clicked his tongue twice and they were off slowly cutting through the snow and back on the trail. The old man kept hunched over and hidden his eyes not as sharp as they were he relied more on his hearing.

The forest about them was alive with sounds of birds and insects chirping, always a good sign. When they stopped was to know danger was about. The bight moon light was reflected in the surrounding snow as they traveled, the old soldier could see the breath from his nose like some old gnarled dragon breathing sulfur in his cave daring any fool hearty enough to disturb his slumber. Marcon admitted he never fought one but would rather had just met one to talk to such an old spirit... just once. Monsters were nothing new to him.

In his experience he had always found the most fearsome monster to be nothing more then creative men wearing the skins of beasts, making rutting sounds to prey on the weak. Lot of superstitious nonsense. The reports of the blight and these motherless creatures that snatched infants from their crying mothers gave him half hope that there was still some mystery in the world, the other half was more practical picturing a drunken sort seeing a thief in some war paint. Either way, a fitting final adventure to a long and bloody life. Along the road he thought of his warm bed empty and the dark hearth. The cold air biting at his lungs. Like hell he would die in that box no matter how comfortable and warm it was. The road was his real home and if death wanted Marcon's company then the reaper would have to give the old champion a truly worthy reason to leave. The old man smirked his tell tale of excitement an flicked the reigns harder. "Lets go see what death has in store for us!" The horses picked up the pace.

"What a shit hole." He glanced about the make shift gates and non existent perimeter. "Give me ten men and this place would be mine in an hours time." He thought quietly to himself. The cart slowly rolled to a stop at the 'gates' of Dawn haven. The old man didnt make any fast moves just a slight turn of his cloaked head at the two pups acting as guardsmen. "I am a tradesman. I am looking for work." He stated loudly enough to be heard.

The left guard stepped closer, such a rookie move. The other brandishing a spear held his ground. The old man slowly removed his hood and much to his ...dissapointment neither knew of him by their reaction. Old legends fade faster then parchment in a fire it seemed. After the little kid was done rummaging about the cart and finding nothing of note. He spoke, "Why do you have three extra horses to pull one cart?"

With an eye roll Marcon sighed. "To sell ...obviously." He wanted to ask for the guards chain of command and post orders but looking the kid over it was clear there was little in the way of military training or discipline in this place. The old man smiled thinking how perfect it was! Surely there would be an attack or something going on in a town this off guard. He couldnt wait!

"Name?" The little shit came back with a board and quill. Staring up at the battle tested warrior with the softest doe brown eyes.

"Marcon Brand." He stated clearly, sadden to see no response.

"Occupation?" He retorted to the traveler seemingly uninterested in the report part of the job.

"Butchering the lot of you slack jawed half wits for being so inattentive to your duties!" Is what he wanted to say. Feeling the old instructor part of him wanting to see the pup sweating blood by the days end from all the running and hazing he wanted to make him do. "Carpenter..." He grumbled through grit teeth. The leather leads being kept taunt in his clenched fists.

"Pfft. Welcome to Dawn haven. Cause any trouble and it'll be the stocks for you." He waved him through. With a sharp flick of the leads the horses stirred from searching the ground for grass under the mud and snow. The cart lurched forward and entered the town.

Marcon looked about seeing the few built ramshackle buildings. The cross streets were mud and no lighting. Easy pickings for even a skeletal crew of brigands. But what made his heart truly sink was the tavern. The mans eyes went wide at seeing the door was makeshift back into the frame with not support. Hell the front porch area didnt have a cross brace for the support structure! There were no stone footings for the posts! Not even the posts for the horses were done right! He covered his face in his callused hands, swearing a few choice curses to the sod that had tossed this heap of tinder together and walked away.

Marcon had his hopes it would be bad, but this was redefining the word bad to a new level he never dreamed of! It was so exciting!! Hitching the team to the post which he could make wiggle with just one arm he sighed and entered the tavern. By holding the door by the sides and leaning it into an inside wall he stepped through before replacing the ..pine, why in the gods name would they use this for a door? He shook the thought and more curses from his head. He continued to replace the 'door' to the hole blocking most of the cold from outside.

His eyes looked about. The main floor was so open with little supports for the above structure. The wood was more pine and not even the heart of pine! Pine was good for boats and bows but far too flexible for use in real construction worth a damn. The hearth was stone and mud but the stones were smaller then what should have been used, any fool knew that surely! The warmth from the bottom probably was heating a family of critters. There was no metal control lever for the heat so most of it was going strait up! He shook his head no. They were surrounded by woods and not saplings but hearty timber and this was what they made? The carpenter wanted to take an axe to the whole thing and just start over, but just then his stomach grumbled. It seemed he had gotten soft in that area. Travel rations didn't cut it anymore compared to a hearth and warm milk laden soup.

Taking a seat he waited until one of the locals came close. His cloak open and hood resting about his shoulders. When a server did come by, "I need some food nothing fancy but warm, and some mid range ale. Where can I post for work? I am a ...tradesman and this town seems to be in short supply. I didnt see a market square or anything really of shops into town so could you tell me where they might be?" He smiled at the server trying to be pleasant while he talked. "After the meal I'd be happy to fix your front door no charge. More of a way to show you my skill. I'm a carpenter you'll see."

Becky Hill Tavern eye of the beholder 7am. -ish

Becky stirred rolling to her side and nearly off the makeshift bed. Hearing the foot steps of someone who thought they were a centaur, she moaned while stretching out from the warm blanket. First getting to a upright position sitting still and rubbing her eyes she felt grateful for no splinters. Although she would rather be a courtesan for the night then endure another moment on the rack of a bed. In the dark she rummaged for her boots and clothes grumbling as she played the game of hid and seek with the items. Finally finding the blouse she stood and put the finishing touches of her outfit tying the leather laces together like she had done since she was a kid. Feeling up the walls to find the stairs and into the light above.

"Right..." Looking about seeing the landscape and the busy morning shift she lurched towards the kitchen like a freshly risen corpse. Grabbing a basket she staged by the door which no one seemed to have noticed the robust cook moved to the pantry and gathered things for the morning rush, lard, eggs, meats... "Shit. the bread!" she searched for flour, sugar, and the rest. Tongue in cheek as she noted they had no sugar, not a speck in the place! Shaking her head she rushed over to the counter and laid it all out. Her hands moving on auto pilot as she moved through the day first the bread stopping when it was mixed to make a side order and to help out the current cooks. She was glad it was cold outside so the kitchen could stay cool.

Catching Sya in between orders. "I need to get to a store or what ever we have or a courier and a message out today. I cant work without sugar, at least ten.. five pounds a day. How often do trade caravans come through? Whatever I need to write a letter later after the morning rush and before lunch. This frontier cooking isnt going to keep them coming back." She was already sweating a little on her brow as she moved between pans and checked the bread in the oven below. The leather apron guarding her top heavy front from the heat and grease. She smiled sticking out her tongue out to the side watching the bacon sizzle. "Yes! Order up!" She moved to plate the food. Using the bacon greases for the next dish. The raven haired woman's hands ignoring the hot handles and only grabbing a wet cloth for oven items. In the first hour she had orders flying out the kitchen all piping hot and three loaves of bread cooling on the counter.

"Sya... I need double the items for sweets and I can make us cakes they will be a big hit with the dinner crowd. They are like pies but better and cheaper. You can coat them in sugar and so moist!" Becky raised her own fingers to her lips and kissed them in some strange symbolic manner. "So delicious! You'll see!"

@PrinceAlexus@The Muse
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Olivia Eye of the beholder 7am

John had moved from the floor to the chair in the room putting his feet on the small table near the window after removing his boots. Even with Alex's snoring he still managed to find some way to fall asleep. Though in his dreams the creature from the carriage would stare into his soul with those ruby eyes surrounded by an empty void slowly pulling him closer... He heard her knocking from inside echoing his heart beat in a way the closer he got the faster the beat and the white hands reached for his throat he woke in a slight panic to the rapping of the door to the room. Giving a quick glance about to find his brother still asleep John rolled his eyes while getting to his feet. The mans heart still beating fast. Was it her? Was she... hungry still? Opening the door to see a man in royal guard garb. The worker downstairs had said this was the room for the Lady of Durnatel, who apparently had guests in her room. Not one to openly judge the royalty to their face he simply handed the scroll of summons to the man and left without question.

John gave a long sigh and knew it wasnt for him. After the courier left he shut the door finding the message cut into the wooden door by the Lady of his domain, just a room number. It even smelled official, the parchment was soft, and the wax seal mean for her eyes only. He walked over and kicked his brother "Wake up." His voice a low grumble. Sitting back in the chair by the window he put on his boots and left the room. Walking down the hall he figured it was his turn to tempt fate. John hoped she would still be human or even better still, asleep. Stopping before the door he tried to think of a prayer but nothing came to mind in the moment. He knocked.

Olivia lay stretched out in the bed lounging in the scents left lingering in the room. All the while her mind ran scenario's of various situations. She wanted so badly for everything to go right yet with out some critical information of the prince or the local hierarchy she would have to tread lightly, for now. Her mind was paused by the unexpected knock at her door. Hoping it was her muse she pinned the sheets to her figure with one arm as she went to the door wearing just that and a half smile of hope. "Yes?" Her heart sank a little after opening the door and seeing it was John.

"Forgive me this came to the other room, I assumed for you my lady." He handed over the scroll. With a awkward silence he left before she could invite him in or worse.

She shut the door not wanting to traumatize him further. Softly she chewed on her own lower lip thinking on how this was going to read and her fingers slowly broke the seal and unrolled the parchment. "A summons... Finally." She walked down the hall in her sheet to their room and opened the door. It was technically hers since she was paying for it so she felt no issue on the matter. "Alex, John, I need my chest from the carriage brought to my room it is time. After which I will need you two to return with a note for Jaylen. I'll give you some coin and ensure you are provisioned before heading back home." Tearing herself from their room as she felt their eyes on the figure under the sheet and their emotions practically dripping from their pores Olivia left them before something more happened. The monster needed them to be rested and strong enough to travel more than food at the moment.

She waited a while before the next knock at the door the two looked a little sweaty as they walked away from the chest. It was heavy as she dragged it inside and shut the door like some predator dragging wounded prey into its cave. She rummaged through the options and picked out a dark crimson dress with a shoulderless look. Even in her cursed form the corset trapping was still snug about her slender figure. The whole transformation took no less then an hours time and a little extra for her hair and the perfectly positioned clips and pins. The jeweled trapping of her gilded cage marking her as a prisoner of high society. With a heavy heart she still needed pen and parchment before dismissing the two brothers. Stepping out of her room as just Octavia she walked down the stairs feeling all eyes were on her. The dress giving no quarter for those trying to go around her with plates of food.

The white haired woman descended the stairs in her dark red dress like some sort of aristocrat which she was of sorts. Her skin looked a little less pale as she forced herself to breathe bringing a flush of color to her cheeks. With her quick reflexes she gently gripped the arm of one of the servers, placing a few coins in her hand and whispering a simple instruction. Soon her was a corner table with only two chairs distanced from the rest of the regulars. If this prince was for whatever reason willing to have court proceedings in the local tavern there was no recourse to refuse. Octavia wondered if it was due to having no reception room build in this small boarder town. it was there back in a corner and facing the group in the morning rush she waited for him to come to her. Feeling like a spider in the center of a web, though hers or the princes only time would tell. For now with her perfume and makeup she felt more like a vase full of roses on display for the benefit of others just like every other time she was at court. Although the smell of food and the busy bustle and sound of all the people chewing was setting her nerves on edge. Looking at the white haired royal none would suspect as her demeanor was poised and calm like like a bird of prey surveying the landscape. The whole situation felt wrong from her years at court and knowing there was a certain expectation of decorum to these things. She was certain to find the reason which she suspected would be a simple one. It would play into her plans long term, Octavia hoped.

Alex and John descended the stairs with the large chest and couldnt help but glance at their Lady in her royal attire. They both caught the look she gave and would return after getting the carriage ready to travel home. They didint know of what Octavia had in mind but hoped it would be civil. Finding a seat in the crowd and ordering some breakfast as they watched whatever she had planed to unfold.

Mention: Anyone in the eye of the beholder. =)
@PrinceAlexus@The Muse
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by SkeankySnack
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SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 3 days ago

location: just outside of Dawnhaven

Ivor dug his heels into the earth, each step forward as he walked steady and strong; his quarry a sturdy pine that he chopped down throughout the night. Despite the tree's size, Ivor was confident that, under normal circumstances, he could probably cut it down in a few swings with his battleax. Were the inclinations strong enough he could have done so, but there was something worthwhile about taking the time to do a task. There was a rhythm to chopping at wood, a peace of mind came with it, as did some sense of normalcy of bygone days. Though Ivor could have felled it quickly, a hatchet is what he did bring and though it took some hours to complete, the twelve meter tall pine was his to turn into a door. Ivor thought there could probably be other uses for the wood, but first replacing the tavern door was his first priority.

As the town’s gate came into view for a second day in a row, Ivor breathed out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t entirely sure if he could sweat anymore, whether it was the cold air around him or the lack of clothing on his upper body, he was unsure. One thing he was certain of though, despite his strength, hauling a tree this old and big was difficult work and he was grateful to not have wandered too far away this time. As Ivor traveled the road, he noted the many different footsteps along the ground, including what appeared to be multiple horse hooves and a set of carriage tracks. It seemed there were already a number of individuals up and about, as well as maybe some new arrivals. The guards that kept watch over the gate recognized the giant blight-born, but their mouths were still agape at the sheer size of the tree he dragged behind him. If there was any doubt as to how strong one of his kind could be, one would only need to gaze in his direction.

Ivor dragged the pine all the way to the front doors of the Beholder, only letting the ropes slack around his shoulders once he made it close enough to the entrance. The new horses along with the carriage all but confirmed there were newcomers in his mind. Taking a look around him, Ivor noted the rather large trail he carved into the earth with the tree trunk. The giant scratched his head, figuring there was another project to work on after the door had been fixed. He spotted Kira as she was going through the markets, glad to see she made it back to town safely he gave a small wave. Not wanting to delay any longer, Ivor quickly set to work hacking into the trunk’s base. Doors were not an entirely unfamiliar thing to the tribesman, but making sure they fitted well was not in his list of good skills. Still the inn needed something that could withstand him, at least a little bit; perhaps a thicker door would be better this time.

mentions: Kira @The Muse
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Online

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Early Morning

Sya morning was busy. To say busy would be an understatement, chaos, pure organised chaos and Sya danced about the chaos like she was born to do so. The busy heart of the Inn was soon beating and Sya smiled softly when she paused feeling the energy of the place. It felt…Good. Healthy.

Thanks to recent events the small tavern mistress had a bounce to her step and was easier going than before, the mood was not forced and reached her exposed large eye, visible for people to see more confidently.

she heard bustle in the kitchen and the sounds of.. Becky. She wondered if they needed to rapidly work on a second kitchen as the Small one they had was not exactly a large affair. They really needed more space to work.

“I happen to be the keeper.” Sya said cheerfully coming over happened to be the server, she had to do as much work or more than everyone else and she was the one who also had to keep everyone safe, happy and drunk. Sya was short and sometimes you could not see her over the crowd, it was an hazzed of being Barely 5 foot. She returned with his drink and food, dropping softly a bowl of thick hot porridge, a side of thick brown bread and some salted meat. It was a meal that should keep a man fed and so given the harsh weather they faced at times.

Looking at the grizzled old knight she made a look of thinking and paused for a second to answer his questions. “Market is up the road, or ask for Sunni, he does alot of trading. As for work, have a talk with Prince, though if you're good, we have plans laid down to add 2 wings to the inn, basement, loading Docks and triple the capacity including a suite of rooms for myself. There's other buildings going up too.

Thank you, we had a…incident last night. The Lunaris soldiers helped, the town guard seem to be blind or deaf.”
Sya said as she did wonder why the town guard had not even seemed to check on the inn yet despite the damage to the door…

She realised she was openly showing her Blight born traits but Sya had been inspired by a certain woman upstairs to do better, if she wanted to deserve Olivia she had to be the best she could.

Sya left him to his meal and moved round bouncing on her feet, till she found herself in the kitchen. The kitchen smelled good, fresh bread and more, a time ago she would have watered at the mouth though Sya was now unable to do so, such food would make her feel il uncomfortable or violently ill, she had found her body had now got to point normal food was entirely hostile. Drinks where fine, wine even. But food, food no more.

“Becky, Becky” Sya reached out a small hand to pause her mid way, the woman had energy but Sya had to try and keep up with her! “For one, due to a room. Relocation… we may be able to find you space. I have a smaller room with a balcony spare.” Sya said she could shift the two coach men to the Best, hand Becky the back room and get her out the basement. Her blush could not be stopped though at exactly how the room came available, nore the smile.

“Anyway” She said with more emphasis than needed, Sya doubted Becky cared who she slept with, she was already a reborn emberkin. “This…is, I have to take your world for it, food draws no benefit for me.” Sya said and explained why she had not tried any of the food, it was not an insult just her changed nature.

“I thought I'd be closed till after the speech” Sya said as the place just got busy anyway, Dawn Haven just followed its own rules and did its own thing regardless of what you or anyone else wanted.

“give me a few minutes, I Have plans and we can talk on way,” Sya said as Becky clearly had an idea she needed more gold for. A trip down to her strong room and she had a heavy pouch securely on her person, her knife and for good measure one in her boot. Sya was used to living on the streets too long.

Her return from the basement she headed back up noting Becky was a tidy sort. “We can go to market, and il direct you to post office, Prince has a speech planned, we better do it sooner than later. I want to spend some time in the hot spring too beforehand.” Sya said as she had worked hard and taking part of the morning off was her privilege she earned.

She did not bother with a cloak, the cold did not bother her and just wore her normal tavern dress though the design did not hide a red mark on her neck and shoulder she wore without shame. The only really necklace she even owned was a small hammer on a leather cord and hoped she could get more vibrant fabrics.

Then of course Olivia had to make her heart practically stop when she came down dressed in red and black gown that was both fitted like a princess and floated out widely with skirts that softened and made it so very beautiful. Her brain decided to stop and blinked at the woman before it came back to thinking again. “One moment.” Sya said to Becky, an idiot could tell Sya liked this woman.

Her heart beat harder as she walked over unsure what to do or say but her kind made up before she could protest its own plans. Sya was plain and … she was not able to be this… this. To not ruin her makeup, Sya took Olivas hand and kissed it before holding it, a gesture that seemed to have started all this. Her big blue eye seemed to glow a little more with her stronger emotions and Could not hide surprise.

“You look, … wow“ Sya word had failed her and added. “I feel I should not be next to you so beautifully, but I good luck, you'd not be so unless it was important. We can talk more when we have time.” Sya gave her a short peck for good luck, deciding that if the town wanted to gossip they could do it for something good rather than if she was a monster… Her self control only went so far, blight born instincts made her impulsive at times.

“One day I might be So…” Sya said idly as she caught self and mind slipped. It did it alot around Olivia… “I'm off to the market and hot springs. Also, I am mistress, you are my… You get what you need, just ask and it will happen. If not, they answer to me. My lady.” Sya said with more surety to the end, if Olivia wanted to live here it would be her home and she would have all the courtesy of it. Their relationship was not exactly defined but she was more than a guest and Sya would treat her as such with all that she deserved. Her voice gained a small growl when she said that she would expect the staff to treat her with appropriate courtesy like they would Sya.

Sya stood up, her My lady had a little more purr to it than was appropriate for normal nobility. Sya knew she was higher born, she could handle it, they could discuss it later as it seems she had important businesses to conduct.

“Grab a cloak Becky, let's find you some sugar before the whole town turns to madness. If you need some time?” Sya said with a more business like tone but could not quite hide her cheerful demeanour and fact she was rather much pleased with herself and proud.

The loud sound outside was jarring, it wounded like a whole tree was being dragged I'm through the streets.. surely not. No one was strong ernough unless they had a whole team of cart horses. Unless... She glanced over but the Royal guard who had arrived and took a spot by bar eating did not seem concerned as yet so Sya was not.

Really though it was jarring, whatever was moving or being moved must have been huge to generate such a noise and a low rumble as it did so. Maybe they where building a heavy palisade around the town and hauling in some thick hard woods to use? The town guard where numerous but feel safer with a solid barrier and if the Door incident was to go by the town guard reacted rather slowly. Too slowly. She would have to depend on the knight and his men at the Inn it seemed.

Dawn Haven. Well this was Dawn Haven she thought.


@SkeankySnack Ivor
@amorphical Becky, Olivia, Morcan
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Hidden 3 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by SkeankySnack
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SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: 7:00am; Location: Travelling to Dawnhaven → Communal Hotspring

The air was still and calm, save for the soft ticking of a pocket watch, the hands counting out each second as glassy eyes blinked to take in its information. It was morning alright, not that Céline could tell from the movement of the heavens. How long had she been wandering under this sunless sky since she heard of Dawnhaven? Weeks now it felt like, weeks of careful movement, of evading Lunarian forces and even those of her kind that went feral. The world was a dangerous place and the blight had only made it moreso. Danger like that never stopped the young doctor however, it never stopped her from diving headfirst into the belly of the beast if it meant she could save lives. It was for that very conviction that she found herself in Lunaris, despite hailing from Aurelia, despite being ‘re-born’, even if it meant she was to be run out of town for just existing. The concept wasn’t new though, just rehashed.

Closing the pocket watch and hoisting her travel pack up tighter, Céline crunched through the light snow making her way down the incline. From her vantage point she couldn’t see the town itself, but the thin plumes of smoke from fireplaces was present. Dawnhaven, she had first overheard some soldiers speaking of it, a town where humans and blight-born co-exist, where the prince and princess of both kingdoms preside. It sounded almost too good to be true, not many humans had shown her much kindness after her transformation. Céline had been fortunate enough to retain most of her human features, though the massive hairy ears protruding from the top of her skull placed her square in the realm of uncanny. To be entirely fair, even when she first awoke to her new form it was unsettling, even more-so when she discovered that the new protrusions had entirely replaced her ear. Adjusting to her new level of hearing was the most difficult, but once she got the hang of what to tune in on, she found them to be incredibly beneficial.

She stopped walking, she could hear something to the right of her. Her ear twitched and rotated around in its socket, picking up the minute sounds of flowing water, footsteps in the snow and something being brushed around…covered over? Whatever it was, curiosity had her coloured and stealthily Céline made her way through the trees, careful not to cause too much noise. As she approached the clearing, she sidled up to a tree and what she saw next filled her with shock, awe and a sense of hope. There he was, another man and yet not a man, some could say an angel or perhaps a demon, but he was just another result of the same cause; blight-born. Strangely pale, covered head and body in feathers, holding some sort of…sign post? He seemed thoughtful, happy, beautiful even in the moonlight silhouetting his frame. Had the winged man stayed any longer, Céline might have felt compelled to approach. Alas, the powerful wings launched the man upward, whatever trance she was under gone as she watched the form head towards a small town below. Was this Dawnhaven? Has she finally arrived? The other blight-born could have been a hunter on the prowl, but something about his demeanor told Céline that it couldn’t have been the case.

Emerging forth from the treeline Céline stepped to where the winged man had been, finding a small gathering of his feathers on the ground. Crouching down to inspect, she picked up one of the feathers, it was sleek, oiled, perhaps for water resistance? Though she was curious to inspect it more, Céline decided to collect it in a pouch for now and save it for future study when she had access to more equipment. Returning to an upright position she began to walk towards the town when a sudden realization hit her. Turning she saw what appeared to be a hot spring, she had been so enthralled in gazing at the winged man that she failed to notice the steaming pools of water nearby. At the very least she knew where the running water was coming from, and standing by them, she could feel the heat emanating from them. Weather and temperature hadn’t bothered her since the transformation, more than likely a side effect of it along with her other features. Even so, she could still feel cold and warmth and right now, Céline knew she was more than just a little frigid. Would it be considered uncouth? A stranger to this place, without even introducing themselves, happily taking advantage of what is more than likely a local commodity for the public to use. Taking another look at her watch only some fifteen or so minutes had gone by; was anyone even awake at this point? Céline gazed at the inviting warmth, weighing her options…screw it.

Céline approached the springs, careful to take off her traveler boots before unceremoniously chucking them to the ground and rolling up her pant legs. She’d been walking for weeks now, taking only a few hours at a time to rest at most. She stepped into the water, taking her time to adjust to the temperature before standing knee deep at the water's edge. Sighing the hare like woman sat on a flat rock by the edge, massaging her fingers into her calves and soles. People weren’t awake yet, as far as she was aware anyway, even if someone caught her at the spring, it wasn’t like she couldn’t outpace them. If the rumors behind this town were true though, would she really have any reason to need to run though?

Mentions: Pleiades @The Savant
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Eye of the Beholder
Flynn seethed as Octavia called him "Mister Astaros" and slammed the door behind him. How was she the one mad at him now?! With his jaw clenched, muscles tensed, and heart pounding with adrenaline, Flynn didn’t look back as he stormed away from the house, keeping his eyes fixed forward. His anger bubbled just beneath the surface and he barely felt the cold biting at his skin. "That woman..." he growled under his breath in frustration, his mind racing as it recalled everything that had been said and done in such a short time. He felt a pang of guilt for leaving Sunni to deal with the aftermath, but he couldn't stand to be in that house any longer. How could she be so ungrateful? Yes, he had brought her here against her will, but it was to save her life—and his. And yet she would’ve preferred to die?

"Goddess guide me." he muttered again, green eyes glaring ahead as he passed guards on the street without so much as a glance toward their direction. They bowed their heads in greeting, then exchanged puzzled glances with each other, wondering what was wrong with their typically composed Prince. Clearly, he was not as calm and collected as he usually presented himself.

As Flynn neared the inn, he noticed a massive tree with a four inch deep trench gouged into the ground behind it. He sighed, slowing his pace, his eyes finding the enormous blight-born Ivor hacking away at the log. Had Ivor dragged that tree here all by himself? It was an impressive display of strength, but Flynn had no time to dally.

"Morning, Ivor," Flynn greeted curtly, passing by the large man without asking any questions. He couldn't bear to think about another task on his list right now, even though he knew the trench would need to be mended at once. His jaw tightened again as he approached the inn's door, barely hanging on its hinges. What the hell had happened here? Ignoring that too, Flynn pushed his way inside and scanned the room. Guards who had been taking a break immediately jumped to their feet upon noticing the Prince, bowing to him before standing at ease, awaiting any orders the Prince might give despite their disrupted morning coffee.

"Where is Sy—" Flynn paused, his eyes landing on a woman in a stunning gown, her red eyes matching her dress but starkly contrasting against her pale skin. She stuck out from the rest of the crowd, clearly a woman of noble blood who sat among the commoners. He froze for a moment, locking eyes with her. She had to be the Lady of Durnatel, judging by her attire and the way she held herself, but … she was obviously blight-born. Had Lunaris' last large town fallen to the blight as well? And their baroness survived, reborn as something new? This would have been news to him.

"Lady Olivia of Durnatel?" he asked, approaching her at the corner table. Suddenly, he was acutely aware of his disheveled appearance. This was not a Princely thing to do at all. Meeting a Lady in such a state would have earned him days of reprimand and lessons in etiquette from his mother.

"It is a pleasure to have you," he said, bowing to her out of respect before taking a seat opposite her. "I apologize for..." he gestured to his clothing with a sheepish smile, "Busy times in Dawnhaven, as I'm sure you're aware." He met her gaze, those piercing red eyes staring back at him. "How fared your journey?"

Interactions: Olivia @amorphical
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