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1 mo ago
Current And it will continue to spin on. youtube.com/watch?v=rePFEUu…
3 mos ago
The one adorned in the red of heroes had need to finally drop his mask. A funeral for summer, for our youth. Goodbye, those heated days... youtube.com/watch?v=UxwHkqk…
3 mos ago
It seems the long summer, which gouged with fangs and gave us hope, has come to its end...
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5 mos ago
Late in it, but happy Kagerou Day!
6 mos ago
"Jesus does not like very many girls." - Grant (GOODTIMESZone)


"And how smart you are only determined which way you fall." - a dream I had once
"Court should be adjourned because the jury are fools, and the judge can't decipher his left from his right or his right from his wrong." - Streetlight Manifesto (The Hands That Thieve)
"Time whether wasted or well spent is still time." - Rise Against (Zero Visibility)
"Your honor, I think there's a discrepancy. Apparently, the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but the First Amendment only guarantees freedom of speech on condition that you do not speak." - RC

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Sounds like a good name, sure.
I like that BP is so used to my other account that he's just deadnaming this one lol.
But I'm down with however things turn out, partner wise, especially since they're not currently permanent.
Sorry for the delay with my post, I have a plague of flies in my house that took up the past 24~ hours and I'm still not convinced that they're all gone.
"These Miseria have completely ruined the funsquee of my foiyie."

Is this gaudy enough for you yet?

Tsubomi watched from the nearby shadows as Schrade showed off her physical abilities untransformed. Aww man, why does the boss get to be so cool? She wasn't listening as the boss-lady gave her short statements, too busy thinking about the answer to her own question. She gets to be cool because she's strong and capable of it. That seemed to be a fair point to the girl. Already transformed into her Acid Drop form, she stayed behind and waited to see what the others would do. After all, even if she didn't kill a single Miseria herself tonight, she'd still be getting a little stronger thanks to her club-mates. She was careful, but she was already siphoning a little off the top of the other girls' emotional states. The excitement was just the barest bit less exciting, the bloodlust just ever so slightly less violent. The tornado that was Oros just a tiny fraction less stormy.

Of course, she made sure it was little enough to not be noticeable but just enough to add to her own stockpiles for later use. She was even careful not to touch the boss, since the new girl was completely out of her fucking mind. Wow... So much emotion, so much fuel for her fire... Surely she could spare a bit, or even a lot, for Acid Drop's fire as well? As she thought about it she realized that taking proportionally from everyone except the boss would still give her way more than usual with the newest addition in the equation. After all, the others knew at least the basics of her magic, if not more than that in some cases, but the fresh meat didn't yet. That might cause problems, from an interpersonal perspective, though this thought never entered Acid Drop's mind, as that was a perspective she could no longer see from. Instead, she gorged herself on the new well of emotions both before and while she finally turned to the Miseria. What was left of them, anyway, after that very same well wiped out a huge chunk of them.

If she was honest with herself, Acid Drop did really want to fight a lot of Miseria. It was the path to power for her and the others, after all, and that power was something she desired greatly. But she couldn't for the life of her understand why she wanted it. She knew she wanted to have it, and to use it, but the question of "why" was still unanswered. In her private journal, a scattershot wound of ideas from the shotgun of her head, she wrote that perhaps she gained power in order to use it. Or perhaps she used it in order to gain more power. Several pages were condemned to this cyclical thought process, with no answer as of yet. But these thoughts passed through her mind as she approached the Miseria lucky, or unlucky, enough to be away from and avoid Nyxio's attacks. Her name was Nyxio, right? Eh, didn't matter anyway.

Her scalpel, if it could still be called that, of a Devil Arm flipped end over end through the air as she tossed it and caught it, over and over again. Some might think that this was an attempt to look cool, and they'd be partially right, but it was also Tsubomi adjusting to the weight after a day of being mundane. It's always a good idea to warm up, yeah? She was about to start her attack when Earthshaker, someone whose name (or title, rather) Tsubomi did actually know, threw her shield and had it land right in front of her, making her jump at the surprise. When the girl came to get her shield, Acid Drop waved at her with a smile on her face and frustration in her heart. Then she moved on to the next batch.

It took some time to find them, with most of the other girls also slaughtering the creatures, but she found two that she was able to quickly cut down. She didn't even need her magic, really. Just a bit of good footwork and knifeplay and they were down, and she was better for it.
I'm down for partnering with anyone, personally. But if anyone's particularly emotional, that would fuel Tsubomi better, not that that's a high priority.

Also, I second @Lonewolf685's statement. Fight fight fight IC.

Yeah, that's the main part. She can sort of give other people emotions based on what she's stolen, but that isn't super effective after she got corrupted.
The "Miracle" water is just water while she altered people's emotions manually, she got corrupted because she was on so many actually mind-altering substances that when she saw the dead bodies and was attacked, she sort of just snapped.
No worries on the club joining time, I can easily go with that, I just figured it would be better to show it on screen, but if it's better to have her have already joined then I'll go with that.
Alright, here we go. Glad I waited until now because while it might have been post-ready last night, now it's much better and I added a caveat about Miseria interaction to her magic, since that was just brought up.

Of course, let me know what needs changed and I'll get on it~

Up a bit later than I expected to be and I'm writing out a skeleton for my future self to work from so I have a question. Can Mascots be killed, and if so, are there limitations on what can kill them? (I'm not planning to have my character kill one or anything, just need to know for the sample post)
If there's still room for interested people, I'd throw in my hat. I'll get to work on a CS as soon as my brain stops hurting from Java, which means hopefully tomorrow, lol.
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