Avatar of themadhatter420


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10 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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10 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

Most Recent Posts


As the spell is cast, 3 of the 5 goblins near Viper start to sway from side to side before they collapse onto the floor in a deep sleep. Only being attacked would wake them up with how powerful the spell affected them. This would leave fewer enemies for Viper to be able to handle fairly quickly.

Suddenly Breath of Life is pushed back holding both axes in front of him in an X as the orc pushes him back, stopping just before his tail touched the cart. Breath of Life let out a very loud growl about to spin into a frenzy as he swung both axes one after the other while the Orc dodged the first two swings but got hit when Breath of Life went to spin slashing one axe along the orc's ribs.

Depends on the people you grew up with. Some families could be understanding and loving but most feel that any "gifted" is actually something to fear depending on the ability. So you can work it out either way.

I'm sorry I never saw your question. And yes being able to speak every language is fine. not too overpowered.

Breath of Life only nodded his head. Once he was in a rage, he didn't worry about words. They took too long in his eyes. He continued to slash at the various small goblins, giving them a quick death. He then could sense other creatures. They were not goblins but just as evil. Who would work willingly with the goblins? That was not their nature to take on extra help. He was considering what it could be as he noticed an Orc starting to walk out from the trees. "Take the goblins I got the orc." He said with a loud yell as he gripped both axes waiting for it to get closer to him.

Okay I made another student. In the morning I will be posting the first post in the IC Tab for everyone to join in.

Its up to you guys if you want to make another student only if you can handle it. I know multiple characters can be tough.

I think a couple more people plan to join. We are in need of more students since we only have 2 currently. I know a lot will end up being NPC that I bring up from time to time depending on the case but I have considered making a few students as well. Thoughts?

yes, you can join. I have had a lot going on so I haven't started the iC yet. you can make a character sheet on the CS tab and once accepted you can join in once the first post is up.

Breath of Life nodded his head as he soon saw some of the goblins trying to get into the cart and rummage through. "Now or never." He said almost as a mantra as he pulled his axes off his back before running up to the closest goblin from behind slashing it in the back and taking it to the ground before swinging at another. He was drawing their attention to give his team mate time to get into position.

Aryial smiled brightly as the quill wrote everything down. "Ah, a paladin. Well, I hope my rowdy bar is not too... inappropriate for your diety. Some gods I hear are very strict after all. Do you have any special skills that you would like any future parties to know about or any job posters? Like special skills, abilities?" She asked wondering what sort of skills he had. A sword wielder and a magic user all in one is ideal for most traveling parties.
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