Avatar of TheMushroomLord


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4 mos ago
Current Replace my bones with rats. I must writhe.
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4 mos ago
You either die a hero or live and do something else.
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5 mos ago
All fish dream of the stars.
6 mos ago
You cannot fathom my desire to install additional hinges in my bones.
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6 mos ago
People are always saying that murder is bad, but you know who never gets asked? The victims. I have no idea whether murder is okay or not, but I certainly know who we should be asking about it.


I am me... I hope.

Most Recent Posts

MY-1801-FJ – Felix Jones
Location: Yellow Ward

Interaction: @Asesina, @duskshine749

1801 was getting anxious. As usual, he’d been jarred awake by the facility's alarms and the sudden activation of its fluorescent lights. Today however something was definitely wrong, the alarm had an odd quality to it and the lights flickered violently. Neither occurrence was all that unusual all things considered, at least not compared to some of the other shit that happened in the facility, but compared to the usual monotony of the morning routine, the difference was patently obvious. Even more worrying was the silence. Normally at this point, the hallway would be filled with the sounds of facility staff going about their business but today it was almost dead silent.

Still, it wasn’t like 1801 couldn’t think of a perfectly mundane explanation. There were plenty of people in the facility who could affect energy and maybe one of them had done something that was messing with the power and dampening sound. Looking up, he confirmed that the usually ever watching camera now appeared lifeless, consistent with his previous assessment. 1801 was still pretty worried, and more concerning explanations to the present situation continued to surface in his mind, but for now he tried to comfort himself with the idea that if he just got ready and waited a bit things would sort themselves out.

Getting up 1801 dressed himself in a dress that definitely needed a wash, noticing the open doorway as he did so. It struck him as odd that he couldn’t see any staff outside or that the door had opened in the first place as he was pretty sure they were meant to do the exact opposite in the event of power issues. Then again, the facility staff were probably off dealing with whoever had done this and he was probably wrong about the door locking thing, it wasn’t like the staff would want to trap him in an enclosed room, at least not outside of scheduled testing.

“Yeah, that’s probably it. The simplest answer is usually…” he trailed off, “Ahhh… Test one. Test two. Test three.” Strange, his voice sounded normal, wasn’t there a sound dampening effect or something? Even if the staff were elsewhere surely with the doors being open he should be hearing others. Should he call out? What if it was something more concerning than he'd hoped for?

“Hello? Anyone here?"

As if responding to his thoughts and echoing the question he hadn't yet decided to ask, 1801 heard a voice. It sounded a little ways off, from the direction of the red wing, and didn’t seem to indicate that whoever it was had any company or was any less confused than he was… still two confused people was probably better than one.

After a moment of hesitation, 1801 peeked out of his room, just in time to spot a woman dressed identically to himself round the corner. 1801 was pretty sure he recognised her but didn’t really know anything beyond that. In any case, she probably wasn’t the voice he’d heard before which meant there were now three people who didn’t seem to know what was going on, himself included. Then again that was 50% more than two people and possibly the beginning of a trend so he’d take it over nothing.

“Um- Good morning,” 1801 supplied after catching up to his neighbour. Probably not the most appropriate greeting given the circumstances, but he wasn’t good with people so it’d have to suffice.
I am also cool with either option.

*Really crappy attempt at trying to make the photo look like a Polaroid. Feel free to redo it!

I don't know that picture looks pretty good to me. The real question is why polaroids are getting used so much in 2021.

I am also still here.
Not a problem. I’ll be lurking either way.
Hopefully I'm not too late to get this out.

Might join this again. Not sure if I’d use an aged up Felix or make a new character though.
Posted and transferred my character sheet over. Apparently, I forgot to do that.
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