Avatar of TheMushroomLord


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4 mos ago
Current Replace my bones with rats. I must writhe.
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4 mos ago
You either die a hero or live and do something else.
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5 mos ago
All fish dream of the stars.
6 mos ago
You cannot fathom my desire to install additional hinges in my bones.
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6 mos ago
People are always saying that murder is bad, but you know who never gets asked? The victims. I have no idea whether murder is okay or not, but I certainly know who we should be asking about it.


I am me... I hope.

Most Recent Posts

Genichiro hadn’t ever really been a fan of crowds. A few years ago he probably would have said it was all the noise that bothered him, but now, even as familiar as he’d become with listening to constant chatter Genichiro still felt uncomfortable. Perhaps it was time to just give in and admit he was a bit of an introvert.
“Ne̴̯͋r̵͉̔d.” “Hav̸͙̏e yo̵͔͝u̴̺̾ trie̷͖̓d just̴͍̐ talki̸̹͊n̷̛̥g?” “Oḧ̷̠́,̶̛̹ I k̶̜͒no̴͚̿w! Why dő̷̘ṇ̵̚’t you jus̵̻̈́t as̴̃ͅk̸̬͛ me ho̵̻̕w to extr̷͎̈́o̵͎͠vert̶͐ͅ?”
Of course, the chatter was particularly noisy right now, numerous excited streams of exposition and babble. Normally when they got this excited it meant Genichiro would be able to infer something out of the voices, but right now it seemed like the voices' interests were thoroughly divided making it hard to pick out any patterns.
“S̷̢̿hi̴͈̚ny!̷͐ͅ Shin̴̙͋y̸͓̎! S̴̡̉hi̶͍͊ny!” “Are s̶̤͠w̷̖͋ŏ̷̡rds mea̸̘̓n̵͔͘t to ta̸͖͠l̸̍͜k?” “Whǎ̸̪t̵̡͠ doe̵̮͝s ̴̭͘k̷̩͠itsṳ̷͑n̸̪̽e tast̶͑͜e lį̴̉k̷̦͠e?”
Ignoring some of the more detestable comments being made in his head, Genichiro scanned the room for a clue as to where he was meant to go. He hated doing things like this, it always ended up feeling awkward, looking around like he hadn't the first clue as to what he was meant to be doing, which admittedly was pretty much exactly the case. Worse yet would be having to go up and ask someone for directions, which it was looking like he’d inevitably have to do. Logically speaking most people were probably as confused as he was before their first mission, so it wasn’t like anyone was going to judge him too harshly, not that that thought helped.
“Acẗ̶͍́û̸͇ally, eve̵̲͆ry̷͙̆one ju̴̜͌st haṭ̴͂es yo̷̬̿u!” “I’m g̴̪͝oing̵͚̾ to̵̼̽ pre̶̼͒t̸̪͛end not̶̬̂ to̷̦͝ kn̵̽ͅow yo̸͚̎u̷̩̔.” “Is tha̶͍̚t̴̼͆ man ̷̠̆a̴̘͘ dinő̵̹s̴̱͐aur?̸̯̈́”
With a sigh, Genichiro approached the woman, or rather the man according to the voices, that appeared to be offering people bentos. “Um… you mentioned something about missions? You wouldn’t happen to know where I’m meant to go for those by any chance? Sorry, I’m kind of new here. To missions that is…” Genichiro glanced over at the bentos, trying to ignore several voices that were insisting that they were in fact poisoned or otherwise deadly weapons in disguise. “Please shut up... oh. Er- apologies, I didn’t mean you…”
“Hah̶̠͝a̷̛͖hahǎ̸͚!̷̯͋” “Wel̴̟̕l̵̝̎ thi̵̱͝s is̷̝͛ embar̷͎̚r̶̙̀assing.” “I̴̝͘’̸͙̈́m teḻ̵̐l̶̼̑ing yo̶̝̍ü̸͙, t̶̜́haẗ̶̟́’s a bö̶͕́mb in disġ̷͔ų̷͒ise!̵̠̌”
I'll probably want to change some things when it isn't 4 am and I'm fully awake, but this is mostly done.

I just reallised that I should probably make it clear that I'm still around and that I'm planning to post now that uni has eased up a little. Somehow it only just occured to me that periodically refreshing the page on my phone without acctually being logged in, might make it appear as though I wasn't still here.
I hope my posts are not too short or lack characterization. Please let me know if need to add or change anything for my posts.

Your posts read fine to me. Maybe as a minor formatting thing try using header 2 for the time and location though. It might look a little better.

I'll probably want to change some things when it isn't 4 am and I'm fully awake, but this is mostly done.

Okay, here’s version 2. Still need to finish off and tidy up some things, work on colours and actually give this guy a name (if anyone has any suggestions on that front it wouldn't go unappreciated).

Still working on my draft, but I've only now just realised how similar some parts of my concepts were to @YummyYummy, I might need to go back and change some things. Also, names are hard.

And posted. Honestly wasn't really sure what to post so it's a short one of Aya wandering around doing the same stuff as last time.
Goblin Aya

Aya was getting excited, unreasonably so actually, considering she had no idea of how this sudden learning thing worked in the first place. Still, even if she wasn’t successful, learning something about how the system itself worked, or rather didn’t work, would be valuable in its own right.

As she walked Aya continuously analysed every critter she saw to the best of her abilities. Butterflies… Those were the post chrysalis forms of caterpillars right? Designed pretty much solely for reproduction… also pollinators, what was the evolutionary advantage to that? Incidental as a result of their diet or maybe benefiting the ecosystem at large was indirectly beneficial to them…

She tried to maintain her usual sense of caution, occasionally snapping her improvised weaponry back into position and scanning for danger as a sudden wave of panic hit her, but each and every time Aya’s attention was quickly sucked back to the task of identifying the local wildlife. Birds… flight was useful but the mechanics behind it escaped her grasp… a centipede, lots of legs, lived in the underbrush, probably poisonous...


@Crusader Lord

By the way i just wanted to point out he isn't denying you because he wants to, your offer to make the weapon for him is not possible because he gave his pelt and horn to Aya so he has nothing on him.

Which by the way @TheMushroomLord still with us?

Apologies for not posting in a bit, uni just started back up so I’ve been busy the last few days. Will post later today.

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