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2 days ago
Current Remembrance of Earth's Past is a hard sci fi trilogy that's easily some of the most captivating writing out there.
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Hey! Welcome to the page! I'm Redeemed; great to meet you here 😁

I'm a massive sci-fi and fantasy fan that has a lot of interest in crafting new worlds or new adventures in existing worlds. I've always got ideas brewing in my head, so if you see a fandom/genre below that you're interested in chatting through, shoot me a message!

Sci-fi (from humanity having some advanced tech to blowing past the speed of light and everything in-between)
Fantasy (from "hey, magic is neat" to multi-dimensional beings attempting to blow the cosmos to smithereens)
Cyberpunk (I know, it's sci-fi ish, but I wanted to list it out separately)
Feudal/Alt history Japan (Not necessarily historically accurate. Swords and magic in this era are always fun)

Star Wars
Dragon Age
BG3/Forgotten Realms
The Witcher (video games/books, not Netflix)
Yakuza/Like a Dragon

If you're curious about writing with me, here's the situation:
-I'm at a job that can vary wildly in terms of activity, so I'll do my best to post at least every other day. I will absolutely let you know if there'll be a delay in posting or if things are getting too busy and I need to step away for a few days. I ask the same of you.
-I enjoy collaborating, so please don't ever feel shy about telling me you want to take the story in another direction. I love that so much because it tells me you're invested; nothing worse than having to carry the bulk of the story by yourself, you know?
-I like threads just because they're easier to keep track of.
-I don't stray away from mature themes, but writing things out beyond PG-13 type stuff is not my thing; not only am I bad at writing it, I just don't like it.

Hope to hear from you soon!

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