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Elijah Tower

The Cozy Bakery
Downtown North District
Interacts: Freya and "James"(@NoriWasHere),

Today just got interesting, in the bad sense, Elijah thought as he watched the scene in front of him. The crying child, James acting more weird, the lights going out, the door locking, and now James, clearly a monster, is after their lives. Starting with him, Elijah could feel the adrenaline surging in his veins as he dodged backward from the doppelganger's attack. Barely avoiding the monster's claws and Elijah yelled at Freya, "Hide, this is going to get messy, and that is not James." He reached for his pen and uncapped it. It transforms into the Spear of the Hunter, an ancient spear made of bone and hardened steel. A weapon made to hunt and kill monsters like James, and Elijah knows how to use it.

"So a monster and I very much prefer to live in chaos you call life," Elijah said defiantly and held the spear in an attack position. While the Cozy Cafe is not the ideal place to fight with a spear, it was big enough inside for him to fight in here with it. He just has to be careful, is all.

As Elijah readied himself for a fight and gripped the spear with both hands with determination in his eyes, he could hear a child crying near him and realized who else was in danger. He would have to make this quick or risk others dying by this monster.

But Elijah waited for the doppelganger to leave the counter as attacking with the spear while it was behind there made attacking it a bit troublesome for Elijah's liking. So, he switched his stance to a defensive one and prepared for what came next. Hoping the doppelganger will come out into the open.

This would be his first fight with the spear, and it is time to see if his training is enough. Elijah hoped it will not just for his sake but for the rest of the people in this place as well.
@Theyra I mean, Power Rangers have started with less than 5 in plenty of series.

Dino Thunder, Ninja Storm, Jungle Fury...

You have a point, and I would like to have a team of five. We could start with four and leave a spot open for one or two more for anyone to join down the road. @Duthguy@Cyrania What do you two think about this and you two okay with this?
A day late but the post is out.

Location: Callum's cottage - Town streets
Timeframe: Early Morning

Interaction(s): N/A
Previously: N/A

Another late night at the observatory, as usual, as Callum slowly awoke to the sound of his alarm clock and the warm feeling of the sun on his face. Still feeling tired, but he still got out of bed and turned the alarm clock off. The price he has to pay to keep himself and the observatory afloat. Spending a night looking at the night sky for new finds. At least he enjoys using the observatory but would also like to use it more for personal reasons and not purely financial reasons.

Either way, Callum did his normal routine, getting his glasses, make his bed, take a shower, get dressed and make some breakfast. He lazily did this and briefly showered in cold water to help wake him up. Then, putting on his usual attire, a white hoodie, black shirt, and black jeans.

After that, he headed to the kitchen, and the first thing he did was get some coffee. Pouring himself a full cup's worth and taking a long sip. Callum sighed, he wished he could have a more normal sleep schedule and not be tired most of the time but for now. This is his life, and there is not much he can do to change it. He walked over to the fridge, slowly opening it, and today, he figured he could treat himself to his favorite breakfast food, waffles, and some toast.

So he put the toast in the toaster and went about making waffles after putting his coffee down on the kitchen table. It did not take long and with some butter and marble syrup. Callum was ready to eat, and it was good.

As he finished his meal, he took another long sip of coffee. Callum looked at his watch, and it around the time he goes to town for errands. The fridge did look kinda bare, and it had been some time since he had gone shopping. So Callum, after finishing his coffee and cleaning up. He left his cottage on the hill and headed to the town market. He has the time to do so, and maybe he will find something there he needs. Time to see the town, he thought, and went on his way.
So for those not in the discord, it looks like we do not have enough people to start unless that changes soon and the rp might be over. But I will try to reboot the rp down the road and will tell those still interested in this for its return if anyone wants to be mentioned.
My last two characters

I will get a post out tomorrow.
Hybrids: Legacy of the Celestials

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