The Cozy Bakery Downtown North District Interacts: Freya and "James"(@NoriWasHere),
Today just got interesting, in the bad sense, Elijah thought as he watched the scene in front of him. The crying child, James acting more weird, the lights going out, the door locking, and now James, clearly a monster, is after their lives. Starting with him, Elijah could feel the adrenaline surging in his veins as he dodged backward from the doppelganger's attack. Barely avoiding the monster's claws and Elijah yelled at Freya, "Hide, this is going to get messy, and that is not James." He reached for his pen and uncapped it. It transforms into the Spear of the Hunter, an ancient spear made of bone and hardened steel. A weapon made to hunt and kill monsters like James, and Elijah knows how to use it.
"So a monster and I very much prefer to live in chaos you call life," Elijah said defiantly and held the spear in an attack position. While the Cozy Cafe is not the ideal place to fight with a spear, it was big enough inside for him to fight in here with it. He just has to be careful, is all.
As Elijah readied himself for a fight and gripped the spear with both hands with determination in his eyes, he could hear a child crying near him and realized who else was in danger. He would have to make this quick or risk others dying by this monster.
But Elijah waited for the doppelganger to leave the counter as attacking with the spear while it was behind there made attacking it a bit troublesome for Elijah's liking. So, he switched his stance to a defensive one and prepared for what came next. Hoping the doppelganger will come out into the open.
This would be his first fight with the spear, and it is time to see if his training is enough. Elijah hoped it will not just for his sake but for the rest of the people in this place as well.
@Theyra I mean, Power Rangers have started with less than 5 in plenty of series.
Dino Thunder, Ninja Storm, Jungle Fury...
You have a point, and I would like to have a team of five. We could start with four and leave a spot open for one or two more for anyone to join down the road. @Duthguy@Cyrania What do you two think about this and you two okay with this?
Another late night at the observatory, as usual, as Callum slowly awoke to the sound of his alarm clock and the warm feeling of the sun on his face. Still feeling tired, but he still got out of bed and turned the alarm clock off. The price he has to pay to keep himself and the observatory afloat. Spending a night looking at the night sky for new finds. At least he enjoys using the observatory but would also like to use it more for personal reasons and not purely financial reasons.
Either way, Callum did his normal routine, getting his glasses, make his bed, take a shower, get dressed and make some breakfast. He lazily did this and briefly showered in cold water to help wake him up. Then, putting on his usual attire, a white hoodie, black shirt, and black jeans.
After that, he headed to the kitchen, and the first thing he did was get some coffee. Pouring himself a full cup's worth and taking a long sip. Callum sighed, he wished he could have a more normal sleep schedule and not be tired most of the time but for now. This is his life, and there is not much he can do to change it. He walked over to the fridge, slowly opening it, and today, he figured he could treat himself to his favorite breakfast food, waffles, and some toast.
So he put the toast in the toaster and went about making waffles after putting his coffee down on the kitchen table. It did not take long and with some butter and marble syrup. Callum was ready to eat, and it was good.
As he finished his meal, he took another long sip of coffee. Callum looked at his watch, and it around the time he goes to town for errands. The fridge did look kinda bare, and it had been some time since he had gone shopping. So Callum, after finishing his coffee and cleaning up. He left his cottage on the hill and headed to the town market. He has the time to do so, and maybe he will find something there he needs. Time to see the town, he thought, and went on his way.
So for those not in the discord, it looks like we do not have enough people to start unless that changes soon and the rp might be over. But I will try to reboot the rp down the road and will tell those still interested in this for its return if anyone wants to be mentioned.
_______________________________________________ Joshua Quentin North
He/Him | 19 | Caucasian | 6'2 | 180lbs _______________________________________________ Determined _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Just what I remember" ___________________________________
[Driver] ⫻ Joshua may not remember why he is good at it, but he is a skilled driver and is in control behind the wheel.
[Mechanic] ⫻ For reasons that escape him, Joshua is a natural at fixing cars and has found employment as a mechanic at a local car repair place.
[Basketball] ⫻ One of the few joys he remembers, Joshua is good at basketball and can beat most people at it.
Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Nothing fancy."
Joshua is a tall person with a weight that matches. He is of fair skin and has long dark brown hair that he maintains. Mainly to stop his hair from getting knots. Along with having an average build but is in good health. He has multiple scars over his body, but the most eye-catching one is a large scar on his chest that is over his heart. He does not like to talk about his scars, especially the one over his heart.
Clothing-wise, Joshua prefers to wear casual clothing like t-shirts and jeans. He likes to wear warm-colored clothing most of the time but does wear some more dark-shaded clothes. Like a black or a dark blue. Though, he does have more formal attire for when the situation demands it and likes to wear a white suit with a black tie.
Psychology ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I am not what I used to be"
MAIN GOAL ⫻ While Joshua's memory is not good after the cataclysm, the memory that burns the brightest is one where he watches his sister die and he soon after her. While this was during Nyrah's rampage in town, Nyrah is not the cause of her death. Something else was responsible, and that is what Joshua's memory is fuzzy about. Even how he died, he does not know. But, he is focused on finding out what killed his sister and avenging her and maybe himself in the process.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ Joshua in his current state, is fixated on the memories that he still has before the cataclysm. These memories are all that he has left of his former self, and he treasures them and does not want to forget them. But, tries to make a future for himself with what he has left.
SECRETS ⫻ What Joshua does not wish people to know is that he is an abscised and undead as a result.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Maybe straight, maybe not. Joshua does not remember, though he does feel a stronger attraction towards women than men.
FEARS ⫻ People finding out what he is and react badly to it. Along with losing what few memories he has of himself and losing what he used to be completely. Plus, failing to avenge his sister and possibly himself in the process.
WHAT DID THEY DO DURING THE CATACLYSM? ⫻ Joshua was looking for his sister and ended up dying during the fighting.
FLAWS ⫻ Joshua can be distant and aloof than he used to be and he does not like to his past or talk to people from his past. Mainly since chances are he does not remember them and he does not want to deal with that. Along with hating himself at times because of how different he is not in comparison to what he remembers about himself.
Backstory ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I wish I could remember more"
Joshua's life up to the cataclysm was a normal one. The youngest of two children and lived in a happy home. He was close to his sister, and unlike him, his sister lived an active life while he played video games and worked on cars. But, after noticing how distant she was starting to become, it made him think that something was going on. He would try to figure out what, but it never went anyway, despite his attempts to find out why. Only vague answers came out of her, and after a point, he stopped trying. Still, Joshua was content, and things seemed to be going his way until that day. The day when Nyrah the Ravager appeared and started attacking the city.
While most people would hide like his parents, Joshua wanted to know that his sister was safe and ventured out to find her. Because he was a Blind, he at first could not understand what was happening and became a One-Eye-Open at the time he found his sister. Only to find her fighting something he did not recognize and watched as it killed her. Then the thing turned to him, attacked him, and sent Joshua back and violently hit a wall of debris. As he lay dying and in grief over his sister's death. The last he saw was the thing that killed his sister, and he stared at his hateful glaze, and it ended his life.
But that would not be the end for Joshua since his death was so emotional for him that an apparition was created from his death, and after spending time alone in the chaos, the apparition would go to enter his dead body. Taking control and the dead Joshua would rise again but only as a remnant of his former self with some memories of his life.
Now, an abscised with limited memories and limited personality of the original Joshua. It took some time for him to get used to his new self and the aftermath of Nyrah's defeat. Still, he managed to make a life for himself and would make a stable situation for himself. Though he would fixate on his remaining memories before Nyrah's arrival, and Joshua would make a vow. He would find whatever killed his sister and avenge her. Maybe even avenging himself in the process, but he cared more about his sister than figuring out his own death.
So, with his new mission, Joshua is committed to finding the truth, no matter where it leads. He just wishes he could remember more about his old life, but that time is over, and Joshua has a score to settle.
Abstraction ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I feel stronger somehow"
TYPE ⫻ Abscised
ABSTRACTION ⫻ Joshua has an overcharged Emotional-Field giving him an inherent resistance to all magical attacks but is harder for healing and other positive magic to work on him)
ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻ Boosting ⫻ Joshua is able to boost another person's Emotional-Field temporarily at the expense of his own.
Extend ⫻ Joshua is able to extend his Emotional-Field to include two others, giving them added protection for a limited time but not as strong as boosting, and it even works on the Blind.
Supercharge ⫻ Joshua can temporarily increase the strength of his Emotional-Field even further, making him more resistant to magical attacks, but once it is over. His Emotional-Field is temporarily weakened, and it will time before it will recover and leaving him exposed to magical attacks.
LIMITS ⫻ Joshua's abstraction is limited by how strong his Emotional-Field at any moment. Using it to boost someone's Emotional-Field will make his weaker for the duration of the boost. While he can extend his Emotional-Field to cover others, it can only reach two people who are close to him, and he is not boosting anyone's Emotional-Field during this. Simply extending his stronger Emotional-Field over two others. When Supercharging, while it makes his Emotional-Field stronger for a time, once it is over, his Emotional-Field is weakened before it can recover, leaving him exposed to attacks. Which while he does have a stronger Emotional-Field by default, attacks can still get through, and if they can get through, that means the attack will be more damaging to him. Especially if it gets past while in supercharge mode. Plus, due to his Emotional-Field being stronger than normal, positive magic like healing magic is harder to work on him.
Other ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "It feels weird being me."
While Joshua does have faint memories of them. He has no idea if his parents or any of his friends are still alive, and he has yet to discover if any of them still recognize him. Or if anyone else in town recognizes him.
"I go my own way in life"
_______________________________________________ Faith Catherine Monroe
She/Her | 26 | Caucasian | 5'8 | 150lbs _______________________________________________ Defiant _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Just the things I was allowed to learn" ___________________________________
[Botany] ⫻ One of the few things that Faith enjoyed learning and is an expert on plants.
[Apparitions] ⫻ Due to her upbringing and past, Faith is knowledgeable about apparitions and how to seal them.
[Perceptive] ⫻ Faith, growing up, developed a keen eye for identifying and gaining insight into people and paranormal beings.
[Photograghy] ⫻ A hobby that Faith developed once freed from her family's hold and is quite good at it.
Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "What I like to wear"
Faith is a tall woman with a reasonable weight. She is considered attractive with a curvy body but sports some muscles in line with an above-average build. Having fair skin and is adorned with a single tattoo that she got on her left forearm, which is a symbol that means freedom. Faith is a natural brunette but has dyed her hair red since leaving Cloverfield and since coming back. She has taken a liking to it and keeps it that way for now. Along with having blue eyes, Faith wears makeup but not that much and sometimes goes without it. Liking to keep things natural at times.
Psychology ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I was the black sheep, it turns out"
MAIN GOAL ⫻ After escaping from her family and learning of their demise. She is making it her duty to destroy what is left of her family's legacy and burn what is left to the ground. A fact that is not as easy as it sounds and after that. Faith has some ideas, and moving on is an idea that is appealing to her once she is done.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ Faith is the type of person who does not want to talk about her past and if she is related to those Monroes. She wants nothing to do with her family, and while she has become a cold and vengeful person. Deep down, Faith is a good person, and after the death of her family, she does not have to worry about them anymore. Her real self is starting to show.
SECRETS ⫻ There have been rumors in Cloverfield about her family and what they do at their home estate. Some are false, while others are true, and Faith does not want people to find out what her family has done because she might get caught up in the backlash.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Bisexual
FEARS ⫻ Faith fears being stuck and being unable to move on once she is done with her family business. Along with being possessed or becoming adjoined. Plus, being associated with their family's crimes if discovered and forced to suffer because of it.
FLAWS ⫻ On her surface, Faith is not someone that you could see making friends or hanging out with. Limiting who she hangs out with can be an obstacle for any relationship down the road.
Backstory ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I was special to them"
Faith was born the middle child of three in the Monroe family in Cloverfield. But to her family, Faith was more than that. For her family had been preparing for a long time for someone like her. Since her family was apart of a nearly dead coven that sought to bind a powerful apparition to a chosen member of their bloodline in order to revive the coven and make them a force to be feared once again. Faith had fulfilled the requirements for this binding ritual, and throughout her life growing up, they always brought this up as a great honor.
Only Faith would not see it that way, it is the opposite, in fact. For she did not wish to become binded to an apparition and be used as a weapon for this forgotten coven, and it was clear that her family would not take no for an answer. So Faith, with few options, waited until the right time to escape, but as the years passed. She became more desperate as the ritual date came closer and closer, and the family started to act brazen.
Fortunately for Faith, the day before the ritual, she found her opening and took it. Faith quickly left Cloverfield and kept going. Knowing that her family would hunt her down by any means. Which they did, and the closer they got was a year later when her brother caught up to her. The two had a fight, and in the end, Faith was forced to kill her brother. That was a painful experience for her, both mentally and physically. But Faith was sure that they would keep coming for her. But things would go her way.
Sometime after the cataclysm, Faith found out that the rest of her family had perished during the cataclysm, and the family estate was now hers. Cautious at first if this was a trap but, as Faith learned more about the cataclysm and the state of Cloverfield. She returned and found that, indeed, her family was dead, and the coven they belonged to was now wiped out.
Faith felt happy that at least her troubles were now gone and she could truly be free and live her own life, but that was a matter to be settled. For Faith did not want what was left of her family's legacy to remain and wanted to wipe it from the earth for good. So no one could discover and try to repeat what they had almost done.
So, for now, Faith is in Cloverfield and is sustained by her family's fortune. Though refusing to live in the family's estate, which is still in a state of disrepair since the cataclysm. Faith knows it will not be easy to burn what is left of her family's legacy to the ground, but she will do it no matter what and finally live for once.
Abstraction ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "They made sure I was strong"
TYPE ⫻ Adept
ABSTRACTION ⫻ Gold Lux and her channeler is a ruby ring on her left hand.
ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻ Faith is a skilled Gold Lux user and specializes in using Gold Lux to summon and control minions of her choice. Which she can use verbal or mental commands to control and direct her minions.
Gang of Avians - Faith can summon a group of three griffins that have the ability to fly with wings and have sharp claws and beaks. Enabling them to pierce through flesh, bone, and paranormal beings with either claws or beaks. They are large and strong enough for Faith to ride one and still be able to fly. She uses them both for offense and defense or if she needs to get out of a situation.
Black Hounds - Faith can summon a pack of five large black hounds that obey her every command and are used both offensively and as bloodhounds to track down a target by scent.
White Knight - Faith can summon a single knight-like minion armed with a shield and sword while alone. It is more durable than a normal knight, and the knight can withstand bullets for a time.
Assuming Control - Faith with an active minion can temporarily gain total control over it, and it will act as if it were her own body. She punches, the minion punches, what the minion sees, she sees, etc... and is stronger overall for as long as Faith controls it like this.
LIMITS ⫻All - With all of her spells, Faith can only summon so many minions at a time, and doing too much can make her tired and eventually pass out. Plus, she cannot summon all of them at once, one at a time, as in, once he summoned something like five hounds. She cannot summon more until they are dismissed or die. Then she can summon again, and all are melee-based in terms of attacks.
Gang of Avians - They cannot pierce everything, and if they lose enough feathers, then they are unable to fly.
Black Hounds - While tracking a target, they are only as good as normal bloodhounds and need a scent to track a target.
White Knight - While strong, the knight can only take so much punishment before dying. It takes time before it can be recast again. Plus, the knight is a strictly melee-focused minion and cannot do range attacks besides throwing its sword. Which the knight's main source of damage is the sword, and without it, the knight's offense power is weakened significantly.
Assuming Control - She can only fully control one minion at a time and has to wait a certain amount of time between castings.
Other ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Feels weird to be back after everything that has happened"
Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph
Callum Reed is a twenty-four year old owner of the Starlight Observatory. Though barely anyone comes to the observatory these days, and it is a pain to maintain the observatory but it is a job Callum does not regret having. Callum, a native of Starlight, had briefly lived on the mainland before returning home to run the observatory after the sudden death of his father. A friendly and scholarly soul who is eager to share his knowledge with others. He dreads the day he is forced to close down the observatory.
Callum's family have been living in Starlight Cove for a long time. Ever since his great-grandfather moved to the island, he set up what would later be the Starlight Observatory. Which has been in the Reed family's possession and care ever since.
Callum, while from Starlight Cove, was one of the youths who moved to the mainland and lived in one of the cities. Despite living there for five years, Callum did miss living in Starlight Cove. The hectic and noisy nature of the city messed with him, and while getting somewhat used to it. He was more suited to the quiet life that Starlight Cove offered.
Which when he heard that his father had died and the Starlight Observatory was now his. Callum did not waste time heading home to grieve his father and took up running the family building.
Now, after a year of living in Starlight Cove and keeping the observatory afloat, mainly by selling discoveries he makes with the observatory. It is not looking for the observatory, and Callum fears the day he will have to close the place. He is trying to find a way to save the museum and make it great again.
Callum Reed is a twenty-four year old owner of the Starlight Museum and Observatory. Though barely anyone visits the museum these days, and it is a pain to maintain the observatory but it is a job Callum does not regret having. Callum, a native of Starlight, had briefly lived on the mainland before returning home to run the museum after the sudden death of his father. A friendly and scholarly soul who is eager to share his knowledge with others. He dreads the day he is forced to close down the museum.
Callum's family have been living in Starlight Cove for a long time. Ever since his great-grandfather moved to the island, he set up what would later be the Starlight Museum and Observatory. Which has been in the Reed family's possession and care ever since.
Callum, while from Starlight Cove, was one of the youths who moved to the mainland and lived in one of the cities. Despite living there for five years, Callum did miss living in Starlight Cove. The hectic and noisy nature of the city messed with him, and while getting somewhat used to it. He was more suited to the quiet life that Starlight Cover offered.
Which when he heard that his father had died and the Starlight Museum and Observatory was now his. Callum did not waste time heading home to grieve his father and took up running the family building.
Now, after a year of living in Starlight Cove and keeping the museum and observatory afloat, mainly by selling discoveries he makes with the observatory. It is not looking for the museum and observatory, and Callum fears the day he will have to close the place. He is trying to find a way to save the museum and make it great again.