Some words of wisdom, friends: 2 Liter bottles of soda are not for drinking in a single sitting, even if it's for a bet. Trust me on this.
2 days ago
Some words of wisdom, friends: 2 Liter bottles of soda are not for drinking in a single sitting, even if it's for a bet. Trust me on this.
9 days ago
Apologies to all, but I'll be largely unavailable for the next few days. Life has taken a very chaotic turn.
23 days ago
The Portable Hellbomb in Helldivers II has turned me into both a master exterminator and a menace to society all at once.
26 days ago
You know what the best part of this Valentine's Day is? I'm the only single person at work, yet I'm the only one who got the day off. A win for the singles!
27 days ago
The problem is that I have five different games I want to play at any given moment and the attention span to barely play even one.
Hello hello! I'm a long-time roleplayer (nearly 20 years of it!) who's ever searching for the next grand tale! I enjoy long-term plays that involve plenty of world building and character development, and I enjoy partners who can both play and build alongside me as equals. Few things excite me quite like pouring my passion into a project and having it matched by others, all coming together to form something truly amazing! My longest campaign was four full years, and it was a glorious tale! Perhaps you and I can form the next grand epic!
Hello and good day to you! I go by Three Steps Far, Three, and TSF! And as you've probably guessed, I'm looking for some partners for some 1x1 RP! Nothing makes me quite so excited as a good roleplay, and I've come here in the hopes of finding some once more! Below are all the things you're probably wondering, along with several of my own ideas and potential fandoms! I've got them in Hiders for your convenience, and my PMs stand open and ready! I hope to hear from you soon, potential new friend!
The first step is to tell you more about myself! I'm a 30 year old with nearly 20 years of experience in roleplay! From humble beginnings to DMing full TTRPG campaigns, I daresay I've at least touched on just about every subject and genre. My favorites are most definitely Scifi and Fantasy! I enjoy the Brave New World aspect, exploring a land as we go and making exciting new discoveries for our characters.
Now, the downside: I do suffer the terrible, terminal curse of having a full-time job, which means my posting time can be a bit erratic. Some days, I'll be able to post as often as my partner, even up to over a dozen posts in a day! Others, I may only have time for one or two. However, I most certainly intend to make at least one post a day, even if that post is only to inform you that I can't post that day. I intend to stay in full contact with my partners, including updates on times I can and can't post.
I mentioned above that I've DMed before, and I must admit I've grown a fondness for world-building with partners! My roleplay also tends to center primarily around choice-driven story; namely, cause and effect as a direct result of a character's choices. I find it's much more fun to weave the story around the characters, rather than simply placing characters into a story! I try to be very flexible with my partners input as well, adopting a "Yes, and" approach and weaving our story, rather than simply a story.
I say "rules", but they're more like requests. That said! 1. Fun! The first rule is the most important, and that rule is to have fun! That's the focus, the goal, and the hope of every RP I write! If one or both of us decide something isn't fun, we'll change it until it is! When we play, our number one goal is always to enjoy it! 2. Communication! I promise to keep you informed of what I'm up to and how our times for play will line up. All I ask in return is that you do the same! If you need to take a break, if the RP just isn't fun anymore, if you wanna try taking things in a new direction... Whatever it might be, all I ask is that you say so! 3. Adults Only! I'm not here for smut, but I am open to writing it. Additionally, there will be roleplays where our characters find themselves in very unpleasant situations. Such situations are most certainly not suited for children, so I ask that everyone who plays with me be of legal age at least! And on that note: 4. Adult Content Requires Discussion! As I said, I'm open to writing more adult situations, be they smut-based, violence-based, or otherwise. However, I firmly require all such scenes to be discussed prior to their writing. This is to ensure that we never veer into territory that makes either of us uncomfortable OOCly. Writing should always be fun for us, and discussing our limits is how we keep it that way! 5. Do not mix IC and OOC! This one is important because it's happened to me before, and it ruined a very wonderful RP. We are not our characters, and our characters' interactions are not our interactions. If our characters hate one another, that has no impact on us. If our characters should fall in love, that also has no impact on us. Please understand this. I am not the man, woman, or otherwise of your dreams.
With those done, here are the ideas and passions I have for roleplay! All of them are open for any pairing, and all can be done with any level of adult content. Additionally, while some of them certainly lean toward a lighter or darker tone, all of them can be made to fit our vision!
There had to be one! Your character or mine - or both! - will find themselves thrown into a strange new world, mysterious and dangerous! And yet, they find themselves in possession of a strange new power to help them survive. Why did they end up here? How will they survive? And could there be someone pulling the strings, a grand puppet master whose reach defies even the borders of reality? Let's find out together!
The second child of the rulers of the realm, without a claim to the throne, is little more than a public figure meant to smile and wave at festivals. Displeased with their lot, they decide to slip out of the castle to explore the city for themselves! And as one might expect, it goes... poorly. Very poorly. Luckily for them, a single figure rushes in to save them! That figure? A rogue! No mere thief or pickpocket, this rogue knows the streets better than most anyone else. And now a member of the royal family owes them their life! Just how do they plan to collect on that debt?
A brand new MMO is making waves on the market, offering players more liberty and abilities than any other to date! Skills, talents, exploration, creating and crafting... As the ads like to say: "If you can think it, it can be done!" And our characters are lucky enough to have a copy on release day! What will they do? How will they play? What grand adventures await them in this brave new world? As it turns out, those adventures might be a bit more than they were expecting... because every time they log out, a little bit of this "new world" seems to be leaking into their old one!
A brand new carnival is in town, and the whole town is enjoying themselves! The games, the food, the rides... Everything is as exciting as a person can imagine! Just how can one carnival host so many grand attractions? The answer may just surprise you... and it may especially surprise one very nosy person in particular! After all, they're not at the carnival for the fun times. No, there's a secret to that mysterious madness, and they intend to find out what it is! But just what could that answer be? A bright and shining joy? A dark and terrible truth? Who knows... Do you dare find out?
Inspired by the story of Red Dead Redemption 2! In an era where magic has made the world as a whole more accessible than ever, airships have become a common sight. Colonies formed in the skies as well as the ground, grand caravans of trade goods crossing continents in mere days... Society has evolved to a level of industry never thought possible. And yet, there are always those who refuse to depart from days of old, those stubborn souls who grasp firmly to what they once had... or what they once dared to dream of possessing. In this case, an aging airship hosts a small crew of sky pirates, determined to maintain their freedom in a world where order closes in around them. Can they fly as free as they dream? Or will they, too, be bound by the chains they've fled for so long?
My own created setting! Most humans believe that magic is a myth, gone from our world without a trace. In truth, magic never left. It simply hid itself. Beyond the mists, beyond the veil, there exists a single grand city created and populated by mages and magic races. From elves and dwarves to monsters and mysteries, this city is a modernized land of fantasy. Magic and technology weave into one, and even a simple walk through the streets can have a person encountering gangs of werebeasts, vampiric nobles, goblin bankers, and more! Every group has their own way of life within the city, but all agree on one thing: Beware the Realm Below. For beneath this grand city lies something that must never be disturbed. And it's begun stirring.
We can enjoy ourselves in canon worlds as well! I will say up front: I prefer OC x OC. I don't enjoy playing as or alongside canon characters, simply as a personal preference! It's much more fun to write our own stories in these wonderful worlds! Having said so, here are my fandom worlds, in no particular order!
One Piece Naruto Fairy Tail My Hero Academia Overlord Demon Slayer Accel World Pokemon Digimon Harry Potter Star Wars World of Warcraft Final Fantasy XIV Eragon Cyberpunk 2077 Starcraft DC/Marvel Dragon Age Mass Effect Persona
And that's all for now! I hope to hear from you very soon! Until then~!
Hello hello! I'm a long-time roleplayer (nearly 20 years of it!) who's ever searching for the next grand tale! I enjoy long-term plays that involve plenty of world building and character development, and I enjoy partners who can both play and build alongside me as equals. Few things excite me quite like pouring my passion into a project and having it matched by others, all coming together to form something truly amazing! My longest campaign was four full years, and it was a glorious tale! Perhaps you and I can form the next grand epic!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hello hello! I'm a long-time roleplayer (nearly 20 years of it!) who's ever searching for the next grand tale! I enjoy long-term plays that involve plenty of world building and character development, and I enjoy partners who can both play and build alongside me as equals. Few things excite me quite like pouring my passion into a project and having it matched by others, all coming together to form something truly amazing! My longest campaign was four full years, and it was a glorious tale! Perhaps you and I can form the next grand epic!</div>