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Very good point about classes took in the earlier years. I thought about this but went with a "wait and see" approach. It is good feature to add!

And the cats have spawned another in their ranks, with her friend Li.
I have a question. What would happen if two CS are made and both have the same or similar magic?

Naturally when creating characters things can overlap, but the rule of thumb/golden rule is to avoid stepping on others toes. I know for example in the interest thread, a couple of ideas which I didn't voice which were similar to others who declared later, so I ended up switching. (And those individuals didn't even submit a character sheet! Bah humbug. I am happy with Ana anyway.)

So if someone posted a concept already, especially if there has been suitable time frame, it is responsibility of the newer player to change to a different idea. Now, if it is similar but different, it can come down to more case by case basis.

If you really want to do an idea, though another has one similar, the best thing is to do is talk to that person about it. They might be fine with having a similar person, or they could rightly say "No thanks". As you submitted your Storm character, would you be okay with someone else being the same as her? If yes, then there is no issue, could even be the "Thunder Twins" or so, on the other hand, you could say "Well, I wanted this to be their stick, can't you just pick another?"

There is a good number of different powers and gift ideas, so don't feel the need to be tied to purely one concept!

<Snipped quote by Ti>

>But not the girl with all the artificial hands
How quickly Corrine and her metal hands are forgotten lmao.

Sorry Corrine, next time I need a hand for a job, you are my girl.

<Snipped quote by Ti>

I’ve made this mistake too, but invite ‘them’ to join. ;)
Although I guess the secrets out. Tae is AMAB.

@Ti There is some arm/hand AI action going on in the variations.

I can probably fix #3 with a clean cut. If you are willing to upscale.
Dudes! I was looking throught the sheets an noticed that all the Illumiaire candidates (and only the Illumiaire candidates) are in the Student Council, guess that is a unspoken requirement or something.

Student Council (A student may join the student council under the leadership and guidance of the Illuminaires.)

Other students can have invited in with permission from the Illuminaires. I am guessing in context, Illuminaires are head boy and girl, and they can assign prefects to help them.

So for example for Tae, if he doesn't get Illuminaire, Fasha would be most likely to invite them to join based on her 'crush', for example.

My character's theme is a barbarian wizard that spawns extra limbs.

Now we all know who to turn to when we need an extra hand!
Yup, there's always some element that you wish was in one image that is in another. I can generate more variations or make new spreads tomorrow, if you're itching for that perfect image.

I think upscales of #3 #4 #7 of the other set would be good for me! Thank you.
In the variation's one, I would like #2 upscaled.

I would be curious in variations of #5 (first), I know a few said they liked that one.
<Snipped quote by Ti>

4 is absolutely fabulous in every sense! I cleaned up some of these funky ones with variations. The extra arm is still in there in some of them, but in others it's not. And then, the last one, which I liked a lot, but the anatomy was a bit off as @vietmyke pointed out.

#2 of the first set seems best, except for the legs/hand, which is a shame. Unfortunately, not able to simply cut and paste #4's legs and hand into it. Would work a lot cleaner.

For the second set, I would say #2 would be best overall. I think it is interesting it is going with hair ornaments in #1 and #4, makes food for thought.
I'm interested if you will have me.

Try your best to get your character sheet in asap. Reviews are starting tomorrow, but the absolute final deadline is Thursday.

@Ti 5 and 7 I love 😭

8 looks really good too, except for the angle of the lower body, unless I'm just not looking at it right

I am not a fan of #8 because of that either.
I think for #5, it probably needs to go through some variations for my taste. The idea is nice, but not fitting right with the character as is.
But yes, I like #7 !
@Ti You're getting some anyway.

The AI is definitely having a field day with that knitted jumper! All the warm and comfy vibes.

#1,#2, #4 are cute.
#3 looks great for a polar explorer mission. Cute "horns" too on the hood.
#6 is cute dress except for the extra arm. I probably got the skill to clean up the extra dangling hand by amputating it.
#7 has kind of a cool Nasa vibe to it.

Which is your favourite?
Edit: Gupoo clan unites. Gupoo clan consumes. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

End-game boss where the Gupoo's merge into one... what horror have you unleashed.

They have been sat, waiting, watching. They are there when you sleep, they occupy the classmates, observing. The time has come, where Gupoo must unite to put an end to the mystics once and for all.
Okay, those batches are good! Some very good images there. Makes me tempted to request one now.
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