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Most Recent Posts

Anastasia: Healer from Harold and the Illuminaire. Also flames. Give her a set of horns and Kasp might just fly to the moon from fright. You didn't hear that ok?

Worse Nightmare Unlocked.
"Horns" and clearly wearing all that cold protection gear for insidious reasons.
This looks very k-pop. Any ideas what all these letters stand for?

Style Meets Nostalgia: Nouveau Artistic Attire
Basically reinventing old fashion styles in new ways!

Or using materials, something like Style Meets Nylon.

That being said, surprisingly few of the accepted characters have Theater and Art except Fasha and Emme. Tessa will certainly be vocal about this, just you wait and see.

I took them in previous years, apparently I am not allowed to keep picking them...! Certainly unrelated to the new mentor that joined and took over the home room.

<Snipped quote by Emeth>

Tae’s rival for Illuminaire got in

Tae’s enemy Myrion got in

The girl who has a “crush” on Tae got in

Tae is waiting patiently.

Apparently it is part of Tae's masterplan. Eliminate Lucien and usurp Illuminaire of Seraphine. Then pair up with Fasha against Ana & Myrion.
<Snipped quote by Ti>

The suspense is real.

I asked Aeolian about how she makes these very difficult decisions on who to choose. She kindly showed me the selection process.

That moment when thread viewers spike suddenly at a new post. The anticipation of the next batch is very real.

Hi I had a look over the setting and thought I might apply. Before I do though I have a few questions:

What would be the expected post size and frequency for this RP?

Is this expected to have sub story arcs or one big continuous one?

Just don't want to commit myself to something I won't be able to keep up with. Thanks

Hi Jumbus,

From Post 3, it states the following:
◈ Try to post at least once a week. Try not to "overpost" too much. People need time to read and respond. I won't set a hard and fast rule about "overposting", but just be mindful of others. We want balanced, consistent, steady pacing. Quality over quantity.

◈ At a minimum, posts should be AT LEAST 2 to 3 well-written paragraphs. You don't have to write like Agatha Christie, but thoughtful paragraphs are great for storytelling and flow.

Story Arc information has not been shared yet.

One issue is that the deadline for expressing interest was yesterday, then the absolute deadline for completed character sheet is Thursday East-Coast US time.
Keeping track of approvals in my first post.
Maybe delays if any are done when I am offline.

Changed House colours due to a suggestion.
Added Mage names and Powers.
Anastasia Arslan

A 5th Year from the House of Harold and gifted with the magic of Healing Flames, Anastasia proudly takes up the mantle as this year's selected Illuminaire for the House of Harold (of no relation).


Thank you! I think I was able to chop it well. I can fine tune it more, only did a quick one now to show what I meant.

Updated the first post.

7 for Seraphin, Joint 4 for Harold & Ivar, 3 for Eusebia.

If people are preparing sheets, think of going alternative to Seraphin.
Another personal heater!

I did read this as "another personal healer" and was sad I got replaced so easily! Was going keep a bag of lollipops ready for our interactions and everything.
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