Dyla Roots
Burrowfolk | 30 | Female
Appearance Dyla stands proud and imposing at 3 feet and 8 inches- tall, by Burrowfolk standards. She's also young by their standards. Her brown, curly hair and brown, warm eyes don't do much to change that impression.
PersonalityLike most Burrowfolk, Dyla is inclined towards comforts, kindnesses and curiosity. That last trait, however, is a bit stronger in her than in your average, socially-accepted Burrowfolk. She's not just curious, but aggressively curious. She asks too many questions, and wants to know too much about everyone she meets. It's a bit aggravating, but a good instinct for a trader to have.
Of course, traders are supposed to be greedy too, and Dyla might have a bit of greed in her. She can be cunning, maybe even manipulative- in her own friendly, Burrowfolk way. Once you see past the height and the odd habits, Dyla is far more ambitious than you'd expect. She even has a sense of adventure.
Background- Ex-trader
- Middle-Class
- Father is a pumpkin gardener, of course, and Mother is a local historian who specializes in family histories.
HistoryLife in Pumpkinhollow is pleasant. And comfortable. And nice. And safe. And... boring. Life in Pumpkinhollow is boring.
Dyla spent about 7 years running a stall on the road into her home town, where she got to meet travelers from all parts of the world. She made friends from all over: Norgardians, Thaegars, Wood Elves and Silver Elves, Banians and Half-Elves.
But in the end, Pumpkinhollow is an Andredian province, and so Andredians were the most common travelers. And a few of them, at least, came from the most interesting province: Blackwood. Everytime Dyla heard stories about the country to the north of her own, it excited her in a way her home never could. The more she heard about it, the more it seemed to Dyla that her own land was dull by comparison. The people in Pumpkinhollow may as well be asleep. But Blackwood, dangerous and uncomfortable as it was, is
awake. And if only her friends and family could be so awake, too!
So that's how the young, naive Burrowhob finds herself on the road into Blackwood, hoping to find something worth bringing back home and showing to her people:
Look, there's more out here than pumpkins and tea!MotivationTo find something valuable, rare and preferably magical, and bring it back to her people to reinvigorate their sense of adventure.
AttributesCombat [1]
Intelligence [1]
- Literacy [1]
- Appraisal [2]
Charisma [1]
Health [1]
Faculties [1]
Agility [1]
Mysticism [0]
Equipment - A "dagger" that is, honestly, just a very long skinning knife.
- Armor stitched and buckled together from various pieces of leather
- A warm cloak
Money7 Royals14 Lordlings6 CrownsLanguages Northern
Other As a Burrowhob, Dyla has the ability to turn invisible for a short period of time