Avatar of Tortoise


Recent Statuses

21 days ago
Current When it is time to write, I want to worldbuild. When it is time to worldbuild, I want to collab. When it is time to collab, I want to write. This is the cycle. These are the rules.
2 mos ago
Do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.
1 yr ago
Sad to say I'm currently experiencing Writer's Block. Luckily I learned Writer's Kung Fu and I can chop the block in half with my hands like Bruce Lee
1 yr ago
Why is the sun like bread? It rises in the yeast, and sets in the waist. Haha! Isn't that so cute? Join my RP or more puns will come.
1 yr ago
What's the difference between a Hollywood actor and a piece of driftwood? One is Justin Timberlake. The other is timber, just in a lake. Hahathisiswhati'mdoinginsteadofwriting


Current RP I want you to join: roleplayerguild.com/topics/191461-car…

Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.

Most Recent Posts

I see the changes you've made to the Matuvistans! It's probably a good thing they have a navy now (You're free to start posting as them whenever)
Addressing: @Raylah

Oh, why, oh why couldn't they install a holographic bartender? The ECU uses holograms for everything these days. Back home, they're replacing social workers and servants by the millions. But no, no, up here in space, it has to be authentic.

Hans watches helplessly as a half-dozen already buzzed soldiers pour into his bar faster than whiskey. He starts to sigh, but before the breath can get halfway out, another half-dozen follow them. But this time, moving a little more like wine. (He's been working such long shifts lately, it's impossible not to think in terms of alcohol any more.)

"Whaddya got?" one leans his sweaty arm against Hans' clean bar table without asking. "Hey, I said whaddya got?"

Not enough pay to deal with this, that's what. He'd quit, but any other job would be the same; Oligarchs have a way of ending up in charge of all the businesses. The ECU is technically capitalist, but Hans has learned, you need 'noocratic permission' to use any of the recycled Bezian resources, or anything from the freshly terraformed land. Together, those two happen to comprise 100% percent of available resources on New Hollywood. So without permission from a high-up Oligarch, there's just no way to start up a new business on your own- and then you end up working on a bar in the backend of the Sol system with a bunch of foreign soldiers looking like they wanna wreck all your hard work cleaning it up.

"Mate," Hans smiles, adopting his personal favorite Old Australian accent, "we have about every drink you could ever want for. 16th Century Italian Champagne, 20th American Moonshine- not for the faint- an imitation of Roman Empire spirits, English Beer..."


Starring: Martina

"So what do you... believe?"

"Many things. Our predecessors, perhaps in too many things."

"What do you mean?"

"The early Mixtists, you know, their name comes from an Old English word, 'mix.' They accepted almost every Old Earth faith as true in some sense or some other, and tried to smash them all together. This is what made the Noocracy angry with them. Made them chase us out of the cities. Earth religion never had such a unity, so the ECU will not accept it now."

"But why? Isn't unity good?"

"Maybe. But New Hollywood will not have a thing which Earth didn't have. But besides, back when I was still young, we were... over-enthusiastic. Living out in these ruins has made us more discriminating. Perhaps every faith does have some echo of the Truth. But- but- there can still only be one Truth. It is our mission to find it."



"...Can I join you?"

The old woman looks at Martina Ward fully in the eyes, not for the first time since they've sat around this flickering fire. "Of course you can, dear."
I'm actually gonna hold off on my interest at this time, I think I won't have time as I'm working out my schedule. Sorry

No problem. I'll hope to see you around in the future.

(And if you do, the ogre idea is cool. They'd be the first nation to be totally non-human by the time the Gateways reopen)
@Dark Cloud

Hey, respectfully, I feel like you didn't read the OP. Or maybe you only skimmed it. It's been 300 years since Earth fell, not millions, so millions of years of inbreeding would not be plausible. I'd like to ask that you read the OP before you continue, since it might lead to you creating a nation that wouldn't work in this context. (There's a specific backstory to this RP, about Earth collapsing and us being its scattered colonies.)
@Dark Cloud

No limit on which races can exist. One dude had vampires. Someone else had horrific mutants with claws and teeth that did not resemble humans at all.

However, your colony was founded by humans from Earth, so you'll either need humans to be a continuing population and the others as aliens, or create a story in which your humans are transformed into the elves/ogres. Basically, you just need to explain how you got from a colony ship full of regular humans, to a world with elves and ogres.
It's approved!

But, you may want to remove the one-liner under population where it says "This might be a good place to insert a flag or other representative image" if you're not going to use one.

Also, in the military section, you only talk about ground and aerial combat. I assume this means they don't have ships?

Been a while, my dude. I might have to consider you to not be in this RP anymore. I hate doing that, though, so if you post anything in the next 5 days, or just come to me and ask to stay in, then you'll still be in the RP.
[Starring: Kayla]

(Addressing: @Crusader Lord)

Kayla laughs out loud. "Of course, of course I'd be glad to see your vessel!," she sends back. She's already imagining it like the parties of politics back home- food, social puffery, alliances and betrayals, holograms...

Oh, no, these people probably don't have holograms, do they?

"I'll bring some holograms!" the Oligarch adds on. She's been looking for an opportunity to mess with the new micro-projectors. The ECU has been trying to perfect miniature projectors for years, sneaky little devices that allow holograms to be projected outside of Suites. They've seen some success back on New Hollywood- she hears they even wow'd some foreign whoevers from some place called Salome- but never before have they been used in the way Kayla now intends to use them.

Before waiting for a reply, she slips back into the engineering subsection of her cruiser and hunts down a micro-projector. There's only one on board, but she's sure nobody will notice it's gone. Then, back in the Captain's Quarters that aren't technically hers (but nobody was willing to argue about), she sews it right into the fabric of her dress. It's only a few centimeters wide- a little metallic circle- and it fits perfectly into the shoulder area. Okay, okay, it's a little bit of an awkward bump, but it won't matter. When she presses it like this...

The micro-projector lights up, an odd blue aura glowing from her left shoulder. "Hologram: dog!" the Oligarch happily commands, and lo and behold, an adorable little dalmatian puppy is suddenly at her feet.

It works! Oh, wait til the Zetans see this one!


[Starring: Tanaka]

(Addressing: @Taeryn)

The ECU Embassy is a busy, busy place tonight.

First of all, the recent declaration of a blockade has sent the staff into a position of heightened security. In these early days of Human Reunification, the term that the Noocracy is now officially using, nobody can yet be sure who to trust. The Undefeated, perhaps, but even then only perhaps. So, for all that the New Hollywoodites value presentation, measures are being taken. Discreet scanners and locked sidearms hide behind curtains. A silent alarm system is rigged to go. And, of course, the newly (roughly) programmed holo-protectors are only ever as far away someone shouting "Hologram: protectors!"

It's still not all enough to make the Liaison feel prepared. Since being stationed here, Tanaka has felt more vulnerable than he ever has in his life. Maybe it's just being so close to enemies- how far away are the Zetans right now?- but he's nervous. Even the usual holo-programs haven't calmed his nerves. So instead, for the first time in his life, Tanaka is using work to relax. How strange.

"I am Ambassador Katrina Gupta, Appointed representative of the Federal People's Republics of Auriga..."

He's been analyzing this message for half an hour. For all that Tanaka suspects people don't think he's the brightest Oligarch in the Oligarchy, he understands language. Not in the head sense, but the ear sense. He can hear the flow and rhythm instinctively. This Liaison couldn't tell you what an adjective is with a plasma pistol to his head, but yet...

"...to those who have come together in this Meeting Place around our shared place of origin, and to any and all beyond."

Any and all beyond? Do they only mean human colonies who haven't come to the Meeting Place? Or does this message of love include even aliens? Tanaka's gut tells him it's the first one, but his brain worries it's the second.

"On behalf of the proud and free workers of Auriga we welcome all who would greet us in peace and friendship to share in the fruits of our labour and the infinite possibilities that lay ahead of us all now we are once again free to traverse the stars as true brothers, sisters and others of humanity."

That's a little more comforting- humanity. They don't sound to have forgotten it, the way some have. But what's this about shared labor, free workers? There are some Oligarchs who won't like that talk. Tanaka prepares to mention it in his report to Heralds.

"On Behalf of all of Auriga, I wish you all the heights of joy, through all misfortunes."

A diplomatic closer. But one that hints, even if it's only a hint, that they've gone through some misfortunes themselves. Enough that it came to mind for their initial greeting to the galaxy. Alright.

Tanaka decides that's enough study. For all his nerves lately, he's still the explorer at heart; he wants to see these people. It's a bit of a walk across the large station, but when the Liaison at last reaches Auriga's new office, he's glad to be requesting entry himself. They have a lot to talk about.
Hello. Sorry shout disappearing. I was caught up with some personal stuff. I will get back to my nation app.

It's no rush, my good dude. Glad to hear from you.
[Starring: Kayla]

(Addressing: @Crusader Lord)

That's no good at all, thinks Oligarch Kayla, who feels exited. Oh, this is probably terrible news, she decides, and is very happy about it.

The protector at comms asks her "What should we do, ma'am?" It takes her a moment to realize the question is aimed at her, because she's only recently gotten used to being an Oligarch, and is not at all used to being the specific Oligarch people ask for directions. But then, she's the only one present. Nobody else was sent to oversee the Zetan blockade, and Kayla has a creeping suspicion they only sent her for the sake of removing her from the politics back home. (But joke's on them: Kayla has riled people up even through intergalactic messages.)

"Oh! Oh, yes," she answers her personal soldier. "Tell the Xandalians to- hold while we confer!" She can feel the fun in the wind.


[Starring: Tanaka]

Tanaka is staring himself down in the mirror. He intends to do this, and do it well. He knows that it's far more than he asked for, in simply wanting to meet new cultures, but it's his job now. This and not disappointing Savant Heralds. Fastening the tie around his neck, straightening the cowboy hat on his head- the Liason is out the door.

"Humans of the Galaxy," he announces from the center-most area of the Meeting Place, where all can see him and where his voice will be broadcasted out to representatives of every Colony, "I am Liason Tanaka, representative of the Earth Cultural Union in this Meeting Place. I have come today to address an issue that you may have heard about." Deep breath. You got good Eloquence scores, Tanaka, he tells himself, you can do this.

"The rumors you've heard are true. ECU military forces, in tandem with our allies the Undefeated, have undertaken a successful invasion of the Zetan system. Their navy has been destroyed, and as of now, their planet may be considered under blockade. No individuals will be permitted approach without explicit permission from either ECU or Undefeated authorities." He finds himself pausing for audience reaction, but then, there's not much of an 'audience' on the station. A handful of international diplomats look shocked, so maybe that counts.

"We have not done this without provocation. Recently, the Zetan forces abducted an ECU scientist, one Dr. Bodi, and forced him into their territory. They claim he came willingly, but as he left behind no notes or statements of intent, we cannot confirm this. Ladies and gentlemen, he was merely taken. And we intend to retrieve him. We also intend, furthermore, to act on behalf of all mankind in insuring such incidents do not happen again." That last part is clearly a threat hidden behind political language, but Tanaka isn't about to elaborate on it. It'll have to stand on it's own.

"Thankyou for your time." Without pausing for questions- especially not with Sigma-Devi probably walking free on the station somewhere- the Liason disappears into the mess of corridors that will lead him back to the safety of the ECU embassy.


[Starring: Martina]

"Don't touch that!" someone tries to tell her, but it's too late- her hand plunges deep into the flames.

"Ow, yowww, it's hot! It's hot!"

"Yes," the old woman suppresses a laugh. "Fire is always hot."

Martina Ward, who's rubbing her burnt fingers against the cold sand, answers back "I know that! I guess I just thought... I don't what I thought. That it was holographic, maybe. Is it? Real, that is?"

"Of course," the woman answers. She's one of the people Ward has risked everything to find. One of the few Mixtists left. "Everything here is real."


Martina stares into the flames, entranced again.


[Starring: Kayla]

(Addressing: @Crusader Lord)

There was great debate among the Oligarchs about this terrifying request. On the one hand, if they let the Xandalian diplomats through, the Zetans will tell their end of the story, which could be a disaster for ECU diplomacy. On the other hand, refusing the diplomats would, well, also be a disaster for ECU diplomacy. Even Heralds seemed fully stumped by the issue. (After the War Council rejected his idea to destroy it and blame the Zetans, anyway.)

Eventually, they forged a compromise that made nobody happy, but at least managed to keep the Cultural Union's reputation intact.

From her cruiser, the Oligarch Kayla sends this message to the Xandalian Republic vessel: "Very well. I will order my ships not to fire. However, we obviously cannot allow a foreign ship free travel during this sensitive situation. This cruiser will escort you, along with several of our fighter craft, and we will sit in on any in-person discussions you have with Zetan individuals." She doesn't mention it, but the ECU is also listening to broadcasts and comms from the surface: if the Zetans say anything to the Xandalians, they'll probably hear it too.

She adds something that wasn't in her official orders: "Oh, and I, Oligarch Kayla, will be the one sitting in." She wonders if they can hear her smile.
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