Avatar of Tortoise


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1 mo ago
Current Do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.
1 yr ago
Sad to say I'm currently experiencing Writer's Block. Luckily I learned Writer's Kung Fu and I can chop the block in half with my hands like Bruce Lee
1 yr ago
Why is the sun like bread? It rises in the yeast, and sets in the waist. Haha! Isn't that so cute? Join my RP or more puns will come.
1 yr ago
What's the difference between a Hollywood actor and a piece of driftwood? One is Justin Timberlake. The other is timber, just in a lake. Hahathisiswhati'mdoinginsteadofwriting
4 yrs ago
That moment when losing a character in a rougelike makes you want to shed tears. No backup. It's gone.


Current RP I want you to join: roleplayerguild.com/topics/191461-car…

Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.

Most Recent Posts

Update: IC planned for early next week. Monday or Tuesday (Halloween) are the targets.
Alright y'all- is there anyone currently working on a WIP sheet? I'm trying to get a good general idea for when to kick off IC.
Note: Being the GM, I have nobody to ask approval from when I update my CS. Nonetheless I feel that I should tell the rest of y'all that I changed Athulwin's attributes a little bit. I removed everything about him knowing martial combat (I didn't feel it fit his character) and all forms of physical fighting from the character, and instead expanded more on his fire and wind powers. He's much more of a pyromancer now, and since he's cursed to be very weak, he's also a bit of a glass cannon.

The Strengths and Weaknesses section especially has been fixed up. It feels more consistent; before, I think I was trying to do too many different things, and now it should hopefully be one solid idea.
Ok, here you go. I'm happy with how it turned out but amenable to suggestions.



This is the best sheet I've seen thus far. It has a character mixed with revulsion, mystery and humor, and at the same time adds to the Lore of Alwyne beautifully. The Fall of Arcadia's part of our history now. And, furthermore- I can't help but wonder if we'll visit the Valley of Blight on our travels? Mayhaps you'll pick it as our Destination, when it's your turn? I got some The Colour Out of Space vibes when I was reading what happened to it.

Regardless, Gru is double-extra approved. My only request is that you change the part where it says that his caravan is "the largest" in the group to saying that it's simply "one of the largest," so that other players don't feel limited in how big they can go.


He also keeps one of his four favorite rats under his hat at all times, which itself wears a hat while doing so


To be fair, a lunatic screeching about THE SUN AND THE LIGHT with scrawled snakes all over their wall in questionable fluids does sound pretty survival horror.

@Crusader Lord

The Dinnin are a crossover event with another one of Tort's RPs (technically two since there's a fantasy and sci-fi version of them) with three seperate sub-societies all grouped under the 'Dinnin' banner. Excited to get into them if I get the chance!

Yeah at this point I just assume that every RP I make is gonna connect to the Dinnin, one way or another. They're turning into the extended universe of my games.

I'mma make a horror survival RP some day and you'll find a way to have a character who follows the Dinnin's faith wandering around the abandoned insane asylum somehow.
For those wondering, yes, dwarves of all genders and sexes have beards. At least the Dinnin kind.

I like to imagine they're born with stubble.
Made a few edits, so want a quick thumbs up before I go ahead and slap these back in the character section.

You spin off characters effortlessly, as always. Malleck is approved. Gadri is double-approved: a desert dwarf, outcast from their clan, with a mobile forge and a unique way of working runes? I love all those things.
@Tortoise, I have no time, sadly.

Sad to hear it! Well, we're here if things clear up.

I'm happy to hear that you've recovered. The original RP had a lot of promise and garnered a lot of interest, and you disappearing was a heartbreaker. I find myself in a busier than usual season for RPing, since I'm currently in two extra RPs compared to my usual none, but I'll like to give this another shot. However, I would not be applying as Hoogarth if so. As much as I liked that idea, I'm already playing several fools in other RPs, and I've recently had a better idea cooking that I wanted to put into practice somewhere.

I look forward to it.

And yeah, it was always a heartbreaker for me, too. I'm really glad I'm giving it another shot.

@Tortoise'Alas, she's not coming back but GALAXOR is.

Glad you're feeling better, Tort!

Approved! Drop him in the Char tab whenevers

As approved as before, of course. He's a really good character: someone who has some dark deeds in his past and has come out of them, but not unscathed.

As for how Athulwin will feel about him...

@Tortoise I get the feeling our characters have some kind of dynamic or enmity

"The stars spoke to me the night I first met him. Their words were unclear, as always they are, being such a confusing hum in my skull, but there was one phrase that I heard as clear as a bell: 'Watch, O Cursed One' the stars said to me, 'for today darkness again reaches out its hand towards you. Something old and strange comes your way, older and stranger even than our own pale light, and dripping blackly wicked.'

I had been in the caravan only a few days then, and I knew not all the characters yet, and so it was that night that I was introduced to Dreamwalker. Sitting by a camp fire, he reached his old hand out to shake mine, and the moment our palms touched I felt a chill. Why, I cannot explain. There was a sharpness in his eyes, something that warns of dark knowledge and eldritch power, and it reminded me far too much of the eyes of Alder. When he told me -in such a happy, calm sort of way- that he was our occult expert, I knew that I had met the darkness the stars had warned me of.

I was wrong.

Six years hence have passed, and many more times I have shared a fire or a meal with the Dreamwalker, and one thing has become clear: though a shadow follows him, the shadow is not him. I have not asked him about it. I do not wish to ask him about it. But I feel now that there is something evil swirling about him, something 'old and strange' that has not yet let him go, but yet the man himself is not the evil. I have seen him help others, try to steer them away from the darkest forces of occultism. I have seen him warn young practitioners of the dangers they are walking into. I have watched him struggle to use his bad knowledge to some good ends.

I have since then become the Caravan's Navigator, a position of some repute. And- against my better instincts- I have not tried to have him removed from the Caravan. I believe, however odd it may seem, that he is at heart a gentle man, though something black and demonic knows his name. Nonetheless, I watch him. Closely. I am sure he knows this. And I hope he knows another thing also: that if he ever does use his powers towards an evil ends, if ever again this old warlock gives into the true darkness of his magics, I will stand ready with Moiling Chain and Breath of Fire to whip or to burn that foul madness back out of him.

-A page from the journal of Athulwin of Queensrock, describing his views on Knossos Dreamwalker

Approved. I will be using him as an opportunity to make many lightning puns, so don't be shocked
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