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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Van

Demi listened in to the conversations happening around him. Hearing as Janelle mentioned this was the last group she'd want to be on a quest with. He thought back to how Zeke talked about her, mentioning how sweet she was. He didn't see it. Perhaps it was his imagination, or maybe even a bout of jealousy that Zeke had even considered someone else before him, but he couldn't quite see the person he was talking about at this moment. But Demetri didn't say anything. He kept his eyes closed and rummaged through his thoughts as he began to sing Mr. Brightside in his head to drown out the sounds.

As the van began to come to a stop, Kristin pushed her way through the open space leading to the door to go out. Jostling him in his seat and causing him to open his eyes. "Oi, what's the big idea Kris? Couldn't wait for us to get out?" He made his way out of the van, following Zeke and Nancy, walking past the pair to clear the way for Cassian and Janelle to make their way out as well. When Nancy asked the question, Demi simply rubbed the back of his neck, a bad habit he'd picked up from Zeke, as he looked towards her. "Oh hey I learned about that in history class. About four years before I was born, apparently some planes crashed or something into the towers causing them to collapse. I heard it was a devastating time for people."

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Van

Cassian finished working on his sketch while everyone else kept to their own circles. He felt as though it didn't turn out too bad, capturing the feeling that Demetri was putting out at the moment. A part of him wondered what it was that was going through mini-zeus's mind. He began to put his pencils away and pulled out his set of watercolor pencils, sketching out the baseline for the colors he'd need when he has more time later to finish it up. While Demetri had his Polaroid, Cassian would have his art to help him recall his first adventure.

The van began to slow down, and Cassian began to put away all of his supplies and books. He scooted out of the way as Kristin made her way from the back, waiting for Demetri as he pushed passed and then followed right behind. He quickly began to do the mental math, realizing the child of Zeus was older than he was by one year. "I didn't hear about that when I was in school." he said with a bit of a confused look. It seemed odd that his mother would leave out something that seemed to be as important as that.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Max's room
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit


Location: Max's Room

A department store? Max tried to think of what one called John Lewis would look like. Granted he'd never been one to spend much time at that kind of department store, so his mind had shifted towards the only other ones he'd known. He figured with a name like that it was similar to Nieman Marcus, or another equally boujie store that seemed to sell it all. Clothing, furniture, shoes, bedding, anything your heart desired for your home at a convenient store with an expansive catalog to choose from. He didn't vocalize any of his thoughts on the matter, not wanting to ask where she would get the money for so many expensive candles (though he hoped they weren't scented).

Harry shook the illusion away from his eyes. Blinking several times to ensure that he was seeing reality once more. It was a strange sensation having ones senses tricked in that way. Like walking around in a lucid dream, aware of the false reality being powerless to do anything about it. Forced to go through the motions until it faded on its own accord. He rolled his eyes at Sunshine as he chuckled at her displeasure of him being back to his senses. "Sorry kid. Maybe next time dont make me think I'm withering away. I'd hate to see that."

"Their baby?!" Shock ran through Max like an electric current. He stared at Veil for a moment before pinching his nose. "When I'd spoken to Casper about seeing how James felt about a future and family I didn't think he'd go off and adopt a child immediately." There was a heavy sigh before Max sat back down on the edge of his bed. "It's fine. Between James and him I'm sure the kids gonna have a great home…wait, are we going to be dealing with a crying baby in this apartment now?"

Harry wasn't sure how to take the news. He was happy for the pair, but also extremely concerned for the child. Casper wasn't exact father material, and his father wasn't father of the year as well from what he'd heard. He supposed James was level headed enough to care for a child, but hoped that it wouldn't all fall on him and have him be exhausted from it as a result. Sunshines laughter broke Harry's thoughts as he tried to contain his own. "I'm sure they'll do fine you two. So don't worry about it. Besides, they've got us to help them…right?"

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie heard the footsteps of the guards coming closer and closer towards him as the sound of clinking gold coins moved underneath the guards' weighted footsteps. He closed his eyes, holding his breath in fear that even the slightest sound would alert the guard of his presence. The sounds stopped, and then quickly began again as the guard turned about and saw one of Chesires cats. Adrenaline was pumping through Maddie as fear rushed into his ears and his heart abandoned him to his stomach. This was it. This was as far as they'd go before Jafar and Rumple would approach them in a mystic duel they weren't prepared to win.

Lucky for them fate had other plans. He supposed if rats were commonplace within the Vault then so too must cats be. Something to feast upon the vermin currently crawling in his pant leg. The guard dismissed the feline ally before walking back out and closing the Vault. Maddie waited for a ten count before exhaling loudly the breath he had held this whole time. "I thought we were done for for a moment there. But yes we've got what we came for so can we please get the heck out of here?" He wasn't sure exactly how they'd manage that, but if they're parents had a plan then he'd be happy to follow. He made his way over towards Colby, offering him a hand up. "You ok babe?"

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Van

Everyone began to file in one at a time. Janelle and Kristin took the back seat while Demetri took the middle left seat hoping Zeke would take the one to his right. He instead filed into the one in front of him, allowing Nancy to sit to his right. It wasn't ideal, but at least they were close together he thought to himself. But it seemed as though Zeke was more interested in his sister than he was his boyfriend at the time. Hardly saying a word to him as he continued to speak to Nancy. He knew it wasn't right, but a bout of jealousy began to boil inside of him at the attention he was giving her.

He wringed the beanie Zeke had given him in his hands before pulling it on over his head and down past his ears. It would have to fill in for the position of over the ear headphones for now. Demi slid the picture he'd taken out now that everyone was settled and the van was on the way, looking at it to not only see how it turned out, but to have some way of connecting himself to the scene. It appeared everyone else was content with leaving him out, though it's not as though he was used to it by now. Demi slouched into his chair, sliding down so that he could rest the soles of his shoes against the back of Zeke's chair, sitting in an almost fetal position as he closed his eyes and just ran music through his mind.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Van

Cassian took the only available seat left to him, well besides the back row with Janelle and Kristin. It wasn't that he didn't want to sit with them, more so there was no reason to cramp up the back seat when an available one was found elsewhere inside the car. He set his supplies down underneath the chair, securing the strap of his bag around his ankle. He leaned over and pulled out a small brown book that was bound closed by an elastic band. He opened it up, flipping through several pages of various sketches and watercolors that he had done over his time at Camp Half-Blood.

Back home he'd filled out several larger books full of designs and paintings of nature, his environment, and the people around him. He spent a lot of alone time, people watching, learning to read them, their emotions, inventing stories about their lives based on what he could see. But here, in this moment, was a child of the Big Three, curled up in a fetal position in a van with his eyes closed. Cassian began sketching him out, starting with a basic outline in pencil, to try and get a general feel for the emotion he seemed to be conveying at the time. If there was time for it later, he'd like to add watercolors to it to fully help shape the dynamic of the image. But for now he sat, his ankle resting on his knee as he sketched into his travel book with his tongue barely poking out in focus.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Max's room
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit


Location: Max's Room

That was the million dollar question now wasn't it? The island suffered a massive attack not too far back and many were still without power while many more grieved the loss of loved ones. It was a hard time to be a mutant on Genosha, and Max was lucky enough that his place had been built up since the attack. Before he could even answer however, Pixie piped up with a brilliant solution. He had no idea who John Lewis was, but if she could borrow a bunch of candles from him without any issue then that was all the better. "Perfect, tell him thank you for me when you see him. It'd be really generous of him to lend us so many candles on such short notice."

It appeared to Harry as if everything was moving along smoothly. Callie and Veil had gone to fetch Casper and James, Pixie was capable of obtaining candles for Max, Ben's body lay on Max's bed (though they'd have to find an inconspicuous way of moving it to the tree), and they had a location. Really all Harry had to do was bring out the boys when it came time to set up all the candles to help expedite the process and then the chosen three could get on with the ritual.

There was a sense of nervousness about him however. Worry about all the unknowns and what could go wrong in ways they couldn't even think of. He wondered if Max had considered the side effects and downfalls of if this went wrong. As he thought, Pixie blew some dust at him and he blinked his eyes. His pupils went wide as he watched everyone transform into magical girls before him. "Pixie please tell me this was you and that everyone didn't suddenly become imbued with the magical power of friendship and space rocks."

Max wasn't sure how he'd felt about the comment Marrow had given. It was one thing to become a legend, a whole other to be revered as a god. The idea didn't sit right with him. "Well let's hope it's not the latter because I'm not quite sure I'm ready for godhood." He said with an air of concern in his voice before Harry suddenly started acting weird. "You ok man?" Max asked, taking a step towards him and seeing how wide his eyes were. He never really asked Pixie about her powers, more focused on her magic than her fey heritage, but the more she spoke on it the curiouser he became.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah
Skills: Puzzle Solving

So far everything had been going well, the guards hadn't fully opened the Vault doors yet, though the threat of them doing so still lingered in the air. Maddie subconsciously began to hold his breath, looking towards the gaps in his hiding spot, a small crack just enough to peer towards the door with a dark vignette in his periphery. Something was stalling the guards, all of this giving him more time to think. Did Rumple somehow orchestrate all of this? Did he purposefully walk away in order to lay a trap for what he assumed would be the last of the resistance within the walls of Agrabah?

There was a slight tickle against his leg, something small and thin brushing against the hairs ever so slightly. At first he'd worried it was a bug, some sort of magical roach or scarab, but then he felt the cold wetness of a nose followed by some equally cold paws. They began to scamper up his leg, a rat hidden amongst the treasures that now made Maddie his new home. He didn't dare to move, didn't dare scream or make a scene. The guards weren't too far off, and so Maddie just held himself together, wishing for this all to end so that he could kick his leg and shake the rat free of him.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Big House > Van

Demi rolled his eyes back at Zeke. Out of the two, Zeke had always been more quick witted and tended to have the last word at times. Though Demetri would like to believe it was more of a 50/50 split on the banter wins. He walked up towards the group that was now fully formed and waiting on their driver. Janelle seemed to be off to herself, Zeke and Nancy were sibling bonding, and Cassian and Kristin were patiently waiting for Argus to arrive. As Argus began to pull up with the van, Demetri immediately noticed the logo and display off the side panels.

A part of him wished there weren't any actual strawberries inside that van. Sure it was likely just a cover to allow them to go in and out unnoticed under the guise of a delivery service. But if the van was actually used for strawberry delivery and any scent remained, well, he wondered how well Zeke would cope with that. He'd made it very clear to Demi before his distaste for the scent of one of Demetris favorite fruits. It made sense though, but he worried any lingering scents might make Zeke car sick. Once it finally stopped, Demetri made his way into the van, scooting down and leaving space for Nancy and Zeke to sit next to him.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Big House > Van

Cassian watched as most them all mingled amongst one another. The nervousness of the mission beginning to sink in more and more by the minute. He took in a deep breathe, going over a mental list of everything he'd gathered just before arriving here. Whether or not he'd gotten everything he wanted however didn't matter anymore, as Argus began to pull the van back into camp, driving towards them and getting out before realizing there was now yet another group of quest goers ready to embark on their own journey. The thought got caught in his mind, as he looked towards Demetri for a second.

Supposedly having a Big Three kid show up meant something big would happen soon. Having four show up must've meant something even more disastrous. And as he stood there thinking about all four quests now being handed it, the gods being at war with themselves, and the fall of Rome, it was clear those superstitions held some sort of merit. Cassian began to make his way towards the van, making sure to pass Zeke on the way there, stopping just short of Apollo's son. "I got some trick arrows for the quest. I can share some with you once we've left the van and are on the road. Don't need a smoke arrow to accidentally go off inside while Argus is driving."

✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 20 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Ermes had a hard time believing that Ei was so shaken up by some plants out by the bridge. But then again, almost everyone seemed to have started acting weird as soon as they'd gotten to that part. Perhaps it was because their shared goal of reaching the Bounty House safely was no longer an issue, or maybe those strange plants held more to them that Ermes could even begin to think about. Whatever the case, he decided to listen closely to any and all explanations this flamboyant excuse for a coinsman had.

He'd started with something that appeared to be simple for anyone with coin. Aetherborn. Three classifications, that made it easy. Luckily for him Eila had already told him which he was, a bit of knowledge he'd thought to use to his advantage while signing up. While the others hadn't a clue what theirs were called, him knowing his own might have given him a slight edge in getting bounties. Making him appear to be more educated and trained than the others save for Eila. Now, unfortunately, it seemed that it wouldn't matter. A fractal of knowledge that could be seen as piggybacking off of Cerrics information.

He quickly moved towards Ella's question about the underwater plants. Another story that was most likely filled with embellishments and hot air. Though Ella's curiosity for it prompted Ermes to make a mental note to ask her more about it later. What special conditions did this plant need that made it so strange to see out here? His thoughts were cut short as a halfling woman came blustering out yelling after the blue man though not much more came of that as Aleka began to answer his question. It appeared it was an idyllic word for the tainted, causing Ermes to give pause as he looked back over towards Kyreth and Lilan. There was no malice in his gaze, though his eyes scrutinized them heavily as they worked from head to heel.

A large part of Ermes wanted to walk right back up to them. Encircling the two tainted in a curious dance as he'd heard tales the demon spawn had harsh features like tails that ended in a point, or horns to gauge their enemies, fangs that when bared could strip the flesh off one's bones. But these two goons didn't look like they could strip the flesh off a ripe fruit let alone another person. Without thought he'd taken one step closer to the pair, only to be interrupted by Aeowyn. She seemed extremely distasteful towards the two tainted, as well as perhaps with life itself based on her demeanor. But she soon left leaving an air of tension as Aleka called for the next applicant.

Eila was quick to beat him to the punch, making Ermes the last to sign up. It was only fair as he entered the building last, but it did leave a sour taste in his mouth. The shadows cast by his dark hair seemed to overshadow his eyes, giving him a gleam of malice, his crossed arms stared at a fixed point while he fiddled with his swords pommel once more. He had no idea how to introduce himself, whether his previous work would be a boon or a hindrance in his newline of work. He wasn't here for them, but if the name alone could help him out he wouldn't waste a second using it. After all that's what people with power do every day, use others' names to get themselves ahead.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Max's room
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max gave Marrow a leveled look. A slightly playful grin to his otherwise neutral demeanor. "I'd say it's just above good soup but slightly below McDonalds buffet for the dead." That was a lie of course. This was seemingly going to be one of, if not the most, difficult bout of magic that he would have cast even including all the wonders he'd pulled in Wanda World. But he let every word drip with confidence to try and assuage any worries that the other may have. Besides, he'd just fought an otherworldly being that resembled an eldritch deity and claimed to be the true Sorcerer Supreme above Dr. Strange while then going straight into a horde of ghosts that exasperated his powers. So bringing back the dead shouldn't be too difficult.

Harry and Sunshine had both brought up good points though. Did he need anything else for this ritual to work? His plans always seemed to work out best the less he planned them, having fate guide him as he went and always having him end up right where he was needing to be. Perhaps that was why he had mystically found and inherited a Tarot Deck. Some divine gift of fate to help show him the path. He thought for a moment, deciding he had no need for paper but something nagged at the back of his mind. "Candles. They won't be lit, so no worries there Pix, but symbolically I'd need them for something. And depending how large of a space we have I'm going to need quite a few of them."


Location: Max's Room

Harry rolled his eyes and he chuckled as he watched Max and Marrow talk about soup and spells. It was nice seeing him hit it off with Sunshines girlfriend so well. Even if a slight bit of tension was in the air. He could see how most of the undergrounds relationships were forming, since the day he arrived to where they are now. Each slowly building their bonds together and writing a perfect harmony as opposed to the discordant noise they were before. It only made sense that they'd extend that further out to those peoples loved ones as well. Making him think and hope that Veil could do the same for him and David.

"Real charmer that one. Isn't she Max?" Harry teased as he gestured towards Pixie with a bright smile. "I wouldn't dream of offending you love. Though I might be curious about that Pixie dust of yours later." He was glad to hear the tree was in the center of it all. Making it equidistant for all parties involved to get to from wherever they were. Max's request wasn't so difficult either. Surely there had to be candles around the island. Hell there was a school for magic here so they must've had a warehouse full of candles just ready to he used.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah
Skills: Puzzle Solving

A string of expletives ran through Maddie's mind as Chesire warned them of the incoming guards. No sooner had they succeeded than now having found themselves inside a new problem. Cheshire closed the Vault door, which led to many more problems, though the sounds of it being opened could be heard from the other side. Hatter and Chesire both dove into piles of gold like an old Scrooge Mcduck movies, and tasked Colby and Maddie with a place to hide. Panic set in, as he watched Colby find a pair of shields to hide behind. A part of him wanted to join him, both to be near each other, but also because he wasn't sure he'd find somewhere quick.

But Maddie knew better. It was never good to hide with others in hide in seek. Sure he'd never been invited to play with the other kids back at the orphanage, but he'd heard enough arguments from the kids telling others to find their own spots. Maddie grabbed an extra shield that was laying around and wedged himself between it and a pile of gold, concealing himself from view. He kept his breaths shallow, trying hard to make sure that his breathing didn't give him away, hoping the guards would just go away.
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