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Hermes shot his hand up lazily as he answered for roll call. ”Present and accounted for Mr. Cross.” He said as he lowered his hand back down and began doodling on a corner page of his composition notebook. ”That shows going to rot your brain H.” He joked in retort to her concern. He'd heard it so many times that he didn't really get the full concern. It's not like it was the end of the world. Earth was going to hell anyways with the way things were headed, may as well have a smoke for the ride down for mass pollution.

Hermes gave the TA a polite chuckle at her joke, though he doubted anyone from the Carver line was actually rich by any means. History didn't tend to be kind in those aspects. The bell rang and he slumped his bag over his shoulder as he stood up from his seat. ”I'll meet you at the gym. If you want to stay behind and talk to the TA. Besides gotta get changed anyways.” He let out a small sigh. ”It should be illegal to have gym this early.” Hermes declared before sprinting off to the men's Locker rooms.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff, Grimoire Spell
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max was surprised as Guin offered up her services. He thought to himself how he believed that he was starting to understand her a bit more now than before. He felt as his pulse went in tune with Guin's, then Bethany's once they all joined hands. Feeling as her mind was amplified, reaching out across the base and locating fifty people who remained on board. The issue came when he attempted to open up all those portals for the remaining mutants. Time was running out, and he had to give his last push just before the finish line. He stressed his powers, trying to use Guins Telepathy to pinpoint locations to open rifts for them to cross through. A portal finally opened up, he could see five others behind it. ”Come quick!” He demanded as he held the portal open between the spaces.

There were still 45 other mutants on board, but there wasn't any time to grab them all. Max worried that if he focused on saving them that he'd doom those stranded here in the hangar. He bit his lip, cursing the decisions he was being forced to make as he decidedly stopped the search for the other mutants and broke the bonds between the three of them. His Soul Staff in hand as he began to weave his magics around the room. Several sticks forming around the room where he'd meant to add supports. Max cursed in Latin under his breath as he began to reshape the summoned sticks into support beams to help stabilize and support the hangar. They needed to reinforce their makeshift life raft more to help save those they could here in the hangar. And simply hope and pray the remaining 45 made it here in time. He made his way onto the ship, keeping near the door so that he could help until the last second.
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Halloween Costume

You could see a weight being lifted off of Percy's shoulders. Whether he intended to or not, or if perhaps he was just too tired to hide it better, Dorian could see the signs of relief as Percy realized he wasn't going to be forcibly shoved into a situation he didn't like. A dance was one thing, a chance to meet others and attempt to bond while broadening your horizons. But an emotional cuddle pile that could end in a night of sobbing and vulnerabilities? That was pushing the envelope too far for newcomers. Dorian understood that perfectly clear. So he took Percy's hand, going up the floor they were missing before finally making it to their own.

”I don't ‘ave anyt'in’ stronger sadly. Danni’s too flammable and alcohol would make t'at t'ousands times worse. Even back at ‘ome it's locked away to keep it safe. I swear sometimes I t'ink uncle James ‘as it ‘idden be'ind asbestos just because ‘e knows no one else could get to it but ‘im.” He stopped by his dorm, opening up the door and raiding his coffee supply before putting the kettle to boil while grabbing his French press and grinding up some fresh beans for Percy. ”Feel free to ‘ave a seat wherever on my side. T'ough it shouldn't be long to get some stuff.” As the beans ground and the water boiled, Dorian made his way over towards his gaming chair, pulling off an oversized sweater he kept tossed over the backing. He threw it over towards Percy with a smile before making his way to him and planting a kiss briefly before going back to attend to the coffee. ”It's my gaming sweater. In case you miss me while I'm at April's” Dorian gave Percy a wink before filling up the french press and making his way towards the door with it and a mug in hand. ”Let's get you to your room t'en, coffees brewin’ and it'll be waitin’ for you in your room.”

Once Dorian got Percy all settled into his room, he made his way towards April's. He had no idea what the vibes would be like at this point. Some time had passed, perhaps she was already feeling better? Or maybe they were back at crying? He wasn't sure but as soon as he heard a body thud, he came rushing into the room. Leah stood there like she was in shock, Sabine on the ground looking worse for wear than Leah had been, April had regained a bit of herself bit she was still clearly not up to par, Mads was MIA though sounds could be heard from the bathroom, and Danni was instructing them all in what to do. ”What ‘appened? You two look like shit”


Hermes rolled his eyes at Hannah. It's not really checking someone out if they just happen to be in line of sight from you. Besides there were plenty of attractive people in gym class, he just…happened to capture his attention the most. Fortunately for him the conversation shifted, unfortunately it was about his smoking habits. He stuck his tongue out at Hannah as she rambled on the same spiel he'd heard a thousand times. ”If the cigs don't cause it, the New York air will. The amount of fumes that spill into the air I may as well be smokin’ a pack a day without care. But I'm a good kid and limit myself to just one.” Sure it had nothing to do with being good and everything to do with how damned expensive they were.

As they entered into their Homeroom, Hermes slung his bag onto the back of his chair, sliding into his seat before placing his boots on top of the metal arms. He noted the new TA, having fully forgotten that they'd be getting one this year, and if he was frank she looked way too young. She was practically their age from the looks of it. He raised his hand with a smile, not waiting to be called upon before asking his question. ”So do you have any relation to the Peanut guy?”

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Lotus Casino
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri could feel the wind brush against his scales as the Ogre inched closer and closer towards him. The gust brushing past him as all momentum stopped courtesy of Alexios, as he snatched the massive beast by its throat before snapping it in half with barely any issue. Another monster fell by Zeke's arrows and the room was oddly silent save for the garbled screams of Leandra. Demi reared his head towards Alexios, then examined the room before slithering off and shifting back into himself a few feet from where Leandra and Nancy stood. Kristin asked what they wanted to do with her, as if it was even their choice. Zombified or not, Leandra was still a person regardless of how the Roman's seemed to want to treat her.

But it was there that it dawned on Demi. Locking eyes with Zeke, a slight shiver to them as he realized something was wrong. Someone was missing. ”Where's the Giant? Where's the King? The whole point and need for a god to be present was because the might of both a god and a demigod was needed to take down a giant. But the room is empty except for Leandra. And without her tongue she can't tell us anything.” His eyes scanned the room, searching for an answer when he thought about how Leandra revived herself. A thought now eating away at the back of his mind. Did she become the King of Giants? Or was the King impersonating her?

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Jack's words rang in the back of his head as Max tried to pry the babes free with his magic. He hadn't expected it to be so hard, then again if it hadn't been Wong and the others would've done so already. He could feel the force of the magic disrupting his own, just the density of it told him that one touch would likely obliterate him alone. But how to break free the prisoners there? Max pressed his fingers against the bottom of his lip as he began to think, all the while Madalyne struggled to even become topside and join him. Jack however seemed to float effortlessly near him as he began to mutter something about energy, that was just moments before disaster struck. Max hadn't had time to warn the dark sorcerer of the properties of the magic laden into the sigil, hadn't the chance to warn him of how it could tear apart his body and soul. Rifts of dark magic began to form in sections of the Pentagram, bisecting it across planes and into the Everdark. But just as the magic flowed into a new domain, so too did it affect Jack.

”You idiot! Spend all this time lecturing and telling us of dangers without thinking of how this might affect you. Alright. Fuck.” Max called forth his soul staff into his hands. He'd used it to break Spells before, to disrupt the flow of magic and counteract its effects. He could do so again. Max struck the portals, attempting to dispel them, but the pushback was too great. He grunted annoyed, glancing back as he saw Jack aging rapidly before him. He was nothing if not persistent, especially when it came to saving another person. He tried once more, but as his soul touched where the magic and portals intersected, he felt a strange tug. Instead of pushing him out, the forces welcomed him in. His soul entangled with the Everdark, mixing into its magics as Max now aged in accordance like how Jack was besides him. He tried to break free, to end his own spell, but the pull was equal to his own strength. He needed more, he had to have more.

Max reached over and gripped Jack's hand once more. ”Defy this and I'll kick your ass in hell.” He said, his voice old and frail as he spoke, constantly shifting as he aged more by the second. He felt the surge of magic from Jack's body, his font a new tap for Max to drink from. Using this boost Max severed the connection to the Everdark portals and freed them both from the effects of again. Though they stood as a singular old man with twice the blessings, he could feel this becoming an issue soon. They didn't have Runas immortality, and James was nowhere nearby to reverse the aging. ”Alright Jack, what's the plan?”
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian watched his boyfriend carefully, he could see the thoughts spinning in his head as he debated the best way to dance about rejecting the offer to be up there with April. It would be fine, he didn't know her that well so Dorian would understand if Percy didn't want to join them, he hardly cared for displays of affection when they were in public so he didn't expect him to do them for a group of what were practically strangers to him. He tried to force a smile as he scooted himself closer to Percy and leaned against the wall. ”Hey, no worry. I understand. We all deal with things differently and luckily our three dorms are right next to one another.”

Dorian forced himself to stand up. Mustering as much strength as he could before holding his hand out for Percy to take. ”I'll walk you back to your room. We can even stop by my dorm and get you a good cup of coffee or tea if you'd like before curling up to a good book. April's gonna need me there though, but I'll only be two doors down from you ok? If you need anything or wish to join you can always text me to knock on her door.” He said as he made his way up to their dorms sluggishly.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Everything seemed to be going according to plan, people were funneling out of the portals, Ed was reinforcing the hangar with his shields, things were looking up. Or, they would be had it all stayed apace. Groaning sounds came from beyond one of his portals, as the walls began to shake and explosions rang out from deeper in. He peered through quickly, not seeing any immediate people trying to cross before he decidedly dropped the spell on that portal. A part of him wanted to thrust the spell forward, making a sweeping portal to shift any who were down the hall. But that would invite the danger of the explosions into their current room and that was a risk he didn't need to take. Max watched as Lance counted heads, noting they were barely a quarter of the way dine and with very little time left.

His words bringing up an idea inside of his head. Lance was right, it was as if the people didn't believe they could be in danger, and in situations like that, they'd need to force eject those unwilling to do so. Where was Jacklyn when he needed her? ”I have an idea! But it requires a telepath and Bethany at minimum. If we form a circuit, amplifying the telepathy capabilities in such a way it reacts like Cerebro, then perhaps we can locate the missing mutants on this station. Then with their exact locations, Bethany and I can pull them here via shadows and magic. But we need to work together and we need to do it fast.” Max said as he held his portal open for any others who might be coming their way.


Hermes turned around, hands in his pockets and he raised an eyebrow at Hannah while walking backwards. It wasn't as though she'd even be present while he was yelled at by his mother so why did she care? He continued walking, rolling his eyes at her until he finally pulled his hands out of his pockets, holding them at chest height with his fingers fanned out as he did a quick flick away from his chest with a 'psh' sound to add a bit of attitude before lowering one hand and repeating the motion once more. Telling her this conversation was finished and to knock it off. Whether she got the message or not he didn't know, but it was clear she'd changed subjects shortly after the fact. He'd considered telling her she's dead, but he'd save that for a later offense he figured.

He didn't exactly care for the idea of skipping gym, though as soon as she mentioned his crush he'd decided to turn away from her again. Walking forward as he avoided her gaze and hoped he wasn't blushing too much. His hands placed behind his head as his fingers interlocked with one another. ”Psh. You're so dumb. I do not stare at his bod the whole class…even if his legs do look good in those short gym shorts. But I doubt he even notices me so it's not like it matters. Either way I'm not skipping gym, but I may cut out a bit early for a smoke break if I can hack it without getting caught.” Hermes said with a grin.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Lotus Casino
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demi hissed towards Janelle as she insulted the memory of his friendship with Leandra. Not that she'd know given that she was blind. Ofcourse she would think something like that, but the truth of the matter was, Demetri tried to make friends with everyone. Really the only person he had been at constant ends with was Zeke, but all of that was just antagonistic nature that he'd inadvertently let out because he couldn't control his feelings about how he'd actually felt about Zeke. Now that all of that was settled, they were together and for a while he'd had no real enemies, but Janelle was proving to test that theory and Nancy was constantly trying to throw his friendship back into his face.

Rage bubbled inside of him at the thought of it all. The only three kind Roman's he had met and each one abandoned him in one way or another. Marco and Em were off to live their lives, Leandra had vanished from the camp only to come back as a monster zombie thing that he still couldn't get his head around. Even Zeke had felt distant since the mission began and his sister slipped away. It felt as though he was doomed to lose everyone he cared about. His grip only tightened on Leandra, hoping to keep her from attacking Nancy, even if she was parading around with her to guess in her hand.
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