Avatar of twannyman


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Man I forgot this website, had so much fine here. Guess we peek around
1 like
4 yrs ago
When you get back to this site after like 2 years cause Covid took away all RP you could have IRL :(
1 like
5 yrs ago
Fine by me mouse, fine by me
1 like
5 yrs ago
Hmmm.. School be like, no sleep for ya
5 yrs ago
Good luck peeps who still need to sleep. Imma go and head to school soon :(.. Welp wish me luck


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Most Recent Posts

What would you make from it then?

Gabanre followed the loremaster towards the gipsy camp. Once there he started examinating the goods of the gipsy's. There was leather, metal and beads. Which he should NOT buy. Since they would get that anyway. After that he went to the craftsman, seeing axes, saws, buckets and baskets. Asking the price of an axe a saw, 6 buckets and baskets. A total of: 20 silver and 5 bronze. After that he went to the furniture specialist. Asking the price of an bed, a table and 3 chairs. A total of: 15 bronze and 35 copper. After this he purchased 2 blankets, and a cooking set. A total of: 20 Bronze and 1 Gold. The total spend is: 1 gold, 20 silver, 40 bronze and 35 copper. He thanked all of the shopkeepers after purchasing their goods. After he was done putting everything on the carts, he went searching for @IronWillShitara Sonel. Since he met her, he fancied her a little. Once he found her he bowed down, asking if she needed any help.

It still is.
I know for sure that there are some PC's missing a dragon.
But if you want you can make both
Name: Galbatorix
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Cave: Teacher Cave B
Personality: Very patiënt, Very kind and caregiving. Descendant from the Elders. Does know a lot of Humans and their life

What you personally have with you: A Magical enchanted Scythe. (Got this due to an inheritance)
Lots of scrolls about magic.

Arigatō senpai

Then i will accept the postion as Co-GM.
I would like to thank you for the postion, and the place in the RP

Want me to make a dragon or a rider, or something else like a teacher?
since i am allowed to make a 3th PC
just out of curiosity why me?

I would like to

You sure that was ment for me?
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