Avatar of twannyman


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1 yr ago
Current Man I forgot this website, had so much fine here. Guess we peek around
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4 yrs ago
When you get back to this site after like 2 years cause Covid took away all RP you could have IRL :(
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5 yrs ago
Fine by me mouse, fine by me
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5 yrs ago
Hmmm.. School be like, no sleep for ya
5 yrs ago
Good luck peeps who still need to sleep. Imma go and head to school soon :(.. Welp wish me luck


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A young man enters town, looking around to whatever this town might bring him, he walks around. After gaining the awareness that there is a smithy around, he makes his way over.

Clad in his half-plate and with a maul on his back he enters the smithy. Not taking any awareness of any others in there he slowly approaches the smith. After a short conversation about pricing and needs he puts down a small sachel and his maul. Then he smiles, takes out a journal and sits down and starts writing in it.

After he is done, he looks around, and he does notice a younger girl reading a book. He decides to approach her and says: "Hey there, interesting book you are reading there" Then he stands there and waits hopefully on a an answer
Oki, time to get somethign up

I think I missed an important post somewhere then, may I ask where you are then?

Your group is out in the wilds correct?
Should I start with the group or rather meet them in a few posts?
Naelor Ceranus
Age: Early 20's

Race: Half-Elf
Background: Set at the edge of the world, he tried to forget what had come before. He’d once had a good life, the best some might say. Ruling over a small hamlet apart from the prying of the world and far from greedy nobleman's watchful eyes. He had a wife, friends, soon a child too. Everything he could ever want. He improved the life of those around him and was praised by his people. It was beyond doubt, a good life. This would soon to change,
a strange artifact was unearthed by a young boy playing in his backyard. The man struggled to keep it a secret, to prevent those who would come and snatch it from their grasp, but before long rumor got out. Rumor that this artifact came from the time before the Empire, the time when World's End was still in it's infancy. And they came for their prize. They brought entire armies down on the town for that artifact, thinking it must have a connection to the opening of the barrier. It would have been simpler, wiser, to just give it up. There was no point in keeping it, not when his friends and family were going to die for it. But he found he couldn’t. He could not bring himself to relinquish the artifact, it drew him closer, plucked at his mind, and frayed his senses. Before long, he felt as though his mind was full of glass shards, so many sharp edges that brought pain to even brush upon.

The armies came, just as they had promised, sweeping through the village and destroying everything in it's path. But still, the man sat behind barricaded doors, clutching the artifact, caressing it's rough stone and listening to it's quiet whispers. By the time the door broke down, he could think of nothing else besides the artifact. It consumed his mind, leaving no room for anything else. And when they tried to rip it away from his grasp, his very soul tugged with it. Instinctively, he activated the artifact in a fit of blinding rage and pain. The next thing he remembers is sitting in a ruined castle in a ruined village, bodies of strangers surrounding him, and a strange mark on his neck. He sat there and cried a night and a day before rising, a newfound determination in his step. He would journey to the World's End and discover what happened to him. What had twisted him into a man who would kill his wife and unborn child rather than give up an artifact. His brush with the artifact had left him with a new found ability for combat, a strange mark, and so many questions.

Strenghts: Naelor is rather quick on the uptake to learn a new weapon, may it be the longbow or the maul, he will try his hardest go learn them. His proficiency with multiple weapons and his unarmed combat make him a force to be reckoned with during combat.

Having ruled over a, altough small, village made Naelor good with money and management of both commercial enterprizes and with the tactics of am army. Charismatic beyond doubt, Naelor is able to both pursuade and decive people with ease.

Weaknesses: Naelor has issues with magic and the study of it and thus prefer to solve things more directly. His direct approach and view on things may be insulting to certain people who are not as pro-active as he is.

Due to the brush with the artifact Naelor has strange markings on him, altough covered up by his half-plate armor the markings are unfamiliar and might behold devestating futures for Naelor.

Possesions: Naelor mainly uses a Maul as his prefered weapon for melee combat, altough when found caught by suprise he is also fairly adept at Hand to hand combat. The longbow is the prefer way to hunt from a distance, altough it might not be suprising if he suddenly used daggers or a blowgun.

Wearing a suit of half-plate he is able to move quite stealthly and it protects him rather finely when in melee combat. On him he also has multiple sack and pouches which mainly keep dried fruits and dried meat.

Jailed for an alien in america
If this would still be going on, I would revive from the death, since I finally got more free time
Super busy here, I hope to get a post up in the next week
Ah ok thx for the tip, Guess I will have something to read next few days then.

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