Avatar of twannyman


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12 mos ago
Current Man I forgot this website, had so much fine here. Guess we peek around
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4 yrs ago
When you get back to this site after like 2 years cause Covid took away all RP you could have IRL :(
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5 yrs ago
Fine by me mouse, fine by me
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5 yrs ago
Hmmm.. School be like, no sleep for ya
5 yrs ago
Good luck peeps who still need to sleep. Imma go and head to school soon :(.. Welp wish me luck


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<Snipped quote by twannyman>

A p p r o v e d. I like the idea that he has the knowledge in his head, but he can only access it when someone asks for it to be written out. Like he theoretically knows the width and shape of the world, or how a necromancer becomes a lich, or what the speed of an unladen swallow is, but he can't actually remember any of that until the quill is in his hand.

Thanks! Yeah that felt like a great way to keep it as a plot device for others without ruining Vorex as a character

Ere we go, Vorex the knowledge thingy

Some things are subject to change, this is just a V0.1 version

Ivraan Valdo

Slowly but surely the Caravan became busy. Footsteps could be heard all around, the snap of small twigs, and the sound of the leaves rustling all betrayed the size of the Caravan. Some pilgrims and other doo-gooders of the Caravan had arrived to help out the worn-out arrivals. More food and supplies would be handed out. Some people actively invited the worn-out souls over to their wagons so they could take a rest. Ivraan had taken a position to the side just listening as he would often do back home in the tavern. Unfortunately, nothing had really caught his attention and it was clear that these people couldn’t really help him any further. Thus he decisively went back to his wagon to grab the book he had on the Forest of Emerald. On his way back he gave a solid nod to those he passed.

Once he had arrived at his wagon he went inside, grabbed the book, and started quickly shifting through the pages to try and find anything on these “living” souls within the Forest. This was however to much avail, nothing was really clear and more precise than what he had already heard. He glanced at his herbology station where he had gathered some of the leaves from a tree to see if anything had changed. Nothing, nothing had changed, it still had the vibrant green color. Ivraan just sat down for a bit pondering what he would do now. He could without a doubt venture into the woods to try and find these sightings, something that felt like a great idea, however he wouldn’t want to do it on his own. It was as if something or someone had read his mind, as at that exact moment he heard a deep shout outside. It was the giant who had joined the Caravan a few months back.

Ivraan quickly grabbed his spear from the rack along with a few daggers which he stowed in a belt specifically made for them. He grabbed the sheath the spear usually sat in and hurled it over his back. For those who had never seen Ivraan with his spear before it might be a slightly comic sight. Even though Ivraan was a tall half-elf the spear would easily reach his shoulders if it stood on the ground next to him and was only slightly smaller than Ivraan. He made his way over towards Galaxor.

As he arrived he gave a wave and smile towards the giant. “Heya! I heard you were shouting for an exterminator?! Are you headed into the woods to figure out more about those beings?! If so mind if I join?!”; Ivraan spoke with his cheery attitude and hadn’t even noticed the tiefling standing there. He would shoot a smile and wave in her direction. Ivraan had seen Nemeia around a few times but never really spoke to her. ” Hey! Are you also joining in!? Guess we should wait if others want to tag along.” Ivraan spoke with the same cheer. He then sat down the spear on the ground next to him and leaned against it. He was clearly looking forward to it, he wanted to explore the Forest of Emerald for a while now but never really got to it, now to his surprise he had a whole group.

Addressing: Galaxor @Timemaster and Nemeia @Abstract Proxy
Sounds fun, once you have your thread up and running I'll hop in
<Snipped quote by twannyman>

Nah, it was an excellent first post. I like that Ivraan has books about the Forest of Emerald in his caravan. I was *this close* to having Athulwin read a book about it as well

Haha thanks. Yeah just felt it was fitting with the herbology :D

Gonna start filling in the Lore some tonight, after I've settled in and had some more coffee. Off day :)

Looking forward to it

Personally, I allow at least two posts before I respond again. If someone wants to go back and forth with another person or two, in my experience it's best doing it in private messages then someone posts it all as a single collaboration post, rather than a bunch of little posts between the two or three of you.

Yeah thats fair. Just thought I'd check since peoples opinions differ on such things, lovely first post btw
In that case I feel okay posting this, just some scene setting tbh. Honestly the rust is a lot stronger than I expected, but I'm not exactly unhappy about my first IC post since my return :D
Ivraan Valdo

When the Caravan arrived at the edge of the Forest of Emerald Ivraan felt uneasy. In fact, that feeling grew the more time the Caravan spent inside of the Forest. There was something wrong, very wrong with the Vitae of this place. Normally the Vitae he could sense was a pleasant calm energy, but in this place, it was a torrent of torment, as if one poisoned the energy of the land. Be it the sharpness of the air, the trees that looked so unnaturally green, or the seemingly endless illnesses going around. Unfortunately for Ivraan, he did not have an exact clue as to why this was happening and thus he spent most of the time meditating in a wagon he managed to procure after one of the old members passed away. It was old but well-maintained, the three and a half years that Ivraan had spent with the Caravan were not spent in vain. He had picked up at the very least the basics of how to maintain a wagon of this size. Handily cutting down wood with his spear to fix and patch the wagon as seemed fit.

The inside of the wagon was rather barren. A bed made of solid oak sat prominently in the middle. It was covered with straw and feathers to provide a decent, comfortable sleeping experience with a blanket woven from fine silk. Some pillows could be found at the head, but they were nothing more than straw stuffed into what seemed to be a pillowcase made from jute. On the side of the bed stood what seemed to be a small station with grinders, pots, and flasks, clearly intended to be used for his herbology. A book laid bare on the table with what seemed to be some very vague descriptions of the Forest of Emerald, people who claimed to have ventured in and returned, people who stood at the edge and described what they saw, and things like that. On the other side of the wagon, one could find two different racks. One for weaponry and one for armor. The weapon rack was mostly used for Ivraan’s spear, however, one could find a few daggers and an axe in there as well. The armor rack was currently empty as Ivraan just finished adorning his leather armor, with his common traveling clothes being flung over a chair that stood lonely in the wagon.

A perfect timing to be frank, Ivraan could sense new sources of Vitae, unfamiliar, worn out as if harassed by the Forest for a while. He opened the door of his wagon, stepped outside, and made his way forward, towards the new sources he felt. Once there it confirmed his feelings, a group, worn out from travel, unknown to the Caravan had arrived asking for supplies. He gave them a smile as he awaited the response of the Navigator. He did not have to wait long as a small man, one whom he had seen on countless occasions arrived carrying with him some bedrolls and food and water on a cart behind him. As he started to hand them out Ivraan approached the group and started helping the small man. “Hey there! Hope this helps out!”. He spoke as he gave away the last bedroll that the small man brought.

“Sooooo….. if you don’t mind me asking, you saw anything interesting?!”; Ivraan spoke with a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes, while this Forest felt unnatural, it was also an ill-documented place. Anything he could learn from these worn-out travelers was a big plus.

One spoke with a worn-out voice, warily; “Thank you kindly for the food. Be wary of these woods, for something dwells within. At the very least we believe so.”

Ivraan just nodded and smiled; “I see… I see. Well, thanks! I’ll wait for the others to pop up to see what we will do!”
Updated my sheet with the extra info, nothing too special.

Also wanted to ask how strict we are on posting order, if any at all other than try to avoid posting twice in a row
Lovely much obliged for the acceptance, if you do manage to find that time machine to start on your birthday could you let us know so we can make use of it as well!
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