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Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
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Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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@TechnoWizROK I'll leave the detailed critiquing to others, but for possible clarification to the reflex thing. The signals going to the muscles is one thing. But then the muscles also have to have the reaction time to respond to signals it is receiving. So a faster signal does not immediately equate to faster reaction time. That is what I believe they are getting at.

Aside from the magic and abilities of the character I'm curious how he will interact with others. You've created a strong lone wolf character. Wondering how you'll integrate, if at all, with any of the existing groups. Suppose if you're going for a character that is alone most of the time then that'll work.
@Rune_Alchemist All good. I didn't give you much to go off of. That's my bad.
That is unfortunate.
@t2wave WOW. If I didn't know that your style I would say she is abit overpowered. But I don't really see any problem with her.

Wanted to do something different. Most of her powers are either inherent to her biology or blessing. So I would either need to change her parents or otherwise add some limiter. Which I am not necessarily opposed to. As far as her physical stats are concerned they won't really be able to increase much more from where they are without a few millenia. The Nether Realm part would need to come into play for that and she really doesn't want to use it.

EDIT: Changed the look a bit so her armor is more of a blend of her dual culture. Asgard tends to have more of an iron/silver metallic look while the Amazons had more gold.
@Caits@KatherinWinter@Mistress Dizzy
Here is my character's CS. Let me know if her power needs to be limited somehow.

Name: Frea Taya

Alias: N/A (undecided)

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Parents: Skurge the Executioner (Asgardian) and Hope Taya (Amazonian)

Powers and abilities: Most of her powers are inherent and shared by her parents. Because many of them are also a blessing from the Amazonian gods all of her abilities lean heavily toward being magic in nature.

Allspeak - As with all Asgardians, Frea has the ability to speak and all understand her in their own language. She also understands all forms of speech.

Enhanced Intellect - A benefit of being half Amazonian. This does not make her a super genius by any means. Frea learns and processes information quicker than the majority of the human population.

Superhuman strength - Being a quarter Storm Giant, Frea possesses the strength to overpower both the average Asgardian and Amazonian adult. Though young she is capable of lifting upward of 55 tons.

Superhuman speed - While no speedster she can top off at 55 mph, well above even a peak human but comparable to Captain America.

Superhuman Stamina - She can literally fight for days before tiring.

Superhuman Durability - A majority of this comes from her father's side. While not invulnerable she can take great impacts with minimal injury, resist most poisons and toxins, shrug off high-caliber rounds, and withstand extreme environmental conditions for extended periods of time.

Superhuman Agility - Her agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes - Her reflexes are superior to most, able to react to movements several time that of a human.

Immortality - Inherited from her mother, the blessing to the Amazonians extends to Frea as well. This does not mean she cannot die, but she will eventually stop aging and will not die of old age. Outside forces can still kill her though.

Magic Affinity - Shared by both her parents Frea has great potential for the mystic arts that scales with age. She however does not have any formal training in such and currently only knows basic illusionary magic and the abilities granted by her connection with the Nether Realm.

Nether Realm Enhancement - A trait specifically from her father. Frea can draw magic from the other world to project magical blasts and further enhance her own physical capabilities. Considered an enchantment, currently the only way she has access to this is by entering a berserker rage. The benefits gained are offset by her loss of focus and finer judgement. Frea does not like using this ability much and will only ever use it out of desperation.

Personality: Despite her father being a ruthless warrior and one of the finest Asgard has to offer, Frea airs more with her mother. Calm and collected under most circumstances she prefers to use her cunning over her brute strength. Her earliest years spent with her mother among humans is likely to thank for that. She at times enjoys the simpler lives humans seem to lead. An immortal among men she realizes that she will likely outlive most of what's around her so she tries to make the most of the moment.

It would be advisable not to let that fool you though. When things get serious she can be relentless. Knowing her limits she will not hesitate to make use of her own abilities to gain the upperhand. Having seen the blood lust of her father though she has a fear of losing control. Because of this her greatest potential she walls off from herself. It also means that despite being able to toss cars like toys she is surprisingly gentle and even playful at times. All this is to try and run from the the possible future rage could turn her into.

Bio: Born into two warrior cultures, Frea was destined to be a warrior. Her father was a great and well known warrior, one of the finest Asgard had to offer, Skurge. He was often on the side of the villains Loki and The Enchantress but not exclusively evil. Much of this reputation was due to the axe he possessed called Bloodaxe. The weapon through the years built a curse that placed a bloodlust on the wielder. Skurge often had ventures of his own across many realms. Frea's mother did not have such a grand or infamous reputation. She was an Amazonian that had left Themyscira and worked alongside Mercy Graves as Lex Luthor's bodyguards. The more level headed of the two, Hope was not in the lime light nearly as much as Grace or her employer.

Skerge and Hope's meeting was a result of one of Lex's schemes before a ceasefire was established. The two didn't exactly hit it off but from one warrior to the other a respect was forged which eventually lead into a relationship. For the uninitiated Skerge had a history of being manipulated by women through magic. So a strong non-magic using, non-Asgardian woman touched by the gods but not out for a power grab had a certain appeal.

Born on earth, Frea spent her first several years among human children. Her mother taught her to hide her strength and grew up relatively normal, attending public school and learning about the world. Of course neither of her parents expected "peace" to last and from the time she could walk she was taught to fight. In her latter teens Frea was taken to Asgard and trained their by her father and his fellow Asgardians. Given armor and two blades of her own she was on track to become either a great heroine or potentially a villainess if the rage she'd inherited from her father continued to grow.

At the behest of her mother, Frea was returned to Earth and enrolled in the Academy. Like both her parents she was a free agent and had potential for both good and bad. That was more than could be said for some of the other students. Several either came from one side of the other. Growing up in the moral gray area Frea was interested to see how the others might influence her path.

After reading through the current characters I think I have an idea for the character I will make. Now to hash out the details.
*ponders joining again* I need to come up with a good character first.
Ariel - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

Curious now, Ariel changed to her Earth magic. What was going on exactly? From what Penny was saying there was something major on the horizon that put them, and her specifically, at risk. Apparently there was also a few things she needed to learn and be told. Ariel could only assume it had to do with her Phoenix magic. Up to this point she'd only ever used it once since the Magic Games. It was still one of her stronger magics and probably had the greatest effect on how she acted next along with her Green magic. It wasn't quite like the other magics where she had a particular emotional inclination. It had more behavioral leanings and felt compelled to do certain things.

Setting aside that thought for now Ariel put herself back in the moment. She nodded to Penny but looked concerned for a moment. "Uh, okay. She wasn't entirely sure what to expect. However she suddenly tensed up, her magic warning her of the incoming underground shock wave. The ground shook but whatever cause it was too far away for Ariel to identify with her magic. It was big though. "What the heck was that?"

@Burthstone@Zarkun@Caits@Joshua Tamashii
Figured since Naomi would have been there a little while that she would have tried to find a position to fit in. She was an underling for most of her life.
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