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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Were I to pop back I would probably just keep Shane and Melisa. All the others are too much to deal with. Kayli would just be an NPC.

Minutes. It took mere minutes for a barely articulated plan to turn to dust. "I will be in my cell." She couldn't help but wonder how someone that seemingly held themselves in such high regard would do such a thing. Why were their restraints disabled all of the sudden? Wasn't the idea to wait for night? There would have been less guards, most of them wouldn't have restraints on to begin with as they'd be in their cells, and she would have direct access to the grid. Shutting everything off now necessitated acting in the immediate before the facility caught on that something was happening.

Criminals were difficult to work with under ideal circumstances. This place was not the outside. Down here was a boiling kettle with no outlet. Having broken away once she'd fulfilled her end to give access, she and her small entourage of guards were headed back to her cell when the sounds of chaos started back in the direction of the cafeteria. Looking back it appeared that some of the guards were having issues with the electronic locks and were resorting to manual mechanisms. Such a detail was swept aside as the uproar works its way into the wing. Inmates that normally would be contained were breaking out of their cells as several countermeasures ceased to exist.

"What's going on?" Of of the guards called back to the entry.

After a bit of a scramble, more guards from the checkpoint began filtering out to contain the wing. Communication was down, but clearly something was up. "Some of the inmates are loose. Their restraints aren't working."

The three escorting Min-Ji take a step back and raise their weapons defensively. The woman watched them briefly before glancing around. "I would be more concerned with the others." She said before turning away to proceed to her cell.




A bulkhead flew open in the walkway above as a hulking beast burst out and dove down to the main floor of the block, making a b-line for the nearest guards that immediately began firing. Other cells were similarly being warped, melted, cracked or otherwise compromised as more inmates found their abilities unrestricted. Ahead of Min-Ji a wall of glass shattered and a flood of water rushed out as a strange jellyfish like creature crawled out. Others behind were starting to work their way free. "Arc Dragon!" One of them called out and began rushing in the woman's direction. The man had been one of the previous attempted escapees. The guards merely being in the way, one was tossed over the railing while the other two fired off tranq rounds to try and stop the man. These were more designed to deal with Min-Ji though and didn't slow down the raging man. The call seem to have prompted a couple others to move in the electrokinetic's direction.

Glancing one way and back, Min-Ji scoffed a bit. "Banghaehaji ma." The lights began glow brighter as the metal walkway became electrified. The two remaining guards were protected thanks to their gear, but the other inmates that were unfortunate enough to be out of the same floor suddenly seized up and began to shake violently. The jellyfish began to bubble and pop before exploding into a goopy mess. A few seconds later everyone else afflicted collapsed to the floor in a twitching heap. Glancing back at the two still standing she motioned toward her cell. "Watch the door." The door closing behind her, Min-Ji shucked off the restraints and tossed them aside. Walking over to a pair of raised plates she placed a hand on each.

Throughout the facility the lights dimmed and flickered. Hemlock's control of systems fluctuated briefly as Min-Ji's presence filled the grid. Spaces where the guards were moving to try and secure the facility were plunged into darkness, power to the elevators were cut trapping security in the shafts, mag locks were activated locking doors shut and slowing down the response further.

Staring at the withered man for a solid minute it seemed like Min-Ji might not have heard him. She was trying to ascertain better how his powers work. Turning away she looked at various points in the room. "I think he could get to that." Several thought were going through her head as she went back through her memory. It had been some time since she'd been connected. "There is a open circuit to the facility's distribution station that goes to my cell. If you can lock the circuits of that station closed then I will have access to critical functions and a number of your cell's countermeasures." Scooting her tray of food away she stood up and walked over to Hemlock.

Waving a hand over Hemlock's restraints they seemed to work somewhat in reverse to her own, shielding him from outside EM fields. "Right." Touching one finger against the restraint and the other against Hemlock's hand.

Magnolia - To the Exhibition

"Sure thing. That's why I wanted to talk with you since I figured you'd understand it better than anyone else." She would explain to Trinity. Now that things had settled down just a bit, and had more or less had a captive audience, Ariel set Trinity back on her own two feet. "I'll try not to break anything. No promises. She would whisper that last part. Still she would guide the little group in the direction of the exhibition.

Looking back to D'Angelo a big grin would work across her face. "I might have a few stories." One crossed her mind and she paused for a second. No, she wouldn't be that much of a minx and reveal that. Just because she was mischievous didn't mean she was cruel. Mmm, better to ask. "What would you like to know?" Until such time that Ethel would protest, the woman would just leave the girl where she was. She reach over and lightly pet Chu.


Listening to Kailani explain why she ate the cutlury, Min-Ji was slightly confused. It seemed to her that the teen had eaten more than enough for her size. A bit more context was provided when it was mentioned she could eat anything. So perhaps there was some oddity that allowed such a thing.

Whatever the case the woman casually listened while the "plan" was continued to be discussed. Glancing around she briefly noted the numerous guards surrounding the many inmates. Taking off restraints one at a time wasn't going to work and she couldn't... Oh, Kailani was talking to her again.

"I would be most grateful if you did. Should you help release me then..." There was a brief pause. Her first though was to serve someone that would help her with something so critical, but things like that are what got her put in this place to begin with. It was also a habit she was trying to break. Though she didn't have much else to give at this point. Maybe once they were outside she could find something. No, no guarantee they would stumble across anything of real value. In a couple seconds Min-Ji's mind ran through several other scenarios until her thoughts circled back to what little they'd exchanged so far. It sounded like Kailani didn't really know that many people all that well or how they interacted, so perhaps... "I will be your best friend." That sounded like a decent start to the woman.

Another pause, though this one was from the smaller of the two as Min-Ji's words registered with the ever distractable alien. It was even enough to divert her attention from the fact some of the others were talking about feeding her - okay, breaking their restraints, but it ended in food either way.

"Best... friend?" Kailani mulled over the words, comparing them with what she knew of English. Slowly however her rictus grin grew wider, showing her flat white teeth and crinkling the corners of her eyes. "I've never had a best friend before! Yeah, I'll definitely get you out then! Chomp through the door-" Her teeth clacked together in emphasis.

"And your bracelets, and then I can just carry you out and the pact will be complete!"

Most other people probably would have corrected the alien girl. Or at least clarified a bit better. Clearly though neither of them really understood what friendship was. One being too new to the concept and the other largely isolated from it. Min-Ji took more note of being carried out then the pact comment. "I can walk myself, thank you."

Kailani hummed thoughtfully, after a moment nodding. "Alright, as long as that's still enough for the bargain. You should still probably be behind me though - actually, unless you're bulletproof too. Are you bulletproof?"

You never knew with humans. They were so mystifying.

Narrowing her eyes a bit the electrified woman cut a glance to the guards again. No one here had shot her, but a good many of them very well could. "I am not." She instinctively put a hand to her side where she'd been struck before. One didn't work under a big name in the underground without taking a few hits.

"That's alright, me neither! At least like this." Kailani's grin never wavered, and she raised a hand to point at the collar around her throat. "Once I get this off I can be bulletproof for the both of us! It's very inconvenient."

Noting the collar, Min-Ji nodded. Her own restraints limited her abilities as well, though maybe not quite as effective as Thornwood would like. Breaking out of her own bonds solo wasn't really an option. Until she heard of a more concrete plan though the woman would bide her time. For the most part she was treated decently. "You're a shifter?" She would ask, referring to the becoming bulletproof comment.

"Isn't... Isn't it obvious?" Kailani glanced down, flexing her fingers slowly. Her thin, spindly fingers. However after a moment her eyes widened, glancing between their hands before she laughed. "Oh, oh no it wouldn't be! Because everyone here is - they're already human! No, I'm not human. I'm a - uh, I can't pronounce it with this tongue-" For emphasis she stuck her tongue out for a moment and made a face, crossing her eyes as though trying to look at it.

"But humans call it a Devourer. I'm much bigger when I'm me!"

Considering the information a moment, Min-Ji would poke Kailani's shoulder in complete disregard to personal space. The point of contact tingled slightly. "Hm, I see. You are much denser than you look. This form is to blend in?"

"Thanks, I am very dense!" The newly pronounced alien beamed, completely unbothered at being touched or the light tingle that came with it - it was much better than being shocked across the face. "And yeah, pretty much! Plus I guess you guys breathe oxygen so my biology changed to exhale it. But your human powers are much cooler! You're like ... like when my collar shocks me but it doesn't hurt as much!"

"Most here are human." She would correct. There were a number of other beings housed away here, not that she really knew all that much about them. She would glance at the collar again. "Yes, it seems like a majority of the inmates can be kept in line with electric shock. I think they're hoping I remain compliant to prevent others from escaping." Min-Ji wasn't always the best at keeping her inner thought from coming out. Her attention would turn slowly to the conversation on the adjacent table.

Seemed like one of them was working out a more detailed and logical addition to what Abby wanted. Being a bit more in touch with technology, and indeed the infrustructure of Thornwood itself, it made more sense to her. The thin man had an odd presence to him outside him being blind. Something about the EM field around him was markedly off. And now he was requesting her help for something. "I would need to hear more of this plan first. What can you do exactly?" She herself had her own idea in her head to approach trying to escape, but it required some specific skills to make it happen. There had been one other that had attempted something similar. At the time though Min-Ji worked with Thornwood to power the block and thwart the escape. The move gave her a much better understanding of the layout and the kind of equipment they were running. So far she hadn't seen or heard anything to suggest to her that anyone here could bring down some of the main power and force a connection to her cell.

With the attention turning back to the plan, Kailani's ever distractable mind switched too to focus once more on the man addressing her - only to be derailed at Iris' offering of spoon and the shattered pieces of bowl. With the fervor of a starving man she snatched the tray from the other woman, teeth showing through the muzzle in a flashed grin and barely released 'thanks' before utterly devouring the gift. It was only when not even a sliver of the wooden bowl's pieces were left that the alien turned to Körbl, flinching as his words of being shocked penetrated her thoughts.

"Well, I guess if it'll get this off... but if you can get my collar off, I can get yourrestraints off, guaranteed! Though, I think I prefer their plan if it involves less shocking..."

It seemed Kailani was just about as sporadic in her attention as Min-Ji herself at times. Though in this case the behavior had grabbed the woman and she observed the awkward attempt at socializing. It reminded her of herself, particularly in her younger years. Even now though the nuance of people's actions was confusing. Mimicry best described Min-Ji's behavior most of the time. Raised in the strictest of circumstances, obedience was one of the first things she learned. The facility wasn't much for teaching how to interact with people though. Most of that came after she was smuggled to Japan where she had to "Be a pretty face." and "Learn manners." to avoid being punished. While natural in appearance, her polite responses were quite mechanical from ingrained training.

So when the alien girl offered a hand at a respectful distance, Min-Ji very gently took and shook the hand. A light bow followed. Given the truth of being in a prison surrounded by dangerous individuals it was odd to say the least. "A pleasure to meet you Kailani. I am Min-Ji Nguyen." She looked at the bowl still clutched in the other arm of her new acquaintance. The thought in her mind was put on hold as it seemed that her attention was being requested.

Unlike with the girl, Abby's behavior wasn't as polite. She went on about details of some scheme to break out. Added to the fact was this woman hadn't even bothered to learn her name before barking orders to her. All that aside... "This sounds like a stupid plan."

Rotating back to Kailani, Min-Ji resumed as if uninterrupted. "Do you usually eat the utensils?"

Most of the things going on around her were ignored. It wasn't that the events and words weren't heard, but a majority of it didn't stick in her mind. Were she a more aggressive inmate she probably would have tried to take Körbl down a peg, which would have been an interesting prospect given the the disparity in physical prowess. The man's strength would surely break the small woman in two without effort. Her advantage had everything to do with how most people's biological functions work.

"Strength means nothing if you can't use it." She said aloud, but not really to anyone in particular. Really it was just thoughts being said out loud. Whether anyone would be bothered by it wasn't even a thought.

Her attention would gloss over the new arrival that greeted everyone. This place wasn't one that made her particularly happy. How someone else could enjoy themselves was beyond her. Amongst the chatter one comment drew her ear. Something about an implant that needs to be turned off? Mm, maybe not exactly what was said, but that's what registered in Min-Ji's mind. Electronic devices to her were simply play things to manipulate or break. Their complexity at times was beyond her, but when you break them down it's all electrical signals.

Whatever train of thought to the inhibitor became interrupted when someone moved closer. She needn't look to know some details. Most of the inmates were bundles of nerve endings firing away with instructions that moved muscles. Often time she could sense how someone intended to move before they actually did. But even without those queues people and objects moving around her warped an almost constant electro magnetic field around her. It was something of a sixth sense. Didn't have the greatest fidelity, but it assisted her awareness to otherwise invisible things. So of course the small girl that decided to come over was noticed immediately. What was she doing?

Ordinarily a small child would not warrant much alarm. In this place however anything could be more than it appeared. Thus when Kailani attempted to rest against the woman the resulting shock was swift, but measured. There was a slight pause when the child mentioned how she smelled. To an extent the statement made sense. Ozone in higher concentrations had a sweet smell even to the average human. Though the damage it would cause would far outweigh the pleasantries. To many other people such a statement of potential deliciousness would sound bizarre. The oddity was lost to Min-Ji though. After a few moments she offered up a smile, that was what people did after a complement wasn't it? "Thank you. And you are very cute." She would lean down to get a bit closer. Min-Ji's eyes flickered almost as though a storm swirled around inside them. "It isn't a good idea to get too close to strangers. People here will try and kill you for less." Likely an understatement, but the accuracy didn't really matter. Threats weren't really her thing, but she'd learned the hard way that letting people close was tempting fate.
I'm afraid I need to drop out. I wish nothing but the best for the RP and the players, but I have overcommitted my time. Much love and have a great one!

I can understand this. Do what you got to do and take care.

Routine, Min-Ji worked well with routine. It didn't take long for the guards and management to figure this out even with subtle things like changes in schedule. Things like the infernal Daylight Savings Time for instance was a concept she did not take well to nor understand. Eventually even things like that became at least a little tolerable. So it was none too surprising then that she dusted off her hands and approached the door. On queue a slot opened in front of her and she stuck her arms through where two shackles were mechanically clasped around her wrists. With a third restraint clamped around her neck "The Battery", the block's pet, had her powers restricted to short and touch based range. As was learned long ago, completely locking away an inmate's abilities was a good way to get them killed, which was largely a waste in the eyes of science.

Door opened she was met by three guards. A quick glance revealed familiar faces behind the masks. "How is the Arc Dragon today?" An odd question to the uninitiated, but for Min-Ji the answer often gave hint to if she was in one of her particular moods.

"She is fine." The woman stated simply and stepped out of the cell, seemingly unfazed by the weapons pointed at her and she began calmly walking in the direction of the cafeteria unprompted. The guards relaxed slightly, though they wouldn't let her out of their sight. Interacting with the other inmates was more like rolling dice since they were unknown variables on a good day.

Doctor's Note: Despite potential hazards to both the subject and others, Min-Ji (aka Arc Dragon) is encouraged to mingle with fellow inmates. The hope is that it will help us better understand her responses and triggers. Ideally with enough data we may be able to inhibit the negative responses and potentially replicate the neurological activity to better pacify more of the residents.

Plastic tray with one serving of mystery substance later, the Asian woman stood and observed the room for an uncomfortable amount of time. Her attention turned over to the woman roasting a guards hands with burning hot cuffs. Blinking slowly and unmoved by the agony on display she looks up at Ameliya. For a second it looked like she might say something, but the inclination died in a flash and she stepped away.

Min-Ji would approach one of the tables adjacent to where most of the others were gathering. Eyes drifting down slightly she eyed another inmate who looked as much metal as man. "I am sitting here. Move over." She would state as if she were talking about the weather.

Craning his neck up with a scowl the man glared at Min-Ji who looked back with a glazed expression. There must have been an agreement or previous encounter because after a few seconds he shifted over and made room for the small woman to sit on the bench. For the next five minutes she wasted time poking at her food and listening to the things going on around her. Most of it was uninteresting, useless drivel which was all one could expect to hear when buried alive underground to rot. One of them asked about strength or some such. Others were chuckling about something. Hard to tell, humor was complicated for her most of the time. Things? Mmm... One of them was the woman complaining in her cell earlier. Lot of good that did.

Of all the things that did catch her attention is was the myriad of smells in the room. Extremely annoying. A slight buzzing sound, that tiny electrical hum you hear in an appliance when you flick it on, began to emanate from Min-Ji. Around her the air began to smell like after a thunderstorm, almost chlorine like. The human air freshener huffed a bit and proceeded to eat with the inconvenience cleared up.

Scratching away with little more than a piece of chalk, an Asian woman scrawled out incoherent words and phrases in a jumbled mess of languages. Confiscation of these notes had been done on more than one occasion, but no useful information has been gathered as of yet. Figuring out the strange amalgam of Korean, Japanese, and English was as difficult as understanding its author. Still, the activity meant keeping Min-Ji placated which made everyone's lives easier.

Guards came and went outside her cell without being paid any mind. Why bother when the room itself was more than capable of containing the less that intimidating figure. Her door was much easier to see through, being mostly made of a reinforced silica based material due to its poor conductivity. Made for an interesting show whenever it was lights out, like a thunderstorm in a box.

Much like the guards there wasn't much attention paid to the woman making noise. This happened from time to time anyway as there was always someone with a grievance. Several minutes went by, and Min-Ji must have felt Abigail's eyes, because eventually the young woman's head drifted up and she stared across with a slightly dazed expression.
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