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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Back in this shit hole.

Oros preferred to stay as far away from Penrose as possible. With her patron having left this reality plenum, sticking around felt weird. Moreover, there were a lot of things she couldn’t stand about the place. One of the more bothersome aspects of Penrose was its magical girls. It wasn’t their behavior, just that there were so many of them. Worse still, some of them were many people.

Janet Howell had been everything from a member of Beacon, a monster who opposed Beacon, two members of Beacon, and now was her fourth iteration where she didn’t really have anything to do with Beacon anymore. That last part was especially hard to find out. All Oros had to work with was a ritual hex blade that could see into different times and realities. A powerful tool to be sure, but limited when you didn’t know what to look for. It was an awful lot of work for what Oros might get out of the deal.

And she needed to go into a school of all places!

The cultist didn’t get the appeal of schools either. Yes, Japanese school uniforms looked cute on everyone, but in America there was little appeal to be had. Schools weren’t supposed to be interesting places anyway. They had a bunch of bored teachers drone out a lesson or two before collecting a paycheck. TV made school look fun, sexy, and smart, but nobody really wanted to be here. The fact that so few magical girls ever showed up in school was proof of that.

Oros had her sword up, and was examining its reflection to find her mark. There had to be a trace of it somewhere.

While there could be a number of magical girls attending the school, Oros had the advantage that there were only a small handful of magical women. The details of how Kayli had become an adult weren't all that important. Simply that by the end of the Christmas party Kayli had somehow aged into a 30-something. So after some meandering the blade led to the biology lab where the only adult there was the teacher.

It wasn't long after that the bell rang. Students began to filter out and after a brief talk with a few that had questions all others had left the room. Oros stepping in, the blonde woman could tell there was something different about this girl. Not that that meant anything in particular. Since taking this position she was occasionally approached by magical girls or boys when they wanted to talk to a neutral party about more than the mundane. "Hello there. Do you need help with anything?" She said as she adjusted her glasses and greeted with a warm smile.

”Yea! You could get these things off of me! Don’t touch that!” Oros smacked one of the children on the hand. While most were inclined to ignore the strangely dressed woman, Oros’s unusual robe was a bit too enticing for the average school child.

“Are you a wizard?”

“She’s a samurai! Just look at her sword!”

“A jedi!”

“Or a sith? She looks evil.”

”You’ll find out if-” With a groan, Oros reached for the heavens, and several lollipops appeared in her hand. ”Look, it’s, hng, gehana!” She flung the sweet treats out of the room, and the children flocked into the hallway. This had not deterred some of the older ones, but they had already lost interest in Oros and had to get home for whatever they occupied their time with. Regardless, Oros and the teacher were alone-ish for the time being. ”Alright so.” Oros waved her hand over herself. ”The change isn’t quite as dramatic as yours, you probably remember me from somewhere, right?” There wasn’t much reason to drag this out. Oros didn’t really have anything with Janet, and she doubted that would change now with the way things were. ”Maybe you know where I could find… my nooooooooose?”

Looking over the girl for a moment the resemblance seemed to click for Kayli. The reference of the nose pretty well clarified things as well. "Oh I see. How is it you…" She waved off the question before completing it. How it was the Oros found herself purified wasn't important. Opening a drawer of her desk she retrieved her purse and took out a small case and set it down on the desk before Oros. "I'm sorry that this took longer to get back to you than it should have. The twins had a way of taking on more than they could handle." She gave a warm smile. "You should find it better at helping you track down corrupted magic. I hope that's alright."

”That’ll be plenty helpful. I wasn’t expecting anything, so this is good.” Oros looked her nose over. It was hers alright. The flesh on her face peeled back until a cartoon canon was exposed, which she unscrewed. Then she pushed her other nose in place, which melded into place. ”Finally, reattached to its rightful owner!” Oros sheathed her sword before looking at the teacher. ”Oh wow, I can smell forever now.” She sniffed the air a bit. ”What smells so good? Oh! That’s me!” The beast woman grinned. ”I guess we’re all settled up then? Don’t need my credit card number or any favors?”

The woman would shake her head. "No. I think Penrose has enough people wheeling and dealing as is. I might no be able to stay out of it forever, but I can do my best to stay a neutral party in the meantime." She put her purse back away.

Oros folded her arms. ”I was less thinking of me pulling a magical bullshit device out of my ass and more like going shopping somewhere. But if you’re cool, I’m cool.”

Scooting a notepad over she wrote down a number and handed it to Oros. "If you find yourself in need of something feel free to give me a call and I'll see what I can do. I can't perform miracles, but I can provide a safe place to rest if nothing else."

”Oh-hoh! A number.” Oros accepted the piece of paper. ”I mean I can traverse dimensions, so I doubt I’ll have a use for something like this. Well, not for the reason you handed it to me anyway.” The note disappeared, presumably going into Oros’s hammer space. ”Right so, I guess I do have two burning questions you could answer for me.” She counted off her fingers. ”So if you want to be neutral, why offer to help everyone? Seems like a good way to tick someone off”

"A fair question. It would be easier to stay quiet and completely out of things. Much like my predecessor though I feel that doing nothing isn't really an option. For better or worse I am a product of ideals that are hard for me to ignore. One could argue that once you've been dragged into this kind of business there's no real getting out though." She gave a light shrug. To be honest it had crossed her mind to leave town and make change elsewhere. That was prior to accepting to become Connie's adoptive mother though. Physical changes aside, the mental ramifications probably had a greater impact with her maternal instincts becoming front and center. And in a world made up of mostly magical girls and boys it was hard for her not to immediately see them as children even if she knew it might not be the case.

”That uh, didn’t really answer my question. Whatever! I Second question…” Oros blushed a little bit. ”You uh, you kept my noise in your purse?”

The second question was a bit more odd to her. "Where else would I keep something I might need on hand?"

”Wha?” Oros covered her nose with both hands. ”The hell do you need a spare nose for!?”

Blinking a couple of times she chuckled aloud. "Oh, I see what you mean now. I had it with me so I could return it to you if we should meet. I found a number of loose ends left behind that I've returned or resolved. I believe your nose was the last to deal with. I'd rather not be responsible for someone else's possessions." Doing her best to reassure she hadn't tampered with the nose any further than what the twins had already done.

Oros had her eyes squint through the teacher’s entire explanation. ”...You’d better not be kidding.” With a sniff, her eyes opened up. ”Alright, I guess I’m gonna go then.” She turned around. ”Yep, just gonna leave.” She stepped towards the door. ”Just gunna-” Oros looked over her shoulder. ”So you’re serious? You really don’t wanna do anything? You’re just gonna, what? Go home?”

She would look at the clock for a moment. "Well, regardless of what I'd like to do I have a few more hours on the job." She would put a hand on a stack of papers. "These aren't going to grade themselves after all. I probably will be headed home afterward though. I have other responsibilities to attend to." In this case, Connie and Mia.

”Well alright, if you say so.” Oros shook the paper in the air. ”I’m gonna use this number soon though, so you’d better make yourself available some time.” She waved before closing the door behind herself.

Industrial District


With everyone's help the threat had been cleared. Shane couldn't help but feel like this was some kind of test run. The foe was smart and adapted quickly, but the assault was surely not enough to take on the number of defenders in Penrose. Having been occupied with in the air though it took him some time to rejoin the others. He would have to hope and get word of any other details later if there were any.

Hopping off his monut he would pat the enormous bird and let him fly off. The Thunderbird wasn't a fan of crowds. Taking out his phone he would text Mia a call.

"Gaia, how are you? How's Connie?" He wasn't really sure the status of the rest of Penrose. The fact that he got any response was a good sign that things were handled.

Business District

Having posted herself above most of the battlefield, Ka'ris watched as the magical girls and boys went to work thraching everything in sight. The Queen, Penny Wenny, was notably ruthless. Indeed it would seem that attempting any kind of incursion here would have been met with severe resistance. And it had only taken two to break any chance before. Yikes. And despite this drone's new humanoid form she could tell she was greatly lacking in magical strength to be much more than average.

One thing to note is that even though the defenders worked together, she couldn't really tell what the command structure was. People were running around yelling out this and that. It seemed highly inefficient. As a normal drone she would receive orders at a subconscious level, or at least she used to before her transformation. She needed to figure out how to be "human". Starting with the Queen and Princess sounded risky. If either of them figured out her primary directive she would surely be captured or destroyed. Uh... Probably going to have to pick someone at random and hope for the best. Letting out a sigh she began to float down and see who she ran into first.

Fortunately (or unfortunately for the unsuspecting target) she made her way toward the bundle of people and tugged on a wing of the Angel of Hope. "Excuse me. I'm new here and I'm a little confused on what's going on. Can you help me?"
Losing the pink asthetic?

Industrial District


Things looked like they were working out alright. Having access to the air made fighting against the Wendigos fairly straightforward. However responding to a call by the feral creatures, a murder of crows that seemed to be endless began to swarm him and his mount. There was no way he could shock them all just with his magic. His Thunderbird reared back and nearly threw him off. It snapped and clawed at the tiny birds, but they were too numerous. "Hang on buddy, I got an idea." Rolling over the two would dive, a stream of black following after.

Swatting off clinging crows, Shane opened his tome as they pulled up just before hitting the ground. Skirting the streets and alleys they began collecting dust, dirt, and small chunks of rock. Before long he had a swirling torrent of earth that would remove the remaining crows directly on them. Keeping ahead of the bulk of the murder he pulled up and they began to climb to get some space and distance from the source of the crows. It also gave him time to set up. Dispersing the earthen material wide around him the particles would fly and scrape past one another like a whirlwind. The numerous interactions began to build a charge. Turning over to another page he summoned a ball of lightning and began to expand it. Electricity arced this way and that until the Thuderbird contributed.

In a burst of magic the space around Shane and his mount was engulphed by a field of electricity held together by the boy and fed by him, the dust, and his mount. Stalling and turning over the giant ball of electricity dove into the murder, shocking and sandblasting anything unfortunate enough to get to near. The others would have to deal with things on the ground while he would work on clearing the skies.

Business District


Seeing that her blast of magic obliterated her target, Ka'ris had a brief self celebration. First successful encounter! She observed that a contraption drove by with some humans inside of it. She made a mental note to observe these machines for contained humans in the future. It was then that she was approached by Penny and MDP. Penny asked a question but it was quickly buried by MDP's rush of words. Standing awkwardly her grin grew by the second. Some of the words were a little different than expected, but Ka'ris would adapt. Her eyes sparkled and she hopped from one foot to the other. A friend already! Not that she entirely knew what a friend was or really meant, but it seemed to be a big deal in the shows she'd seen. "You really like them? Fuu, that's a relief. I wasn't sure what people would think. Uhmm, yes. I would love to be your friend!" More success, she has made a connection with another magical girl.

Her gaze would go back to Penny and she would remember the original question. She would nod to the initial question of newness. "Mm, I am new. This magical girl thing is weird." She held our her arms and wiggled her fingers, still unused to the digits. "Oh, introductions! My name is Ka'ris Tal." She seemed to have a little trouble saying it right as she enunciated the name. "It's nice to meet you both." Overhead a big flock of birds rushed past in the direction of the Industrial District. Hovering off the ground she looked in the direction they were going. Facing back down she would point. "Is that normal?"

Industrial District


Wendigos, nasty creatures. These particular monsters required assistance when he had encountered them in the past. Beating them wasn't the trouble, keeping them down was another matter. Thankfully Paree could call in some assistance from a fiery magical girl. Thus was the nature of roaming from place to place. No telling if there would be others on hand to assist.

A dearth of magical girls was not something Penrose had an issue with. If anything the opposite was true. Shane sometimes wondered if it was a natural law of magic that drew more and more over time. One thing was for sure, turmoil followed. And yet despite how many times an attack occurred or how powerful someone got there always seemed to be a snapback that brought things back down. A lull had come after the Christmas party, as brief as it was.

Staying in and around the Sanctuary most of the time the hoard of Wendigos pretty quickly drew Shane's attention. While two of the three newcomers were being aided, the third was being persued by the monsters. A dark trail of storm clouds began to extend and reach from above in Hanna's direction. A Wendigo leaping at Hanna suddenly yelped as it was suddenly caught in the grasp of giant talons. From the dissipating cloud a giant bird was perched on the roof clutching the unfortunate horned creature already burning and crackling. As ruthless pack animals Wendigos were used to being up there at the top of nature's food chain. They were suddenly confronted by one of their rare natural predictors, a Thunderbird. Its wings spread wide it shrieked which could be heard in the neighboring district. Riding atop was Shane. He and his mount took to the air once more and began raining lightning on the remaining nine Wendigos that were now scrambling to avoid being struck or plucked off the ground.

Business District


Something was happening above. What was it? What were those sounds? Could... could it be? A manhole cover was blown out of the sidewalk which soared off into the next block. Having crawled her way from deep in Penrose sewers, a small magical girl popped up out onto the streets. Unfazed by the horrid smell of sewage her bright eyes and cheery grin scanned the landscape. So this was human civilization. How very- oh what's that? She grabbed a fallen road sign. The jewel on her chest projected a light on the object and it was promptly transported into her Hammerspace Handbag.

Back to looking around. There was a magical girl, or what what she assumed was a magical girl anyway. She looked more metal than most of the depictions of fleshy humans. Would that be a mecha girl? Regardless the individual was ruthlessly attacking weird skeletal faced creatures. Surely these must be the monsters they must defeat. Turning a bit she identified three remaining Wendigos that had yet to be engaged. Perfect, time to be a hero! One hand on her hip and the other pointed at the monsters she called out. "Times up ugly! Me and my sisters are going to knock you into next week!" She had no real idea how long a week was, but it sounded like a long time to her.

Hoisting up her oversized weapon the crystals lit up and began firing out beams of violet light that twisted and swerved around and past Penny thanks to her Gravity magic. The Wendigos would have the time to look up and make a move, but the beams would shift with them and as they touched down the area became a fireworks show of exploding violet mayhem. Ka'ris would keep up the barrage for a few seconds laughing like a toon.
Whoops added.
Another one.

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Hemlock may have control of devices on the network, but Min-Ji had a finger on the pulse. Critical functions relied on stable power. Entire states go down when the delicate balance is disrupted. She of course had to be careful. In a space this deep underground fresh air had to be pumped and circulated down else it would become a tomb after all. First she remained and drew in power to charge herself for her inevitable departure. There was no telling what they would come to face on the surface. Wary of drawing too much she stopped before overloading. She then sent pulses back out to put some of the other power generation out of phase. Not everything, but enough would be down that the facility would be running on emergency power for the next hour or more as the workers scrambled to bring everything back online. Anything they might need she could power herself.

Breaking away she sparked and crackled with energy. It had been years since she'd felt the full rush of lightning coursing through her veins. Arc Dragon was back. The cries of the two guards drew her attention as the door of her cell was ripped away and consumed. This was the first time she'd seen this creature. Was it friend or foe? Chittering and scrambling it fought to get into the cell which really wasn't large enough for such a monster. Lifting a hand she let out a shockwave that ran briefly though Kailani. Tilting her head to one side the makeup of the creature felt familiar. "Kailani? A few steps closer and a lick to the face later confirmed that, at least, the beast did not mean her harm. "We must rejoin the others." She ignored the two guards, even they knew that what they had on them wouldn't save them at this point, nevermind the all consuming alien.

Between Kailani's brute force, tough exterior, and supreme nommage coupled with Min-Ji's raw power output, nothing really stood in their way back to the cafeteria to group back up. The crack of thunder filled the space as the Asian woman clapped her hands and separated them. No light came of it, but an invisible bolt of dark lightning brimming with gamma radiation was directed and struck Abby. Producing such was no small feat, but Min-Ji could leach off other devices in the interim. Finding a "safe" source of radiation otherwise would be too costly for time and worth the sacrifice if it got them moving quicker.
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