Avatar of Vanq


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Comic Con for the day, woo!
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Can't afford to be neutral on a moving train
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8 months? I don't feel like I received enough warning at how quickly time flies the older one gets. Poking around, taking a look.
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9 yrs ago
Work isn't cooperating with giving me time, working on catching up.


Most Recent Posts

In Ainigma 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Vanq>

Hey! I read the first book of that series!...finally a WoT reference I understand. ^_^

Welcome to the club! I totally had to google the name of his village though
In Ainigma 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Can you provide us with any more background lore about the world? I have an idea for a CS, but I don't want to just write one out without a little more information (even just simple stuff like other countries/cities in the world), UNLESS you'd rather have that more ambiguous and create a more localized setting to kind of heighten the atmosphere of insularity? I'm totally fine with both, I'm just not totally certain at this point what you're going for, so I just wanted to make sure!


Yes, there would a whole world beyond the village. Kingdoms, cities, various cultures and religions.

If you're familiar with the Wheel of Time series, the hometown village (Emond's Field) where it begins would be a starting comparison. Except Aeredal is far more insular and uncaring of events outside their village.

I am leaving the rest of the world open to player creativity in creation of your characters. The only thing I would be hesitant of (that comes to mind at the moment) is a king/queen in hiding type of situation.

I hope that helps, in some way. The rest of the world is left intentionally vague as Aeredal has no care for it. If there is something specific you wanted to run by me, feel free to PM me as well.
In Ainigma 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Not considering the player max hit until I see some character sheets, feel free to jump in.
In Ainigma 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Welcome, welcome...

So after some back and forth in my mind, I'm doing shortened versions for the NPCs I'm providing information for. They are the main "powers" in Aeredal and thus being used to move the plot along when needed. This is not to imply they are two-dimensional cardboard cutouts, but I want to give an easy insight to their base motivations...for any interactions your characters would have with them.

Still working on wrapping that up, which I will likely not finish til the weekend as I've had some unexpected celebrations to attend. Regardless, let me know where you're at...Still interested, creating a character sheet, have questions....Feel free to use the OOC as a chitchat zone as well. I don't mind the chatter. =)
Is it found food, or food I dropped?
Found food - oh hell no
Food I dropped - continue on....

Is it in a filthy environment?
Yes - no way
Nope, pretty clean looking - continue on...

Pick it up, is there noticeable dirt?
Yes - nope, toss it
Nah, looks alright - eat it
Done. Thanks~
Any thoughts on mine, Rilla? (If you've had a chance to read through it.)
<Snipped quote by ActRaiserTheReturned>

oh shit, guys, it's the second coming. Nobody get any forehead tattoos for at least a couple weeks.

Don't forget the left (?) hand. To be safe, no hand tattoos either. And maybe just stay inside for a little while.
And I finished that in a more timely manner than I would have guessed. Yay.
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