Avatar of Vanq


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Comic Con for the day, woo!
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9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
Can't afford to be neutral on a moving train
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9 yrs ago
8 months? I don't feel like I received enough warning at how quickly time flies the older one gets. Poking around, taking a look.
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9 yrs ago
Work isn't cooperating with giving me time, working on catching up.


Most Recent Posts

First character, PC or NPC, to ask for free services gets kicked in the nads.

aka, nice Rilla, time to get revolution-ing!
Lies. You're on my list >.>

Hah, Vic Michaels.

...to be fair, the Ravens would take him if something happened to Joe Flacco.

To be fair, the Bills would keep someone like that if it meant getting to the playoffs.
@El Taco Taco
The third plot has completely caught my eye and imagination. Had a nice read through of the fan theory about the Enigma of Kirkwall. I've played the entire series, and sometimes feel like I'm one of the few who really enjoyed DA2's story.

I'd be interested in playing the new Viscount in such a story. My own posting is on the slower side of things. I too am married, work a full-time job, and have (only) one dog who demands my attention. I can usually guarantee a once per week post, and 3-6 (typically more for intros or scene setting) are the norm for me. I'd be happy to toss around some PMs in you're interested.
Well, might as well state it here so we have some OOC chatter...2 characters are up for myself. Grandma Betty, sweet old lady, and Vic, who, well, he's predisposed to cruelty.
Blank character sheet is available, and I've posted my character. Toss me any questions you have~
Francisco Franco



Frankie is 5'7" (170cm) and about 160lbs. (73kg). He has a hard time growing any facial hair, but the peach fuzz on his upper lip tries hard to exist. He's built to the average, not much in the way of defining muscles or an excess of pudge on his frame.


Extracurricular Interests:
Chess, painting (monarchs)

Academic Interests:
Military Strategy, Conservative Philosophy

Who's the hottest girl from the girl's school?:
Eva Peron

Frankie is that guy who sits under a tree spouting his totally deep beliefs. Until someone disagrees with him, or questions him, that is. He resorts to violence quickly, and can hold a grudge and seek payback weeks after the initial slight. His words and his actions are often contradictory. He has a soft spot for protecting women, but only because he feels they are far too inadequate to care for themselves.

Main goal(s) for the school year:
Re-institute the Class King position, become Chess Champion, get a date (not that he hasn't been on plenty already of course, true ladies' man)

Ok peoples, OOC is up though I'm still putting together the character sheet.

Here you go.
Character Sheet




Text or images, no preference. If using images, no anime styles.

Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior

Extracurricular Interests:

Academic Interests:

Who's the hottest girl from the girl's school?:
Eva Peron, Madame Chiang, Imelda Marcos, or Madame Nhu, <insert your own suggestion>


Main goal(s) for the school year:

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