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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Necrophage said
Not my intention. =( That is why I didn't want to use the term gray. Changing it again, lol.

just change the race to drow :[
Metronome said
I think grey would be the proper word.

She has large gray, dull eyes and is completely hairless. Her skin is gray and tight across her features making her look unnaturally thin and her ears are longer than a usual elf and very pointed. Black glyphs and symbols are tattooed on either side of her neck and travel down her shoulders all the way down the front of her arms to her wrists. She is quite possibly one of the ugliest elves you've ever seen. With the beauty of elves that doesn't exactly say a whole lot does it?

That is the definition of a drow elf
i added the magic and weapons sector.
now im just gonna wait for confirmation ;]
okay okay i get it im sorry
well, how exactly do you guys define powerful? I didn't think this RP was one of those "we start with noobs" kind of RP so i put some extra flavor to my CS but i don't think i made him too op e.e i can tone him down if the GM deems it necessary tho
Rainmaker said

yay more halfs
did you just post on the ic ¬.¬
Burthstone said
Not dead, we've been just busy, calm yer tits. I'll probably post later today, I have a lot of work and I've been having people problems.

well i just dont like seeing inactivity in the rps im in :/ thats why i try to stir up convos and such. the ooc is where you see who is and who isn't active.
General Information

Name: Trafalgar Huris
Gender: Male
Age:: 20
Race: Half-Elf


Trafalgar carries 2 knives strapped on the inside of both of his sleeves in addition to the other 5 he has stored in his pouch. [2+2+5=9 knives]


-Adept Hand-To-Hand Combatant-
Due to his travels, he was forced to learn the hard way that being alone has its shortcomings when it comes to fighting. Due to being in a fair amount of fights, Trafalgar quickly became efficient when it came to using his hands to get his way out of trouble.
-Expert Marksman-
Although being a good overall fighter, he especially excels at using all kinds of ranged weapons, his favorite being the throwing knife. His skill and accuracy coupled with his magic, make him a deadly ranged fighter.
-Novice Spellblade-
Even among his elven relatives, Trafalgar showed considerable potential when it came to the arcane arts. He is naturally gifted in the use of magic and doesn't need to prepare the spells he uses beforehand. Although he knows some basic spells, he left his home before his training was complete and thus doesn't have complete mastery over them yet.
-Adept Diplomat-
Due to traveling alone for so long, Trafalgar became good at convincing people to do his biding.


-Energy Infusion-
Due to his natural affinity towards magic, Trafalgar is able to channel arcane energy into the weapons he touches, most of the times one of his throwing knives. He is then able to manipulate the energy to what element suits his needs and it functions the same as if were enchanted on the weapon. Currently, Trafalgar is limited to 4 elements; Lightning, Fire, Ice and Air.


Trafalgar carries with him strapped on his waist a medium-sized leather pouch and keeps all his items there.

-Ring of Travel-
A favorite ring of half-elves, humans, and half-lings, this small and plain silver band is set with a single radiant-cut sapphire and decorated with a maze-like pattern engraved into the ring's metal. Often worn on the little finger, the ring grants its wearer the ability to instantly know the direction from her to the nearest tavern, pub, or similar watering hole as long as that establishment is in a settlement whose population is equivalent to that of a village or greater and which is within 20 miles of the wearer.
-Throwing knives x5-
-Water canister-
-10 gold coins-


The outcome of the sudden romantic encounter of Xandro Huris, an Elf noble and Daila Verde, a human daughter of a wealthy merchant was the little, somewhat pointy eared boy named Trafalgar Huris. Born a Half-Elf, Trafalgar faced a lot of hardships growing up. He was constantly bombarded with all kinds of information about elves and humans, how they behaved and how he was supposed to behave. His parents agreed that they had come together in the heat of the moment and that they didn't mean for him to be born but both of them wanted him as their child. His father wanted him to become the heir to the Huris family and come back with him at Alinor, the capital of the elven kingdom that borders Rostguard. His mother on the other hand wanted him to come to her family and live next to humans, learning their ways in the process. But neither thought about how he felt. For many years his life was oscillating between his human and his elven nature and he hated his parents for that.

That is why, one day, he decided he had enough. He packed a couple of things he needed, a change of clothes and some money, and left his home in hopes of finding something better to live for. Traveling on his own was hard in the beginning but he got used to it eventually. After traveling around the elven kingdom, he crossed over to Rostguard and arrived at a small town called Estermere.

Most stuff are here. Will add the rest later cause I'm tired. Done.
another dead rp...
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