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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Mr Nim said
Still not looking at Sho's direction, Riye waited for a moment until she felt the mark stamper leave her skin. She then touched the spot, feeling it was a bit colder than usual, and returned her sleeve back to her shoulder. Turning to look at Jarvis again, she ignored Sho until the bartender finished explaining the way renting a room in the guild hall worked, which sounded like a fair system to her "Very well then. I'd like to rent a room here, to begin with. After I've done a mission or two, then I'd consider moving to somewhere else in the town. For now I have 50 thousand jewels to begin with, and thats all the cash I have." She said.

Finally turning to look at Sho, she gave him a smile "Yo Sho. Not sure if you paid attention, but my name is Riye. After I've set up in my room, would you like going on a mission with me? I know its probably very sudden, seeing we don't know each other, but I work better with others rather than alone. Would you like that?" Riye asked, and took a further glance at him. He didn't look like a bossy type to her, nor like a grown up, so she figured that he was probably an alright person.

"Yo?" Trafalgar thought and chuckled. "Well, I just returned back to the guild from a trip I had and I'd like to take it slow for now and plus, Master Jamie is going to make some announcements from what I heard" he said and looked at Jarvis, "So we might as well wait here until she finishes saying what she wants to say and then we can go on a mission together."
My timezone is GMT+3. just throwing that out there
MyCatGinger said
...I want her to interact with Trafalgar at the Jolly'ol Hippogriff, damnit! Vec, where are you! Elf to elf, y'know? Like, a heart-to-heart chat about how great Pucksy is and why he doesnt keep Uncle Seb away from the goods...

Well, i changed Trafalgar's appearance to a more recognizable one. I'm sure we can do something :D I could just hear from someone that you sell meat and come to you to stock up on supplies...who knows. On a side note, I'm a student and as such most of my time is school bound ;( My timezone is GMT +3 hours so more often than usual, when I'm on you are all sleeping On the weekends I'm free to do whatever i want so I'm going to be on a lot more unless i need to prepare for exams/tests or study.
Many torches placed on either the sides of houses or stuck on the ground, illuminated the main street stretching across the town. Trafalgar walked slowly, looking at his surroundings, trying to find an inn or tavern where he could spent the night. He had been walking for over five hours and his feet were starting to develop painful blisters.

After asking around town and walking a solid one hour more, he finally found the tavern most of the residents recommended to him, Pucksy’s Jolly Hippogriff. Almost all of the people he had asked agreed that the Jolly Hippogriff was one of the cleaner and safer taverns in the town, albeit a little wild when it came to the drinking habits of its customers. Trafalgar walked to the tavern door and slowly pushed it forward and instantly laughter echoed in his ears, the strong but sweet smell of ale and beer being poured filled his nostrils. “I’m glad I made the effort to look for it…” he thought as he entered the tavern.

The place was filled with people of all racial backgrounds. Trafalgar spotted a company of dwarves sitting on one of the tables, drinking to their hearts content. On another table you could see a human and a halfling betting on who could drink more. What surprised him the most though was the female elf that was trying to drag what seemed to be a half-elf out of the tavern. A pure blooded elf around these parts was a rare sight, most of them opting to live in Farethas, a predominantly elven country. Trafalgar maneuvered his way through the tables and reached the counter. He sat on one of the stools and ordered a loaf of bread and a mug of beer to drink with.

“By the way, do you rent rooms to travelers that come through here?” he asked the man behind the counter.
“If you want a room, you’d have to ask ol’ Pucksy. He is the one that handles that stuff. My job’s to get your belly full with food and drink!” the barkeep said and laughed loudly.
“And where would Pucksy be right now?” Trafalgar asked.
“He should be somewhere around the back, checking on the ale supplies. With all the thieving that’s been happening lately, we have lost a fair chunk of business…” you could feel the disappointment in the man’s voice as he spoke. “Just wait here until he comes back and then go ask him about the rooms” he added and then proceeded to serve Trafalgar, receive his pay and get along with business.

“Alright then, I guess I’ll wait” Trafalgar mumbled and bit on the load of bread.
The Fated Fallen said
wtf is this grammar from the 15 hells to this monstrosity (of grammar)Do you want to rephrase that?

FINALLY SOMEONE WHO FEELS ME. I love you fated. I really do.
Stitches said
Again - kind of not looking for a very pretty character here. Still looking at the idea of a winged person, or perhaps a slave who can cast magic. One of the two.

fair enough, its your character so its not like i have any right to butt in her lore. I was just talking off the top of my head.
The Fated Fallen said
But you would to your male ones?

he he that's for me to know and for you to guess ;D
why would you make her look like that :/ I would never do that to my female charries
Hmmm How about Lucien decides to buy a female slave to help with the housework as well as Rhone?
That love trio we talked about could find its place here. Rhone Falls for Rose - Stitches character falls for Rhone. Unrequited love anyone?
Stitches said
Haha, it was! I was talking about the wealth class 'wretched', there isn't anyone that low.Perhaps an escaped slave? would any character here take pity on an escaped slave?

an escaped slave would technically belong to the wretched category. Unless he stole money from his former master before escaping...
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