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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Sorry I haven't been posting waiting for black cat unless they dropped
just notify her/him ^.^ @BlackCat
well since then there have been a lot of posts and what with marcus saying it was close to lunch time then i guess 1-2 hours have passed. So we are around 12:00 - 13:00 pm?
c'mon guys, you are all online! post!
Ah, so and NPC has that place. well meh, i think ill just go along with my characters concept and ignore the whole ranking process completely. He doesnt care~~~ and here's Alex's BGM :D
i don't know if Alex should have a rank or smthing. It says that the No. 2 spot is "earnable"...any insight on what that means? although with Alex's personality i don't think he would even care about rankings and such lel
i think i gave a solution to that problem of yours @BranchOfSin :D
Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep. Be- The alarm was no more. Alex opened his eyes and looked at where his alarm used to be. Time + Cage he thought and a brand new and fully functioning clock appeared where the previous one was located. To save himself the trouble of attending the introduction ceremony, he arrived at the school a day before, greeted the headmaster, got his key and went back to his dorm where he crashed for the rest of the day. When he was hungry he plopped a sandwitch into existence and ate it, something he didn't really need to do as he could just erase any hunger he had; but he enjoyed the act of eating, and when he wanted to go to the bathroom he just erased from existence any urine or stool his bladder and intestine had in them with a quick equation. He just layed there on his bed the whole time, listening to music from his MP4 player, not caring for anything. "Hmmm..." he pondered whether he should get up or just continue laying there. It's not like anyone knew he had come to the school a day before anyone else so no one would really search for him. The headmaster knew he was there, and he had agreed to sent to his room his homework so he wouldn't lag behind everyone else. The he felt a disturbance in the electromagnetic field around the boys dorms. Should I go see what's up? Most students should be in their rooms by now so it has to be a fight between roommates he thought. He became conflicted. The counselor should be arriving there any minute now...but what if he isn't anywhere near close to be able to stop the fight? Already thinking so much about something not immediatelly affecting him was beginning to have its toll on him as he was slowly developing a headache... He decided to see for himself whatever was happening. Without moving from his bed Clothes + Me he thought and he was instantly wearing his signature clothes; he closed his eyes and sensed for the coordinates of the disturbance and once he found them he formulated a function in his head that teleported him sitting on the edge of a window and saw the hell that was breaking loose in front of him. A huge wave of water was coming at him from one direction and pillars of dark fire were shooting from the other direction. In the chaos he spotted a man crashing through one of the windows and then starting to yell, Must be the councelor...great timing you idiot Alex thought. He looked at his left and at the huge wall of water that was about to crash on to him. Raising his arm and pointing towards the wave "Wave - Water" he said and the the water instantly vanished, leaving only a pressure wave that flew past Alex, slowly dissipating behind him now that the force behind it was gone. Alex then turned his attention towards the pillars of flame that were erupting from the floor "Floor - Fire Pillars" he said and the pillars were instantly gone, leaving behind only warm currents of air that too dissipated into nothingness. There, now you might be able to do your job properly... he thought as he looked back at the angry man. The headache was now becoming slightly problematic and so using the same equation he used to get there, he transported himself back to his room and layed down on his bed. Unfortunately, the headaches that came whenever he used his powers for something other than for himself were hellish and, for some reason, he couldn't get rid of them with his powers and so he didn't meddle as much whenever there was a fight but this time was an exception. The building was in danger of collapsing if he didn't intervene. Oh well, its out of my hands now since the councelor is there. If the building ends up collapsing, its his fault, not mine...
btw i have a question. Can the characters use their powers outside of combat or they are only allowed to do so when given the gauntlet?
General Information

Name: Alexander Faulkner
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Alex is very laid-back. Actually "laid-back" wouldn't even begin to describe Alex. He is apathetic, doesn't care enough to do anything, unlively, passive to the bone and generally, lazy. Although he enjoys the company of others, his personality drives most people away from him, like they are afraid of getting afflicted with his lazyness and as such, he generally doesn't have many friends, something he, however, wants to change. His constant companion are his headphones that have a built-in MP4 player with which he listens to his favorite music.

    Name: Arc of Numeracy
  • DescriptionThrough his unique ability, Arc of Numeracy, Alex can change the study of quantity, structure, space, change, through manipulating the laws and foundation of mathematics, allowing him to change the principle of numeracy, for example altering the distance between two destination, break the laws of nature through the alteration of mathematical equations, increasing or decrease the amount or quantity in a substance or in an area, etc. This power can never be detained as it is based on the intellectual level of the user.

  • Arc of Numeracy: Formula Manifestation: Alex can manipulate the fabric of reality by constructing formulated thoughts or formulas and materialize them in reality. For example, he can create a formula that saps beings of their free will through an equation that makes life, hope and freedom irrefutably pointless.
  • Arc of Numeracy: Archimede's Box: Alex can generate a construct in a the shape of a rectangle or a box with numerous capabilities. He can create physical energy constructs as well as non-physical ones by manipulating the force fields around himself/the target and can use said contructs for attacking, defending, trapping etc.
  • Arc of Numeracy: Nihil: Alex is able to utilize the effects of division by zero, which has an apparent property of collapsing the affected system in question. In a nutshell, It's most widely used effect is to turn many things into just one, irreversibly unless a more powerful power reverses it afterwards.

  • As said before, Use of the Arc of Numeracy is based on the intellectual level of the user so if one doesn't know that i.e, 1+1=2 then he cant change that equation to make it i.e, 1+1=1.
  • Some imagined formulas may be unreachable, such as taking hundreds of years to write or think up.

  • TBR IC
General Information
Name: Alexander Faulkner Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Alex is very laid-back. Actually "laid-back" wouldn't even begin to describe Alex. He is apathetic, doesn't care enough to do anything, unlively, passive to the bone and generally, lazy. Although he enjoys the company of others, his personality drives most people away from him, like they are afraid of getting afflicted with his lazyness and as such, he generally doesn't have many friends, something he, however, wants to change. His constant companion is his MP4 player with which he listens to his favorite music.
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