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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by Vec>

By that @Vec, I mean it's a booster of power, so it's an incentive to work harder at school. Because this school was made to learn not to fight.

Also it was gonna be either of the two candidates you guys have mentioned. Since they are, par myself of course, the two longest running characters and RPers of this single RP series.

You contradict yourself. The students are able to advance in rank by either doing well in class or by fighting for their rankings, but the school was made to teach them not to fight? Furthermore, if they gain boosts in power as they go up in ranks, wouldn't that mean that the whole point of fighting for your rank is moot since people wouldn't be able to fight the higher ranks e.g. Meruin ( we saw how powerful she is without her bracer, imagine how powerful she is now that she her powers were boosted by it..)

im just babbling now and by no means want to offend. im just trying to understand how this would work out :/
<Snipped quote by Eklispe>

Also the gauntlets instantly find your rank on a database and give you mana based on that.

:o but what about the all the people that can use their powers without the bracers...
i think mana as a concept shouldn't be in this RP, Let them fight until one of the two is unable to continue...
sorry for the delay in posting :/
He does know Greek. I myself know Latin.


Ha, σ'ωραίος
The announcement woke Alex up from his daydreaming. About time... he thought while getting up from his seat, yawing. He made his way towards the classroom and watched as others in the line in front of him each took their braces. He saw Slick using some kind of flame power to change the color of his bracer, Huh...that's a pretty neat feature

Once he received his bracer, Alex wore it on his left forearm and quickly felt it digging in on his skin, "so this is how the whole concept works huh?" Alex said to himself out-loud. He turned and walked towards one of the seats in the class and sat down. So...let's see if I can do the same as him... Alex thought and looked at his bracer for a moment. He closed his eyes and pictured his ability as an aura and focused it on his forearm. Suddenly the bracer turned white and mathematical symbols started appearing on it until everything was covered with said symbols. Alex opened his eyes and took a look at the changes, ...whatever he thought, pressed the button on his MP4 and continued listening to music. Although he didn't need to attend the rest of the lesson, Alex was too lazy to stand up from his seat again...
@AvanhelsingΟ Τζάκ ξέρει Ελληνικά; xD
I wonder...


NAME: Paolo Marchelo Ray
AGE: 18
NATIONALITY: Greek-American
PERSONALITY: Paul is that one laid-back guy that always gets on others nerves for being lazy and not more active. Although most people don't know this, he was quite obstinate and reckless when he was younger, but over time, he has attained a more cautious attitude towards life and now deals with problems carefully. He is very concerned about the people close to him but does tends to trash talk every now and then. Although not the romantic type, he does have a soft spot for women which does gets him into trouble some times.
History: TBR IC


The power to manipulate earth, including sand, stone, rock, lava, dirt, glass, metal and other naturally and artificially created minerals, is one of the four main Elemental Powers. Despite being the least used of the classical elemental powers, ("earth" powers usually manifest nurturing and proactive powers, capable of healing etc) there are many things one can do with earth. Earth-users may be able to cause earthquakes, rockslides or split the earth itself and crush their opponent between two slabs of crust or drop their opponent into a fissure; use sand, rock, or mud as an extension of their body to create tentacles or other objects, encase themselves in a rock shield to avoid attack and many other possibilities.

Users of this power can also generate, control and manipulate naturally occuring magnetism (planetary, solar, lunar, stellar, magnetosphere, magnetic materials/ferromagnetism, etc.). User can affect any matter that is magnetic (iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys, some rare earth metals, naturally-occurring minerals such as lodestone) manipulating and controlling them as they will and indirectly use them to manipulate other things.

-He can pretty much use anything that has some connection to the Earth to his advantage.
-He detests flying and anything that has to do with flying.
-His worst possible opponent would be someone who has control over the element of wind or someone with psychic powers as both render Pauls powers useless, the former by just flying away from his reach/blowing away any rocks he sends flying at them and the latter because people with psychic powers tend to mess with their opponents minds and Paul isn't very fond of someone screwing with his brain.
-Although powerful, Paul tends to be a lone wolf and as such, doesn't cooperate very well when placed in a group. He will try but don't count on it.
Nigel had been working on many projects since the fight with the demons. More importantly, he was trying to build a kind of sensor that would detect abnormal magic signals from far away distances. He eventually planned on presenting the technology to the Council and hopefully have them install a device in every major city and town in Fiore. This way, city and town officials would be able to detect and properly prepare for any possible threats that might arise.

That morning, Nigel was at the guild main hall, along with everyone else when a man suddenly burst through the front door and started pleading for help before collapsing on the floor. Aran's reaction was swift as she dashed to the man and caught him before he touched the floor. Not again... Nigel thought and quickly made his way to the man as well. The man was a mess, and so was Aran now. Blood flowed through an open wound at his chest, causing him to black out. Unfortunatelly, Nigel didn't get there fast enough to hear what the man had said but Man Li had and he relayed it to the rest of them. Augustine Town? What could possibly be at that location that a demon would want? Nigel wondered.

Nigel watched Man Li asking for volunteers to fight the demons to join him outside the guild in one hour and then telling Aran to take the man to the guild nurse. Nigel didn't waste his chance, "I'll go with her, we will need every bit of information we can get from this man about the demons. We can't just go blindly rushing in like three days ago, not knowing practicaly anything about our opponents" he said and knelt next to Aran, turning his back towards the her. "Put him on my back and let's hurry!"
nvm Ill send it over PM then xD
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