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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Whoops. I accidentally missed the train stopping. Fixed it now, had to edit my post~! Kitty broke her hand in the shock wave... And then made it worse by landing on it, again, when the trAin stopped.

dayum, well, there goes Paul's wish that everyone was fine...
Paul Ray

"No idea~" She replied to Paul

Well, that helps a lot.. Paul thought, the iron balls continuing rotating in his hand. Then Meredith started humming a little tune that Paul found strangely familiar. He quickly shook that thought aside as he felt a poweful shockwave come through the rail tunnel that momentarily startled him, making him drop the iron balls which fell on the floor with a loud clang. Judging by her reaction, Meredith had too felt the shockwave and was already on her feet.

Paul himself stood up as well and listened to Meredith talking. He agreed that something was not right and that the probability that there was some kind of conflict going on between the freshmen was pretty high. "Hah, right away miss" Paul responded to Meredith while chuckling. Inside he sighed, relieved she didn't want to do anything more to the students. The new ones really didn't want to give any incentives for Meredith to join their little skirmish.

Paul walked over to the control station and searched for the emergency braking interface. He found it and pushed the button that would signal the train to abruptly stop. At the same time, a loud, metallic, screetching noice came through the tunnel, signaling the train's stoppage. Paul jumped on the railways and bolted towards the direction of the train, I sure hope none of the freshmen have any serious injuries... Paul thought while closing in on the train.
Nice post, I'm sure i can do something with that ;D
alex will leave choosing his team to the teachers
Oh, i'm up? was watching a physics lecture online. Well, time to post then!
What am i exactly supposed to post haha
it seems like the train hasn't arrived at the station.
Do you want me to like, bring the train to the station or smthing?
Niti Laevis
"....As a bonus, you can talk it and it’ll deliver your message ASAP.”

oh the irony
Paul Ray

"Pfff, when will the train arrive miss Meredith?" Paul asked his teacher. When asked about which teacher Paul is most cautious around, he always answers Meredith Hillard. That woman is a walking mystery. In the two years Paul had been a student at Herculean Academy, Meredith was the one he had the hardest time dealing with. It's not like she is a bad teacher or that Paul doesn't like her lessons; it's her freaking personality that Paul can't get around. One second she's your typical teacher, doing whatever teachers usually do in their free time, and the next second she becomes a little kid that loves nothing more than to annoy the other students with her overly hyper, happy and infectious personality.

Paul wondered what a person's first impression of her would be if they were to look at her right then. They would see a blonde woman, dressed from top to bottom in black clothes, munching on a leek, sitting on the bench in a perched position. Can't get more crazy than that... Paul thought, a small grin forming on his lips.

They were waiting for the train with the new batch of would-be superheroes to arrive. Paul remembered his first day, stepping out of the train car and into a world that would change his life forevermore. Today, he had been tasked to escort the freshmen along with miss Meredith back to the academy. Paul figured why the vice-principal made that decision. If miss Meredith was the only one to greet the students, the poor souls would go crazy after only 2 minutes of exposure to her.

Paul sighed, "Oh well, i guess i'll just wait" he said and sat on the bench, next to his teacher. He reached down on the floor with his left hand and, using his powers, drew the iron from the steel-reinforced floor tiles and created two perfectly round, shiny iron balls. He picked them up and started rotating them in his hand.
pfff, i really want to post this intro but im too tired
its like 2 am where i live and ive been up since 7 am in the morning I'll s- see you tomorrow. Try not to flood this place with posts x)
<Snipped quote by Vec>

I was gonna say a senior student could be helping lead the newer ones and stuff. Leaving Meredith alone with the newbies is probably a horrible idea anyways xD

oh, well that could work as well. Man, now i don't know what to pick LOL
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