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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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I've played every Pokemon game from gen 1 to gen 6.

Why did the banana go to the hospital? Because he wasn’t peeling well.
multiply by 0 = nothing

divide by 0 = reality destruction

Read this
there, i think i saved it somehow.
damn, the ninja is strong

what to do now with my post pffff
".........Ughhhhhh, why can't i figure out what she used to control those swords.....goddammit..." Alex shouted in frustration. All this time, he had been brainstorming, trying to find a way to disable her spell and completely missed all the chaos that had been ensuing around him, "Huh..What the..." Alex said when he realised that Meruin had completely ignored him and had proceeded to cast another spell, "Great, more Meruins. Just what kind of spell is she trying to cast that would need so many copies of her" Alex thought when suddenly, all of the Meruins dissapeared. Alex shot a glance back at the original Meruin and, surprisingly, the swords hovering above her head had also dissapeared "Oook, well that solves one problem...but now it seems we have another one" He was obviously referring to Marcus and Deus, who had apparently gone crazy.

Alex stood up and turned towards his, now seemingly possesed, friends "I'm afraid I'll have to join Meruin on this one. The fact that you two let yourselves be consumed by your own powers speaks for itself. No matter how much one has gone through in their life, no matter if your goal in life is to exact vengence upon those who did you wron, falling into the abyss in exchange for power is the absolute worst thing one could do. You know why? Because you lose all sense of self, everything and everyone around you is an enemy. Then, after you destroy everything, when you come to your senses, you will have nothing. Do you understand what nothing is? Do you want to know what nothing is? I bet you don't, but I will give you a glimpse of it..."

and with that there was sudden increase in the electromagnetic force fields around Alex, slowly building at first before circular shockwaves exploded outwards. Black mathematical symbols started appearing, flying around Alex, a strange dim green aura enveloping them. Alex raised his hands, his palms facing Marcus and Deus before bringing them together in front of his chest, as in a meditative position.

"Arc of Numeracy: Nihil!" Alex shouted and instantly, Marcus would be stolen from his emotions. Well, stolen is not exactly it, more like, his emotions became nothing. What Alex had just done was to divide his emotions by zero, which in turn made the concept of emotions equal to nothing. What Marcus would feel would be something that could not be explained with mere words.

Alex turned his attention to Meruin, "This spell isn't something I can keep for long. Quickly, put him out of his misery" he told her, already the signs of fatigue showing on the form of sweat dripping from his forehead. Maintaining the equation was tiring and Alex hoped for Meruin to be swift.
oh fuck it. If you can't beat em, join em.
prepare for mah post
Man this really got out of hand. Black holes and such. I don't know what i should post right now...
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Oddly enough, I had that last picture, albeit doodled on, as my phone's background for a while. Small internet, huh.

yeah...*goes in corner and cries cause trap failed*

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