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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Okay so how many and who are exactly the second years now? Pre-reboot we were like, 3 second years.
Dragon Realm, Muspelheim

Muspelheim had always been a dreary place, more so back when the one who ruled over it soared its skies. Nowadays, what's left is the crackling sound of flowing lava and rock that can be heard in the background. The Hell Lizards had and will always roam its lands, forever bound to the will of their Overlord.

This day though is not like the rest.
Fregion's Castle, Idian Depths

Inside the towering castle that is Idian Depths, in the master hall, Fregion layed on the floor, his wings overlapping his body as if he was inside a cocoon. Today would signal the end of his 100 year sleep cycle. As he began to awaken, the temperature in the immediate area surrounding the castle started to slowly rise, eventually peaking at about 10.000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fregion's body slowly started shifting in its position; He was still enveloped in the grogginess of slumber and it was minutes before he found himself able to move. He started unfolding his wings one by one before finally revealing himself. He stood on his four legs and sniffed the air around him, his mind quickly encompassing the whole of Muspelheim. "Yes..." he thought, pleased that everything was as he had left it 100 years ago.

His servants immediately sensed that their Lord had awakened and one by one, let out roars, paying their respects. The crackling of flowing lava wasn't the only sound that could be heard over Muspelheim anymore. In parallel with his awakening, the pale blue fire-stone that he had gifted each and every of his fellow gods ages back, before the Clash of Gods, as a means of knowing when he was awake, started emitting a bright blue glow, his powers re-igniting the fire burning inside of it.

At that moment, Padmarashka entered the master hall and kneeled in front of his Lord. "Ahh, Padmarashka. It's been too long since I've seen you, my faithful servant" Fregion told him. "Indeed my Lord, It's been too long. Muspelheim welcomes you back from the world of dreams" the drakan answered back.

"Right before I went to sleep you had amassed 164 straight victories. Tell me Padmarashka, how many victories do you have now?" Fregion asked, curious to hear the number. "Yes. Unfortunately my Lord, the count has only risen by 11 and now stands at 175. As the years went by, there were fewer and fewer Hell Lizards that reached a level high enough to be able to challenge me and all 11 of them ultimately met their demise in my hands. Your servant fears that in due time, there will be no one left to challenge him within his kin."

Padmarashka's answer stirred something inside Fregion and he started laughing. "If I knew back when I evolved you, that you would become as powerful as you are now, I would have toned the improvements down a notch" Fregion said and let out another hearty laugh but soon went back to being serious, "What is the situation in the mortal realm?" he asked his servant.

"My Lord, the mortals have prospered much since you fell into slumber. Unfortunately though, they seems to have forgotten about you. They no longer pray to you and instead, see you as a myth, the legend of the four-winged beast that soared the darkened skies above the battlefields of the gods. You are still mentioned in some of their books, a slight reference here, a rough sketch there but nothing more" Padmarashka told his master with a sad look on his face.

"Hmmmm..." Fregion nodded while listening to his servant. He himself had chosen not to meddle in the affairs of mortals so being forgotten by them as the years went by was indeed a natural consequence of his choices. "Fair enough. Now, I desire to inspect my realm. You are dismissed" he told the drakan who, after a slight bow of his head, quickly left the master hall.

Fregion closed his eyes and broadened his mind.
>Added another servitor. See "HELL LIZARDS" hider in my CS for more information.

-Appearance pre-Clash of Gods.

God Fregion, King of Dragons

NAME: Fregion
TRUE NAME: Tahabata
TITLE/ALIAS: Ruthless One, King of Dragons, Ascended One
PORTFOLIO: Fire Domain/Muspelheim (Dragon Sub-Domain)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral


<Snipped quote by Vec>

Oh my gosh it's Vec. It's been so long :)

<Snipped quote by Vec>

I believe his character appeared after the S Class Exams arc, but before the Magic Council arc.

<Snipped quote by Zarkun>

Ya, you're always welcome to rejoin with your previous character if you want or start with a new, it's your decision.

I really don't remember half about my char. I scrapped his CS a couple of months ago :|
<Snipped quote by Vec>

*a wild Aizen appears*

Wrong. I was always here....
Damn , you guys never seize to amaze me. This RP will go on forever!
Just dropping by to say hi to my old RP pals.
@Lmpkio Nah, I'll pass on this one. I might lurk though if it gets interesting :D
>Reads title
>First thought

Just dropping this here ^^
So am I cleared to post or should I wait for @Master Crim to see my CS?
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