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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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you posted too quick :/ i would have had a post up in the next like 30 mins
anyway, i guess ill have fregion come out in the open. its been a while
@Vec If you're a rebel You want to get rid of powers. Not get a Final Form. What ou have now the light constructs and minor healing is perfect.

I didn't say that I wanted to get a final form e.e That was just so I could put limits on the character. He is against the powers and is fighting the scientists with his powers until he finds a way to get rid of them. His dream would be to return to his family as a human once again :/
@Vec It's borderline Over-Powered but your in. Took me awhile just woke up.

shiet. Borderline? I can tone him down. tell me which points you find op.
This has been Darko's main interactions with the other gods thus far... X3

つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIFF PLOT
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIFF TOMES
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIFF SWORD

It's all about the giving m8.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

<Snipped quote by The Grey Dust>

It is like Grey Dust said; X is not only the one who struck Calcifer from history, but he also is the keeper of the secrets and as such prophecies. He has active knowledge of the things to come and is the one who keeps the records of the past and future. He is one of the plot devices that is needed for driving the story, and as such was created to be able to know who and what Calcifer is. Everyone else memory, on the other hand, is under the influence of both X and The Grand Creator as they jointly took the knowledge of Calcifer from time itself.

No you can't know who Calcifer is at all because his name, actions and role in history was erased.

OK you made it clear :D
Anyway, I changed my post. I think its ok now.
@Vec I am sorry but your post needs to be changed. None of the gods can remember Calcifer as part of his/their punish. There is no way you character can have memories of Calcifer or anything that he did in the past.

Hmmm, can he just have a feeling of sorts? like when you feel something has happened but dont remember what was it?
Although X is a god and he recognized Calcifer when he attacked Hal....
Fregion listened as Darko told him about the events that had taken place in the mortal realm. When he reached the part about what had happened at the Sacred Mountain, the one and only place in the mortal realm where he gods were allowed to walk upon, Fregion frowned; "I doubt that a mortal could fell one of the Guards of the Inner Sanctum. Those creatures are trained by and are only loyal to the Creator himself. No god would even dare go against his will..." Fregion said while trying to figure out who would do such a thing.

"At any rate, the sword you're looking for was entrusted to me by the God of Blacksmiths, one of the very last mythic grade weapons he made before he stopped associating himself with the other gods. I have kept it safe within this very castle for nearly five centuries. If you ask that I give it to you then I'll have to refuse. You already have your scythe, you don't need another powerful weapon."
@Vec look on Crims post and you'll see it is the one before yours

Ah you mean Calcifer's sword.
@Thantos what is the weapon you are talking of? I know you meant Fregion's weapon but what is the other one?
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