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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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so the team for Harpy changed on the last minute. How will Merrian participate if she gave away her Proxy Key? I could have Nigel make a pair of legs for her. mechanical of course. It's gonna be easier because the concept is simple. it's just legs. We could even skip the building since a week passed and now the GMG have started.
Fregion tirelessly walked up the mountain, that was the annoying part of going to the Inner Sanctum, you had to walk there as not even the gods could open a portal to that particular space. On his way up, he got to see the wild, trees and animals and all sorts of other wildlife. The mountain was teeming with life, as it should be. He even passed through a mortal village, albeit not much happened as it was apparently too early in the morning for anyone to be awake.

After what seemed like hours, Fregion finally reached the Inner Sanctum. As always, the place was imposing, even to him. It had to be of course, that was the only place in the mortal realm where the Gods were allowed to walk on. He noticed the absence of one of the elite guards of the Creator that were guarding the place. "Of course they moved the body. Why wouldn't they?" he silently asked himself as he ventured deeper inside.
By the way, what is the organization of the two factions? I mean, do the rebels have a power ladder like the New Breed? Because that's what I got from reading what's been posted until now. There's supposed to be an organization that took in all the Rebels and raised them right?
Paul & Cheol

"Hey! That's mine!" A voice was heard as Paul was about to wear the mask and after a split moment, in came flying Cheol, snatching the mask from Paul's hands and knocking him on the floor.

"OKAY OKAY! It's not like I was gonna eat the mask or something! Relax!" Paul told Cheol as he stood up. "What's the big deal with the mask anyway?" He asked Cheol curiously.

Cheol hugged the mask protectively to his chest, as if it were a child. "Yeah, well..." he muttered, still seeming a bit angry. "You know how I mentioned that my powers came from a special object?" He gestured to the mask in his arms. "This is that object."

'Phew,' the mask gave a sigh of relief. 'For a minute there, I was worried...'

"Next time, think before you go through another person's stuff," Cheol muttered. He then went over to his back and stuffed the mask back in, not looking back at Paul. He seemed really annoyed with the other boy.

Shit "Ohhhh, so that's the thingamajig you mentioned yesterday. A mask? Well, I'm not one to judge but... that doesn't look like a magic item or some other power granting item. I guess I'm sorry for messing with your stuff" Paul said a little awkwardly.

"Well, now that we got that ou- wait. I showed you MY powers. I think its only fair that you show me yours, don't ya think?"

'Oh, he's got a point!' the mask said. For once, his usual bored tone dissapated and he sounded far more interested in the conversation.

"Oh, you would agree with him," Cheol grumbled quietly in Japanese.

'Well, you've kind of been giving me the cold shoulder since we got here,' the mask said, sounding slightly hurt. 'Pleeeeease.'

Cheol rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said, speaking to both the mask and Paul at the same time. He took the mask back out of bag. "Just... promise not to laugh at me at this first bit, okay?"

"Uhmm, okay I suppose?" Paul replied when Cheol told him to promise not to laugh. What could possibly be funny about a superpower though? he wondered. "Should I have a seat or something?" he asked out of curiosity.

Cheol blinked. "Err, if you want I guess," he said. He then gave a small sigh and placed the mask over his face. "Ahem," he cleared his through in a slightly nervous way. There was a pause.

'Hurry up!' the mask squawked impatiently.

Cheol sighed again. "... ka ka...." he mumbled under his breath.

.... nothing happened.

'... what was that?' the mask said. 'Put a little more feeling into it.'

"... do I have to?" Cheol muttered quietly.

'Yes!' the mask shouted.

Cheol sighed a third time before speaking again. "Ka ka!" he cried loudly, sounding far more bird-like this time. Suddenly, a sharp pain split through his skull and he suddenly doubled over, clasping at his head. The mask started to... change. It no longer looked like a mask. It was starting to sort of... blend with Cheol's flesh. Feathers began to sprout all over Cheol's body and got onto his knees. A minute or so passed, and soon, Cheol has transformed...

He was still vaguely humanoid in shape, but his head was that of a crow, his body was covered his black feathers, and his arms had changed into wings. After a moment, he got to his feet, which had become bird-like talons.

He stretched out his wings. "Ta-daaaa!" he cried, his voice suddenly shrill and croaky. He jumped off from the ground and flew a small loop around the room before perching back down on his bed.

Let's just say Paul was not suitably prepared for what unfolded before his poor, innocent eyes. He took a moment to sit down on his bed and comprehend what he had just seen.

Relax Paul, there's no reason to freak out. It's perfectly logical that there would exist powers like this as well in the world. Right? Yeah. I mean, I'm pretty sure there are more... IT'S PERFECTLY LOGICAL.

"So, let me get this straight. You get your power from the mask. When you wear the mask and do this crow cry, you transform into a half-man half-crow...mutant? What are you exactly right now?" He asked Cheol, perfectly calm...

Cheol sat himself down in a cross-legged position and placed his wings behind his head. "I'm a youkai," he said, pretty casual about the whole thing. "Well, there's no proper translation for it in English, but I guess you would call it... a demon? Or spirit, I suppose." He gave a croaky laugh. "Technically, in Japan, this is what we would call a Tengu, a crow spirit. They're technically... some people think of them as nature gods that protect mountains and forests... though earlier, people thought they were disruptive spirits of war..." He flopped backwards onto the bed and just lay there spread out, completely relaxed and very different from his usual timid, childish self. "Take your pick, I guess."

"So... you're a god? Or a demon? Am I supposed to pray or try to run a way? I don't get it" Paul said with a confused look. "Anyway, I won't ask further questions. I'll go now and search for a shirt to put on now, if you don't mind" he said and stood up and walked over to the wardrobe. "You'd better undo whatever you did and go wash up before we are late for first period" he told him as he wore one of his many green shirts.

"By the way" he said casually. "It's almost 8:00 AM and, if memory serves me well and if they haven't changed the class schedule, you should hurry up or you'll be sorry" he added with a small chuckle.

"Hmm?" Cheol sat up and tilted his head to one side. "Why's that?" he asked.

"Remember that wonderful lady you met back at the train? There's 90% chance it's her lesson you're about to be late to" he answered while putting on his shoes. "And you really don't want that to be your very first experience as a student here in Herculean, believe me when I tell you" he said and exited the dorm.

Cheol stared after Paul as he left, completely speechless. "Crap," he muttered after about a minute. He then muttered quickly to himself. "Cheol Akiyama, Cheol Akiyama, Cheol Akiyama...." A moment passed and soon Cheol changed back, his transformation much less painful-looking this time. He then took off the mask and stuffed back in his bag.

'Awwww...' the mask said. 'You're just going to ignore me for the rest of the day, then?'

"Yes," Cheol said as he got changed out of his pyjamas and into the clothes he had been wearing yesterday. "I have classes."

'That never stopped you before,' the mask replied.

Cheol said nothing as he put his bag over his shoulder and hurriedly exited out of the room, desperate not to be late for class.
so Paul will be shortly entering Geoff's class. He's all cool n all so be chill brah.
I'm back so no more delays from me. I'll post as soon as I can :)
I'm back so no more delays from me. I'll post as soon as I can :)
so I'm back. Lemme read over what has happened and see if i can post or not :)
wa-wait. So the team. Hmm. Okay.
Just saying though, Dragons for the most part followed Fregion when he went to his realm after the Clash so the only Dragons that Darko would have are the ones from all the way back from the Clash. Plus, taking into consideration the dragons increased life-span (500+ years), I doubt that Darko would have such a big number of them since all the dragons that died after the Clash died in Fregions realm on which technically Darko has no power off ( e.g. drag their corpses down to the underworld to reanimate them ) @Thantos

A good read on dragons is http://www.draconian.com/special-life1/life.php
Sorry i haven't posted yet but I'm in a business trip right now and i don't always have an internet connection at my disposal so yeah ":/

The good thing is tomorrow im back so If i don't post today, I'll be sure to post then :)
@Thantos as a side note, undead dragons shouldn't be under Darko's command cause you know...they are still dragons and all. And Fregion is the King of Dragons.
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