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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 21 days ago

-Anastasia Tepes-

So, euhm... Yeah this is awkward...

Anastasia didnt really understand what was going on. One moment she and Ziska were having another one of their ooh so joyous discussions and the next moment a naked girl strolled in with a soaking wet book. Anastasia wished the girl would have covered herself up abit. Not that the short girl wasnt attractive or anything but euhm... Yeah walking around naked into someone's room, even Anastasia who had been isolated since her birth from human society knew that was a no. Right? And even if it wasnt, this was just awkward and it made her feel uncomfortable and...

Wait, the girl started walking... And she's coming closer. She's going to Ziska right? Cause Ziska asked her a question. It would be logical for her to head to Ziska. She's not heading for Ziska is she...

Nope, she wasnt. Instead the girl walked up to Anastasia, who was still in her rather basic sleeping attire consisting of just her underwear and a wide shirt. Why so basic? Cause hey, it's summer and wearing proper pjs would be way too hot.

Anyway, let's get back on track. The naked girl walked up to Anastasia and she sat down on... Anastasia's lap? Wha-What is happening?! Anastasia was speechless and all she could do was just... Blink. But that wasnt even the worst part. Ooh no... No after the girl sat herself down comfortably on Anastasia's lap she started to touch Anastasia's face and the girl looked deep into Anastasia's eyes. Again Anastasia didnt know how to respond. Should she push the girl off of her? Should she yell at her? She didnt know, this was all so confusing and... Well, the girl's fingers did feel kinda nice and-... No! No! Stop it! Anastasia get your head back into the game!

Anastasia shaked that thought off and looked at the girl who was now... Sleeping on her lap... Because why not. Anastasia looked at the sleeping girl and her first thought was ofcourse something along the lines of: Get her off, get her off, get her off! But as she looked at her, she did look kinda cute like this. Anastasia tried to ask what the voice in her head, of which she still wasnt certain how it got there, thought about this whole mess. It's reply? "Euhm... I'm sorry but I got nothing on this..." Gee, thanks voice!

Anastasia quickly glanced up at Ziska, who was undoubtingly enjoying this... Or hating it considering the chaotic nature of things. Anastasia hoped Ziska could read her lips as she was forming the words "Help me!" with them.

Suddenly Anastasia felt a strange surge of emotions and she saw some memories flashing by. One peculiar recent memory gave her a great feeling of satisfaction and she could almost taste the flesh and blood again, eventhough it wasnt that good, it was still better then what she got offered by the school. Then suddenly different emotions started flooding through her and eventually all she could hear was her father and all of the pain that acompanied him... So much suffering... So much-

The girl woke up on Anastasia's lap, the suddenness of which startled Anastasia. Was it over now?

Ofcourse not!

Suddenly the girl burried her head into Anastasia's shoulder and started crying out. Anastasia was, again, perplexed. But now there was no indecisiveness. Anastasia didnt know why but suddenly she felt like she and this girl shared some sort of connection, shared something similar. She looked at the girl who was bawling into her shoulder and put on a kind smile. Softly and gently Anastasia embraced the girl. "Shh, it's okay, I've got you." she softly spoke to the girl. "It's okay." she said again as she was slowly rocking back and forth with the girl in her arms.

"It's okay..."

-Mishka Demidov-

As Alexis had started her, justified, rant Mishka was having trouble containing her laughter. She knew that if she laughed straight into Alexis' face that it would only escalate things further. But still, this was wonderful. Ooh yes, this was definately her kind of roommate. And for a large part the gravity of the situation seemed to escape Mishka's mind. All she had eyes for was this young girl ready to duke it out with a person almost three times the size of her and with a power unknown to Alexis. She was either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Probably a mix of both.

When Alexis was done Mishka smiled at her and spread her arms. "Alexis," she said with her boisterous voice, "you might not be that big in size, but you obviously make that up with your guts!" Mishka paused for a moment slightly lowering her arms. In a slightly calmer, but still rather loud voice Mishka continued. "I know it might not mean much to you, but I would like to offer my appologies for my insult earlier, aswel as for those alarm clocks. It was uncalled for." She then made a small nod with her head, as if to bow while offering her appologies.

Though Mishka could see that Alexis was fuming, atleast, she was before Mishka offered her appologies. So just to be sure Alexis wouldnt try anything funny... "Ooh but before you decide to punch me in the face, do remind yourself that in our ensueing brawl there might be some..." Mishka looked over at Alexis' laptop. "Collateral damage." She said with a smirk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Meredith Hillard~

“I don’t suppose you know who just tripped me do you?“

Kek. Tripping success! Kind of. She forgot to recall the tendril. Which means he probably knew where her hiding spot was. Well, she'd just have to find a new hiding spot! Easily done! Distraction time! Distraction...distraction what would be a good distraction? Something towards the front of the room...she'd have to be fast or she'd be seen, too...the cabinets would be a good hiding spot. She'd just get rid of most of her bones...easily done. She'd just need to get to them without being seen...

Hrm...what would be a good distraction that would cause a lot of noise? Playing something on her computer might work well...heh, idea! A small tendril worked its way quickly across the ground to her desk, a set of fingers and a single eye formed, working quickly as it opened the media player. ooh! Even more brilliant idea! Change the pigmentation of the color of the tendril to match that of the floor! Hah, why didn't she think of that earlier? Thank you for the idea, chameleon brethren! Now...Lets see...sound files...where was that compilation of animal mating calls? Somewhere...ah! Here they are! Kekekeke...

rubbing two hands together in a sinister fashion, she turned up the volume as loud as it would go, and hit the play button.

Soon, a loud mating call of a giraffe blasted out of the computer, followed next by a hippo, several birds, and a variety of other animals. She only had a few seconds, so she immediately recalled the tendril to herself, making a quick exit from her hiding spot while everyone was distracted and inevitably focused on the computer and its sudden turn on.

She leaped over the clutter in the back of her room, landing right next to the cabinets. Swiftly, she opened one of the doors, and forced herself inside, quickly and quietly shutting the door behind her. It was a bit...cramped, but hey, bones are for losers! So glad she cleared out this cabinet earlier...

Yes, this plan was perfect. Perfect hiding spot. All she had to do was wait!~

~Ziska Seighild~

Ziska was completely dumbfounded. There were very few times when her brain refused to process something, and it seemed this was one of those rare moments. For a moment, she had wondered if she was dreaming, maybe had actually fallen asleep sometime. She quickly ruled the idea out...if this was one of her dreams this would have already taken quite a dark turn. Still, the absurdity of this scene to her was quite difficult to process. Almost reminded her of her first day here in Miss Hillards class.

It was already absurd enough - the girl had walked into their room without even so much as a piece of clothing. Only a wet book to cover herself with. She said something about a hair dryer - was it that she was looking for one? Did she not have one in her room? But why in the name of all that was holy would she even consider walking down the hall without clothing on?

To top it off, she approached Anastasia, and promptly sat on her lap. Something was going on, but she couldn't tell what. There was silence for a few moments as the girl just sat there. Ziska was still unable to bring her mind to be able to do anything other than just grind its gears and try to get moving again. However, when the girl started crying, sobbing right into Anastasia's shoulder. Ziska, was again, at a loss for words.

However, she finally got herself into proper gear soon enough. First, she needed something the girl could wear. Probably nothing of hers considering...uhm...well, military uniforms was all her wardrobe consisted of. So, she headed into the dorm's restroom and picked up a towel for the girl. Quickly, she walked back over to Anastasia and Emily, and threw the towel over the girls shoulders.

"I have no idea what just happened here," She started, her voice still as serious as it always was despite her current confusion, and situation they were in. "But crying won't solve anything." She said giving Emily a soft pull on Emily, urging her to stand up. "Now now, enough crying. Get up and cover yourself before someone walks in here and gets a terribly wrong idea."

~Alexis Sinclair~

"Alexis, you might not be that big in size, but you obviously make that up with your guts!"

Alexis blinked, somewhat confused. Was mishka complimenting her? Well...that was actually a first. Not the complimenting thing. The antagonizing and then complimenting thing. Just what? Said confusing was short lived though, her aggressive glare returning within moments.

"I know it might not mean much to you, but I would like to offer my appologies for my insult earlier, aswel as for those alarm clocks. It was uncalled for."

Apologizin' ain't gonna work, dumbass. She was still pissed.

"Ooh but before you decide to punch me in the face, do remind yourself that in our ensueing brawl there might be some...Collateral damage."



She just didn't know when to quit.

"You touch my laptop, I blast yours into dust." She growled. She would like to really, really, really, really, beat this chicks face in so hard, but she had a point. She didn't want to damage her laptop. That was practically her whole life right there. Well, from the time she got out of...that place to now. "But fine, I'll drop this for now, But next time," She hissed. "I'll blast you through that wall if you so much as look at me funny. Got that?"

With that, she was done. She wanted to get out of here, and getting out of here she would. She wondered if Graham was up too...Without another word to Mishka, she left the dorm, slamming the door rather loudly behind her. She needed to let off some steam. She wondered if there was some sort of fighting class or something she could take? Really, as long as she could punch something she'd feel much better. This was a superhero school, so there should be.

speaking of super heroes...the hell was she even doing here? She didn't even want to be one of those stuck-up supers who went around just doing things because it made them popular. Not like they ever actually helped anyone.

...she needed to punch something. Really badly. Maybe Grahams face would do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 5 mos ago

~Graham Turner~


Body please.

Gravity, mercy.

Graham found himself sprawled out on the ground for the umpteenth time in less than twenty-four hours. Honestly, by now, the boy was starting to just embrace his destiny of being a floor mat. Why not? Life was simpler when all you had to worry about was whether or not you were inviting enough. He could do that. Hell, he would welcome the fuck out these fools.



It is not yet your time, young Turner. One day ye may join the sacred ranks of floor mattery, but for now, you still have work to do.

Graham gazed upon the giant who had decided that the floor could use a little bit of ginger. Rage spilled forth from the miniature man. Vision gave way to a floor of red and…

A hulking colossus gazes over a barren, burning landscape, taking a whiff of the death in the air. It laughs, pleased by the aroma of ash and brimstone. It turns and takes it seat upon its throne of skulls, built with the remains of his many foe. Foolish be ye who DARE challenge the dark overlord. His rule is absolute. His rage is eternal. His will be done. Below the colossus, prostrating before the one true God of the lands, was the very giant that had just assaulted Graham. The colossus howls a mighty laugh. How quickly the tables turn. The Overlord spits upon the offender, and watches as the slime engulfs the offender in flames, burning the filth with the righteous fiery hell of justice. Yet another skull for the skull throne. Glory unto he, Graham, the Dark Overlord who shall mount the world.

“Hey, you ok?”

Graham blinked. He was no longer a giant in a barren wasteland, he was just a tiny man chilling out on a cafeteria floor. That was an odd one.

“Sorry about that,”



"I wasn’t paying attention.”

“It’s all good, man. Every time I’m knocked to the ground, an angel gets her wings. Or some other bullshit. Mind lending a hand?”

Alright, so he chose a less hostile route. Big whoop. It was Day One and this man dwarfed him. The Talls were a stupid, violent breed. Rather than picking a battle of brawn, which he would undoubtedly lose, he would take an easy victory in a battle of wits. Lull the giant into a false sense of security, gain it’s trust, then before it even realizes what’s going on, BOOM! You’ve got yourself a pocket bodyguard. Smooth thinkin’, Graham ol’ boy.

Graham reached up with a single hand. This was it, the ultimate judge of the Tall’s character. Be he prick or prince? Only time would tell…
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Great Sogeking
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Great Sogeking King of Snipers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Al Reyes

Al nodded along to what Zac had to say, but when the subject of time came up he grunted out a quick "Mmph." in surprise. He nearly forgot that he had that whole school thing going on in the midst of their conversation. He gulped down the rest of the pancake in his mouth and shook hands with his older roomie, grinning back at him. "Hey, thanks. I think so too," he responded.

Following that, he scarfed down what was left of his pancake and tossed the plate away (after some head turning for a proper trash bin) and started off to take care of the rest of his morning routine. Shower, brush teeth, change clothes... You can get the gist of it.

Blake Reyes

Blake approached the classroom much less enthusiastic about his day than earlier. Biology just sounded that boring to him. Maybe if they got to dissect frogs later it'd make him more into it? That would sound like fun! Picking apart a dead thing, pulling out its entrails... Okay, no, never mind that kinda sounded gross putting it in words, but he bet it would be fun in practice. He had barely grabbed the knob when he heard the myriad of animal sounds blasting out through the class. Being outside of it got him the suppressed version, but he was nonetheless shocked out of his skin by how sudden it was, even letting out a short "Gyah!"

...He really hoped nobody heard that. He glanced around, briefly questioning if this was actually his classroom before opening the door and stepping inside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 22 min ago

Zac Yoxall

After reminding Al that class was nearly upon them, Zac leaves their shared room, having readied himself for class awhile before. Pulling out the map of the school grounds he had obtained the day before, he carefully reads it before making his way down the hall. However, true to his sense of directiong (or lack thereof), he makes a left when he should have made a right and, before he realizes it, he's nowhere near the biology room. Scratching his head, he stops in the middle of an intersection to scratch his head after looking around. "Where the hell am I?" he mutters, well and truly lost despite the map in his hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 17 days ago

.:Kyle Anderson:.

'Breath, just breath and relax'

Kyle was just lying on the ground a hand over his face as he waited for a response from anyone that was in the room. While accustom to embarrassment situations rarely was he at the center of it, thus he was trying to recover his composure in this situation so he didn’t end up causing himself more embarrassment.

It didn’t help that none of his emotions felt like they should anymore. The normal heat of embarrassment was replaced with a cold sensation like he had ice water in his veins, and for all he knew there could be. His abilities still worked more on reflex then active choice most of the time for him, so it wouldn’t surprise him if he turned his blood to icy slurry by accident. ‘I should be more troubled at that then I am’

A few moments of silence passed without a response to Kyle question ‘Guess it was a more spectacular fall then I thought’ He mused as he moved to stand up

Then the computer started blaring out the most confusing mix of animal sounds he had ever encountered, and before he could even become confused he caught sight of movement. His many eyes were still open and while most had turned to face the computer as he had, there were some that lacked the ability to face the source of the sounds due to being located on the back of his head or the side of his leg. These extra eyes caught sight of the tendrils retreating to someone that quickly dove in to one of the empty cabinets.

His extra eyes were made quickly and Kyle doesn’t have much practice in making them so they can’t pick up fine detail, just movement, color and outline. A cold terror crept up from within Kyle as the world dropped away and he found himself back at his old school staring at the face of the would be school shooter once again. His instincts screamed at him, and without a thought he lashed out.

He thrust his hand forward ’Get the gun’ his arm twisting and bubbling as he did 'Have to Stop the Gun' quickly his appendage no longer looked like anything that belonged on a human, 'Have To STOP Him’ or anything that belonged on earth 'CAN'T LET HIM SHOOT'.

The skin of his arm had turned a raw red color, his fingers had contorted around what seemed to be a tube of bone, that had extended from what once his palm, the Skin having melted away partially to reveal his veins which had grown unnaturally thick and were filled with a green substance. Following his veins they lead back up his arm which no longer had an elbow joint, instead it had three bulbous sack of the same green fluid each about the size of a baseball. This was all connected to him by what looked to be large spines from his upper arm that were pierced through the strange sacks of fluid, and on through the rest of his lower arm if someone looked closely.

Shortly after his arm finished mutating in to the abomination it now was there was loud hiss of compressed gas being released, the sound happened three times in rapid succession. Instantly the sounds from the computer halted. The reason being that three spikes of bone each about four inches long had been impaled into the computer, rendering it useless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The computer burst into mating calls. Meredith knows that I hate noise... Why?


Burr had fallen to the ground, the noise causing him to lose concentration. While he regained himself and picked up his book, he noticed the student Meredith had been picking on, his arm was altering itself. That power seems to be similar to Meredith's... interesting. Burr scanned the room, quickly, attempting to see where the biology teacher had run off to this time, he could tell she'd moved... but not where to.

The boy had finished altering his arm and had shot bone, spike, projectiles at the computer. Burr found himself floating again by this time. If he destroys the computer, that wouldn't be good... I need to stop that from happening... Time seemed to slow down as Geoff assessed the situation. Hillard is picking on this poor student... he doesn't seem to be having it... she used the computer as a distraction, likely with one of her tendrils... The boy is now attemping to destroy the computer, instead of simply turning it off... computers are expensive...

Around the computer, the air condensed and the three spikes bounced off, clattering on the ground. The computer was promptly turned off, Burr condensed air and pressed the button from afar. He then further assessed the situation. The boy seems to have grown hostile... Not good.

Burr increased the pressure around the boy, in an attempt to subdue him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~

Leaving the dorm didn't help her mood much. Ugh, that Mishka chick was really asking for it. If she hadn't have been in such a bad position, she'd have taught her not to mess with her. She grounded her teeth together, flipping on her Ipod and covering her headphones over her head. She needed to calm down. Maybe actually find Graham and talk to him. He was tolerable at least, unlike most of these other guys...nah. Being alone was better. She could calm down and think...possibly catch a nap somewhere. Lose herself in the music, as it were.

After a few minutes of just picking a random direction and walking, she finally began to calm down a bit. Observing the other students and just listenin' to her music was oddly relaxing. Well...good enough then. Though, soon, she came to a relatively empty part of the hall. Most of the other students had probably already stared heading to class. She didn't notice though. Really, she was just walking pretty much on autopilot now.

Which, is why she almost nearly bumped into Zac.

"Where the hell am I?"

Was about the only warning she had that someone was in front of her. Like, really, close in front of her. She managed to juuuust stop herself from completely running over the guy. The hell was this guy just standing in the middle of the hall for? Couldn't he see she was walkin' here? Jackass had to go ruin her mood.

She pulled her headphones down, resting them on her shoulders as she gave the kid a good glare as she walked up behind him.

"Ya know, standin' in the middle of a hall is rude jackass." She growled. "And I ain't in a particularly good mood." She stuffed her hands in her pockets, in her usual manner when she got agitated. "So why don't you just get out of my way here and I won't send you flying into that wall." Yeah, she could have probably been a lot friendlier...not to mention the glare she was giving the guy...was probably not a good way to introduce herself.

~Meredith Hillard~

Ooh...something was happening! The student...he...he had just tried to kill her computer! B-but what'd the computer ever do to you, meanie butt-face! She had half a mind to throw him out of the window! Thankfully, Geoffry stepped in, before her computer was trashed though. She would thank him later. In the form of food. Because food was the ultimate sign of affection, obviously. However, it seemed things still didn't go quite as she had planned...

the new student seemed more aggravated than ever. In fact, he seemed...odd. Geoffry was trying to subdue him for whatever reason. That wasn't very nice...sure he had tried to demolish her computer, but that wasn't like he was going to be put into detention or something for that? Really, if anyone should subdue him, it should be her. After all, this was her classroom, and he was her student at the moment...

...maybe she should just stay put. This spot was rather comfortable...she could just take a little nap here and let the guys handle themselves....

Naaaah, where was the fun in that! Time for her spectacular entrance!

She burst from the cabinet, practically leaping out from it - even doing a little flip as she landed on top of a desk in perfect form. Easily enough done - just modify her leg muscles for jumping and agility for the moment.

"Whahaahahaah!" She loudly laughed. "And I stick the landing! Take that gymnastics club!" She victoriously grinned, before turning her attention to Geoffry and the student. "Geoooofffry hands off my student! I was having so much fun playing with him!" She said to Geoffry, from her position on top of a desk. Boy, this thing was hard to balance on a bit....

"Go on, shoo, I can handle things from here! Classes are about to begin anyways!~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 22 min ago

Zac Yoxall

Hearing the voice behind him, Zac turns to find a girl standing behind him. Odd hair color choice, was his first thought upon seeing Alexis' blue-streaked hair. However, having heard the tone of her voice, he decides it wouldn't really be a good idea to bring that up. Instead, he chuckles sheepishly and rubs the back of his head as he says, "Oh, sorry about that. I didn't realize I was in anyone's way." Holding up his map, he then asks, "Hey, since you're here, could I get a hand? I think something's wrong with this map. I can't find my way to the biology room."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rebekah Green

Walking into the biology classroom for her first lesson, Rebekah found it difficult to disagree with the skinny, dark-haired kid in front of her. "Gyuh" pretty much summed it up. perhaps there was some good explanation for this? If so, she looked forward to hearing it.

First, there was a guy at the back just hovering slightly above the ground, with his nose in a book and seemingly paying no attention at all. He fell to the ground. There was another student also falling to the ground, and then turning his own arm into a bone-cannon. Which brings us to the next source of weirdness, the thing being shot at, the laptop computer blaring animal sounds, and seemingly immune to arm-bone-cannons, or was that someone else at work? Then, just to top it all off, a teacher leaps from a definitely-not-human-sized filing cabinet drawer to land triumphantly on a desk and announce the start of class.

Good, she was just in time. Apparently this was going to be standard for her life over the next year or so, so she might as well get used to it. Sighing, she flopped down into the nearest chair, opened her schoolbag and grabbed for a pen and paper. This was going to be interesting.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It wasn't long after Geoff saved her computer, that Meredith jumped out of her cabinet yelling about being Meredith, or something else, Geoff wasn't really paying much attention. She further yelled at him to leave her student be.

"Go on, shoo, I can handle things from here! Classes are about to begin anyways!" She explained/yelled.

"Is it almost that time again?" Geoff said aloud, looking at the clock above the door. "I see," he turned back to the alien, "then I leave it to you." He released the pressure around the student and said in his whispery voice, with narrowed eyes, "Try not to eat them. Good day." He nodded then drifted back across the, less crowded, hall to his own classroom. There, a few students were gathering, whether or not they had his class was still a mystery. There were still a few minutes until class started, he took his book out again, setting it to float, and continued where he left off before Meredith filled his ears with what sounded like dying animals.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rebekah Green

Try not to eat them..? That guy had to be joking, right?

Right? Please?

There was a lot that Rebekah could deal with or ignore, especially when the promised rewards were as great as training in superpowers. It was just the sensible thing to do, but this was pushing her limits. She found her mind starting to imagine why he might say that, or constructing scenarios in which the bizarre sequence of events she had witness made sense. The results were not pretty. She terminated that line of thinking with a slight shiver. She tapped her pen on the desk to prime it for writing and determinedly faced the front. This would turn out alright.

It had to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Paul & Cheol

"Hey! That's mine!" A voice was heard as Paul was about to wear the mask and after a split moment, in came flying Cheol, snatching the mask from Paul's hands and knocking him on the floor.

"OKAY OKAY! It's not like I was gonna eat the mask or something! Relax!" Paul told Cheol as he stood up. "What's the big deal with the mask anyway?" He asked Cheol curiously.

Cheol hugged the mask protectively to his chest, as if it were a child. "Yeah, well..." he muttered, still seeming a bit angry. "You know how I mentioned that my powers came from a special object?" He gestured to the mask in his arms. "This is that object."

'Phew,' the mask gave a sigh of relief. 'For a minute there, I was worried...'

"Next time, think before you go through another person's stuff," Cheol muttered. He then went over to his back and stuffed the mask back in, not looking back at Paul. He seemed really annoyed with the other boy.

Shit "Ohhhh, so that's the thingamajig you mentioned yesterday. A mask? Well, I'm not one to judge but... that doesn't look like a magic item or some other power granting item. I guess I'm sorry for messing with your stuff" Paul said a little awkwardly.

"Well, now that we got that ou- wait. I showed you MY powers. I think its only fair that you show me yours, don't ya think?"

'Oh, he's got a point!' the mask said. For once, his usual bored tone dissapated and he sounded far more interested in the conversation.

"Oh, you would agree with him," Cheol grumbled quietly in Japanese.

'Well, you've kind of been giving me the cold shoulder since we got here,' the mask said, sounding slightly hurt. 'Pleeeeease.'

Cheol rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said, speaking to both the mask and Paul at the same time. He took the mask back out of bag. "Just... promise not to laugh at me at this first bit, okay?"

"Uhmm, okay I suppose?" Paul replied when Cheol told him to promise not to laugh. What could possibly be funny about a superpower though? he wondered. "Should I have a seat or something?" he asked out of curiosity.

Cheol blinked. "Err, if you want I guess," he said. He then gave a small sigh and placed the mask over his face. "Ahem," he cleared his through in a slightly nervous way. There was a pause.

'Hurry up!' the mask squawked impatiently.

Cheol sighed again. "... ka ka...." he mumbled under his breath.

.... nothing happened.

'... what was that?' the mask said. 'Put a little more feeling into it.'

"... do I have to?" Cheol muttered quietly.

'Yes!' the mask shouted.

Cheol sighed a third time before speaking again. "Ka ka!" he cried loudly, sounding far more bird-like this time. Suddenly, a sharp pain split through his skull and he suddenly doubled over, clasping at his head. The mask started to... change. It no longer looked like a mask. It was starting to sort of... blend with Cheol's flesh. Feathers began to sprout all over Cheol's body and got onto his knees. A minute or so passed, and soon, Cheol has transformed...

He was still vaguely humanoid in shape, but his head was that of a crow, his body was covered his black feathers, and his arms had changed into wings. After a moment, he got to his feet, which had become bird-like talons.

He stretched out his wings. "Ta-daaaa!" he cried, his voice suddenly shrill and croaky. He jumped off from the ground and flew a small loop around the room before perching back down on his bed.

Let's just say Paul was not suitably prepared for what unfolded before his poor, innocent eyes. He took a moment to sit down on his bed and comprehend what he had just seen.

Relax Paul, there's no reason to freak out. It's perfectly logical that there would exist powers like this as well in the world. Right? Yeah. I mean, I'm pretty sure there are more... IT'S PERFECTLY LOGICAL.

"So, let me get this straight. You get your power from the mask. When you wear the mask and do this crow cry, you transform into a half-man half-crow...mutant? What are you exactly right now?" He asked Cheol, perfectly calm...

Cheol sat himself down in a cross-legged position and placed his wings behind his head. "I'm a youkai," he said, pretty casual about the whole thing. "Well, there's no proper translation for it in English, but I guess you would call it... a demon? Or spirit, I suppose." He gave a croaky laugh. "Technically, in Japan, this is what we would call a Tengu, a crow spirit. They're technically... some people think of them as nature gods that protect mountains and forests... though earlier, people thought they were disruptive spirits of war..." He flopped backwards onto the bed and just lay there spread out, completely relaxed and very different from his usual timid, childish self. "Take your pick, I guess."

"So... you're a god? Or a demon? Am I supposed to pray or try to run a way? I don't get it" Paul said with a confused look. "Anyway, I won't ask further questions. I'll go now and search for a shirt to put on now, if you don't mind" he said and stood up and walked over to the wardrobe. "You'd better undo whatever you did and go wash up before we are late for first period" he told him as he wore one of his many green shirts.

"By the way" he said casually. "It's almost 8:00 AM and, if memory serves me well and if they haven't changed the class schedule, you should hurry up or you'll be sorry" he added with a small chuckle.

"Hmm?" Cheol sat up and tilted his head to one side. "Why's that?" he asked.

"Remember that wonderful lady you met back at the train? There's 90% chance it's her lesson you're about to be late to" he answered while putting on his shoes. "And you really don't want that to be your very first experience as a student here in Herculean, believe me when I tell you" he said and exited the dorm.

Cheol stared after Paul as he left, completely speechless. "Crap," he muttered after about a minute. He then muttered quickly to himself. "Cheol Akiyama, Cheol Akiyama, Cheol Akiyama...." A moment passed and soon Cheol changed back, his transformation much less painful-looking this time. He then took off the mask and stuffed back in his bag.

'Awwww...' the mask said. 'You're just going to ignore me for the rest of the day, then?'

"Yes," Cheol said as he got changed out of his pyjamas and into the clothes he had been wearing yesterday. "I have classes."

'That never stopped you before,' the mask replied.

Cheol said nothing as he put his bag over his shoulder and hurriedly exited out of the room, desperate not to be late for class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 17 days ago

.:Kyle Anderson:.

The silence seemed to last for an eternity to Kyle, but it was an eternity he was grateful for. It gave him time to come back to his senses, to put the past back in the past. He never noticed the air growing heavier around him, and by the time he was aware enough to be able to it had already dissipated. He was still jumpy; adrenalin will do that to anyone. Taking a few deep breaths he turned to notice the teachers behind him, he was vaguely aware of them when he had freaked out but now he was able to recognize the one on the table.

‘You are an idiot’ he admonished himself, resisting the temptation to face palm. He should have figured it out after the tendril tripped him, who else is there that can do such a thing in this school, he even heard her name before. With an exasperated sigh he stood up, his arm returning to normal in the blink of an eye. Shaking his head he goes and sits at his chosen seat, doing his up-most best to ignore everyone else in the room.

To him the first day is already a disaster, but he’s not going to make it any worse if he can help it. So he picks up his sketch pad and flips to a clean page and starts doodling, to keep his mind off the past few minutes, and maybe once he is done shaking he will try and talk to his classmates.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 5 days ago

-Lukas Kunze-

"I'm not exactly sure that's how the saying goes, heh... but who really gives two craps? Here, let me lend you a hand."

The boy chuckled to himself, smiling at the boy as he extended his hand to the boys, and followed up by firmly gripping his hand. He hoped to not squeeze too tightly as he didn't want to warrant the boy with a sore hand. As soon as he was adjusted, he promptly pulled the boy up to about his... level. Wow, he really was as short as he thought he was. Kind of reminded him of Ziska, even though he was positive that this kid didn't wear proactive clothing that is tighter than Samus' usual attire that isn't her power armor... plus he probably isn't into BDSM...

Wait, maybe this kid was possibly his roommate? No, he has way too many items that wern't in his room from what Lukas keenly observed about him. The quest for locating his roommates would come later after classes!... and probably after a rigorously questionable workout also... and study session... and... yeah, he needs to allocate his time for seeking them out better.

Anyways, introduction time.

"Anyways, the name is Lukas, I'm a second-year here at the Herculean Academy!I'm Absol-utley sure you'll harbor good fortunes!"

Well, he nailed the cliche sort of introduction, with a stealth pun only a few people would truly come to appreciate. Now that he thought about it... wait, this was the perfect plan he had conjured up in his head! Not Meredith chaotic at most, but it would certainly cause him to be temporarily thrown off his game be for being uplifted again. Yes, yes, nothing about this plan could possibly end up in a horrific scene...

Just like yesterday!

"Oh, I have got the perfect joke to pull on him. I've got a few minutes to spare so I should be fine in comparison. Alright, let's put on an act of a self-centered, egotistical ass who is short-sighted and ignorant."

With operation... uhm... anyways, with that going on, Lukas made sure to have all the flags of being a supposedly modest, deluded, prideful snob. His welcoming smile began to translate into a sneer as he put both of his hand at his sides, beginning the descent into obnoxious shallowness. He puffed his chest out to further essentials this whole act, jutting his chin out ever so slightly to make him look like the perfect, oblivious oaf. Now he had the look down, now had to start making himself to be incapable of being anything but a narcissistic, immoddest man.

"So I assume you are a first year since I have never seen you around here before. I guess this means I am your social superior, the far more exceeded and better student! That means you have to obey my every beck and call at each whim since I obviously know more than you, you... dumb person! So, it's best you get used to me knockin' at your dorm to do a few errands for me, lest there be severe consequences, got it?"

... Ok, maybe he went a little bit overboard as that whole speech became so overbearing to him and made it look like a stereotypical jock and nerd scene. Even though he was kidding, he felt the need to tone down on a few of his exaggerated points in time. Lukas stared at the boy, waiting for him to respond to his rude oncoming of this whole hierarchical spectacle. However, if he was right about this not being a first year... yeah, he already started to feel bad for what he would eventually come to put up with in the alien tricksters class.

"Ugh, Meredith... she would probably set off an assortment of events to make them graciously appear as if she is not the perpatrator of such whimsical offenses. I wouldn't be surprised if she decided to randomly set off giraffe mating noises for the sole purpose of getting someone with a giraffe fetish off... Ok, that might be stretching it, but hell, I really can't be surprised at the amount of incoherent and absolutely ridiculous events she sets off."

Breaking from that line of thought, he slowly brought his full attention back to the teen in front of him. Lukas' incompetence began to shine as he looked now as if he was holding in some laughter that he wanted to tlet go. His poker face now was bad, but he could only wish for it not to degrade to the point of Graham being unable to distinguish if he is being serious.

All Lukas needed to do was hold it in for a few more minutes...




Yeah, this was going to be difficult.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 21 days ago

-Mishka Demidov-

As Alexis slammed the door shut Mishka sat down on her bed. Atleast it didnt end in a total disaster, but she could have dealt with this alot more smoothly. Somewhere Mishka had actually hoped Alexis would have hit her, just to know how strong Alexis was. Ofcourse, that wasnt really advisable. Still, Mishka was thinking about a way of how to make it up to Alexis. Well, she'd think about that later.

More importantly at the moment, it was getting close to 8:00 and she figured that it was about time to head over to her class. She tried to memorize her class schedual and if she remembered correctly her first lesson was gonna be... physics. Eh, not the most exciting subject but hey, beats drama or art classes. Mishka took off her coat, she had worn it earlier today because it was a little chilly but right now it was getting slightly hotter, summer heat and all.

Taking off her coat exposed her arms, because her shirt had very short sleeves, and thus also her scars covering them. She was happy that no one had yet seen them, except for Alexis who didnt seem to care. Well, except for that massive scar over her left eye ofcourse.((Which I had totally not forgotten about, not at all...)) Soon someone was probably gonna ask about them. She got up from the bed and packed her books and notepad in her backpack. "Well, better to get over with it now I guess, I'll just tell them what I told the rest..." she mumbled to herself.

Just before Mishka was gonna walk out of her dorm she took another quick snack, after that, time to go. She locked the door behind her, hoping that Alexis took a key with her. If not... Mishka feared the door wouldnt hold out long against Alexis and her desire to get back to her laptop. The hallways were pretty crowded at the moment. Alot of students were rushing to their classes, trying to be well in time to get a good start with their teachers. Mishka slung her backpack over her shoulder and just started walking to the classroom she was meant to go to.

After a short while she was close to her classroom, just needed to get past a couple more corners and then she'd be there.

-Anouk Dijkstra-

At the far end of the girl dorms there was a small room. It was occupied by two girls, one of which was a red haired girl and the other one was a brunette. Both had not yet met eachother, they probably went to bed exhausted and didnt notice eachother due to low light or something like that. Luckily though, these girls were going to be exemplary students and ofcourse both of them had set their alarm clocks on time, right girls? Euhm... Girls? Ooh dear...

The first one to awake, or atleast get out of her bed, was Anouk Dijkstra. The moment she opened her eyes she was bursting with energy, quite literally. Her hair looked like it had exploded, that's what static electricity does with your hair. She rubbed in her eyes as she was looking around the room and went over the stuff she saw. My bags, my guitar, boring walls which are gonna need posters, more bags, bass guitar, close- Wait a bass guitar?!

Anouk jumped out of her bed and was in record time standing right infront of the glorious artifact. It's fine strings, it's beautifull frame... It must have been crafted by the gods! She took a sniff near the instrument. It even smelled like greatness! She wanted to touch it so badly... But wait, she didnt own a bass, not as far as she knew atleast. And she was sure she would have remembered owning such a magnificent instrument. So she looked around again. Now for the first time she thought about checking the other bed and... Ooh yes.

There was her roommate! Anouk snuck up to her, trying not to wake her. Step by step she got closer... and closer... and closer... and closer... Would this be considered too close... Naaaaaah. She thought as she was only inches away from the other girl. Maybe she should wake her, considering they were gonna have classes in... Anouk looked at the alarm clock. Godverdekutzooi... she thought to herself, swearing a little in her native language as she noticed she wouldnt have time for breakfast anymore.

Anouk looked back at the girl, still that close to the other girl's face. Well, she was gonna have to wake her up but how? Ooh great gods of all that is holy and unholy, show this poor girl the path to enlightenment... No response? Well screw you too jackasses! Ooh wait, roommate, need to wake her up!

Euhm... Euh... Screw it. If you're gonna do anything, then do it in style! Go big or go home! She had the perfect way of waking her up... And no, it wasnt something as obvious as yelling at her or anything... Noooo, that's rude! No no, Anouk's plan was much better and much more advanced!

So she just poked Tabitha in her cheek a couple of times... Great plan. Ten out of ten.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 5 mos ago

~Graham Turner~

Graham, assisted by the filthy Tall, got back to his feet. He quickly brushed himself off and adjusted his backpack. Gotta make sure everything was in order, yeah? He noticed that the Tall was like, looking at him. Without talking. Ooookaaaaay then.

Maybe the guy realized how awkward a situation he had just made, because Lukas finally decided to introduce himself and- wait, did he just make a Pokepun? He just made a Pokepun. Fuck. This guy was every bit as much of a loser as he was, wasn’t he? And he was a second year?

Was this Lukas dude really just him from the future. Was this FutureGraham coming back to deliver the can of whoopass to PastGraham? Because, dammit, he didn’t go back far enough. The asshat that forgot to pay attention was still a few hours back. Unless...shit, was he going to do something stupid soon?

Graham mentally slapped himself. He was being stupid again. And now he was the one just watching without speaking. Double fuck. Lukas started sneering and, well, Graham couldn’t blame him. Then he put both his hands at his sides. Graham could blame him for that. I mean, he looked fucking ridiculous at this point. Chest out, chin out, looking down- seriously, future Talls, don’t look down at people. You look down, you’re going to get punched in the manhood. Or womanhood. Whatever. Graham doesn’t discriminate. #Equality

"So I assume you are a first year…”

That a fuckin’ short joke, bub?

“...since I have never seen you around here before.”

...still sounds like a short joke.

“I guess this means I am your social superior, the far more exceeded and better student!”

You seem like a social dumpster. Douche.

“That means you have to obey my every beck and call at each whim”

Not happening.

“...since I obviously know more than you, you... dumb person!”

Dumb person? Is that...is that even an insult anymore? ...was a five-year-old getting all condescending on his ass?

“So, it's best you get used to me knockin' at your dorm to do a few errands for me, lest there be severe consequences, got it?”

Did...did I just get propositioned for sexual favors? Oh God no. Stranger danger, man. Prison rules do not apply to high school. Usually. Note to self: build a shiv. Secondary note to self: learn HOW to build a shiv.

Graham was rather at a loss for words. There was so much wrong here that he didn’t even know where to begin. He managed to catch a glimpse of a clock over the Tall’s shoulder and saw some students heading out of the cafeteria in a bit of a hurry. Hurry…


Graham didn’t say a word. He didn’t notice Lukas’ breaking composure. And she sure as hell didn’t notice the generic asswipe that he pushed aside as he broke off his conversation and ran off towards the exit. He had to get to class. Where was class? Fuck if he knew. It had to be somewhere. His last hope was to follow the flow of people and hopefully catch sight of one of his friends. Maybe they were sharing a class. Worst case scenario, he walks into a class and just asks.

Yeah, that’d be good.

He dodged an older looking gentlemen...-

That would work out splendidly.

-...darted under a couple of students hold hands...-

Actually, fuck he could probably do that now.

-...weaved past a fat dude...-

Really, he could just stop running, right here, right now. It’d probably be smarter, really.

-and slammed face first into a solid brick wall. Of muscles.

Graham slammed back onto the ground. He was getting fuckin’ tired of that. Hell, he might have even mentioned it aloud, but the breath was knocked out of him. Not by hitting the wall or the ground, but by what he had seen.

Before him stood quite possibly the single largest human being he had ever seen. Graham’s mouth opened and he sat staring slackjawed. He was afraid. He was actually feeling true fear just at the sight of it. It scraped the heavens, a tower of muscles hellbent on piercing through the gods above. It was the stuff of nightmares…

And it was a woman. Probably. It had giant breasts...or were those pecs? He really didn’t know. He was going with the former due to the tower’s red mop and somewhat feminine facial features but…

Oh god. Graham’s heart was slamming against his ribs. RUN, it demanded. FLEE FROM THE TOWERING DOOM.

He couldn’t. The body had completely shut down due to fear. This was it. It wouldn’t be the eldritch horror that devoured him...no, his would be a different death.

This giant amazonian…

Graham gazed upon the face his death, seeing the malice in her light-blue eyes.

There could be only one logical way for her to end him.

Death by snu-snu.

~Tabitha Turner~

Bright lights.
Large crowd.
Big cheers.

Terrible Tabby Turner did a little shuffle and the crowd ate it up. She looked around. An ocean of people all there to see her succeed. It seemed to stretch on forever. Amiss the human sea, a lone squared ring floated, a vessel crewed by two. She shifted her eyes back to her shippmate. Lucia Rijker in her prime. Tabitha just smiled.

She tapped her forehead with her gloves. Just keep ‘em up.

The bell rang out.

Lucia stepped toward her.

Tabby mirrored.

They were in range of each other when Lucia threw the first punch.

Big mistake.

Tabby rushed in, ducking under the left. A quick left jab to the gut was her answer. Lucia was caught slightly off guard. That’s all it took. Tabby threw a right hook which landed promptly on Rijker’s chin rolling the woman’s head to the left. A left uppercut came next. It caught the Dutch woman’s chin and snapped her head back. She hit the mat amid a crescendo of cheers. Tabby did her little shuffle again and…

Something caught her unawares. A hard hook to the cheek. The momentum followed through, corkscrewing the poor ginger. Spinning rapidly, Tabitha found herself falling into the crowd…

She hit them with a splash and sunk. She fell deeper into the sea, light fading and oxygen growing oh so scarce. She was falling.

And falling…

And falling…


Tabitha awoke with a start, her limbs flailing out. She was gasping for air and searching for solid land. It took a few moments, but she realized she was in a bed and calmed herself. She threw her head back, eyes closed, and groaned. Disappoint swarmed her. She was just about to win, too. Lucia Rijker ain't got nothin' on Tabby Turner. Stupid dreams, always having to end and all.

Wait…Tabby’s eyes flashed open and to her side. A little brunette with a rockin’ fro. Alright. That’s cool. What the fuck was she doing in he-



Tabby rocked back and kicked out of bed. The redhead had her own case of the bedhead. She stretched back, throwing her hands behind her head and trying to pop her back.

“Sorry sorry sorry! My bad, dude! Didn’t mean to wake ya up or nothin’. I had a dre-”

As she was trying to explain her minifreakout to who she could only assume was her roomie, Tabby noticed the time.

Freakout part two was a go.

“AHH! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck, I overslept!”

Not waiting for a response, darted over to her bags, pulling out whatever clothes she could find. Or at least one of her did. Another copy of her stood at the bed and was quickly trying to pull the covers and pillows back into place. The last one dashed from the room, holding a towel, a toothbrush, and other toiletries shouting as she scrambled away, blue plaid pajama bottoms and oversized black Alice in Chains shirt fluttering behind her.. “Fuuuck meee with a foork! DAMN DAMN DAMN!”

The ClothingTabby assembled the outfit she had picked out and rushed out of the room to go join with ShowerTabby. That left MaidTabitha, who quickly, and rather sloppily, finished making the bed and rushed to pack the backpack with school supplies. She did shoot a look over toward her roommate in the process of this.

“Duuude, I’m sooo sorry. Totally not this uh…scattered usually.”

She lied.

“I’m Tabitha. You can call me that, or Tabby, Tabs, or really anything. GAAAH, I seriously cannot be late to that first class. I got Biology with this chica that’s supposed to be like, super scary. Like, eatin’ students scary That’s what people were sayin’ at least. Ugggggggh…I’m dead. Just dead. Kill me now. Please?”

She finished packing the backpack and sighed. Alright, so just about everything was done now. She would be fine. She had this. She could kick Father Time’s ass. She SO had this.


“FUCK! You’re gonna be late too, dude! Shiiit! We’re both screwed! Ahahaha!”

Well, whatever. Look on the bright side, at least she wouldn’t die alone.

~Gracie Turner~

Unlike her slacker siblings, Gracie never found herself in a rush. At the moment, she was casually strolling to the biology classroom with plenty of time to spare. She was fully prepared. Well...perhaps not prepared to meet the monster that she had heard teaches the class, but should that be her only obstacle, she’d be fine.

She had awoken much earlier that morning. Gracie had always been a bit of a morning person, and it was her morning routine to wake up early in order to get in a light workout followed by a nice run. Nothing too ambitious. She wasn’t an athlete or anything, this was just purely for her health.

She hadn’t had a chance to meet her roommate, sadly. The previous night, Gracie quickly unpacked everything, picked out her outfit for the next day, prepared her bag with the supplies she’d need for class, and went off to bed. In the morning, she left before the other girl woke up. She was decent at that. Always a bit of a light sleeper, Gracie’s alarm on her phone was rather quiet.

After her run, Gracie took a shower. She got cleaned up, did her hair and makeup, and went off to grab a quick balanced breakfast. Gracie hadn’t encountered any sort of trouble or really anything of note during all of this, which was fine for her. She preferred things to be a bit quieter. Not that she had anything against people or anything. She just liked her Gracie-time.

Once her meal was done, she headed off to class. She ended up there rather early though, so she decided to take a quick tour to get a feel of the layout while she could.

With the time for class growing nearer, Gracie returned to the Biology room. She wasn’t the first this time. She noticed a dark haired guy in a bright shirt, a slightly tall ponytailed blonde in green, a sharply dressed blonde guy drawing in a notebook, a few more students and…

There was a tall, brown-eyed blonde present. While still looking youthful, she appeared to be eldest in the room. And she was standing atop a desk.

This was the monster?

She couldn’t help but be a touch disappointed. Perhaps it was her own fault for getting too caught up in her imagination, but she was hoping for something a bit more...exciting. When people said monster, she was expecting a scaly beast full of teeth, drool, and hate. Or perhaps a dragon. Or even an eldritch beast from the depths of space. But a beautiful blond? Not exactly what she would call a monster.

Gracie softly sighed and moved into the classroom, spotting an open desk in the front and claiming it as her own with her books. She sat down and pulled out a notebook, a pen, and a paperback copy of “A Clash of Kings” from her backpack. She then moved the backpack to rest in the floor to the right of her desk, leaning against the metal legs. Raising the novel, Gracie turned to the page marked by her bookmark, removed the tag, and began reading to pass the time until class started.

It was odd, she noted. Despite being a school for those gifted with extraordinary abilities, so far everything seemed so very mundane. So very...normal.

Hopefully that would change.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 21 days ago

-Mishka Demidov-

These damn hallways, they're way too narrow. There was barely any room to manoeuvre for normal sized students so you'd think that bigger people would have a really hard time navigating through the small corridors. Although Mishka did have some people bumping into her, most people moved aside. Just imagine that you're walking in the same hallway and suddenly you see a person walking towards you who's one or two heads taller, has a very broad built and seems to be in a slight hurry. Would you continue on your same path and hope the other person steps aside? Yeah, not really would you?

Still, the people bumping into her were getting quite annoying. She did her best not to accidentilly push people but it didnt seem other people tried nearly as much. Seriously, if one more person were to bump into her she'd make him regret it. Mishka was close to her classroom. Atleast, if she remembered the school layout correctly. So now just around this corner here an-

Then she got bumped into.

Mishka let out a low growl as she shot an annoyed glare at the malefactor. He was rather small and looked abit frail. He also seemed really pale, but she couldnt figure out if that was his natural complexion or just because he didnt really react well with how she looked. He seemed to be in some sort of shock as he didnt move any part of his body and all he did was just stare at her. Seeing him like this almost made her pity him... Almost. But this was too great an oppurtunity for some fun to pass up.

Mishka looked down at the small guy and a grin fromed on her face. "Well well, what do we have here? She said in a playful tone. Mishka frowned, "Dont you know that it's rude to suddenly bump into people?" Mishka leaned forward and grabbed the boy by the back of his neck as gently as she could and raised him up to her eyelevel so they could talk "face to face". "I think you owe me an appology, dont you think?" she said as she was still grinning at him, quickly followed by a chuckle.

-Anouk Dijkstra-

Wow, her roommate was in a hurry. First she got up out of her bed and then she got her clothes while also making up her bed and... Hang on a second. A few seconds ago she only had one roommate and now she had one, two, three roommates! They were all running around and being quite chaotic. It took Anouk a couple of seconds to realise what was going on. This wasnt possible was it? Euhm... Ooh right, super hero school... Derp. Ofcourse this must have been the girl's power... And it was awesome! Like, you could do so much with this... Anouk, get back on track!

Yes euhm... Speaking about school, Anouk had the feeling she was kind of forgetting something... Important. As Tabitha was introducing herself the penny dropped. Ooh yes, school has classes and her classes start in... Ooh crap. As Tabitha was just finishing Anouk held her hands in the air and started smilling. "Hang-on-be-right-back-k?" she said really fast.

Without waiting for a response she ran to her bags and pulled out some random pieces of clothing. She quickly ran into the bathroom and started dressing, brushing her teeth and styling her hair. As she walked out of the bathroom she changed into a AC/DC crop top, a skirt reaching to mid-thigh level with a Scottish kilt motif on it, wore a pair of black boots with red laces and she had her hair modeled into her mohawk. All done in the space of 20 seconds. She could have been faster but the hair wasnt really cooperating.

As she ran out she grabbed her bag and hoped it would have the right books in them. She then stopped right in front of Tabitha with her hand streched out. "Pleased-to-meet-you-Tabitha!-My-name's-Anouk." She shaked her head a little bit. "Sorrry... I tend to talk abit fast when I'm excited!" She was rubbing her legs against eachother which made her look as if she really needed to go to the toilet, but that was just her being excited.

"Let's be friends, k?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

“Did you see that!” Students were excited and scared as they entered Geoff’s classroom. “She picked him up… by the neck! Maybe she’s gonna kill him!” As the class filled people were talking more and more. This was within a period of about ten seconds. What is happening outside…? Someone has lifted another student off of the ground? Was this hostile?

“I’ll be back in a moment…” He said to his class, in his usual quiet tone. His eyes half open, he floated out of the class to find the hallway had become a circle. That didn’t make sense… the students had formed a circle? Maybe that… They formed a circle-like-thing around the corner and what appeared to be an amazonian lifting a small child. Perhaps that’s exactly what it was. At any rate, a rule was no fighting, Geoff had to put a stop to it. He floated through the crowd, into the outer circle and...


It sounded as though there was a thunder storm in the building. Geoff had briefly removed the air from an area near the ceiling, the crack was from the air rushing to refill the space. The noise of everyone in the hallway became a memory.

“If you do not mind, I would like to have a morning without commotion for once during my tenure at this school.” His voice was still quiet, but to any who had his class before, it was rather noticeably louder than usual. Burr narrowed his eyes, “Mishka, I presume. Why don’t you set Mr. Turner down?” Geoff reads the files for the newer students and those who have his classes before the year begins, so he has an understanding of what they all can do and who they are… He understands that in the teenage years, people are rather… Crazy… I don’t think there’s another way to put it. He thought to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 5 mos ago

~Graham Turner~

“Well well, what do we have here?”

Nothing. Nothing at all. Just us ants, going about our antlike ways. Please, by all means, continue on your way, gentle giant.

“Don’t you know that it's rude to suddenly bump into people?”

Don’t you know that it’s rude to make a man soil himself? And -

The giant bent down and grabbed Graham by the back of the neck. And the next thing Graham knew, he was soaring through the air. Onwards and upwards. Perhaps he would continue raising all the way up into the sky? To space? He’d be happy to live amongst the stars. Why not?


He stopped before her face. That grin chilled him to the bone. His body was urging for a response. To stay would be death. To leave would be death. Please… His legs were ready to pump, lungs ready to scream, bladder ready to spray liquid fear into the giant’s eyes.

“I think you owe me an apology, don’t you think?”

Graham might have been willing to give the woman her apology, but the chuckle...oh God the chuckle…

“SWEET MERCIFUL THOR! Don’t hit me, I’m little! I’m allergic to violence and pain and ouch.”

Graham closed his eyes and scrunched his face up, making deals with any otherworldly being that happened to be listening at the time.

It seemed like something was.

“Mishka, I presume. Why don’t you set Mr. Turner down?”

“Yes! Yes! Listen to the manly voice of wise wisdom and kindness! Mr. Turner would like to go down now, please? Miiisssshhhkkkaaa, pwetty pwease? With borscht on top?”

Wait…did he just...did he just poke the bear?


Graham pleaded once more with the outside forces, begging for the manly voice to gain physical form and rescue him. He wasn’t holding his breath though.

At least he would die with dignity and honor.

Or no, the opposite of that.

~Tabitha Turner~


Tabitha blinked a couple times. Her roommate was gone. Holy fuck she spoke quickly. And moved...quickly. Welp. Ok then. Back to business. She quickly finished up when the original Tabitha strolled back into the room. MaidTabby strolled over to her, nodded approvingly, then broke out a brush and painted on a small blue star on her face.


Tabitha’s copy walked towards her, joining back up into one. There. Right as rain, fully whole. She felt nice. She was wearing a generic black rock ‘n’ roll shirt, some grey jeans with some holes cut by her knees, and finished up with a red jacket wrapped around her waist. Weather, man...at least back home, it was wild. Mother Nature couldn’t make up her stupid mind. Oh hey, have some rain. And some sunshine. And snow. AND BALLS OF FUCKING FIRE, DIE HEATHENS, DIE DIE DIE.

Tabby really hated the outdoors at times.

Her roomie popped back in and was practically bouncing off the walls. And she was wearing a kickass shirt which singlehandedly guaranteed their friendship. AC/DC, man… Add in the fact that there was the unmistakeable shape of guitar on the other side of the room and boom! Instant friendship through the power of music. Yep, friends. Whether she liked it or not.



The hell kind of name is that?

“Sorrry… I tend to talk abit fast when I’m excited!”

Excited? Might be a bit of an understatement. But…

“Let’s be friends, k?”

Tabitha beamed a smile-and-a-half at the rockable brunette.

“Duuude...don’t worry ‘bout it. You do you, man, and we’ll be righteous. And if you can like, actually play THAT…”

Tabby nodded over to the beauty by the Dutch girl’s bed.

“...then you’re going to have a new best friend.”

She wrapped up her little spiel by shifting her weight to one foot and folding her hands behind her head, bearing the mischievous little grin which the other Turner children would associate with trouble of some sort.

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