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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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I've been wanting to learn how to lucid dream. The havoc I could get up to >:3

Lucid Dreaming is nothing to joke about. I once tried it and I couldn't fcking move my body. Then I started hearing weird sounds, kinda like how the heart does? but more deep and... weird. Then I started seeing weird shadows through my door, into the hallway. Like someone was walking about but I already knew from before that I was alone in the house. I don't remember much after that. Must be because A FREAKING DEMON SUDDENLY POPPED OUT OF NOWHERE AND I STARTED SCREAMING AND I FAINTED AND THEN I WOKE UP DRENCHED IN SWEAT.

Lucid Dreaming is nothing to joke about.
Aight, thanks for that.

Galbar populations (guesstimation):

Humans: 17,500 (4,500 on Arguilla, 7,000 on Orabakh, 6,000 on Sviebard)
Uri: 5800 (5,800 on Arguilla, 0 on Orabakh, 0 on Sviebard)
Cimex: 19,300 (19,300 on Arguilla, 0 on Orabakh, 0 on Sviebard)
Dragons: 130,000 (1,500 on Arguilla, 125,000 on Orabakh, 3,500 on Sviebard)

Mehopes that Uri number grows through the 100 years. How much does a blessing for increased population, actually increase the population of the race/people that were blessed? x2?
@Kho 100 years. Holy shiet. My guy shall be the slowest evolving demigod in the game T.T Lvl 1 for 100 years xP
oh well, I'm going to bed... cya peeps
still waiting for that uri post @LokiLeo789 `.`
@Kho BTW, why do you have Frettzo in your sig?

Well, Thulemiz just stole a bunch of Cimex souls and is going to use them to summon a horde of undead to massacre Ialu and his people. Which are pretty much the only humans left, especially seeing as they also sent undead to massacre at the Sviebard Islands -_-

On the other hand, if Ialu survives this he will probably try to attack the Cimex as well.

Oh, and if you didn't notice Ialu sent missionaries to try to convince Uri to worship him. So you have two demigods meddling with the Uri.

I'm following a more subtle approach to gaining worshipers. I believe rumors will spread and, in time, a following of the light will be created. *Hopes*
I'm still here, but I'm still looking for away to "insert Arguis into things again". Just sitting her thinking on the sidelines.

Well, I thin that Arguis is the creator of the Uri so he might have something to say about Ull'yang messing with them. Dunno..
aaaand posted. waiting for reactions.
Ull'yang, the Sun Aspect Level 1 - 2 Might

Within hours of his becoming a demigod and obtaining a sense of self, Ull'yang had flown around the planet, gazing from above at the higher god's creations. At first, he explored the continent from where his humble beginnings started, Arguilla, as it was called by the humans. Although small in comparison to the other landmass that existed on the planet, Arguilla was different in the sense that It was filled with all kinds of life. Plants, animals and humans were not the only creatures that called Arguilla their home. There were also the insectoid Cimex, who at first glance seemed completely feral but after some observation, showed signs of intelligent thinking, as well as the plant-like humanoids, the Uri, whose intelligence and ingenuity rivaled that of the humans.

Especially with the Uri, Ull'yangs attention was piqued. He had never seen other plant life as them. Since before his ascension to a demigod, Ull'yang always thought of plants as food and nothing more, something which was logical since horses are herbivores by nature. Now, Ull'yang felt it inside of him that he no longer needed sustenance to maintain his form as he took his power directly from the sun and as such, was puzzled as to how he should view the Uri as. He did notice though that they too sustained themselves through the sun, since throughout his time spent observing the race and its people, Ull'yang had seen that the Uri don't share the same need for food as their human counterparts do.

That made him curious as to how they managed that and decided to come in contact with the race. He descended upon a small Uri village near the border of their land and the land of the humans, Garakai. At first, him appearing out of nowhere startled the small population of the village but that was understandable. No sane being would find a telepathically talking horse normal. The way they acted though, had, nevertheless, upset him too and he opted to withdraw to a small clearing inside the forest, a few hundred meters away from the village.

There he spent the next three days, waiting for the uproar his appearance caused to calm down, before he appeared again before them. What he did not expect, however, was that they would come to him of their own accord. Ull'yang felt the trio slowly making their way towards his location. When they entered the clearing, they were welcomed by the winged horse, "Do not fear, for I am not here to hurt you," he told them, his voice reverberating inside their heads. The Uri trio would feel a sudden warmth emanating from him, a warmth that was able to empower them like no other. They lowered their weapons and approached him. "My name is Ull'yang, the Sun Aspect," he told them. "I have been tasked by the Lifegiver to be the bringer of light, the sun that watches over and nourishes all life on this planet. While traveling around the world, I saw many a race but nothing quite like you, the Uri," he said and paused.

The three hunters could only remain silent as Ull'yang spoke. Only when he finished his introduction did one of them, a female, walk up to him and reach out to touch him. "Hmm, apparently, they still fear me..." Ull'yang thought as he noticed that she was trembling. He lowered his head and remained still, making it known that he had no ill-thoughts. Once her hand touched his skin, she fell on her knees, writhing uncontrollably. The two other Uri, both males, instantly went into battle mode. They pointed their weapons at him and were about to charge at him when the female one cried out, stopping them in their tracks. She had regained her strength and had stood up, albeit obviously not being able to fight anymore.

Ull'yang had an idea about the reason she collapsed but remained silent as the three Uri conversed with each other. After a while, the three approached him and knelt before him as the female spoke up, "I am Ogma, this is Cram and this is Tyl" she said, introducing the three to him. "I am sorry about my partners actions before but you must understand that they acted in order to protect me and themselves, so please, do not think of them badly," she paused and looked at Ull'yang. "As I have already said, I am not here to hurt you or your friends," he declared one more time. Upon hearing that, the males relaxed and completely sheathed their weapons.

Then the female spoke again, "we three were tasked by our village elder to track you down, find your intentions and the reason why you approached our village and, if you turned out to be an enemy, kill you. We had our doubts at first but we could not go against the elders wishes and as such, two days ago we set out to find you. We did not, however, expect that you would be a demigod. We now know that however we tried, we would no be able to lay a scratch on you. Instead, we ask that you give us a reason for your visit and, maybe, what you intended to do by visiting our village," she finished.

Ull'yang just stood in front of them, silently listening to Ogma talking. Once she was finished, Ull'yang raised his head and looked at the three that were kneeling in front of him. "Stand up. You should not kneel in front of me, for I do not care about such things. You may be yourselves around me. As for the reason why I came to your village specifically, well, it would be just pure coincidence. If it wasn't your village I visited, it would be the next one, or the one after that, or the one after that and so," he said.

As the three reluctantly stood up, Ull'yang continued. "I found your race... intriguing, to say the least. Your lack of need to eat food to sustain yourselves especially caught my attention. Just like me, you seem to be able to sustain yourselves through other means. I would like to know about those other means and how they work," he told them. The three Uri glanced at each other before one of the males spoke up, "That would be Photosynthesis," he said. "Photosynthesis?" Ull'yang repeated, "and how does this Photosynthesis work exactly?" he asked.

Like that, the three hunters gave him a deep explanation of how the mechanism worked. One question lead to another and soon, they caught themselves describing to him how they lived, their culture and traditions. They described to him the structure of their society long with its history and their relations with the other races. Ull'yang was fascinated by what they told him. Such a race existed! They lived their lives co-existing with the plant life around them while striving to advance and further their understanding of the world. Ull'yang decided that they should to be rewarded for their efforts.

"Enough," he said, interrupting Ogma as she spoke. "I've heard what I needed to hear. I've decided to give your race my blessing, the blessing of the sun. The sun will always shine the brightest on the land of Dusis, your population shall flourish and your kingdom shall prosper for many years," he declared and stomped the ground with one of his front legs and at that moment, there was a sudden burst of light from his location. The light spread to all directions, spreading the blessing of the sun to all of the Uri race and their land.

He then stomped the ground with his other front leg and again, there was another sudden light burst, heading towards all directions. This time, Ull'yang had awakened withing the very race the power of Hyper Photosynthesis. It was an upgraded form of Photosynthesis that gave the Uri the ability to call upon the might of the sun to their aid, temporarily giving them huge boosts in power and speed with the drawback of the body needing an extended rest after the ability was used. This one, though, he kept it a secret from the three Uri in front of him. They would, however, feel something like a sudden weight lifting off their shoulders but nothing more than that. He wanted for the Uri to find this hidden power for themselves. This way, they would need to spent time training it, cultivating it until they completely mastered it. He wanted them to not take it for granted, as something like that would be their end.

"My curiosity was sated, my work here is done. I shall watch your race closely to see how they will evolve with the passage of time," he told the three Uri and without so much as a farewell, he flew away, leaving them behind, completely and utterly speechless.

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