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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Can a demigod bless a race? Like gods can, using might?
I have a question by the way. I am able to have minor characters, like humans with no powers, speak to me etc without needing a CS right?
Well it's not like Vestec had darkness as a portfolio, but you've got light as a portfolio. That counts for something in my view. Didn't it only take Vestec 1 or 2 Might to create the darkness, anyways?

Vestec is still a god though :/
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Oh yeah, you're the demigod horse of SUNLIGHT. So wait, in the end of your first post did you banish the eternal darkness that Vestec created? When you flew off to "bring light to this world"?

I think that even If i tried, I would still not be able to fell the Eternal Darkness since I've just became a demigod. I don't think I'm nearly as powerful as I should be in order to be able to do that...yet...
I'll start on a post now that more people have posted after me. It's like a rule of mine to post after at least 5 other people have.


Maybe you should consider consider being amongst the Uri. They've been very quiet, have plenty of people, and don't currently worship any demigod. I imagine the conflicting interest with Ialu also trying to convert them might lead to something.

I might steal that thought XD I mean - Sun => Sunlight => Plant people => Photosynthesis

Nigel Ballard

Nigel's lips formed a smirk when he saw Samir skillfully dodge Sage's next attack. "A breath attack huh? So he's some kind of slayer? Interesting..." he thought as he moved out of the way, the wave of dark magic just barely missing him for a few inches, "and a powerful one at that!"

"Haha, that's the spirit!" he shouted and his right hand morphed into a blue blade of pure eternano, his nanites gathering it from the air and giving it the form of a blade. Suddenly, Samir jumped right in front of him, transformed into one of her suits and immediately started shooting arrows back at the ice birds coming their way. "...and she's an Ice-Make mage..." he thought as he tried to dodge one of the icy eagles, only to find out they could lock on their target, "Damn, seems like they are no pushovers," he mumbled and, with a swift movement, turned around and sliced the eagle in half, the two parts flying past him and crashing onto the ground.

Nigel bolted to where Samir was and stood next to her, "The nanite should arrive at your brain any minute now, so just try," he sliced in half two more ice eagles, "just try and hold them off for now and we'll go on the offensive once we are able to communicate better," he finished saying. Nigel, however, would soon be reminded of the consequences of not paying full attention to your opponents moves. In the brief time he was talking to Samir, he failed to notice that Sage had unleashed his own cluster of magical eagles. As he blocked one of the ice eagles, a dark one slipped past it and crashed right on his side, sending him flying a couple of feet and falling on the ground. "Shit..." he thought as he stood up, obviously dazed by the surprise attack.

Quickly regaining his composure, Nigel analyzed his surroundings, only to find something unexpected. "Where the heck is Sage..." he thought. The only opponent he could see in front of him was Stacy. "Well, whatever. If they want to give me an opening, I'll gladly accept it" and with that, he started charging up his cannon. If he was left to finish charging up, he would unleash a blast of eternano several times bigger than the one he blocked Sage's blade attack with.
So when does a new turn start?
take em down Nigel? xD @Renny
It's not like I have lost interest, but It seems to me that we are just too few to sustain this RP. And the fact that no one new is joining in doesn't help.
It'd be interesting to see the power rankings after everything's all said and done. I wonder how the GMG will have affected everyone's rankings.
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