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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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-Time/Date of Death: 23/9/15 21:37
May this RP rest in peace.
I've been waiting for the timeskip as well :/

It took some while before someone spoke back to Nate, enough time for him to note all the faces inside the Lab. The first two he noticed were the two purpleheads, a boy and a girl, standing in the middle of the room arguing about something. It's not that they tried to hide it as well, they were pretty loud, mostly the girl though. He generally didn't bother watching other people argue, his philosophy being pretty simple; don't butt into other people's business if it doesn't affect you in any way. These two, however, were quite entertaining to say the least.

The next person Nate took note of was a white haired girl, several inches shorter than him. Oh and she was missing a leg. "What...how..." Nate was curious to hear how she had ended up in that kind of situation but he doubted she would tell him since they were practically strangers, adding extra points into the awkward factor. He listened as she tried to stop the two others from going all-out at each other but to no avail, they completely ignored her. "Pff, get on my level..." he chuckled at the irony before turning his attention to one of the purpleheads who was talking to him.

"Er, I don't think this is the best place to hang up a towel due to how wet it looks and with the specific types of equipment around... hey, maybe you could leave it outside to dry instead of in here! Not like anyone is going to steal a towel or anything, right?" "Huh... That works. Why didn't I think of that? You know, I'll do just that. Thanks!" Nate told the guy and turned around to try and find a place to hang his towel when a boy came out of nowhere, bumped into and would have almost knocked him over if not for Nate managing to somehow keep his balance in check. "Dude!" Nate said and looked straight in front of him, only to see empty space. He lowered his gaze some and saw the guy, "Hey, watch where you're going, buddy. If it was anyone else, you might have been in for an earfull," Nate told him while giving him a friendly pat on the back.

Following that, Nate took a few steps outside the Lab and started looking around for a place to hang his towel. "That branch there can do the trick," he thought and reached for the branch, throwing the towel over it to hang and dry. "Excuse me. This wouldn't happen to be Professor Elm’s laboratory, would it?" Nate heard the girl's voice and, feeling her tap on his shoulder, turned around to answer he question. "Yeah, this is Elm's Lab. You actually came right on time as they are about to give out the Pokemon to everyone," Nate told her with a smile on his face. "Better get back in there, we don't wanna be last in line!" he added and walked back inside the Lab. He walked past the boy at the door, the purplehead couple, that had actually become a trio when a red-haired girl joined in on their arguing, and all the others that were still in the waiting room and entered the room where Elm would be giving out the Pokemon. He got in line and waited for the procedures to start.

"I sure hope I get a water-type!" Nate thought, excited at the prospect of his own Pokemon, since all the Pokemon he had ever interacted with were owned by his dad or mom.
Vec's Characterinos

@Vec Sure. Just follow the history here and you'll be fine.

Well, good to have that as a reserve but I'll be looking at new things too so I don't find it unlikely that I change my mind :/
@Lmpkio OK, I think I'll bring back Nigel since I really didn't get a chance to reveal his background and history at the previous RP, if that is ok with you.
@Vec Vec you are indeed lucky! After an initial conflict amongst the other GMs, you've managed to get the very last spot in here!

I now officially confirm for further recruitments to be closed, unless another player leaves, leaving a free spot open.

initial conflict? why does that sound so bad in my ears? :/
Well, thanks! I will start on my cs as soon as possible.
80 years have passed, and we still have yet to do another 80 years. So, we've finished the first timeskip, and are in a little in between moment before the second timeskip.

K. I will read the posts and see what I can react to as well as writing up what Ull has been doing all the time they - Escre and Co - were flying around in space, fixing planets.
What is up y'all? Are we rebooting this? I would love to join again if there is room for 1 more.
OK, I will read all the posts that came after my last one and see what has happened so far. One question though, have we completed the time skip or are we still in the middle of it? 80 years in I mean.
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