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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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I'm honestly waiting on @Lmpkio but if its needed, I can post before him too, no problem.


Nigel Ballard

Overall, the train trip was uneventful to say the least, except for the occasional vomiting by Aiden. "Ugh, I fuckin' hate trains, and cars, and boats, and all the other forms if transportation known to man. Why does this only happen to Dragon Slayers?" Aiden said before heading to a nearby shrub to finish business with his angry stomach. Although Nigel felt bad for Aiden, it didn't stop him from chuckling at his friend's misfortune. After all was said and done, the trio headed to their destination, the clients mansion. Nigel immediately started feeling strange. He didn't know, but something just gave him a sort of eerie feeling about the whole area in general. "Mio. Yes, master? Deploy the surveillance MkC's, spread them out around the mansion. Report anything remotely suspicious to me. I don't like this place one bit," Nigel finished his little inner conversation with Mio and turned his attention to Aiden who was already dishing on the client.

"Hey, don't go calling people names out of nowhere. The guy might have been in a hurry or something. I know if someone was out to kill me and I couldn't do anything about it, it'd be pretty pissed," Nigel told Aiden before spotting a young, tall man, coming out of the mansion, slowly hobbling his way towards the front gate. After waiting a couple of minutes for the man to open all the locks placed on the front gate, he told them to follow him inside the mansion.

Or what would have been a mansion, if there was anything in it. There were no furniture of any sorts, nothing that one would probably find placed on the lobby of a big house like that. Then, the man slowly and silently walked up the stairs, with the trio closely following behind. At that time, Nigel was seriously beginning to think the place was abandoned because he failed to see how anyone would be able to live inside the place. However, his questions were soon answered as the young butler opened a door and signaled them to enter a room. And what a room that was. If someone asked Nigel to define the word "contradiction," Nigel would only have to show them a picture of that room and then one of the rest of the mansion's interior. The room was filled with all sorts of valuable goods, a sight that would surely make any greedy merchant's mouth water.

Nigel also noticed a short, round man, quickly pacing around the room, seemingly stressed about something. Nigel figured that he was their client. *cough cough* Nigel coughed, trying to get the man to notice them.
Posty posty? =x=

there ;3
Nigel Ballard

"Very well then," Kuroko spoke up after hearing Nigel's opinion on the two jobs. "We'll do the second one. I'm up for it." Nigel nodded his approval and turned his attention towards Aiden. "Sorry, guess I should've started with a hello, huh, my bad? And of course, we wouldn't mind having you on board, Tech-head. With you on board, this will be easy pickings." Nigel smiled upon hearing Aiden thought so much of him. "Excluding that, I kinda need to talk to you about something anyway," he added. "Hmm? I wonder what would that be..." Nigel thought curiously but opted to wait it out and let Aiden talk to him when he felt ready.

As the two were talking, Kuroko had shouted out a few times, trying to garner the other guild mage's attention on the other job their little team of three decided no to take. "Just put it back on the board and someone is bound to get it," he told Kuro.

"Slushie-head was clever, but you're going to have to try harder than 'Ice Dragon' before you can best me in the giving of crappy nicknames, Lead Head. but keep trying, it amuses me," Aiden said, to which Kuroko quickly retorted, "I was never really a trash talker... snowball." Nigel sat there and watched as the two exchanged a couple of snarky comments. "Anyway, I suggest we get going. We got a train to catch. It will take us to where we are needed." At that, Nigel stood up from his seat, "Yeah, let's get on with it then, no point in wasting any time now, is there?" He said while shooting a glance at Aiden before promptly following close behind Kuroko.

@Raijinslayer I've been pretty busy these past two days. If you want, you can move to the station/train and don't wait for me. Take it as if Nigel followed quietly. I'll get things sorted out and post soon :|
Ill be posting Nigel following the duo tomorrow cause its sleepy time and its been quite a tiring day :/

"Yup, that is true... always for us to decide and never them," retorted the purple haired boy after Nate's introduction. "Pokemon do have their own needs too... but, I guess that's honestly up to you what you wanna do with the little guy." Nate thought for a bit, trying to find a suitable way to phrase his answer. It's not like he was a heartless person. He liked Pokemon in general and especially Seb, his newly obtained Totodile. It's just that Nate couldn't bring himself to overly trust Pokemon. Nate looked at the boy, who had introduced himself as Yuu, and then looked at all his other travel partners.

Everyone, maybe excluding the red-haired girl with the Natu, who seemed like she might have used some suspicious methods to obtain her trainer's certificate, looked so carefree and trusting of their Pokemon. Nate couldn't understand how they could already be able to do that, given the fact that it hadn't even passed a day since they got the Pokemon from Prof. Elm. Hist first impression of Seb was pretty encouraging, though. It seemed like it was able to restrain it strength even at a young age. If Nate was able to train him efficiently, he was sure Seb would be an invaluable asset in his team. "Hmm, yes, they do have their own needs, that's a given. However, you can't forget that they were Pokemon bred by Prof. Elm himself. That's why they are not as aggressive as all the other wild ones. I would suggest, though, that you guys not let your guard down; you never know what might happen..."

"ANYWAY," Nate suddenly said out loud and patted Yuu's back, "It's a journey, a journey! There's bound to be one or two surprises! Nothing a little hard work can't fix, right?" Nate told Yuu and continued walking alongside him until the boy decided to go on ahead of him and introduce himself to the others. Nate nodded at the boy as he was leaving and continued walking on his own pace. His hand went down to his belt and on Seb's pokeball, grabbing it and bringing it up for Nate to inspect it.

"Heh, this is going to be one heck of an adventure, I am sure of it!" Nate thought with a big smile on his face.

Some time passed and the company came to a halt as it was starting to get late and some of the others wanted to camp it out for the night. Yuu offered to feed the Pokemon and even share his tent with anyone that didn't have one. "Heh, I gotta find somewhere to crash as well when the time comes," Nate thought and wandered for a bit. After a while, he came back with a bunch of leaves and small shrubbery he managed to gather and carefully laid them down near the center of the camp. "Phew, that's not the best of beds, but it's going to at least keep the ants and other nasty critters away from me, for the night," he thought. With that done, Nate sat down on his makeshift bed and released Seb out to have a snack before they were ready to sleep for the night.
Nigel Ballard

Nigel set down, in front of him, the little metal cube, turned around on the stool and just watched the people that were coming and going. Occasionally, he would wave at someone, greeting them and other times he would just stare silently. "Mio," he thought and almost instantly, a panel appeared, "Did you call, master?" the little blue-haired cyber girl asked him. "Yes, I did," he told her with a serious look, startling her. "I have a very crucial question for you Mio. It's of utmost importance that you answer it honestly," he said and looked straight in her eyes. "Um, I'll try my best master" she replied, curious now as to what Nigel had to say.

"Mio...If you were a real girl...what color panties would you wear?" ZZZZZTtt The panel closed as a jolt passed through Nigel's body, shocking him. He didn't care though as he more or less expected it and instead, he started laughing out loud. "Your reactions are always so entertaining to watch, Mio," he said as he whipped away the tears from his eyes.

"Nigel ole pal!" a familiar voice called, "It's good to see ya! How's everything?" "Kuroko, hey!" Nigel said and waved back as Kuroko made his way towards him. "I've been mostly good, trying to find something to do but other than that, just chilling here," he said with as smile. Behind him also came Aiden, walking by his friend and sitting right next to Nigel. "...and speak of the devil, I don't think anyone's better suited for a protection job than someone who can always keep an eye on the target. What'd ya say, you pink haired genius, want to help break a vote? I want to go with one mission, Lead-head over here want's to go with another. Here are the request forms, which do you want to do?" "Oi oi, relax. First of all, hey. Secondly," Nigel told Aiden and turned his attention towards the two request forms. "Hmm, personally, If I were alone, I'd do the second one, protection jobs are pretty easy when you are able to have your eyes on the client and on lookout at the same time. Dunno how you guys would handle it though..." he told them jokingly. "If you would have me, why not. I'd pick the second one," he finished.
Its ultimately up to you. I try to not restrict freedom that much especially in a rp about pirates where the central theme is freedom. I would find it ironic otherwise. I just want it to be well defined and in some cases I say no because of power levels of fruits but this one doesn't seem to be broken. I just wanted it clearer

Yeah, I'm gonna be scrapping him completely and going for a plain and simple swordsman because it seems to be working. No DF's, No Haki, just naturally strong, with a twist.
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