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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by Vec>

Most Avatar's are, but it'd be nice to have a small blurb detailing what his avatar can do. Remember, it's not as strong as Ull'Yang himself would be.

I see. So you want a defined measure of the Avatrs power?
@Rtron Ulls only creation thus far is his Avatar and its not anything special; since he is the one controlling it, it's like talking to Ull'Yang himself. No special personality or anything.
@Hael I see you trying to join another RP. How DARE you minion. You are to toil the barren lands of the Shattered Plains for 100 years as punishment for offending our lord and saviour, Kho-lord.
<Snipped quote by Hael>

Yeah, that works.

<Snipped quote by Vec>

You ninja'd me so i had to make adjustments
<Snipped quote by poog the pig>

Well, who knows, maybe Vestec has really good genes

WHAT...IS...THAT!? Elephant man!?

The Primordial Sun, Emperor in Gold
Level 2 Cosmic God; Stars

Ull'Yang made use of his divine sense to feel his surroundings, trying to determine his location in relation to the rest of the gods. After an untold amount of time passed, he finally picked up on several faint signals that his brothers and sisters were emitting with their divine essence. "Ah, It seems that I ended up quite a distance away from the other gods. Truly unfortunate..." Ull'Yang thought to himself. Truly, Fate played cruel games but Ull'Yang didn't care anymore. He realised that it would be unreasonable to go against the plans of Fate and thus, had taken it upon himself to fulfil the position that was entrusted to him.

There he was, a blazing ball of plasma, aimlessly floating in space, pondering on his next move. By simply existing, he was carrying out his duty to the Universe. "But, I need to stay in touch with the other gods lest I become estranged from them..." With that thought guiding him, Ull'Yang gathered his cosmic essence into a single point on his burning surface. He used the signals emitted from the other gods to pinpoint the general location of the planet, he presumed, they had taken upon themselves to fill with their creation. With a sudden burst of energy, a colossal solar flare erupted forwards, flinging Ull'Yang's essence across space at incredible speeds.

Galbar, Present

The gods had long started exercising their powers on the planet Galbar when Ull'Yang's essence finally reached the solar system. A blinding pulse of light had passed through countless galaxies and solar systems before reaching Galbar. It washed over the planet, momentarily shining even brighter than the system's own star! Ull'Yang's essence solidified into a humanoid form above the planet before getting caught by Galbar's gravitational field. The Avatar started falling towards the planet. Gravity exerted its force on the Avatar, constantly accelerating it to the point where flames suddenly appeared, engulfing it into a fiery inferno. It, however, as if completely ignoring the flames, was unscathed with not even a burn mark appearing on its skin. It fell on the surface of the planet like a meteor; the impact creating an enormous crater.

Ull'Yang connected with his Avatar and willed it to life. It opened its eyes and stared up at the bright, blue sky. "This must be Zephyrion's doing..." He thought as he stood up and took a look around him. With a wave of his hand, the naked appearance of his Avatar was covered by a white attire, filled with red and gold embroidery. "Ah, much better. Now, to get out of this hole..." Ull'Yang stamped the ground with his right foot a couple of times, testing out the power available to him. "This should do..." He thought while crouching down and with a flex of his leg muscles, he shot upwards with force, exiting and landing a few meters away from the crater.

Ull'Yang scanned his surroundings, trying to figure out where he had landed. Unfortunately, all around him spanned nothing but barren, blackened land, devoid of any sort of life. The sky overshadowed the land with grey lifelessness. Filled with moisture, the air was cold and damp, seemingly being able to chill the bones and freeze the soul. "This land is filled with the chaotic essence. Life...is unable to exist here. The very environment rejects it..." Ull'Yang sighed. A part of the planet had already been defiled by Vestec, the first of many more to come for sure. Ull'Yang just picked a direction and started walking. What he was looking for...he didn't know. So he walked.

After walking for what seemed to be days, Ull'Yang finally exited the Shattered Plains of Vestec. He was truly happy that he no longer had to spend time in that cursed place. He continued walking in the same direction for another day or two before an enormous mountain range appeared on the horizon. Now, the mountain range itself wasn't anything of particular importance. The source of immense life essence that was hiding just behind it? Now, THAT was important. Ull'Yang quickly increased his speed and was soon speedily approaching the mountains. Once reached, he climbed one of them, reached its peak and from there, started leaping from one peak to another, quickly traversing the range with relative ease.

Soon, he had left behind the mountain range and entered a deeply vegetated forest that was brimming with life. Ull'Yang stopped and took a deep breath, his nostrils filling with the breathtaking and intoxicating aromas of nature and life. The specific part of the forest Ull'Yang found himself in was covered by a thin layer of fog, limiting visibility while also giving the forest a more mystifying feel to it. He took a step...then another...and another. After what seemed to be mere seconds, Ull'Yang had walked deep into the forest. Surprisingly, navigating through the forest wasn't as hard as Ull'Yang had originally thought it would be. Sunlight had managed to sneak through the tight grasp of the tall canopy and was nourishing the plant life below, creating a small clearing. "This seems like a good place to take a rest..." Ull'Yang thought and, after looking for a while, found a suitable place, a tree that was neither too short nor too tall but had just the right amount of sturdiness to be able to bear his weight. Ull'Yang climbed the tree, sat down on one of its branches and closed his eyes.

Ull'Yang's consciousness had returned back to his true body. "There's only one god amongst us who would be able to create such a lush forest, full of life essence," Ull'Yang thought whilst nodding in satisfaction. "It seems like Slough is doing good." Ull'Yang then turned his attention to the cosmic debris that had been caught by the strong gravitational field he was exerting and were colliding with each other.

"Huh...I wonder..."

In all seriousness though, pls no drama.
<Snipped quote by Hael>

@Kho Based on this, could I expand a free point to make a moon of similar size to Vulamera's small moons?

lel, @Kho give them an inch and they'll take a yard. Why do you want to find uses for FP so badly? xD
@The Omnipotent Sphere No love for Belruarc. Astarte, Vulamera and Ilunabar are like those three girls at high-school who manipulated the feeble minds of teenage boys with their feminine charms.
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