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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by Vec>

Wait! I just agreed to give Ull'Yang the Vulamera booty!


@Fabulous Knight

@VecYou don't want that hot, sweaty, manly arse? You don't want that steamy Hercules-on-Hercules action? You don't want the literal, spiritual and metaphorical symbolism of having the god of light and the god of occult darkness using their mighty manhoods and forming a single yin-yang?

There is nothing worth saving here.

You convinced me.

You. Me. Titanpad.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Ahh, so you'll "pull a Vestec"?

Nah, Vulamera was just asking to be mind-raped there, what with voluntarily entering Vestec's mind. Don't tell me she thought everything would be fine and dandy ? :S
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Because Mammon controls the Submaterium, and Ull'Yang controls space! Those two together = Portals

x'D If you really want Vulamera's booty, you'll have to earn it! She doesn't just give it to any talking, allpowerful sun!

Nothing a couple of these little babies won't fix ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<Snipped quote by Fabulous Knight>

Ya, but mortal/god Demis are much weaker than god/god Demis.

@The Irish Tree
I suggest Vowzra (@Kho) and Belru (@The Omnipotent Sphere), or if that doesn't work, Belru and Mammon (@Fabulous Knight). You could also do Ull'Yang (@Vec) + Belru or Ull'Yang + Mammon could also work.

Failing those, Mammon + Vulamera (me!) MIGHT work, if we stretch our imaginations. We could say that Vulamera's intelligence combined with Mammon's submatterium created a Demigod who could control the Submaterium and had the intelligence to manipulate it into creating portals. Personally, I would LOVE for Vulamera to have another Demigod :D

Ultimately, it's up to you. Just think about who you want to interact with.

How exactly could Ull'Yang + Mammon work in ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM? GIVE ME THAT BOOTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Yes. That invisible, intangible booty...

<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

I agree that Belruac would be a good parent candidate...now, who'd be crazy enough amongst gods to make a child with her? Or...Desperate, I guess. Pacts for babies might be a thing. Or a pact to pet an adorable kitty turned into a lovecraftian magic ritual that resulted in the 2nd laziest cat with god-powers ever. I could even see a possible connection to Ull'Yang, given that Physical Space can be linked to cosmic space. Don't know who'd be brave enough to do the do with the sun, but they'd have my respect.

Astarte maybe as well, just because of her personality.

<Snipped quote by The Irish Tree>

Vulamera would. She's an invisible cloud of consciousness- she can do it with anything that has a mind. Can it think? If so, she can fuck it.

Not that I think Vulamera, Goddess of Mind, is a good potential parent for your character, because I can't see any way Mind would lead to Space- I was just making a joke. She'll definitely interact with him, though, and try to teach him to be more motivated and thoughtful.

@Hael Ull wouldn't mind getting some of that Vulamera booty as well...no...he wouldn't mind at all
In just a few hours, Slough Week will be done. Thank you to all three participants.

Who's next?

I vote for Jvan. I think that our little Hain have many a story to tell about the Horrors that Jvan has created.
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