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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Vec, I happen to think that such kinds of dragon societies are pretty common nowadays. It's hard to make dragons interesting, since deviating from the norm makes them seem weird.

Yeah, I indeed have relied heavily on the traditional D&D dragons for the physiological/lifespan/diet stuff but I want to write up the social stuff from the ground up.

Consider making them a peaceful, agrarian society

<Snipped quote by Vec>

Here's an idea. Make them larvae of stars. When they get old enough, they fly into space and catalyse the birth of a star. Take the rest how you will.

That's interesting but it closely resembles the dragons from the previous itteration of the RP and I'd like to stay as far as I possibly can from that design

<Snipped quote by Rtron>

Can Vulamera influence some of the dragons into the Violet Dragons, who hoard wisdom as much as gold? They won't be smart in the book sense, but very wise and meaningful Like if Vowzra tried to write poetry.

They'll still be violent, solitary, aggressive dragons, but they'll be sources of wisdom and deep knowledge to those who can find them without getting killed.

I could have my hero go on a legendary trek to find one of these dragons. It'd be a nice plot device.

I bear a strong distaste for gold hoarding dragons. These dragons I am making are more of the magical item collector type. Of course, if Vulamera wants to contribute to the design, Ull won't stop her but any god that might want to take away a couple of dragons *watches @Dawnscroll* would have to personally come and talk to Ull about it as these little fellas are not geting out of Ull's personal plane anytime soon.
<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

Let's all be #sexysquad

<Snipped quote by Vec>

Heeyyyy, I made two posts this week!

Although, overall I've only made 4, so I guess that's a good point :P

Well, It's not like I can say much considering that I only posted once last turn q.q
In other news, I've encountered a writers block. I can't seem to be able to write about the social traits of my dragons, their societies, if they form any. I've ruminated on this subject for a while now, but other than them being solitary - which is a little boring IMO - the only other idea that came up is to have them live under a sort of loose clan system where the hierarchy sums up to "Might is Right" and the strongest rule over the weaker ones.
I'm scared. Between the huge IC posts, and the already indepth lore of this RP, I feel I would suck balls at it.

I sometimes think that maybe we are not as casual as we think ourselves to be ;.; But that shouldn't discourage you from joining in, take @Hael for example, he/she take ages to write a single post but we don't mind ^.^
<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>


<Snipped quote by Vec>

You're making this so hard for me to explain

Lifprasil doesn't want to exclude people from his empire, he wants to absolve both individuals and entire kingdoms into the extent of his influence via either peaceful (if they're reasonable), where his lords and vassals rule over their land and keep their customs and culture, worship the gods they want, as long as they're fair in Lifprasil's eyes. They will contribute to his trade network from the plains of Arcon all the way to Galbar, and contribute to his army and defend the Pantheonic Empire when it needs to be. In exchange, they will be protected as well, and they will be well supplied via lucrative trade.

If they don't, however, Lifprasil will request the Lord's people and his armies surrender, and essentially steamroll the forces set out to stop him. Lifprasil's ultimatums, more often than not, have an extreme sense of rigidity to them. He is more human than god after all.

So basically, he's a rigid Augustus Ceasar with some Attila and Qin Shi Huang on the side.
Is there a map, or set location? Working with any Geography?

@Cyclone has been testing his map making skills for some time now. Go to the first page of the ooc and youll find a slightly outdated map
<Snipped quote by Hael>

I'm not saying he wants to force them into anything, but rather allow them the opportunity to join him in making a better future for sentient-kind. Lifprasil was made to accommodate sentients rather than use them as toys, more or less slaves. The tl;dr version of this is Lif just wants to be your bestest friend.

but rather allow them the opportunity to join him


So what if they don't want to join him? Will he enslave them? XD
<Snipped quote by Hael>

I'm not saying he wants to force them into anything, but rather allow them the opportunity to join him in making a better future for sentient-kind. Lifprasil was made to accommodate sentients rather than use them as toys, more or less slaves. The tl;dr version of this is Lif just wants to be your bestest friend.

The way you say it sounds more like: "You pitiful, lowly beings; you are lucky that I am allowing you to join my ranks of faithful minions!" *smug anime girl face*
"But I am more than that. In this man you see a culmination of many of the beings who style themselves gods. Let me see if I can name them all...I have the stamps of my unwitting progenitors on my soul, but never have I seen their faces. Astarte, Teknell, Zephyrion, Realthos, Jvan, Illunabar, and Ull'Yang, I believe. I am some of the best parts of all of them, if not the most powerful, though I do hope that will change.

I don't get how he can be part of any god really, seeing as those flowers were created solely, I presume, by Illunabar/Meimu/Slough. Did he absorb the residual essence left behind by each of the gods that visited the Deepwood?
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