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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Ah, I see that my apprentice has finally been born.

Good.... good. THere is much power to be had in the Natural Order. Skkn, chaos and change will bow before Lipfrasil. And the emperor of the Hain, the Angels, Lipfrasilians, and Man need only bend the knee to one God.

Eat your heart out Jygalyg.

Damn, Sheogorath has escaped his cage again *grabs straw hat and pitchfork* well, i guess its time to go witch hunting!
<Snipped quote by Frettzo>

Vestec is in love.

<Snipped quote by Legion02>

Give me this collab to finish. Then Vestec will give you a war.

Oh yes.

He'll give you a war...

loading ICBMs [██████████████]99%
@Vec So has Ull'Yang shed his star form (along with its perks), joining the others as a sentient, mobile being?

I fail to see what the perks of being immobile are but to answer your question, no. He created the body out of solidified divine essence, using his true form as a core. Inside his personal plane, he can move freely but outside, he returns to being immobile, only able to influence things inside his physical and mental reach.

He can still do all the things he could do before he created the body. Its just that now, he has more than just his divine essence to interract with his surroundings.
@Double Capybara Ull'Yang didn't create that volcano btw. It's a natural landmass.

The Primordial Sun, Emperor in Gold, The Star Forger
Level 2 Cosmic God; Stars
16 Might & 4 Free Points

Ull'Yang was sitting cross-legged on top of a small mountain peak when he spotted five little silvery dots moving in a straight line. After descending the mountain, making sure he wouldn't be detected by the Hain, he proceeded to stalk the five, curious as to what they were doing walking in the wilderness alone.

Two of the five were holding crude, wooden sticks, their ends sharpened to a point. Of the rest, two were holding a peculiar weapon; two ropes, both tied to one end of a small, leather pouch. The last one was following behind the others, seemingly on alert, ready to signal their retreat in case he spotted anything that might lie in wait, ready ambush them. From these few observations, Ull'Yang deduced that the five Hain were hunters, searching for potential prey. "Look at that... They are already capable of forming semi-organised hunting parties!" Ull'Yang exclaimed silently, impressed by Toun's accomplishment in creating these creatures.

Ull'Yang stealthily followed behind the party, observing as they searched and eventually found a suitable prey, an elderly mountain goat that had descended from the alpine peaks of a nearby mountain in order to quench its thirst on a relatively small creek. Once they spotted their prey, the five Hain were quick on their feet, quickly surrounding it before engaging from all directions. The two spear-wielding Hain lunged at the goat, one from the front and the other from behind while the other two started throwing rocks at it with their crude slings. The fifth Hain surprisingly pulled a small, elongated rock fashioned in the form of a knife and also proceeded to stab at the goat between each attack from the spear-wielding Hain, making sure that their prey didn't have any chance to escape.

After making short work of the unlucky mountain goat, the Hain started dissecting the goat on the spot, cutting up its flesh and carefully storing away the meat inside large pouches made of strange, circular leaves. All this time, Ull'Yang hadn't made any move to reveal himself to the Hain, and why would he? It's not like he felt any empathy towards the goat. What he had witnessed was nature taking its course. The strong always devour the weak.

He continued following the party of five for some time after but quickly found himself to have lost interest in Toun's creations. "These creatures are interesting...but ultimately, that's all they are. I don't see them evolving any further than this..." Yang'Ze sighed before promptly leaving the Hain to their own devices.

The day after that, relatively insignificant, incident, Yang'Ze travelled to Mount Bormahven and unleashed a beam of light, a signal for one of his brothers, Teknall, to come and converse with him. His intent? To place a request: the forging of a weapon for his Avatar. His brother did not disappoint in the slightest and created a magnificent weapon, a Mithral quarterstaff. Ull'Yang found the staff to his liking the very moment Teknall handed it to him; mixing power and agility, one strike from the staff was as swift as the wind and as powerful as a mountain.

After their transaction was finished, Teknall departed and Ull'Yang willed his Avatar to travel to the Deepwood. There, he found a secluded grove, hidden deep inside the towering forest of Life, and started practising with his newly forged weapon. Ull'Yang divided his consciousness, leaving one-quarter of it behind with this Avatar and had the rest return back to his true body.

Somewhere in the boundless reaches of space, a gigantic star that radiated a deep, red light orbited around the centre of a nearby galaxy. Right now, Ull'Yang was pondering on whether he should create a demi-plane of his own or not. "Hmm, certainly, having a personal plane seems to be quite a convenient thing as demonstrated by Teknall's use of it. Although bare and devoid of any form of life, natural or unnatural; The potential for its birth is there," Ull'Yang thought, remembering back when Teknall had him place a star inside his demi-plane as payment for his services.

A deep, baritone voice echoed inside Ull'Yang's mind, startling him and waking him from deep thought. ‘Glory is yours, bearer of Fated scars, whose sacrifice will bring forth nights and stars. Weep not to lose that which is transitory, a mighty Fate does lie in store for thee. Have patience and let not the distant chest deceive you into thinking, “I am by Fate oppressed.”’

Ull'Yang, although not being able to see his brother with his own two eyes, he knew that Vowzra, the most mysterious of the god siblings by Ull'Yang's standards, had paid him a surprise visit as well. But before the Radiant Sun was able to greet and thank him for the few words of encouragement he had offered him, Vowzra had already vanished. Unable to directly express his gratitude, Ull'Yang simply nodded mentally, in appreciation for Vowzra's words.

"This form of mine, it is quite inconvenient when it comes to interacting with my surroundings...let's change that, shall we?" Ull'Yang thought as he started exerting his power, drawing it in, refining and melding it with the space around him. He condensed his divine essence, endlessly concentrating it inside his core. The process spanned a couple thousands of years, but that's of no importance to an ageless being such as a god.

"Ah, this is enough." Ull'Yang's essence, after being condensed for such a long time, changed in quality. From aetherial and gaseous in form, the concentrated essence had turned into a thick, paste-like viscous liquid that flowed from the depths of Ull'Yang's body to the outside, slowly building up in volume.

"Now, to form the body," Ull'Yang said as he willed the thick essence to move, slowly shaping it, sculpting out of it a suitable container for him. At first, the body's appearance closely resembled that of Yang'Ze, but several times larger. "Why not change it up a bit?" With that in mind, Ull'Yang willed the essence to elongate, stretching the body. On one end, a long, massive tail with a triangular tip formed whilst on the other, the head widened to a spade-like shape and ethereal, translucent hair grew from it. The eyes; two small sockets emitting a deep blue light, appropriately conveying the aura of an ancient being with unfathomable knowledge and power. On top of the head rested a semi-circular golden crown, radiating a dim, golden light.

The small, and now disproportionate to the rest of the body, limbs started growing outwards. Muscles upon muscles started overlapping each other before harmoniously melding together, forming two pairs of powerful-looking arms and legs.

Once everything came together, Ull'Yang interfaced with his new body. His essence flowed through its transparent veins, bringing faux life to it. His eyes flared up with blue star-fire. "Finally, I can see with my very own eyes," he thought as he scanned his surroundings. Rocks and other space debris orbited around him. Ull'Yang reached out, grabbing a bunch of those rocks with his massive hands, bringing them all together in front of him. A wry smile appeared on his face as he squeezed everything together. Under his grasp, hundreds of rocks shattered like glass before the pressure exerted by him, but he didn't stop there. He continued to press on the remains, increasing the pressure and, in turn, the temperature on the inside of his hands.

Eventually, the rocks melted from the sheer amount of heat and joined together, forming a big chunk of molten rock. Ull'Yang repeated the process, gathering rocks, pressing them, melting them and joining them together. After a dozen or so repetitions, Ull'Yang, pleased with the size of the rock, proceeded to give it the rough shape of a sphere. "Ahahah, this is fascinating. Truly, nothing compares to a body capable of withstanding all this power!" Ull'Yang laughed heartily as he played with the finished product in his hands. A sudden thought flashed through his mind; he immediately employed his awareness to pinpoint the location of Galbar, something that proved a relatively easy feat as he had left a quarter of his consciousness back there, along with his Avatar.

He made a few calculations in his mind, making sure that his little toy wouldn't spell doom for the poor planet, and after giving a last look at the rock, he cocked his arm back, his muscles bulging to their fullest as a string of divine essence flowed from his hand to the rock, giving it the necessary fuel to complete the trip. BOOM The comet shot forward with unimaginable speed, rocketing off into deep space; a bluish-golden tail forming behind it. "Whoever's inhabiting Galbar in the near future will be in for a breathtaking surprise," Ull'Yang smiled at the image of mortals looking up at the sky and seeing the comet passing by.

"Now, as for that plane..." Ull'Yang reached out with his right hand and with his claws, forcefully ripped a hole in the space-time continuum, opening a portal to an unknown pitch black space. The portal closed behind him as he entered his newly born demi-plane. "Ah, perfect. A blank canvas, ready to be filled with a myriad of colours and shapes," Ull'Yang exclaimed joyfully and quickly got to work creating his plane.

<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

Oh crap. I didn't know people actually read the posts.

Well, some people actually do!
<Snipped quote by Kho>
That's on your side. It seems fine for me. Has it always looked like that?

<Snipped quote by Kho>

You mean as a species or the individual I picked out?

If the individual, I plan on giving my upcoming hero some additional sensory powers which would circumvent any blind spots.

If the species, I think they solve that problem just by turning their heads to the side, negating the need to rearrange their faces.

It's been looking like that for me too for a while now.
<Snipped quote by Scarifar>

Nop, not possible.

For some reason I thought Saron (the god of strength who never showed up).
I guess it could be Thulemiz in one of his phases - but his understanding of beauty was eventually the beauty of death - all other things are lacking. This one is almost the exact opposite - he searches for the beauty in LIFE.
Then again, it could be any of the Silent Six - though none of them was really vain or enjoyed slicing things up.
Sauranath came to mind, but this is a 'proud' soul, so I doubt it's a god.
Who liked blood and slicing things up for the sake of art?
Maybe it's the old RP version of Toby xDDD (omg Toby just sliced Toby's legs, this is it, this is the answer, it can't be anything else xPP)

Oh yeah, and Vestec's heroes came to mind too

Edit: Also, speaking of slicing...

<Snipped quote by Hael>

Sure mang

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