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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by Vec>

But what else to do when piratepad crashes on me?

Vec, you can't have your cake and eat it too. We must either suffer this bickering, or get back at the Shrek jokes, strange cat pictures, and general tomfoolery/stupid memes. Either way, this OOC will infect you

let me introduce you to the wonders of TitanPad
[@All] Could we please stop it with the politics or, if you guys want to continue, do it on PMs. Let's not fill the OOC with useless stuff. You don't see me writing paragraphs on how we need money and better politicians etc etc and I expect the same from people. I don't come here to read about politics but to relax...so please.
<Snipped quote by Vec>


The purpose imbued into his creation was that he would ensure Change would blossom in the nascent world, for nothing could ever be without such a fundamental force. Naturally, in all his brilliance Zephyrion managed to imbue the raw power of change into the universe's seed, thus creating a force that would persist eternally and function autonomously.
Zeph's Sheet

I would presume that's what you're talking about. I'm perfectly fine with that from an OOC perspective, but Zephyrion IC will not be pleased that lesser beings (especially those created by other gods) are using his primal power. This could be an interesting interaction.

Will I be the great dragonslayer in this Divinus as well?

and Ull will be like, "Yeah, you created it, but since you put it out there, everyone can use it" ;-P
<Snipped quote by Vec>


I'm indifferent to the idea. It just sounded like a clear reference to me. I also felt like asking since "elemental energy" seemed like an odd thing for Ull to be putting in his creatures.

Well, yeah, but I always thought that there was a base "energy" that already existed in the universe, before any other god created different types of energy. That, was the type of energy my dragons use, just the basest, most pure form of energy the universe has to offer. Maybe that's just me though, and i was always wrong about that specific thing...
<Snipped quote by Vec>


Vulamera will be creating a subsection of dragons by imbuing a small part of the globe with her powers.

I think.

Not sure yet.

again. it's all about that relationship with Ull or stealing them from him, like Illunabar did with Logos ;>

I'm interested in how (or if) they're related to elementals.

Specifically the "elemental energy" that their hearts generate. I take that phrase to mean the universal power that Zephyrion made by combining Astarte's pure magic with his own energy and then spreading the resulting force around the universe?

Dragons have been on the works by me even before you created the elementals. At that time, I didn't think much about the type of energy that they would use so i just dubbed it "elemental" and left it at that. So, they aren't really related to elementals but if you want to, we can make something happen here ;>

<Snipped quote by Vec>

I read all of that and, can I just say, that was fucking amazing? Seriously.

Would you mind if Vulamera spent like 15 paragraphs studying them, whenever they become common across Galbar?

Why would I mind? Every species is fair game after it's been properly introduced. The only thing that separates Vulamera from studying dragons is to somehow manage to get them out of Ull's plane x'D
Life: Species

if the sky could dream, it would dream of dragons.

Name: Dov racial - Dovah individual, singular/plural
Lifespan: Anywhere between 600 to 1200 years

All feedback is appreciated.
@HaelFor reasons I genuinely cannot fathom, he does not want two bros broing it up. Perhaps it's because he'll be playing a...pussy.

ED: I also genuinely think that failing the (seriously Best Pair) Yin-Yang, Logos or Ull' or Mammon make the best males. Belru or Vulamera make the best females, although -- Jvan is actually a good shout (gap).

@The Irish Tree
<Snipped quote by Hael>





<Snipped quote by The Irish Tree>

Done deal, burn the last three pages with fire.

<Snipped quote by Hael>

Pah, easy. Where's the weird, contract-obsessed wench gone?

@Fabulous Knight Shit! He's trying to escape our clutches of love! Quick, restrain him!
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