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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Do you accept Null as PCs? If yes, I'd like to make a swordsman Null. I wonder if Aeon can be infused into weapons to make them "magical" or something. Do give pointers.
Boaty McBoatface

I chuckled. A lot.

I chuckled. A lot.
I am 60% done with my plane creation post. I am drowning trying to balance SAT preparation, IRL and Internet life q.q
Guys I won't be able to follow the OOC for a while so if anyone wants to say something to me, just @mention me or PM me. Been busy with irl the last few days.
@Muttonhawk Dunno if you got the idea from this, but Kaolinite is an actual mineral of clay. Nice little fact about your new magicks.
@Kho I'd say something witty and smart about Ull, but I'm pretty tired right now so I'll let you bask in your self-proclaimed 'win.'
I am currently in the works on a post where I will be creating my plane. I plan to finish it all in one post and then proceed to create dragons in the next one, so anyone who might want to do anything with dragons, sit tight.
<Snipped quote by Dawnscroll>

Change Incarnate ain't just a title; the power that he put into the Codex became Change and was spread out globally. It's as omnipresent in the universe as physics. Naturally it works autonomously and he doesn't have to enable every chemical reaction or Change, but in his sheet I mention that he still retains a large degree of control over Change. That's why he was so unbelievably angry at Vulamera in that collab for trying to use his power even though it was to save her own life.

Yes, I realize that in theory this makes him absurdly powerful because he could just will things out of existence or decide that gravity no longer existed, but rest assured that nothing of the sort will happen. If you read the post in question I'm pretty sure that I even made Zeph nervous about makign even that minor alteration and try to make the Change as quickly and subtly as possible.

So he exploited this predicament of his by manipulating Change in such a way as to allow for those artificial souls that would otherwise be inconceivable. OOC I see no godmodding in him doing something so minor, but on a conceptual level it violates the still-untold rules of Fate and Amul'Sharar.

<Snipped quote by Dawnscroll>

Or something along those lines.

Well, all gods are, on some degree, able to will things out of existence. Not only Zeph. It's just that Zeph is able to do that with not as much effort when compared to the to the other gods.
<Snipped quote by Vec>


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You made me do it...
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