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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Kho Also, I've added Ull'Yang's age to my post, something that I'm going to make a staple from now on. Just for clarity's sake tbh.
@Legion02 I wonder, can Reathos - since he's the god of Death n' all - just will a being to death? Like, point at them, think "Die" and they drop dead on the spot. Cause if he could do that to any being, there would not be a need for creating a race of executioners... :/
So yeah, we kinda got werewolves up in this muthafuckaaaaaa!
Also, I need to make some sheets for my recent creations. pfff Rtron not happy ;(
Also Also, I have realized that my posts are getting exponentially bigger and bigger. I finally must have caught the Divinus disease that the devious Kho unleased upon this RP in order to make us write better posts!

The Primordial Sun, Emperor in Gold, The Star Forger
Level 4 Cosmic God; Stars
22.5 Might & 4 Free Points

It got cold. It got so cold, the legends say, that rabbits hid underground for months at a time, the elk took to living in caves, and birds fell from the sky as their wings froze in mid-flight. It got so cold that the air crystallized in front of the Verdant Valley wolves as they hunted. Each breath seared their lungs and even their thick undercoats did not protect them. Wolves are made for winter, but this was a winter beyond all wolves. The sun stayed always on the far side of the land, and the stars, which before had been vibrant beacons in the night, chilled to black dimness.

Whisper wandered away from her family, not bothering to sniff for whatever voles or hares she might find along the way. Wulfrun, her pack leader, had told the pack that the hunt was off, that the elk that ran the Verdant Valley were too scarce, and the pack too weak to catch the few that remained. Now they merely waited for the colder chill of death to replace the chill in the air. Whisper would not wait. She had walked away from her packmates, and especially away from the pups with their bones clearly visible through their fur and their hungry eyes. It was the duty of every wolf in the pack — even a young wolf like Whisper — to provide for the pups, and if she could not do so, she was not worthy to be called wolf.

Even the light outer layer of her fur weighed her down as she forced her way through the deep drifts of snow. Ravens flew above her head, and she longed for wings to carry her to the hunting plain. Whisper was looking for the largest, fiercest elk she could find, and she would challenge it, fighting it to the death. Weak as she was, she knew it would be her death.

After walking for a short time that, nevertheless, managed to feel like an eternity, Whisper came upon the hunting plains. She scanned her surroundings, her fiery amber eyes perfectly projecting her determination. Even if it cost her life, she would make sure that the younglings would have dinner tonight.

The elk shook his head nervously when she came near, revealing his vulnerability. It hadn't realized that a wolf had been stalking it for some time now and so, it was caught by surprise. Moving like the shadow, Whisper ran around the elk in circles, fatigue lifting from her legs. At first, she started slow but slowly built up speed and momentum, confusing and tiring her prey that, seeing as it hadn't fully matured yet - as was evident from its lack of antlers, didn't know what to do. Then, in a sudden burst of speed, she lunged at the elk, baring her sharp teeth and fangs. The elk, in a desperate attempt to escape the threat on its life, tried to outrun the wolf. Alas, after a short chase, Whisper managed to land a strong bite on the elk's hind leg, firmly grasping it from behind. The elk, having suddenly lost the support of one of its legs, tripped and fell, giving Whisper the one and only opportunity she would need. As fast as lightning, Whisper released the elk's leg and attacked it's neck, sinking her teeth deep into the elk's warm flesh, tearing its life away from it.

As Whisper ripped into the flesh of the elk, dizzy from the smell and taste of food at last; a foreboding feeling awoke her from her frenzy. She perked her ears and listened whilst at the same time, trying to reassure herself that it was only her imagination.

The night was still, sacred and dark - save for the glowing hues of the stars that hung high in the sky. Crickets buzzed in a melody of rhythm, frogs croaked their own as if to keep tune in an almost perfect symphony of symmetry directed by nature, composed by none. Suddenly, a sound like no other emerged. A consistent thrumming sound so oppressive and overbearing that all the sounds in the immediate area ceased as if bowing down to this invisible presence.

Whisper, of course, was scared stiff but didn't try to escape. She had long waited for death to come and so, was ready to embrace it, should this invisible being will it so, for she instinctively felt that she had no way of stopping it. On a corner of her mind, though, she lamented the fact that she wouldn't be able to feed her pups, now that she finally had a good hunt.

Ull'Yang slowly awoke from his deep slumber, during which, he dreamt for the first time. He dreamt about many things. He dreamt of bright stars and solar systems. He dreamt of the innumerable amount of planets that were scattered across said solar systems and the even more so innumerable moons that orbited around these planets. He dreamt of the vast galaxies that encompassed all of these, aimlessly wandering across the dark reaches of space.

He dreamt of the Universe.

And then he suddenly awoke from that dream. To his surprise, though, when he tried to open his eyes, he encountered resistance. Taking a moment to organize his thoughts and get rid of the spell of grogginess that had overcome him, Ull'Yang spread his awareness, instantly encompassing the whole of Cygnea. What he found was more or less, what he expected to find after so much time spent asleep. Gone were the barren lands of the four continents of Cygnea. Slough's essence, that miraculous seed of life that he had divided and planted in those four continents had done its job beautifully.

Every kind of fauna - from lush forests to broad valleys and rolling terrains of grasses, flowers, and herbs could be found, scattered across the four continents. The eastern continent was predominantly a flat continent that was sparsely populated by mountains whilst savannahs and deserts were a common sight. The western continent, however, was equally filled with mountains and valleys that hosted a variety of environments, from marshes to jungles and lakes.

The northern continent as a whole could be described as a massive taiga. Thick forests of coniferous trees, such as spruce, pine, and fir covered most, if not the entirety of the mountains and although the temperatures were so low, it's just high enough for water to not freeze and so, many rivers can be seen flowing down the mountains, through valleys or along plains, and create canyons and gorges.

As for the Broken Archipelago, It's dominated by a tropical climate. That, coupled with its archipelagic geography, allows the continent to support a surprisingly high level of biodiversity. Forests cover as much as 60% of the islands, with only the biggest of the islands spotting the occasional mountain. Aside from all that, the Archipelago also has a range of sea and coastal ecosystems, including beaches, sand dunes, estuaries, mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass beds, coastal mudflats, tidal flats, algal beds, and small island ecosystems.

Ull'Yang was elated by the sheer magnitude of change that had happened whilst he was resting. Life was abundant everywhere one could look, but something was missing. Then, he remembered of his siblings' creations back at Galbar and how complex and intriguing each and every one of them was. And he decided; "I too, am going to create my very own race! Hehehe, this plane shall soon be populated by my own little beings!" Ull'Yang thought excitedly.

"But first, I wonder why I faced resistance when I tried to move earlier..." With that in mind, Ull'Yang brought his awareness unto himself and was shocked to find out that he had practically become an island! His massive body, coiled up as it was back when he laid down on the small island to rest, had fused with the island! Massive trees had grown on his body, undoubtedly having grown so out of proportion because of the strands of divine essence that they siphoned with their roots from his body. Grey rock had formed a thick, outer layer that concealed his celestial body from the world; It was as if he had disappeared completely from the small island, but a fellow god or any other being with a perception close to that of a god would still be able to realise that the island was, in fact, Ull'Yang himself.

The soil under her feet suddenly started to trembled but Whisper remained motionless. She could feel that something was off, that the tremors were not just a mere earthquake. A deep and unfathomable presence had awoken and she could not even start to comprehend what was happening. In front of her very eyes, the side of the massive mountain that graced the island split in two and a massive, circular blue ball of flames sprang from inside it. The blue ball of flames darted all over the place, its movements something akin to... an eye! Yes, it was a massive eye that was gazing upon the land below it.

And then it noticed her. The eye, after scanning everything in its scope of vision in mere seconds, turned its attention to the small patch of land where Whisper had dragged her prey. Of all the possible areas that they eye could be looking at, at that specific moment, It just had to be that place. Myriad of thoughts whizzed through her brain as she silently locked gazes with the eye. Suddenly, a splitting headache overcame her blackness enveloped her as she fell into deep slumber.

Ull'Yang watched as the small, grey-furred wolf fell unconscious by his divine gaze. "In all my millennia, not once had I seen with my very own eyes a mortal being. It's already astounding that the first creature that I lay my eyes upon is capable of retaining consciousness for longer than a millisecond," Ull'Yang thought and looked at the small canid. "You shall come with me, little lamb..." Ull'Yang mentally sent at the unconscious wolf.

The flaming orb of blue, after giving a last glance at the small island, retreated back inside the crack it had emerged. Ull'Yang then tapped into his pool of divine power and willed his body to slowly solidify into hard rock. The process lasted but a mere incense stick's time. At the last moment, Ull'Yang ejected his core outside the island's interior through the crack in the mountainside.

The golden spherical core floated above the island as divine essence rapidly seeped out of it, reconstructing Ull'Yang's body from the ground up. When everything was all said and done, the star god clenched his fists as he was getting used to his new body and turned his attention towards the wolf. "Since you are coming with me, this is all I can do to make sure your brethren won't perish. The air around this little island and the soil beneath your feet are filled with my essence. It's just enough for life on this land to flourish splendidly," Ull'Yang sent to her, not caring whether the wolf would know of his actions and appreciate them or not.

Then a realisation struck him, and Ull'Yang started laughing heartily at his predicament. In his heart, he was already treating this mortal creature high enough for him to care about its opinion. "I wonder what Zephyrion or Logos would have to say, should they come to know of this," Ull'Yang thought and started laughing once more. "Now that I think about it, I should really go pay a visit to Zephyrion through my Avatar. Actually, I should really go pay a visit to all of my siblings. If not, then why did I create that Avatar?" he lamented his thoughtlessness.

Ull'Yang gently grasped the wolf's body with his right hand and brought it closer to his face whilst at the same time, suppresing his precense and then...waited. Eventually, the wolf started wiggling around on the palm of his hand; The wolf opened its eyes softly and looked around, still feeling a little groggy.

Whisper gathered her thoughts and that's when she remembered the events that had transpired. She sighed, thinking everything had been but just a dream. Soon, though, she realised that her surroundings were significantly different than what she remembered. The ground was blue for one...BLUE?! Startled, she shot up from her previous relaxed position, tensing up. "Did you have a good sleep, little wolf?" Suddenly, a voice echoed inside her mind and she instantly froze. Trembling, she looked up and saw a massive being looking down at her. "Now, don't be afraid. I don't mean you any harm. I am Ull'Yang and you could say that I am a god," the being told her.

A god... Whisper couldn't understand the meaning of the word, but there was one thing she could understand and that was that the being in front of her was mighty, much stronger than Wulfrun for sure. Since he said that he meant no harm, then he did. In her simple mind, there was no need for a being as powerful as him to lie to a mere wolf such as her, and so he believed him.

Ull'Yang was pleased when he saw that Whisper relaxed a bit. "Good, you don't have to be on alert. You must be curious as to why I am here talking to you," Ull'Yang said and paused as he shifted his gaze towards the horizon. "A god is a solitary being. I am not the only one, by the way, there are more of us, and we are all unique in our own special way... But I guess that is of no concern to you right now. Yes, you want to know where you place in all of this, right?" Ull'Yang said with a smile.

"I chose you to be my attendant, companion and, most of all, a friend I can share my thoughts with whenever there's something troubling me. Of course, you can refuse this offer, I won't hold you accountable for anything nor force you in any way. Just have in mind that, if you refuse this offer now, there won't be a second chance. 'Tis truly very rare for a god to favor a mortal..." he finished his little speech and continued looking at the horizon, as if searching for something very far away.

Whisper truly didn't know what to do. Torn between her love for her pack and the offer from Ull'Yang, the young wolf faced a dilemma. In the end, however, she was won over by him. Whisper slowly walked to the edge of Ull'Yang's massive hand and pointed with her snout at the island below them. She had a vague feeling that Ull'Yang had already told her that her packmates wouldn't face any trouble from now on and that really made her feel happy, but she still harbored some doubts.

Ull'Yang immediately understood her meaning when he saw her point at the island. "As I previously said, your pack won't face any difficulties, that I can guarantee. After I bless you, you may go see them one last time before we leave, but you absolutely cannot make yourself known to them," Ull'Yang said with a stern but warm voice.

After his reassuring words, Whisper cast away the last of her doubt and started bouncing up and down, excited that she had been given such an opportunity. Her little antics amused him extremely and he thought he had made a very good decision to choose her as a companion. They still had things to do, though, before they explored the rest of the plane. "Ahem, it's time," Ull'Yang said with a serious tone.

Whisper felt the change in the atmosphere as Ull'Yang looked at her with a serious look. She lowered her ears and her head, quietly listening to him as he continued. "I, Ull'Yang, god of the stars and the cosmos, pledge that I will provide for, care and protect as well as offer advice to you. In turn, I expect from you, Whisper, to be my companion, my attendant and to lend an ear to me whenever something's troubling me, as well as voice your opinion whenever you feel like it's necessary. Do you accept?"

Whisper immediately nodded in agreement to everything that Ull'Yang had said. She too had an urge to explore, to know of the outside world. All she ever experienced since she was a pup had been restricted to the confines of the small island. Now that Ull'Yang would give her the chance of a lifetime, there was no way she was going to turn it down.

Satisfied by her response, Ull'Yang nodded and, with his other hand, reached out and gently placed the tip of his claw on her forehead. A string of blue energy ran through his finger and to her, covering her body in a thin, bluish and semi-transparent layer. "You shall bathe in my flames and be reborn from the ashes anew, stronger than ever," Ull'Yang simply said and, not waiting for a response from her, suddenly spewed out endless amounts of starfire upon her. Of course, Whisper was shocked and scared out of her wits, but as the scorching flames licked her fur, she realised that she wasn't getting hurt at all! In actuality, she was getting some sort of pleasure out of it!

Ull'Yang watched as his, soon to be, companion's body writhed, her body convulsing and twisting in ways impossible for a canine body. Slowly, a change in her form could be seen. Her fur started receding whilst the bones in her body remolded and realigned to better fit her new and improved physique. Wolf howls soon turned into human screams and in the end, where previously laid a grey-furred wolf, now laid a form that bore close resemblance to Yang'Ze, but also at the same time differed greatly, albeit for her two back legs that had remained almost unchanged."I presume by the sounds you made, that you rather like your new form," Ull'Yang said while smiling whimsically.

Luna just laid there, eyes closed and panting heavily. When Ull'Yang's voice rang through her ears, she opened her eyes and saw his visage looming above her, staring at her with a smile on his face. She didn't say anything to his comment and just opted to return the smile. "Although you are now in this new form, fear not, for you can return back to your other form with nothing but a thought. This form is simply..." Ull'Yang's voice trailed into nothingness as he pondered on the thought for a bit. "Ah, yes. Practical," he said while nodding to himself.

"Of course, you'll have to get us-"
"Why don't you, take a similar form then, since it's so practical?" She said as she struggled to stand up, trying to become used to her new center of balance. Even Ull'Yang himself felt a little shock at her familiarizing so quickly with her new body. He watched as she stretched her body and adjusted her position. "I was indeed right to choose her. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that amongst all the wolf races inside this plane, she alone possesses the highest level of adaptability.

"Hehe, not even a moment after you receive my blessing, and you're already talking back to me, going so far as interrupting me while I am talking? You're one cheeky rascal alright," Ull'Yang said and let out a bellowing laughter. Startled, countless birds that were nesting at the branches of nearby trees flew away in fear.

"Well, I am sworn to voice my opinion whenever I see fit, aren't I?" Luna said with a smug look on her face. Ull'Yang, seeing this blatant display of sarcasm, simply brought his hand to his face and sighed.

"By Fate and Amul'Sharar, what have I gotten myself into..."
Due to a sudden flash of inspiration, the dragon post will be pushed back a little more and instead, a new hero will emerge.
@Cyclone@poog the pig@Frettzo

I feel so small compared to that post. It's like I have eyes but can't see Mt. Tai!
Nevertheless, splendid
I wonder what would come out of the union of a god and a hero. A demigod? A hero? Something in between? Same with GodxDemigod and DemigodxHero
@Kho Haven't even read the post, but I just gotta give that like.
<Snipped quote by Vec>
-top secret-

Shit, edit your post dammit![s] - o.o -
@Cyclone Also, I just realized that you and I created our accounts on the same day! Ain't that a fun coincidence?
My post's coming together pretty neatly ;)
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