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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

Most Recent Posts

@Vec Given the latest development in the IC, now would be a really good time for Yang'Ze, U'll Yang's avatar, to get involved.

Heh, soz for taking so long to answer. I haven't exactly been active these last few days cause exams are due in around 2-3 weeks and I gotta get ready :/ I'll get up to date with the IC and see what I can do.
xD Your title reminded my of those ads for possible pet owners, "Lost shelter dog looking for forever/new home"
Anyway, welcome to the guild :)

...I wish. Although I've been ready to start the dragon post for some time now, @revan427 has been on and off these past few days and we haven't really gotten together to start it. I'll just start it and then wait for him...
What is a really random or uncommon phobia you have?

I for one, have this phobia of dropping things from high heights. I am not afraid of heights or anything, I am perfectly fine with them actually, seeing as I live in a 10 story building. It's just that, when someone's holding something in their hands and then suddenly sticks their hands out over the edge of the balcony, like a phone or something... And it's not limited to just that... just being near an edge while holding something is enough for me to break in cold sweat.

The odd thing is, I don't feel anything if the thing I'm holding is food

What about you?

No sound elemelon?

But what about Murmur?

You need aethermelon as well. You cut it open and all these stars come out.

Of course, there are auxiliary Elemelons as well. Those are the 4 Major Elemelons. Then there are the other millions of Minor ones

I vote this to become canon! These are the sources of the elementals' powers!
There are masculine women, you know xD

I know... I tend to run away whenever I see one.
@Vec, I've never realized what's so difficult about playing female characters for so many people here. Could you shine some light on that matter for me, please?

It's just that I fear the way I would portray the character would be overly masculine... I don't know, It's just a thing of mine.
Also, I just realised that Luna is the first female character I've ever introduced in an RP. So, yay for me. I suck at playing females...

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